- Spreader Tanks 2750-9500 Gal. - Lagoon Pumps - Vertical Pumps - Electric Pumps - Alley Scrapers - Underground Piston Pumps MAKE US YOUR WASTE HANDLING HEADQUARTERS I'tUl. u iigl, The PA Crop Insurance Assistance Program has been extended for crop year 2002. Benefits include: To receive agent www.RMA@usda.gov. insurance Enrollment Deadline: Sam Hayes Secretary of Agriculture Pennsylvania encourages growers to have crop insurance protection as part of their farming risk management plan. All policy fees and approximately 20 percent of net premium costs are paid for growers. Sponsored by the PA Department of Agriculture with cost share support from RMA/USDA. SNOOK’S EQUIPMENT RD #3 Box 130, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 570-966-2736 Ask for Ernest or Dean Visit us at the KEYSTONE FARM SHOW Building #6, Booths 234 ft 235 FREE “CAT” Coverage Discounted Premiums & Fees (Paid for “BUY-UP” Coverage) these “We’re Here To Serve You” Pennsylvania Crop Insurance Program benefits, contact a crop today. List available at March 15 - Spring crops ■—"■i’.* IMt - -Vacuum Tanks 1500-6,000 Gal. -Track Mounted Vacuum Units -Vacuum Pumps -Various Accessories • Valves • Fittings • Suction Hoses Lynchburg Weekly State Graded Feeder Cattle Richmond, Va. January 2,2002 Report Supplied By USOA STATE GRADED FEEDER CATTLE for Mon., Dec. 31:267 head; 94 steers; 173 heifers. Prices follow with average weights and average prices in parentheses where applicable. STEERS: Med. and Lge. 1; 10 head, 300-400 lb (369 lb) 96-105.50 (104.53); 19 head, 400-SOO lb (462 lb) 95-96.50 (95.70); 18 head, 500-600 lb (546 lb) 88- 93.75 (92.49); 10 head, 600-700 lb (636 lb) 80-84.75 (82.34). Med. and Lge. 2: 9 head 400-500 lb (458 lb) 90.50-95.00 (92.99); 12 head, 500-600 lb (542 lb) 85- 91.50(89.28). HEIFERS: Med. and Lge. 1; 12 head, 300-400 lb (383 lb) 88.25-89.00 (88.75); 22 head, 400-500 lb (458 lb) 83.25-83.75 (83.61); 18 head, 500-600 lb (554 lb) 4.75-76.00; 15 head 600-700 lb (635 lb) 70-75.50 (74.39). Med. and Lge. 2: 6 head, 300-400 lb (371 lb) 84-88.75 (87.26); 23 head, 400-500 lb (449 lb) 83.50- 83.75 (83.61); 14 head, 500-600 lb (554 lb) 75.25-80.00 (79.32). Med. and Lge. 3, 11 head 300-400 lb (362 lb) 80.50-83.25 (82.99); 9 head 400-500 lb (437 lb) 79.50- 80.25 (80.00). Small 1:10 head, 400-500 lb (428 lb) 77- 78.75 (78.39). REGULAR WEEKLY AUCTION, Dec. 31: FEEDER CATTLE: 260 head. Feeder bulls 2.00-3.00 lower. HOLSTEIN STEERS: 4 head. Med. and Lge. 2; 300-500 lb 67.00. BULLS; 132 head. Med. and L| 95.00; 400-500 lb 95-95.50; 500-600 lb 80-93.00. Small 1: lb 82.50-90.00; 300-400 lb 74-85.00; 400-500 lb 78- 87.00. Med. and Lge. 2:200-300 lb 102.50-106.00; 300- 400 lb 93-103.00; 400-SOO lb 93-96.00; SOO-600 lb 80- 82.00. Full Line Of Spray Materials For Corn, Soybeans and Alfalfa -.a...—...—• ————————— NOTICE Our Grower Information Meetings Will Be Held... )NDAY MONDAY JAN. 14 JAN. 21 For Location and Reservations Call 717-949-3860 Early Order Pre-Payment Prices In Effect!! JAMES H. PATCHES RD 2, Prescott Rd., Myerstown, PA 17067 I'A Mi. Northwest of Schaefferstow n (717) 949-3860 Dry Cow Booster That Costs 70 a Day Hoffmans Horse and Cattle Powder is an ideal tonic for cows over freshening. Feed 6 wks. before freshening. 1 Tablespoon a day (Two weeks over freshening, feed 1 Tablespoon This is an over-all good booster if fed to dry cows, and it will pay you big dividends Sugar Valley Collar Shop 18 Wagon Wheel Lane Loganton, PA 17747 D & J Farm Store 65 Hess Rd Quarryville, PA 17566 Daniels Farm Store 324 Glenbrook Rd Leola, PA 17540 717-656-6982 Gap Repair Shop 994 Gap Rd Kinzers, PA 17535 717-442-4781 We need more dealers for different areas. If interested, please write to: J.L. Hoffman, 183 Stonyhill Rd., Quarryville, PA 17566 ;e. 1: 300-400 lb Eivin Zimmerman 18051 Ridgewood Ave Barnett, MO 65011 573-378-2658 Bird-In-Hand Farm Supply 200 Maple Ave Bird-In-Hand. PA 17505 Gideon F. King 5465 Elam Rd Kmzer, PA 17535
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