(Continued from Page Al 2) PEPPERS OTHER: Vi buctns FL Finger Hot 10.00-12.00 GA Finger Hot 10.00- 12 00 1 1/9 buctns/crts FL Long Hot 1000 CubaneUes med-lge 6.00-8.00 - RADISHES: MARKET HIGHER ctns tpd 30 6-oz filmbags FL Red 8.00-10.00 mostly 9.00-10.00 ctns tpd 14 1-lb film bags FL Red 10.50 40 lb filmbags tpd FL Red 22.00-25.00 ctns bchd MX Red 24s 8.00 -RHUBARB: OFFERINGS NONE -RUTABAGAS: OFFERINGS INSUF FICIENT TO QUOTE -SPINACH: MARKET ABOUT STEADY bubkts TX Savoy 11.00 ctns 12 10-oz filmbags CA Flat 14.00 ctns 4 2-Vi-lh filmbags CA Flat 14.50 few higher ctns TX Savoy 10 00 4 lb ctns AZ Flat Baby Type 14.00 V TOBACCO COMPANY will be buying 609 tobacco on Thursday, Jan. 10 Friday, Jan. 11 We will be at our same location - the hay auction at Kirkwood. Grade your tobacco in 4 grades Paying Top Dollar Office: 717-529-6416 \ Mobile: 717-575-2S2S / SEMOCk Cow/Heifer and Calf Headlocks • with down-cow release Sturdy Built Free Stalls • Multiple Styles and Sizes • Adjustable bnsket board bracket ’JI * I W Hot-Dipped ' 'S Zinc Galvanizing Conversion Coating t _. ? / *r Clear Organic Coating (Lr^TJ^JV of Galvanized and Stainless Barn Equipment J CA Flat Baby Type 14.00 -SQUASH: Vi buctns FL Zucchini sml-med 15.00-18.00 ord cond 7.00-8.00 med 15.00-16.00 fair appear 12.00 ord cond S.OO-6.00 Yellow Straightneck sml-med 12.00-14.00 few 15.00 med 10.00-12.00 mostly 12.0011/9 buctns/crts MX Zucchini Ige 14.00-15.00 4/7 buctns MX Zucchini sml-med 16.00- 18.00 med 14.00-16.00 -SWEET POTA TOES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY CURED 40 lb ctns NC U.S. One Beaure gard med 12.00 few 11.00 -TOMATOES; MARKET HIGHER 25 lb ctns FL 85% U.S. One or Better Mature Greens light red-red sx6s 12.00 few 13.00 few 11.00 6x6s 8.00 Local Repack 85% U.S. One or Better Mature Greens light red-red Sx6s 15.00 6x6s 13.00 6x7s 12.00 5 kg ctns SP Vine Ripes Greenhouse red med 19.00 - IDEAL LEAF galvanized steel tubing . . (n Stock Interior Corrosion Resistant Coating rf == == = ~-^ ‘Gatorshield® is a registered trademark of Allied Tube A Conduit Co Galvanized Bam Equipment J • Round or Square •Individual Lengths or Full Bundles 717-484-2233 255 Holtzman Road, Remholds, PA 17569 TOMATOES, CHERRY: OFFERINGS LIGHT fits 12 1-pt bkts FL 12.00 fits 12 1-pt cntrs with lids FL Grape Type light red-red 12.00 few low as 10.00 - TOMATOES. PLUM TYPE- MARKET ABOUT STEADY 25 lb ctns FL light red 12.00 red fair cond 7.00-8.00 MX light red 12.00 -TURNIPS: 25 lb film bags NC Purple Top med 6.00-7.00 - VEGETABLES OTHER: 8 lb ctns CA Radicchio 9s 8.00 Philadelphia Herbs Philadelphia Terminal Prices as of Decmeber 31,2001 Report Supplied By USDA MISC HERBS -ANISE: % ctns CA 24s 20.00 -ARRUGULA: 4/5 bucrts bchd MARKET LEESPORT, BERKS COUNTY, PA 19533 (610) 926-1307 LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERYWEPNESPAY ■ 1:00 P.M. LEESPORT Farmers Market 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Flea Market 7:00 AM to ?? visit our website: www.leesportmarket.com Superior Strength Square Tubing Gates • Springless Latches • Adjustable Hinges Sturdy Built Tie Stalls • with Stainless Steel Corrosion Protection "'tP' 3" 31/2", 41/2", 51/2" Heavy Wall Galvanized Steel Posts cut to length Stainless Steel Dump Waterers Gail jj&i 4W Q&lm Qnocim>ie&! FL 24s 12.00 