A2-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 7, 2000 New Holland Livestock Auction New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA Monday, Oct. 2,2000 Cattle Calves Sheep Goats MONDAY 311 170 662 790 LASTWEEK 181 LAST YEAR 167 638 726 N/A CATTLE: Compared to Thursday, slaughter steers and heifers were not well tested. Slaughter cows traded mostly steady. Slaughter bull prices were steady to weak. Supply included 48 per cent slaughter cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS- Few farm show steers Choice 2-3 1240-1405 lbs 66 50-68.00 SLAUGHTER COWS: PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT BULK LOW DRESS ING Breakers 75-80 over-11400 1ij9.00- 42 25 37 00-4100 Boneik 80-85 over -1200 lbs 36 25-40 25 34,00-38.00 Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-88 over-1200 lbs 35.00- 38.00 33.00-37.00 Lean 88-90 over-1000 lbs 34.25-37 00 30 00-34 00 Lean (Light- Wt) 85-90 750 -1000 lbs 30.00-34 00 28 00-32 00 SLAUGHTER BULLS- Yield Grade 1 1200-1500 lbs 55 50-57.00. Yield Grade 2 1175-1760 lbs 44.00-46 00. C ALVES: Compared to Thursday’s auction, vealers were not fully tested. Larger slaughter calves sold 4.00-6.00 lower. Holstein bulls returning to feed sold 5.00-10.00 lower with Thursday’s active market. A light test of Holstein heifers not well tested. VEALERS: Few Utility 60-95 lbs 20.00-40.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Good and Choice 200-350 lbs 75.00-88.00; 350-500 lbs 60.00-78.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 120.00-167.00. Plainer type bulls 85-115 lbs 80.00-145.00, weaker calves 70-85 lbs 35.00-90.00. Few Holstein heifers 90-110 lbs 270.00- 340.00. Few plainer heifers 70-115 lbs 140.00-250.00. SHEEP: Compared to Thursday, slaughter lambs sold 15.00 higher, with good demand on the heavier lambs. Slaugther ewes and aged sheep traded steady to 5.00 higher. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice and Prime 2-3 60-110 lbs 85.00-120.00; 130- 170 lbs 60.00-85.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Good and |P n ?SFi(HAV. S TRAW & CORN Hay, Straw and 0 17547 ~ _ CAT F - HwSfß Grain Auction <> Office Phone; V, UTJ EVERY TUESDAY o ( 717 ) 6 53-8164 in . nn <► Specializing in ; Every Friday At 10 AM .. CtnrkoM JL * * Located Rt 472 5 miles < ’ Feeders II GREEN DRAGO MARKET & AUCTION .""SS'iL :: JOHN BOWMAN " 955 N. Slate St. of Rt 472 and Noble Road \ \ ph. (717)653-5728 {I Ephrata, Pa. (717) 738-1117 Lloyd h Kreider, I t RON RANCK ♦ ill 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Auctioneer AU 000513 L < ► . < ► out ol state Buyers -Cash or Certified Checks Only No Out of State Checks f !?»>» MMM *♦ « Get more capacity and better service from Chore-Time’s New Next Generation bin • ACCESS PLUS® permits Call for pricing on bint assembloil and aasy claan out of the bln dalivorod to your farm from lha ground. T* V ! * ■» Choice yearlings and 2 year-olds 55 00- 75.00. Utility and Good 1-3 35.00-50.00. SLAUGHTER GOATS: (All sold by the head) Billies: Large 100.00-120.00, few up to 150.00. Medium 75.00-100.00 Mutton: Choice and Prime 70.00-90 00. Nannies: Large 60.00-80.00. Medium 40.00-60.00. Yearlings; Choice and Prime 65.00-90.00. Kids. Choice and Prime 60.00-80.00. Good 20.00-60.00. Vintage Livestock Auction Vintage, Pa. Oct. 2-3,2000 Report Supplied By PDA Cattle Calves Sheep Goats THIS WEEK 971 1490 710 805 LAST WEEK 938 835 1 2 CATTLE; Compared ;to Thursday’s market slaughter steers ojiened the week .50 lower and contmuedlthrough Tues day, but slaughter