New Holland Hog Auction NEW HOLLAND, PA December 31,2001 Report Supplied By USDA HOG RECEIPT TODAY EST. 682, LAST MONDAY, NO SALE, LAST YEAR, HOLIDAY BARROWS AND GILTS: Compared to two weeks ago; prices were steady to 1.00 higher, 40-45 percent lean trading up to 5.00 higher. PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT PRICE 49-54 215-280 lbs 33.85-35.75 Few up to 36.00 45-50 215- 280 lbs 32.00-34.60 40-45 285-355 lbs 30.00- mostly 33.50-36.50 Few 410-425 lbs 30.50-31.50 SOWS: 300-450 lbs mostly steady; 450-650 lbs 1.00-2.00 lower.US 1-3 300-450 lbs 20.00-22.00 450-500 lbs 22.00-25.00 500-650 lbs 24.00- BOARS: 300-700 lbs 15.00-17.00 Eastern Cornbelt Direct Feeder Pig Weekly Springfield, 111. December 28,2001 Report Supplied By USDA FEEDER PIGS: Receipts: 15,344; last week 18,854. SEW 10 lb pigs were mostly steady to firm, while feeder pigs were .50 to 1.00 higher. Demand was moderate to good with light to moderate offerings. Trading activity was slow in the holiday shortened week. Eastern Cornbelt - Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan Receipts; 7,119; last week 11,309. Estimated 50-54% Lean Value. EARLY WEANED PIGS, 10 Lbs Basis; Lot size under 250 head: 440 head, 29.05; lot size 2SO-7SO: 2,924 head, 28.34-35.00, wtd. avg. 32.01; lot size 750 or more; 1,500 head, 31.84. Total Com posite: 4,864 head, 28.34-35.00, wtd. avg. 31.69. FEEDER PIGS, 50 Lbs Basis: Lot size under 250 head: 300 head, 45.00-54.00, wtd. avg. 48.00; lot size 250-750: 1,680 head, 48.69-50.00, wtd. avg. 49.30. Total Composite 1,980 head, 45.00-54.00, wtd. avg. 49.10. FEEDER PIGS, 55 Lbs Basis; Lot size 250-750 head: 275 head; 56.50. FOB prices are quoted on a per head basis “picked up” at the sellers farm in Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, and Michigan; these prices do not include freight. PIGS STATE GRADED SALE RECEIVING 7:30 AM FRIDAY, -w. Jan. 11 & 25, A'i/ti ’,OOP.M. Carlisle LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. Exit 44 Off 1-81 turn South (717) 249-4511 or Evenings Jim, 249-2359 VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. NEW MONDAY SALES AT 10:30 AM SELLING HEIFERS, BULLS, STEERS,FEEDER & BUTCHER COWS BUSINESS (717) 442-4181 (717) 768-8204 KENNETH E HERSHEY (717) 442-4874 LEON HOOVER (717) 354-5835 BUTCH BROWN (717) 626-5394 * Hog Markets ❖ New Holland Feeder Pig Auction NEW HOLLAND, PA January 2,2002 Report Supplied By USDA FEEDER PIGS; WEDNESDAY 200, LAST WEEK 740, LAST YEAR 175. Compared to last week, feeder pigs were not tested as only 13 head US 2-3 sold to return to feed. Slaughter pig trend not fully tested due to the small post-holiday supply. All pigs were weighed and graded on arrival and sold by the hun dred weight. FEEDER PIGS: US 2-3, 13 head 59- 70 lbs 42.00-47.00. SLAUGHTER PIGS: 28 head 23-26 lbs 165.00-190.00; 54 head 37-45 lbs 90- 102.00; 22 head 47-56 lbs 126.00-136.00; 7 head 65 lbs 102.00; 37 head 70-107 lbs 42.00-70.00. AS IS; 10 head 35-58 lbs 