812-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 6, 2001 Retail Grocery Prices Drop Slightly In Fourth Quarter Survey PARK RIDGE, 111. Ameri can consumers enjoyed a slight decrease in retail prices at the su permarket during the fourth quarter of 2000, according to the American Farm Bureau Federa tion’s (AFBF’s) Marketbasket Survey. The latest informal survey shows a 12-cent decrease in 16 selected grocery items from this year’s third quarter. Shoppers paid $33.48 for the 16 items during the fourth quar ter. That was a drop from last quarter’s $33.60, which marked the highest average since the sur vey’s inception in 1989. This quarter’s average is just $4.98 higher than the inaugural aver age of $28.50, recorded the first quarter of 1989. The total average recorded for this year’s fourth quarter report was 26 cents higher than the re port for the fourth quarter of 1999 ($33.22). Of the 16 items on the survey, nine fell in price. A 32-ounce bot tle of corn oil experienced the largest decrease, falling 22 cents to $2.14. Other decreases in cluded a 5-pound bag of flour, # Home Pride Windows & Doors Also Contact: r ’S-r L- • for all your spouting needs in 32 colors 265 E. Meadow Valley Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 717-733-7160 • 717-627-6886 mm 9m $1.24, down 16 cents; bacon, $2.62, down 15 cents a pound; vegetable oil, $2.04 per 32-ounce jar, down 12 cents; mayonnaise, $2.86, down 4 cents per 32-ounce jar; ground chuck, $1.86, down 4 cents per pound; cereal, $2.84 per 10-ounce box, down 3 cents; white bread, $1.16 per 20-ounce loaf, down 3 cents; and apples, 91 cents a pound, down 2 cents. Seven items on the survey in creased in price, led by a pound of Cheddar cheese, which in creased 26 cents to $3.41. Other increases included sirloin, $2.80 per pound, up IS cents; pork chops, $3.18 per pound, up 13 cents; a dozen eggs, $1.04, up 7 cents; whole fryers, $1.02 per pound, up 5 cents; whole milk, $2.74 per gallon, up 2 cents; and potatoes, $1.62 per 5-pound bag, up 1 cent. AFBF, the nation’s largest farm organization, conducts its informal quarterly Marketbasket Survey to help track retail food price trends to ensure they are in line with prices received by the nation’s farmers and ranchers. While retail grocery store prices have increased for the most part Give ’em what they want: BEEF! Mike Thosf Roikat Trtcks BID! DHrae 1 Tracking Powder* [ Kills Rats & Mice i 6 lb. Bucket ‘ gj|ys49.9s + $6.00 Shipping ' Slam Supply ' Rt 1 Box 117 H Blam PA 17006 \ 717/536-3861 • Thermally efficient welded frames & sashes • Patented Light Lift™ balance system during the past year, the farm- spent in the U.S. is approxi- Volunteer shoppers from 32 ers’ and ranchers’ share has ac- mately 20 cents. Off-farm labor states p artic ipated in this latest tually dropped. According to the at 39 cents is the largest compo- Agriculture Department, the nent of the consumers’ food dol- survey, conducted in mid-No farm value of each food dollar lar No Mad Cows Here How can we be sure “mad cow disease” isn’t in the United States? Mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), gets a lot of press because there are so many unknowns about how it spreads, and be cause of the devastating effects of its human form, a form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The fatal neurological disease is often painful, and often includes delu sions or hallucinations as part of its development. Classical Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) occurs at a rate of 1 or 2 cases per million people throughout the world, including the United States. However, in 1997, a new variant of CJD (vC JD) was found to be the same strain as BSE, and it’s affecting much younger people than classi cal CJD. It’s believed that people contracted this new variant by eating meat from BSE-infected animals. "1 need q tractor that's as efficient as I am." All I Need Is A WHITE. Engine. The While 125 PTO hp 8310 boasts a turbo charged 6-cylinder Cummins B 5 9 diesel that delivers clean-burning power and outstanding reliability So you get a hard driving tractor that s easy on fuel MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. J & M MACHINERY CO. LEBANON VALLEY RD 1 Route 22 8. 819 IMPLEMENT CO., INC. Bechtelsville, PA Greensburg, PA 70 0 E Linden St 610-845-2911 412-668-2276 Richland, pa 717-866-7518 HERNLEY’ S FARM STANLEYS WITMER S INC. EQUIPMENT, INC. FARM SERVICE _ , Box 2095 S. Market St RD 1 - Off Rte 125 Columbiana, OH 44408 Elizabethtown, PA Klmgerstown, PA 330-427-2147 717-367-8867 570-648-2088 Related diseases, such as scra pie in sheep and goats, appear to come from different strains of the protease-resistant protein, or “prion” the agent responsible for the disease. Scientists are un sure about the exact nature of the prion, but it’s very small and heat-resistant. The vast majority of cases of vCJD have occurred in Great Britain, where more than 80 peo ple have died from the disease. Most BSE cases have also oc curred in Great Britain, where more than 175,000 head of cattle were diagnosed from late 1986 through mid-1999. At its peak in January 1993, almost 1,000 new cases were reported weekly. Today, only about 60 new cases are reported weekly. No cases of BSE or vC JD have ever been identified in the United States, but it’s not because we’re not looking. In fact, scientists from the U.S. Department of Ag riculture’s Animal and Plant Transmission. A standard Quadrashift transmission combines powershift convenience with synchromesh economy And a wet multi-disc clutch increases durability The optional 18-speed Powershift adds versatility Comfort. The large cab's sleek, low-profile styling and ergonomic design ensure high visibility and optimum comfort, right down to the armrest control console Long days in the field feel a little Shorter vember. Health Inspection Service rou tinely examine animals at high risk for the disease those with neurologic conditions seen at food processing plants and veter inary diagnostic laboratories. The brains of about 10,000 cows have been tested since 1990, and none have tested positive for BSE. Besides this and other surveil lance efforts, the United States has banned the importation of any live ruminants (cows, sheep, goats and some other exotic ani mals) and their tissues from any country with confirmed cases of BSE. Also, in 1997 the govern ment prohibited the use of by products made from ruminants from being used in any ruminant feed. (It’s believed British cattle got BSE by eating feed with ren dered protein that was infected.) More information on BSE can be found at the following website: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/oa/ bse/. Turning Radius. The White FieIdMASTER" 8310 lets you spend less time at the end of the row and more time work ing it, thanks to a tight 55° AWD steering angle The result 7 Greater efficiency and less operator fatigue ▲I WHITE I AOCO I
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