Young Turkey Parts And Bulk Meat Des Moines, lowa January 2,2002 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL YOUNG TURKEY PARTS AND BULK MEAT, Frozen, unless specified, cents per lb, delivered first receivers, part and full trucklots, as of Jan. 2,2002. Demand and trading slow as people start returning from the holidays. Some isolated interest was noted on 4-8 lb breasts for January retail features. Offer ings mixed. DOMESTIC TRADING; BREASTS, 4-8 lbs: Grade A - avg. 99.00; Plant Grade none. DRUMSTICKS: TOM - avg. 27.51; HEN - none. WINGS, FULL CUT: TOM - avg. 29.00; HEN - none. WING, V-TYPE: TOM - avg. 35.00; HEN - AVG. 38.00. NECKS: TOM - avg. 28.00; HEN - none. BREASTS, B/S, TOM NONE FROZEN: FRESH 142.21. THIGH MEAT, avg. 81.00. SCAPULA MEAT, none. DES TRAPPED TENDERS, avg. 122.00. WING MEAT WITH SKIN - none. MECHANICALLY SEPARATED 14.50. EXPORT TRADING: DRUM STICKS: TOMS - avg. 26.18. WINGS, FULL-CUT: TOM - NONE. WINGS V TYPE: - TOMS - avg. 27.00. TAILS none. MECHANICALLY SEPA RATED: avg. 15.00. THIGH MEAT - avg. 81.00. wishing all mm a joyous holiday mumm Special thanks from Hoober’s parts departments for a great year in 2001 and we look forward jfmS to serving all your parts needs in 2002. Parts Department - Middletown Front Row Richard Haas, Mike Null, Katie Price, Steve Hamfee, Tony Wyre, Dennis Waite, Sam Null Back Row Brian Tilton, Dave Wharry, Jamie Joseph, Doug Bigelow, Bruce Richardson, Leon Walbert and Kevin Vandervort. (missing from photo Shawn Hodson) INTERCOURSE PA B 800 732-0017 ■ McAUSTERVtLLE PA H 800 433-6679 ■ ■ THREE locations MIDDLETOWN DE 800 341-4028 National Canner Fowl Market Atlanta, Ga. Dec. 28,2001 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL CANNER FOWL MARKET: Majority prices were gen erally unchanged on the light canners, irregular on the heavies when compared to a week earlier. Demand was fair to farily good. Supplies were sufficient on lights, about adequate on the heavies. Undertone was generally steady on lights; at least steady on heavies. Cents per pound, current negotiations with out freight cost: LIGHT CANNER HENS: Line run without necks; 24.5-27, majority 26-27. HEAVY CANNER HENS: Without necks: 30.75-38, major ity 33-34.75. Cents per pound, current negotiations freight cost included: LIGHT CANNER HENS; Line run without necks 25-28.5, majority 26.5-27. HEAVY CANNER HENS: Without necks: 32.75-41 major ity 35-36. Morrison’s Cove Poultry & Rabbit Martinsburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Monday, December 31,2001 ROOSTERS 4.00-7.00. HEAVY HENS 2.00. BANTY HENS 2.00. PIGEONS 1.90. BUNNIES 2.50-4.00. RABBITS 3.50-5.25. AUCTION EVERY MON., 7:30 P.M. J J. I: = National Retail Egg Purchases Atlanta, Ga. January 2,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Cooperators estimate orders for the week ending January 4, 2002, will de crease by 20 percent. Present week pur chases for the week ending December 28, 2001 were 334,724 cases which was 14 percent below the prior week and 11 per cent above estimates. CASES PURCHASED: CAR TONED: 303,735, down 13% from prior week; LOOSE: 30,989, down 24%; TOTAL: 334,724, down 14%. Compari son figures are compiled on a matched plant basis. Purchases and estimates by 17 cooperators; 30 dozen cases or equiva lent. National Egg Market At A Glance Atlanta, Ga. January 2,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Prices were generally unchanged. The market tone was steady to instances fully steady, with the mediums in the strongest position. Demand was light to good, usually moderate with winter weather providing some additional movement. Breaking stock supplies were fully adequate to ample for the light demand. Schedules were reduced due to the New Year holiday. The National shell egg inventory was 15% more than a week ago. Light type hens were mostly sufficient for the fair demand. Parts Department - Intercourse Back Row Kevin Thrush, Dave King, Bob Groff, Dale Herr, Don Gentzler, Earl Walker, Alpha Yoder, Gordon Sangrey, John Stoner, Dick Skethway, Lloyd Groff, Ray Shissler, Dick Bomberger - Manager Front Row Josh Weaver, Don Livengood, Bill Krantz, Rob Ranck, Carl Hershey Parts Department - McAlisterville Back Row Matt Sowers, Scott Brown, Barry Detra, George Zimmerman Front Row: Mark Bonson (Parts Mgr), Terry Kilmer, Roy Engel, Mike Gearhart Missing from photo Brett Baron Order Your Parts Online! Need A Quality Protein Source? Some markets not available because of the holiday i I Virginia Broilers cook whole broiler/fryers ranged fair to ? « |-i moderate at best. Offerings of all sizes /\nu r r J eri continued no more than adequate to Warrenton, Va. tight at times; however, reduced process- January ,2002 j n g schedules and down time during the eport upp • y holiday period appeared to be the most Movement of ready-to-cook whole f , cant market factor . Movement birds was moderate. Demand was mod- (hr h r£tai| and distributlve channels erate. Live supplies were light to moder- was on)y Th£ markel ton£ ate for plant needs with an estimated . . . c „ . , . . , . r , was steady to fully steady, instances slaughter of 1,371,000 compared to j- rm ' 1,282,000 last Wednesday. Weights were desirable. Processing schedules were moderate. Negotiated F. 0.8. dock prices, 2 pounds and heavier ice-packed broilers and fryers, trucklot sales of US Grade A or equivalent were higher at .49 - .60 per pound, less than trucklot sales .49 -.69 per pound. New York Broilers/Fryers ATLANTA, GA. January 2,2002 Report Supplied By USOA Trucklot buying activity on ready-to- Are You Interested In Extra Farm Income? We have swine finishing contracts available We Offer • Qualified Service Personnel • Sound Genetic Program • Building Management/Environmental Monitoring • Facility Planning • Technical Support • Cash Flow Projections • Competitive Contract Payments • Purina Feeding Programs For more information Call 1-800-518-6458 Ext. 292 Purina Mills, Inc. Serving The Needs Of Agriculture 13 :A... ..T.. ...* 175 7-„7. 1-000-544-3574 717-053-1 17l 3 B W n # < V I Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 5,2002-A7 Prices were unchanged on all three sizes today. Supplies are moderate for plant needs. Prices to retailers, in small lots, USDA Grade A and Grade A, 30 dozen cases, white eggs in cartons, delivered store door, cents per dozen. Large 77; Medium 64; Small 48. E s w w 'i r i 'i 'i BSSSSSSS3SBSS^ Virginia Eggs Harrisonburg, Va. Janaury 2,2002 Report Supplied By USDA ra E F w l! 5' w ' •
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