occasional 15.00 4 lb ctns CA Baby type 15.00 -BASIL: crts bchd FL 15s 10.00-12.00 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 11.00-13.00 -CELERIAC (CELERY ROOT): 20 lb ctns Ise CD 10.00 - CHERVIL; OFFERINGS INSUFFI CIENT TO QUOTE -CHIVES: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 18.00 -CILANTRO: ctns approx 20 lbs TX 30s 14.00 ctns bchd FL 24s 10.00 TX 30s 10.00 -DILL: ctns bchd TX 24s 12.00 crts bchd FL 24s 8.00-9.00 mostly 9.00 ctns approx 20 lb TX 24s few 14.00 -DRY ESCHALLOT; 10 lb sks NL 11.00 -HORSERADISH: NO SALES REPORTED -MARJORAM: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 13.00 -MINT: crts bchd FL 12s 9.00 sml crt few 6.00-7.00 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 10.00 -OREGANO: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 13.00 -ROSEMARY: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 11.00-13.00 -SAGE: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 13.00 -TARRAGON: Cast and Poly Water Bowls • Plumbing Kits, • Replacement Valves • 1 1/2" Galvanized Water Pipe Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 5,2002-Al3 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 17.00 -THYME: 1 kg ctns bchd IS 12s 13.00 - WATERCRESS ctns bchd FL 12s 8.50 24s 14.00 ONIONS AND POTATOES - ONIONS DRY: MARKET ABOUT STEADY USI OR GENERALLY GOOD QUAL AND COND UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. Yellow Globe Type NY 50 lb sks med 7.00-8.00 smi med 5.00-5.50 mstr entr 20 2-lb mshsks med 6.00 Spanish Hybrid ID/OR SO lb sks col fr cond 5.00 jbo 8.00-9.00 mostly 8.50 fr cond 5.00 UT 50 lb sks jbo 8.00- 9.00 Red Globe Type MI 25 lb sks Ige 5.50-6.00 med 4.00-4.50 NY 25 lb sks jbo 6.00- mostly 7 00-7.50 Ige 5.50-6.00 med 5 00-6.00 mostly 5.50-6.00 - POTATOES MARKET ABOUT STEADY USI SZ A WASHED OR BRUSHED UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED NEW CROP Russet Burbank ID bid 10 5-lb sks non sz A 11 50-12 00 mostly 12 00 50 lb ctns 70s 16 00 80s 15.00- 00 90s 14 00-15.00 100 s 13 00- 14.00 fr cond 12.00 U.S. Two 50 lb sks 6 oz mm 8.50 few hgr Norkotah CD CDOne bid 10 5-lb sks non sz A 900 Round Red NY 50 lb sks 8.00-9.00 sz B 9.00- few 11.00 Round White ME 50 lb sks Ige 8.00 PA 50 lb sks 6 50-7.00 SALE EVERY MONDAY Perkiomenville Auction House Inc. Will open the auction for fresh meat by Kolb Bros., (Federal Inspected) Also Farm Fresh Eggs, Produce followed by chickens, rabbits & small animals. It all starts 12 o’clock noon January 7th 2002. Cattle, hogs & sheep and goats at 5:30 P.M. You ask for the auction so we need your support. Thank You Bob & Nancy Landis 215-234-4733 MAYO MATS from Cow Comfort Ltd. The biggest selling stall cushion worldwide • Non slip surface • Cleaner Cows - lower somatic cell count & less mastitis • In use 18 years • 10 year warranty in free stalls, 5 year warranty in tie stalls • Very reasonably priced Daniel's Farm Store 324 Glenbrook Rd., Leola, PA 717-656-6982 - Also Available From - Country Garden Hostetler Surge pei-M* Annville, PA "ZbuTS (717) 867-2896 (570) 966-3944 Kidron Supply, Inc. Kidron, OH 1-866-454-3766 DSt J Farm Store Weaver's Farm Store Quarryville, PA Fleetwood, PA Onions, Potatoes Philadelphia Terminal Market December 31,2001 Report Supplied By USDA
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