40.00-45.00. Eastern Corn Belt Direct Hogs Des Moines, lowa January 2,2002 Report Supplied By USDA EASTERN CORN BELT DIRECT DAILY HOGS, for Wed., Jan. 2, as of 1:30 p.m. CURRENT VOLUME TODAY: Pro ducer Sold: Negotiated Actual: 25,248 head; Other Market Formula: 6,103; Swine or Pork Market Formula; 38,415; Other Purchase Arrangement: 6,348; Packer Sold (All purchase types): Actual today: 787. NEGOTIATED PURCHASES (In cluding packer sold): BARROWS AND GILTS; 17,078 head. Compared to prior day’s close, mostly 1.25 higher. Base Market Hog, 185 lb Carcass Basis, Plant Delivered (.9-1.1 inch backfat, 6 sq. in. loin/2.0 depth): Range: $44.00 - 53.38, wtd. avg. $49,05. Purchase volume by state of origin; Alabama 238; Delaware 182; Georgia 953; Illinois 22,870; Indiana 24,061; Kentucky 2,138; Maryland 735; Michi gan 4,040; Mississippi 2,014; New York 181; North Carolina 4,584; Ohio 8,576; Pennsylvania 4,939; South Carolina 552; Tennessee 1,146; West Virginia 46; Wis consin 1,976. PUPPICS UIfINTCD-1 ALL BREEDS -AKC, ACA,Pure & Mixed TOP DOLLAR PAID Call Randy 570/822-2033 Pickups -4 . Every Week Dependable TUESDAY SALES 10:30 A.M. SLAUGHTER CATTLE AUCTION STEERS, BULLS, HEIFERS, COWS, FEEDER CATTLE At Approx. 1 PM Selling Feeders , 6:00 P.M. CALVES, SHEEP, GOATS •GET CALVES IN EARLY ' OUR STATE GRADER STARTS AT 10:30 A.M. vis TRUCKING SERVICE AVAIL LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE Diffenbach Auction Center New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, December 31,2001 TOTAL LOADS: 169. Prices per ton except where noted. ALFALFA; HIGH 215.00, AVG. 144.00. MIXED HAY: HIGH 205.00, AVG. 142.00. TIMOTHY: HIGH 145.00, AVG. 121.00. CLOVER: 100.00. BALEAGE: 39.00-165.00. ORCHARDGRASS: HIGH 155.00 AVG. 122.00. STRAW: HIGH 140.00, AVG. 120.00. EAR CORN; 85.00. SOY STALKS: 15.00. CORN FODDER: 155.00 HIGH. OATS: 2.25 BU. Middleburg Hay Middleburg,Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, January 1,2002 HAY: 33 LOTS. 57 LOTS TOTAL. ALFALFA: 4 LOTS, 132.50-170.00. MIXED HAY: 13 LOTS, 107.50- 225.00. TIMOTHY: 3 LOTS, 107.50-152.50. SQUARE BALES: 1.85-2.50 BALE. ROUND BALES; 9 LOTS, 12.00- 32.00 BALE. ORCHARDGRASS: 2 LOTS, 115.00 AND 125.00. STRAW: 5 LOTS, 60.00-125.00. EAR CORN; 5 LOTS, 80.0-102.50. CORN FODDER: 1 LOT AT 13.50 EACH ROUND BALE. OATS: 5 LOTS, 2.00-2.80 BU. FIREWOOD: 30.00-70.00 LOAD. W 1 \ NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. L THE ACTION AUCTION MONDAY J SLAUGHTER HOGS EARLY BIRD HOG SALE 7:30 A.M. kx Sell Your Hogs At New Holland Sales Stables Inc See them weighed sold and pickup your check 10:00 AM - 9:00 A.M. SHEEP, GOATS & C. CALVES 9l] £ 1:30 P.M. BEEF SALE HEIFER SALE COW SALE 12:00 NOON We have the usual run of 125 to 200 Heifers, all ages Loads of fresh '-ows and springers from our regular shippers Also some local fresh cows and springers NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. 