I !tANCASTER County Livestock Market Auctions >• - s s f New Holland Livestock Auction New Holland. Pa. Report Supplied Bv I SI) V Monday. February 11,2002 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Goats MONDAY 211 206 I AST W EEK 270 240 I \S T N I AR ,170 221 1 «217 t All I L Compared to Thursday slaughter steers and heifers not well tested Slaughter cows and bulls traded steads Supply included 66 percent cows SI AUGHTER COWS PERCENT I EAN WEIGHT BI LK LOW DRESS ING Breakers 75-80 over 1400 lbs 42 00- 46 2S 41 00-42 00 Boners 80-8 S over 1200 lbs 45 25-4600 4000-45 25 Lean (Hi-Aield) BS-88 over 1200 lbs 42 00- 45 77 19 27-42 00 I can 88-90 over 1000 lbs 41 00-44 70 18 50-42 00 Lean (1 ight- Wt) 85-90 750-1000 lbs 40 50-4.1 25 18 00-40 50 SLAUGHTER BULLS A leld Grade 1 1270-1420 lbs 59 00-67 00 A leld Grade 2 1200-2150 lbs 51 00-78 50 CAI\FS Compared to Thursday's auction \ealers were steady on a light test I urge slaughter calves not well tested Holstein bulls returning to farm traded 10 00-20 tX) lower Holstein heifer prices were mostly steads on a light supply \ LALLRS Standard and Good few 95-120 lbs 67 (MI-72 00 Utility few 70- 10s lbs 47 00-58 00 SIALGHIfcR CAULS Not well tested RLILRNLD TO FARM Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 130 00-147 00 Plainer type bulls 85-105 lbs 100 00-130 00 Hol stein heifer indmdual 105 lbs 660 00 Plainer-type heifers fess 85-110 lbs 2101X1-400 (X) HOGS Harrows and gills were mostly steads to I (Ml higher soyss were mostly 2 00-3 00 higher HVRROWS INI) till IS 49 54* lean 220-285 lbs (9 35- 42 "'5 lew up to 43 00 45-50', lean 220 2X5 lbs 36 75-39 75 mostly 37 IXI-39 75, 40-45', lean 290-350 lbs 33 (MI-38 50 SOWS 1-3 300-450 lbs 27 00-30 00, 450-500 lbs 29 00-31 00 500-650 lbs3l 00-3 3 5(1 HOARS 200-100 lbs 27 00-28 00, 100- 700 lbs 17 5(1-18 SO SHI I P ( nmndrcd in Ihnr'.dav B&R CATTLE CO RD 1, Marietta PA 17547 Office Phone (717)653-8164 Specializing m Stockers & Feeders JOHN BOWMAN (717)653-5728 RON RANCK (717)656-9849 14 N Call for pricing on bins assembled and delivered to your farm • ACCESS PLUS® permits Complete Bin Size S Capacity Chart easy clean out of the bin On Our Web Page from the ground. slaughter lambs and slaughter ewes sold lullvstead) SLAUGHTER LAMBS' Choice and Prime 2-.1 40-60 lbs 100 00-140 00. 60-80 lbs 90 00-125 00. 80-100 lbs 75.00-90 00, 110-130 lbs 65 00-75.00 SLAUGHTER EWES Good and Choice vearlmgs and 2 vear olds 50 00- 70 00 Utility and Good 1-3 30 00-60 00 GOATS All sold by the head Billies Large 100 00-125 00 Medium 75 00- 100 00 Mutton Choice and Prime 75 00-100 00 Yearlings Choice and Prime 60 00-90 00 Nannies Large 70 00-80 00 Medium 40 00-70 00 Kids Choice and Prime 60 00-90 00 Good 20 00-60 00 2027 Vintage Livestock Auction Vintage. Pa 1 ehruary 11-12,2002 Report Supplied By USD V Cattle Calves Sheep Goats THIS WEEK LAST WEEK 853 LAST YEAR CATTLE Compared to last Thurs day, slaughter steers sold steady to 50 higher Trading opened very active, with very good demand for all classes of cattle Holstein steers traded steady to firm Slaughter heifers sold 1 00 higher Slaughter cows and bulls were steady Supply included 38 percent slaughter steers and 46 percent cows SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-4 1185-1475 lbs 73 25-76 00, mostly 73 75-76 00. few fancy singles up to 76 75, 1485-1570 lbs mostly 7060- 74 75, few 1590-1605 lbs 68 00-68.25 Choice 2-3 1160-1465 lbs 70.75-74 25, mostly 71 75-74 25, high dressing 1-2 up to 76 00, few 1490-1585 lbs 69 25-72 25, lew 1590-1635 lbs 64 00-69 25 Select and low Choice 2-3 1055-1480 lbs 68 35- 72 (Ml lew 1640-1675 lbs 63 75-64 00 HOLS 11 IN STFFRS High Choice and Prime 2-3 tew 1470 lbs 64 00-65 SO, 1600-1720 lbs SS 10-60 10 Choice 2-3 1.365-1495 lbs 60 00-62 7S. lew 1602 lbs 60 00 Select and low Choice 2-3 1340- IS2O lbs 57 75-61 25 SI ALGHTFR HEIFERS Choice, lew Prime 2-4 1065-1400 lbs mostly 70 10-73 00, few up to 75 00 SI AUGHTER COWS PERCENT KIRKWOOD HAY AUCTION Hay, Straw and Grain Auction EVERYTUESDAY 10:00 Located Rl 472 5 rules south of Quanyvile or 6 nmles north of Oxford corner of Fit 472 and Noble Road George Gibney, Auctioneer AU-002534-E No out of state checks New Broiler Houses needed in the following counties: Berks, Dauphin, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Mifflin, Northumberland, Perry, Schuylkill, Snyder & Union Other Contracts available call for information ■ Orgamc/Natural Egg* ■ Turkeys ■ Hogs ■ Pullets High Capacity 40* roof (loft) allows oiore storage and stays cleaner than conventional 30* roof (right) 3 _ HydroShield® Weather, Guard prevents water from running down hopper Fiourescent Lights ""j 5-7-9 watts 5.49 ea - 13 watts 5.79 ea Pi Light Bulbs 25 to 100 Watt Brass Base, SOOOHrs ea. (3Sc C«s*oM2o) | Authorized Master Distributor Since 1982 SL: Northeast Agn Systems Inc IBP ■ FI/woyeus |n e«oaM< Delmorva Slots __ 139 A West Airport RouO men , a AB Lititz PA 1 7543 W 5 Umyetsity Aye » W Ph (717) 509 2702 feaerolsburg MD Kg 1-800-573-2580 1-800-735-6361 Emall@neagn.com www neagn.com "'72 0 2 HAY, STRAW & CORN - SALE - Sale Starts Every Friday At 10 AM c ' GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION 955 N. State St. Ephrata, Pa. (717) 738-1117 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of State Buyers -Cash or Certified Checks Only ‘New or Converted Houses Visit our web site AUTHORIZED distributor itMmg; Models to meet different needs with heat outputs from 30 000 to 325 000 Btuh plus variable outputs for greater heating efficiency Weather, Info, Links, Specials Market At A Glance Lancaster County Livestock Auction Averages (Price Per Hundredweight) Week Finding F'rida), F'eh. 15,2002 Supplied By Market Staff Steers. Choice 2-3 Heifers. Choice 2-3 Cows, Breakers. 75-80% lean Cows. Boners. 80-85% lean Bulls, AG 1 Hogs. 49-54% lean. Monday Lambs. Choice/Pnme 80-110 lb LEAN WEIGHT BULK LOW DRESS ING Breakers 75-80 Over 1400 lbs 42.00- 46 00 40 75-42 00 Boners 80-85 Over 1200 lbs 43 00-47 25 40 00-43.00 Lean (Hi-Aieldl 85-88 Over 1200 lbs 42 00- 45 50 39 75-42 00 Lean 88-90 Over 1000 lbs 42 00-45.00 38 75-42.00 Lean (Light- Wt) 85-90 750-1000 lbs 41.00-44 75 36 50-41.00 SLAUGHTER BULLS- Yield Grade 1 individual 1590 lbs 59 50. Yield grade 2 seven head 1265-1940 lbs Sl.oo-SB.OO Bullocks Select 1-3 few 1395-1455 lbs 59 50-60.75 CAIVES Compared to last Tuesday, vealers sold 3 00 lower Holstein bulls re turning to farm traded 4 00-10 00 higher, on active trading. Demand for holstem heifers continues be very good and prices traded steady, with no dis counts on the number twos. Supply in cluded 639 in the state graded sale and 98 percent of the supply returned to feed VEALERS Standard and Good 70- 120 lbs 57.00-72.00. Utility 65-110 lbs 15 00-50.00 RETURNED TO FARM Holstein Bulls 90-122 lbs 137 00-167 00, mostly 157 00-167 00, 80-85 lbs 142 00- Monday Market We are selling fat cattle and butcher cows Monday. 10 am Private Treaty Lancaster Stockyards 717-394-7915 POULTRY LITTER •.1* TREATMENT 50L8.8. 