A2O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 6, 2002 Livestock Cooperative Auction Market Of North Jersey Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction April 2.2002 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA: 8 LOTS, 1.80-3.60 BALE. MIXED HAY; 31 LOTS, 1.10-3.70 BALE. TIMOTHY: 7 LOTS, 1.25-3.60 BALE. GRASS: 22 LOTS, 1.40-3.10 BALE. RYE STRAW; 7 LOTS, 2.60-3.10 BALE. SHELLED CORN: 2 LOTS, 3.40-3.60. OATS: 3.10 AND 4 00 BU. BARLEY: 3.10. LUMBERS; 1 LOT AT 130.00. 81 LOTS TOTAL. Livestock Cooperative Auction Market Of North Jersey Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, April 2,2002 CAI VES 05-5.50. COWS .38V2-.49. EASY COWS .23V2-.43. HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS LOANS LOANS LOANS LOANS Northwest Savmgs Bank has the right way to lend you the money you need with great rates, personal service and local decision makers. Call or come in and talk with us Northwest is the Right Bank with the Right Loan for you Talk to your Northwest Banker today |M| NORTHWEST SAVINGS BANK Good Banking. Good Friends. 201 West Mam Street, New Holland, 355-5350 • 24 E Mam Street, Mount Joy, 653-8121 350 Locust Street, Columbia, 684-2868 • 744 South Broad Street, Lititz, 625-3001 2296 South Market Street, Elizabethtown, 367-8070 • 24 W Orange Street, Lancaster, 392-6264 922 C olumbia Avenue, Lancaster, 393-0900 * 1195 Manheim Pike, Lancaster, 393-0700 1 West Main Avenue, Myerstown, 866-2929 Dutch Way Shopping Mall, Rte 501 N , Schaeffcrstown, 949-2829 FREE CHECKING p HIGH RATE CD’s imSS FEEDERS 300-600 LBS. .54-1.11 HEIFERS .42-.61. BULLS .49-.56. STEERS .52V2-.68. HOGS .22. ROASTING PIGS EACH 2,00. BOARS, NONE. SOWS, NONE. SHEEP .08-.44. LAMBS EA. 29.00-88.00. LAMBS PER LB. .21-1.30. GOATS EA. 55.00-82.50. KIDS EA. 2.00-50.00. HIDES EA. 19.00-30.00 EA. 399 HEAD. CATTLE 291...(PDA)...(5upp1y in cluded 142 steers & heifers, 91 cows, 16 bulls and 42 feeder cattle.. Compared with last week’s sale, steers .50 to 1.00 higher with a heavier supply than normal, cows mostly 1.00 to higher, heifers 1.00 to 2.00 higher, bulls 3.00 to 5.00 higher with do discounts on. HOME EQUITY MORTGAGE STUDENT CONSTRUCTION AUTO COUNT ON US FOR AND Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Pa. April 3,2002 Report Supplied By USDA www northwestsavmgsbank com STEERS: Choice 2-3 1075-1520 lbs 69.00-73.25, Select 1-3 63.50-69.25, few Standard 1-2 54.00-64.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1475-1575 lbs 63.50-64.25, Choice 2-3 1170-1695 lbs 59.75-63.50, Se lect 1-2 54.50-58.25, Standard 1-2 50.00- HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 1120-1435 lbs 67.25-72.75, Select 1-3 63.00-67.75, few Standard 1-2 44.75-45.75. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 43.75-48.75, few to 50.25, Boners 80-85% lean 40.75-47.00, Lean 85-90% lean 39.00- Shells 35.00 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1370-1805 lbs 58.00- Yield Grade 2 1230-1645 lbs 56.50-61.50. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: one Large 1 970 lbs 60.00, Medium and Large 2 540-950 lbs 59.00-64.00, one Large 3 415 lbs Holstein 66.00, 730-885 lbs Holsteins 49.00- HEIFERS: couple Medium 2 425 & 500 lbs 80.00, 565-955 lbs 49.00- BULLS: Medium and Large 2 460-500 lbs 56.00-77.00, 685-870 lbs 57.00- one Large 3 925 lbs Holstein 59.50. CALVES 14I...Vealers steady to 5.00 Member FDIC higher. VEALERS: Standard and Good 80-125 lbs 40.00-60.00, few 130-150 lbs 70.00- few Utility 55-95 lbs 5.00- FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls active, 20.00 to 30.00 higher, Holstein heifers stcady..No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 130.00- No 2 90-120 lbs 90.00- 80-85 lbs 60.00-95.00; No 1 Holstein heifers 85-115 lbs 330.00-580.00, No 2 80-115 lbs 150.00-340.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 75-115 lbs 95.00-170.00. HOGS 32„.Barrows and gilts 1.00 high er, sows no test. BARROWS AND GILTS: 45-50% lean 250-260 lbs 27.50-30.00, 40-45% lean 240-345 lbs 23.75-29.50. SOWS: one Medium 215 lbs 29.00. BOARS: one 500 lbs 13.50. FEEDER PIGS 6...N0 MARKET TEST! SHEEP 24... Slaughter lambs 5.00 to 10.00 lower on light supply. SLAUGH TER LAMBS: few Choice 25-50 lbs 130.00-150.00, 60-120 lbs 82.50-101.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 22.00-41.00, one Yearling 58.00. GOATS 2.4A11 sold by the head). One Large Billy 90.00, one Medium 67.00. Marshall Weekly Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. April 3,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Weekly Auction at Marshall, Apr. 2 FEEDER CATTLE: 69 head. Prices per cwt. based on in weights. STEERS: 30 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 104-107.00; 400-SOO lb 101.00; 500-600 lb 100.00; 600-700 lb 92-93.00. Small 1: 400-500 lb 80.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 400-SOO lb 88.00; 500-600 lb 84.00; 600-700 lb 81-85.00. HEIFERS: 24 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 90.00; 400-500 lb 85-88-88.50; 500-600 lb 83.00; 600-700 lb 76.00. Small 1: 300-400 lb 67.00; 400-500 lb 51.00; 600-700 lb 60.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 83.00; 500-600 lb 76.00; 600-700 lb 62.00. BULLS: 32 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 107-115.00; 400-500 lb 91.50-92.00; 700-900 lb 52-53.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 90.00; 600-700 58.00.
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