12 Miles East of Lancaster Off Route 23, New Holland, Penna. MANAGER Field Representatives For Beef and Feeders- Michael J. McDermott - 717-35' FAX #717-355-0706 Order Buyer: Aaron Martin - 717-445-4825 Kutztown Produce Hay Auction Fleetwood, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Saturday, December 29,2001 Hay—Straw—Grain 42 LOTS. ALFALFA HAY: 115.00-130.00. GRASS HAY: 85.00-130.00. MIXED HAY: 75.00-160.00. TIMOTHY HAY: 115.00-130.00. WHEAT STRAW: 80.00-140.00. RYE STRAW; 125.00. CORN FODDR: 55.00. FIREWOOD: 15.00-80.00 LOAD. Wolgemuth Hay Leola, Pa. Report Suppliedßy Auction Wednesday, January 2,2001 Hay—Straw—Grain 61LOTS. ALFALFA: HIGH 135.00, AVG. 121.00. MIXED HAY; HIGH 180.00, AVG. 135.00. TIMOTHY: HIGH 172.00, AVG. 132.00. GRASS: HIGH 160.00, AVG. 131.00. STRAW: HIGH 147.00, AVG. 124.00. CORN FODDER: HIGH 50.00, AVG. 41.00. SOYBEAN STALKS: HIGH AND AVG. 40.00. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, December 31,2001 HAY: 35 LOTS 72 50-157.50 STRAW: 9 LOTS, 100.00-120 00. WOOD: 10 LOADS, 47 50-62.50. OATS- 4 LOTS, 2 00-2 25 BU Livestock Is Our Only Business HORSES MULES WEDNESDAY j 10:00 A.M. David Kolb iale Barn Office Mi Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 5,2002-A3 ❖ Hay Markets ❖ Dewart Hay Dewart, Pa. THURSDAY J BEEF AUCTION flßHrfp BULLS, STEERS. Ppw BEEF COWS 1:00 P.M. STOCKERS & FEEDERS yf 10:00 A.M. C J GOATS, SHEEP ■HI CALVES MTI 38? Pigs are accepted after 6 30 A M State graded from 8 to 12 Dairy Barn and Feeder Pig Barn are cleaned and disinfected weekly for your protection Luke Eberly - 610-267-6608,717-738-1865 Homer Eberly- 610-267-3047 1-4341 Nevin Martin Ron Ranck - 717-656-9849 eld Representatives For Goats Ken Smoker - 610-593-2123 Regional Hay December 31,2001 Report Supplied By PDA HAY & STRAW MARKET FOR EAST ERN PA (All Hay Good grade & better prices paid by dealers at the farm & per ton) Hay and Straw mostly steady. AL FALFA 90.00-120.00, few to 140 00; Mixed Hay 100.00-120.00, few to 85.00; TIMO THY 90.00-110.00 few to 80.00; STRAW 90.00-110.00; MULCH 30.00-60.00. SUMMARY OF LANCASTER CO. HAY AUCTIONS For week ending 12(28/01. Prices per ton: 189 loads Hay; 41 Straw & 3 Ear Corn. ALFALFA 115.00- 180.00; MIXED HAY 95.00-145.00; TIMO THY 110.00-155.00; STRAW 110.00- 160.00. EAR CORN 86-90.00. SUMMARY OF CENTRAL PA HAY AUCTIONS For week ending 12/28/01. Prices per ton: 251 loads Hay, 35 Straw & 13 Ear Corn. ALFALFA 115.00-160.00; MIXED HAY 75.00-140.00; TIMOTHY 90.00-135.00; STRAW 100.00-140.00; EAR CORN 70.00-92.00. Green Dragon Hay Ephrata, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Friday, December 28,2001 Hay—Straw—Grain 95 LOAD TOTAL. MIXED HAY: 49 LOADS, 87.00- 210.00. ALFALFA: 10 LOTS, 65.00-222,00. TIMOTHY: 6 LOTS, 90.00-167.00. STRAW: 10 LOTS, 107.00-140.00. EAR CORN: 89.00 AND 90.00. ORCHARDGRASS; 5 LOTS, 75.00- 104.00. CORN FODDER; 3 LOTS, 50.00- 57.00 AND 72.00. OATS. 2.25 AND 2 30 BU. FIREWOOD- 27 00-72 00 LOAD SOYBEAN STRAW. 34 00. i:3O FEEDER PIG SALE - 717-354-7186
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