9 M3°° TfMimpni Covers t.OOO Sq Ft This Wk 72 85 71 00 44 25 44.65 62 00 41.05 82.50 145.00. Plamer-type bulls 84-115 lbs 127.00- mostly 127.00-145.00. weaker calves 85-110 lbs 30.00-50.00, Graded Holstein heifers 91-115 lbs 610.00- 81-84 lbs 570.00-635.00; 73 lbs 360.00. Beef-type bulls and heifers 70-100 lbs 150.00-235.00. New Holland Livestock Auction New Holland, Pa. Thursday, Feb. 14,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Cattle Calves Sheep Goats THURSDAY 1154 LAST WEEK 1296 LAST YEAR CATTLE;Compared to Tuesday, slaughter steers and heifers sold .50 higher Trading was active, with very good demand for all types of cattle. Hol stein steers traded steady to 50 higher. Slaughter cows were steady to firm on active trading Slaughter bulls sold steady Supply included 33 percent | J||Willier, Incorporated | DURY HEIFERS *: Inside Pennsylvania: 717-626-3113 FAX: 717-626-1260 QUALITY FEEDER CATTLE Financing Available * Fixed Interest Rates • Interest Due when Cattle Are Sold • No Monthly Payments Lance N. Scarff Farm (410) 877-0370 Fax (410) 877-7802 (410) 459-4865 ■ Contract Feeding Programs » Marketing of Finished Cattle « Dairy Heifers Competitive Prices Paid For • BOARS •SOWS • CULL PIGS GOOD'S LIVESTOCK. IflC. Monday: 6:30 -11:00 A.M. Wednesday: 7:00 -11:00 A.M. Friday: 6:30 -10:00 A.M. Route 897 • 1 Mile North of Fivepointville, Denver, Pa (717) 445-5776 • Fax (717) 445-6963 Quality Buildings and Equipment MkaMto PRODUCT LEADERS*™ Yr Ago 78.70 77.50 48 50 45 75 60 00 37.00 106.00 Wk Ago 72 10 69 75 44.00 44 50 61 50 40 65 82 50 Your Source for Quality Cattle Licensed and Bonded Cattle Brokers Toll-Free Outside of PA: 1-800-485-2233 SCARFF BROS. INC. Cattle Dealers • Licensed & Bonded 2300 Fallston Road • Fallston MD 21047 C. Howard Scarff, II Home (717) 445-4355 Fax (717) 445-7237 Mobile (410) 459-4864 70 00-73.00, lot 1616 lbs, 68 50 Choice 2- 3 1195-1475 lbs 71 75-74 SO. high dress ing 1-2 up to 76 75. 1480-1545 lbs 68.00- 71 75 Select and low Choice 2-3 1120- 1475 lbs 69 00-72 SO. HOLSTEIN STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1300-1595 lbs 63.00-64 75, 1624-1627 lbs 60 50-61 85. lot 1704 lbs 58.60. Choice 2-3 few 1235-1585 lbs 60 00-61 75, 1660-1665 lbs 58.00-60 00, lot 1760 lbs 57.10 Select and low Choice 2-3 1200- 1390 lbs 56.50-59.85 Select 1-2 few 1240-1400 lbs 51.00-55 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS. Choice, few Prime 2-4 1095-1410 lbs 70.00-73 75, few up to 76 75 SLAUGHTER COWS Breakers 75- 80 percent lean over 1400 lbs 42 50- 46.50, low dressing 41.00-42.50 Boners 80-85 percent lean over 1200 lbs 43 00- 47.00, low dressing 40.50-43.00 Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-88 percent lean over 1200 lbs 42 25-45 50, low dressing 40.00- 42 25 Lean 88-90 percent lean over 1000 lbs 42 00-45.00, low dressing 39.50- 42 00 Lean (Light-Wt) 85-90 percent lean 750-1000 lbs 41 00-43 75, low dress ing 37 00-41 00 SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1235-1685 lbs 59.00-65.50, high dressing 1685 lbs 67 50 Yield Grade 2 1200-2750 lbs 52.50-58.00. CALVES; Compared to Monday's auction, vealers sold 3.00 lower. Holstein bulls returning to farm traded steady -10.00 higher, with instances 38.00 higher. Holstein heifers were mostlv steady on active trading. Supply in cluded 422 in state graded sale and 97 percent of the supply returned to feed VEALERS: Utility 60-120 lbs 11.00- 55.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 125.00-157.00, mostly 152.00- 157.00; 82-88 lbs 182.00-185 00 Plainer-type bulls 88-125 lbs 120.00- 16100, mostly 120 00-143 00, 82-86 lbs 180.00; 75-80 lbs 165.00, weaker calies (Turn to Page A4l) BEEF W. Conly Scarff Home (410) 838-5883 Mobile (410) 790-2650 HERD DISPERSALS
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