heifers ended up mostly steady on light offerings. Holstein steers traded steady. Slaughtercows sold 1.00-2.00 lower, while slaughter bulls closed mostly steady, instances 1.00 higher. Supply included 37 percent slaughter steers and 52 percent slaughter cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1270-1470 lbs 67.25-70.00, fancy singles up to 73.50 Choice 2-3 1243-1470 lbs 65.50-68.25, high dressing 1-2 up to 72.00; 1525-1640 lbs 61.50- 65.00. Select and low Choice 2-3 1070- 1430 lbs 62.75-67.00. Select 1-3 1260- 1345 lbs few 60.00-66.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS; Choice 2-3 1430-1660 lbs 58.00-61.75. Select and low Choice 2-3 few 1205-1660 lbs 55.00- 57.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 1030-1345 lbs 64.00-67.75, high dressing up to 68.50. Select and low Choice 2-3 few 920-1340 lbs 60.00-64.50. SLAUGHTER COWS: PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT BULK LOW DRESS ING Breakers 75-80 over-1400 lbs 37.25- 41.50 36.25-40.00 Boners 80-85 over -1200 lbs 35.00-39.75 33.00-37.00 Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-88 over-1200 lbs 34.00- 37.50 32.00-36.00 Lean 88-90 over-1000 lbs 33.00-37.00 31.25-35.25 Lean (Light- Wt) 85-90 750 -1000 lbs 29.00-33.00 27.00-31.00 SLAUGHTER BULLS; Yield Grade 1 1435-1815 lbs 51.00-57.00, high dressing 62.00-65.25. Yield Grade 2 1015-2180 lbs 44.00-51.00. High Capacity 40’ root (loft) allows more storage ao4 stays cleaner than conventional 30' roof (right) HydroShleld® Weather, Guard prevents water from running down hopper i&J 3 ~ 1053 869 Contracts available call for information ■ Commercial Pullets ■ Broiler ■ Turkeys Heglns Valley Northern Eastern Shorty t , , _ _ . ■ Orgamc/Natural Egg ■ Hogs ■ Breeders Call for our free brochure “What is contract production?” ‘New or Converted Houses Replace your bulbs and save electricity with energy efficient Flourescent Lights 5-7-9Walts | 13Watts li f, ' f*”J 5.49 ea l 5.79 ea l r ’ttZT Watts 36$ Ea. I!I3JSj " Brass Base - 5000 Mrs. I Authorized CBBBB Master Distributor Since 19821 Northeast Northeast'Agn Systems Inc p3E Flyway Business Park Oerrnorvo store 139 A West Airport Road 305 University Ave gjrw Lititz PA 17543 FederaisDuig MD MM ESS 1-800-735-6361 B lf ' ! f A CALVES: Compared to last week, a light test of veal calves sold fully stead y. Holstein bulls suitable for special-fed veal barns sold 10.00-30 00 higher. Ho lstein heifer prices 5.00-1000 higher. Supply included 625 head in the State graded sale and only 97 percent of the supply returned to feed. VEALERS. Standard and Good 75- 120 lbs 40.00-60.00. Utility <>s-75 lbs 20.00-40.00. RETURN TO FARM- Hol stein bulls 90-120 lbs 142.00-181-00, 75- 85 lbs 95.00-127.00. Plainer-type bulls 85-115 lbs 100,00-147.00, weaker calves 75-105 lbs 30.00-55 00 Graded Holstein heifers 80-100 lbs 375.00-420 00, 65-75 lbs 90.00-105.00 Few beef-type bulls and heifers 75-115 lbs 110.00-160.00 Slaughter Lambs Choice 2-3 few 75- 110 lbs 82 00-88 00 New Holland Livestock Auction New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied By BSDA Thursday, Sept. 28,2000 Cattle Calves Sheep Goats THURSDAY 1085 LAST WEEK 1296 LAST YEAR 1349 CATTLE Compared to Tuesday, slaughter steers sold mostly 2.00 higher with instances 300 higher on high Choice and Prime grades. Trading was very active with an attractive supply, but numbers were tight which added to demand. Holstein steers sold LOO higher. A light test of slaughter heifers traded mostly 1.00 higher. Slaughter cows steady to weak and