North Carolina Livestock Sales Raleigh, N.C. January 2,20021 Report Supplied By USDA Mount Airy Livestock Auction: Cattle and Calves: 589, last week no sale. Com pared to two weeks ago: slaughter cows were steady; bulls were 3.00 to 7.00 higher. Feeder calves were steady to 8.00 higher. Slaughter cows and bulls 35 per cent. Replacement pairs and feeder cows 7 percent. Feeder steers and bulls under 600 lbs 21 percent, over 600 lbs 11 per cent; feeder heifers under 600 ibs 19 per cent, over 600 Ibs 7 percent. SLAUGHTER COWS: Breakers 75- 80 percent lean 850-1500 Ibs 34.50- 40.50; Boners 80-85 percent 850-1400 Ibs 34.50-41.50, high dressing 42.00-47.00; Lean 85-90 percent 850-1300 Ibs 32.50- 37.00. SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1000-1500 Ibs 44.50-59.50; 1500 Ibs and up 48.00-60.00, with one at 65.00. FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1 and 2: 300-350 Ibs few 100.00- 112.00; 350-400 lbs few 85.50-107.00; 400-450 lbs few 100.00-104.00. Small 1 and 2:300-350 Ibs few 80.00-105.00; 350- 400 Ibs few 83.00- 93.00; 400-450 Ibs few 94.00- 500-600 lbs few 68.00-86.00; 600- 700 Ibs 68.50-75.00. Holstein 600- 700 Ibs few 49.00-51.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1 and 2: 300-350 lbs few 88.00- 93.00; 350-400 lbs 82.00-93.00; 450-500 Ibs 84.00-96.00; 500-600 Ibs 77.00-88.00; 600-700 Ibs few 54.50-66.00; 700-800 lbs 62.00- Small 1 and 2: 300-350 Ibs § Attention § We will be receiving 609 tobacco on January 16 & 17. We will begin booking for Jan. 16 & 17 delivery by appointment only. Notice: Growers needed to raise 609 greenhouse or bed plants. Please call: Clark Stauffer (717) 733-8921 ‘ f (717)575-0622 or Eugene Martin (717)354-8263 • (717)371-6979 PROCESS SILAGE Silage Mill Conversion Kit for John Deere, New Holland, Gehl Harvesters (Patent #6,166,529) • Wear points lined with stainless steel • Total weight 880 lbs. • 8 1/2” processing rolls. • Designed for tractors up to 250 hp • No welding needed on the JD units • Installation manual included • Can be installed in one day • Very affordable few 74.00-85.00; 350-400 Ibs few-75.00- 81.00; 450-500 lbs few 80.00-81.00; 500- 600 lbs few 70.00-75.50; 600-700 Ibs few 53.00- Medium and Large 3: 400- 450 Ibs few 64.00-75.00; 450- 500 ibs few 73.00- 800 Ibs and up few 56.00. FEEDER BULLS; Medium and Large 1 and 2: 400-450 Ibs few 92.00-108.00; 450-500 Ibs few 87.50-92.00; 500-600 Ibs 81.00- 600-700 Ibs few 75.00-81.00. Small 1 and 2: 400-450 Ibs few 74.50- 85.00; 4SO-500 Ibs few 70.00-85.00; 500- 600 Ibs 69.00-80.00; 600-700 Ibs 65.00- 70.00; 700 Ibs and up 56.00-69.50. Medium 3:450-500 Ibs few 78.00-85.00. FEEDER COWS; Small 1: 860-1005 Ibs middle age few 31.50-50.50. STOCK COWS: Small 1:950-1075 lbs middle age bred 1-8 months 340.00- 500.00 per head. Medium 1; 975-1250 Ibs middle age bred 2-8 months few 450.00- 610.00 per head. BABY CALVES: Small 35.00-65.00. Large 67.50-112.50. GOATS, per head; Choice Kids 40.00- 52.50; Medium Billies 47.50- 62.00. Winchester Weekly Feeder Cattle Richmond, Va. January 2,2002 Report Supplied by USDA WEEKLY AUCTION for Dec. 31: FEEDER CATTLE: 166 head. Prices based on in weights. STEERS: 49 head. Med. and Lge. 1; 300-400 lb 85-93.75; 400-500 lb 90.00; 500-600 ib 81.50-86.50; 600-700 lb 72.00; 900-1000 lb 66.75; 1000-1100 lb 66.00. Small 1:400-500 Ib 70.00. Med. and Lge. Georgetown Manufacturing, LLC Christiana, PA 610-593-2753 2:300-400 H) 70.00; 700-800 lb 70.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: 8 head. Med. and Lge. 2: 500-600 lb 62.50; 700-900 lb 55-56.50. HEIFERS; 62 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 83.50; 400-SOO lb 84-85.00; 500-600 lb 70-77.00; 700-800 lb 63.50. Small 1:400-500 lb 65.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 76.50-77.00; 400-500 lb 76- 78.00; 500-600 lb 61-73.00; 600-700 lb 60.50- 700-800 lb 62.50. BULLS: 47 head. Med. and Lge. 1; 300-400 lb 88.50-97.50; 400-SOO lb 90- 92.00; 500-600 lb 76-8L50; 600-700 lb 71-75.00; 700-900 lb 65.00. Small 1:400- 500 lb 59.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 83.50- 400-500 lb 73-77.00; 500- 600 lb 71.50-75.00. East Coast and North Central Veal Report Des Moines, lowa January 2,2002 Supplied By USDA CARLOT VEAL CARCASS REPORT: Northeast and North Central Basis: Compared to trading last week: Northeast special fed veal steady on light to moderate offerings and mostly moderate demand. North Central steady on light to moderate offerings and demand. VEAL CARCASS, SPECIAL FED, HOT BASIS, FOB PRODUCTION POINTS: Hide-On, 240-300 lb: North east 180 head. North Central 227. Hide- Off, 215-275 lb; North East 208-212.00; North Central 205-210.00. CONTRACT INFORMATION: Hot Basis, Hide-Off, as of Jan. 02, 2002 - Telmark people care. At Telmark, we believe that our people are our strength. Our representatives come from farm backgrounds and have the financial “know how” to help make farms work. Our specialty is applying our knowledge to help you achieve your hopes and dreams for your farm All of our representatives work very hard at making themselves accessible to you. The best way to get to know someone’s business is to go see it first hand. That’s why we spend most of our time visiting rural businesses just like yours When you need help exploring financing alternatives, call someone with the knowledge to help you find the best way to make your farm successful. Call someone who will take the time to visit your operation and see it first-hand. Call someone who wants you to succeed. Your success is our success. Call Telmark. Stop and see us: Booth # 105, Keystone Farm Show Mike Dixon Central PA,West MD 814-684-5707 610-793-0150 717-932-1715 410-827-5052 410-651-4128 Mike Fullam Central PA 570-966-9202 i c I dome markets not available because of early press deadlines I I Contract calves slaughtered this week: 210-221.00 many 215-218.00. Packers calling market 200-210.00. Future con tracts offered: Firm Bottom 195-198.00; Firm Top 215.00. Firm Bottom, Split Top 195-215.00. Firm Bottom, Open top 195-200.00. •North Central - OH, IN, 11, MI & WI. •Northeast - MA, MD, PA, NY, NJ, DE, CT&VT. WEEKLY DISTRIBUTIVE, LESS THAN CARLOT, EAST COAST AREA VEAL CUTS TRADE, SPECIAL FED: Market for Wed., Jan. 2 Compared to last week: Distributive special fed veal cuts steady with strength being noted on racks and some leg cuts. Offerings light to moderate with moderate to good demand. Prices per hundredweight: Carcass, hide off, 200-250 lb 220-255.00; Foresad dles 85-110 lb 165-180.00; Kosher Foresaddles 90-110 lb 185-200.00; Hind saddles 85-115 lb 295-315.00; Loins, reg ular 17-25 lb 250-290.00; Loins, 4x4 trmd 12-18 lb 400-485.00; Hotel Racks, 8 rib 15-21 lb 400-450.00, 7 rib 14-20 lb 400- 470.00,6 rib 13-17 lb 475-550.00; Chuck, Ken Darlington Sue Beshore Andrew McLean Liz Anderson PA,NJ I MD,VA ( WV PA.NJ MD.VA.WV Delmarva Delmarva Brenda Pfleegor Central PA 570-568-8440 Joe Polite Northwest PA 724-981-1324 LM/KFtK avw telmark com ® 800-451-3322 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 5,2002-A9 square cut 36-47 lb 115-145.00; Shoul der, full 14-20 lb 140-180.00; Legs, double 70-90 lb 300-320.00, TBS 3-piece 24-32 lb 550-640.00, BHS heel-out 27-35 lb 425-495.00; Top Round, trmd, cap-off 8-10 lb 860-900.00; Breast 10-12 lb 80- 95.00; Necks, bone-in 24-28 lb 110- 130.00; Stew Meat, regular 150-235.00; Boneless Trimmings 75-80% lean 68- 77.00; Heavy Nature Green Hides, per piece 28-33.00. * Dewart Livestock Dcwart, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, December 31,2001 STEERS- 50 00-60 50 HEIFERS: 50.00-62.50. GOOD COWS- 35.00-43.00, CANNERS AND CUTTERS. 25.00- 35.00. BULLS: 42.00-48.25. VEAL 90-190 LBS. 120 00-605 00, 70-90 LBS. 50.00-120 00 HOGS. 33 00-41.00 SOWS. 24.00-30 00 FEEDER PIGS: 23.00-35 00 Lisa Sonnen DougSnee Northeast PA, North NJ Southwest PA WV 717-866-9217 724-627-5941 SSOSSSSSOSBSSSSSOSSSSOSSSS^ I I I i
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