slaughter bulls traded 1.00 lower. Supply included 38 percent slaughter steers and 47 percent slaughter cows. Open Lancaster Stockyards Rt. SOI and Marshall Ave. Lancaster, PA Easy Access, Fast Unloading Cattle Sales Every Monday 10 AM Shaep, Goats, Calvat, Hogs Jim Hunslcker, Mgr. 717-394-791$ 717-656-4264 "■ $ a SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1180-1405 lbs 68.50-71.85, fancy singles up 73.25. Choice 2-3 1120- 1495 lbs 66.25-69.50, high dressing 1-2 up to 72 00; ISOO-16S0 lbs 61.00-65.40. Select and low Choice 2-3 1010-1470 lbs 63.50-67.50. Select 1-3 1145-1370 lbs 6000-66.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1370-1670 lbs 58 50-61.60. Select and low Choice 2-3 1180-1440 lbs 56.85- 58 00. Select 1-2 few 1195-1300 lbs 52 00-56.25. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 few 1085-1285 lbs 63.75-66.75, high dressing at 67.50. Select and low Choice 2-3 1075-1220 lbs 60.75-65.50. SLAUGHTER COWS: PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT BULK LOW DRESS ING Breakers 75-80 pet lean over-1400 lbs 39.25-42.75 37.00-41.50 Boners 80-85 pet lean over-1200 lbs 36.75-40.25 34.00- 38.25 Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-88 pet lean over-1200 lbs 35.00-38.50 33.00-37.00 Lean 88-90 pet lean over-1000 lbs 34.00- 37.00 30.00-34.00 Lean (Light-Wt) 85-90 pet lean 750 -1000 lbs 30.75-34.00 28.00- 32.00 SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1405-1725 lbs 50.75-54.50. Yield Grade 2 1325-2190 lbs 44.75-50.50. Bul locks: Few Select 1-3 910-1250 lbs 56.00- 60 25. CALVES: Compared to Monday’s auction, vealers sold steady to 10.00 higher than Monday’s thin test. Slaugh ter calves traded mostly 3.00-4.00 lower. Holstein bulls returning to feed sold 5.00-10.00 higher in active trading. Hol stein heifers sold 50.00 higher. Supply included 395 in the State graded sale around 94 percent returned to feed. VEALERS: Standard and Good SO HO lbs 30.00-73.00. Utility 60-100 lbs 11.00-30.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Good and Choice 180-350 lbs 76.00-92.00; 385-510 lbs 61.00-84.00. I I I k i Willier, Incorporated Your Source for Quality Cattle Licensed and Bonded Cattle Brokers Inside Pennsylvania: 717-626-3113 FAX: 717-626-1260 Toll-Free Outside of PA: 1-800-485-2233 isuatiHsiHiin QUALITY FEEDER CATTLE Financing Available * Fixed Interest Rates • interest Due when Cattle Are Sold * No Monthly Payments Cattle Dealers • Licensed & Bonded 2300 Fallston Road • Fallston MD 21047 Lance N. Scarff Farm (410) 877-0370 Fax (410) 877-7802 (410) 459-4865 ■ Contract Feeding Programs ■ Marketing of Finished Cattle » Dairy Heifers Competitive Prices Paid For • BOARS • SOU'S • CULL PIGS UVESTOOUWC. Monday: 6:30 -11:00 A.M. Wednesday: 7:00 -11:00 A.M. Friday: 6:30 -10:00 A.M. Route 897 • 1 Mile North of Fivepointville, Denver, Pa (717) 445-5776 • Fax (717) 445-6963 |taiaunauna SCARFF BROS. INC. C. Howard Scarff, II Home (717) 445-4355 Fax (717) 445-7237 Mobile (410)459-4864 RETURNED TO FARM- Holstein bulls 100-125 lbs 125.00-180.00. Plainer type bulls 75-125 lbs 82.00-127.00. pkg 105-110 lbs 174.00, weaker calves 70-100 lbs 30.00-65.00 Holstein heifers 85-120 lbs 290.00-460.00, individual 95 lbs 480.00. Plainer-type heifers 75-125 lbs 150.00-300.00. SHEEP: Compared to Monday, a light offering of slaughter lambs sold 5.00- 8.00 lower. Slaughter ewes traded steady to 10.00 higher. SLAUGHTER LAMBS; Choice and Prime 2-3 60-80 lbs 97,00-125.00; 80-110 lbs 93.00-105 00, 110-130 lbs few 85.00- 89.00. SLAUGHTER EWES; Good and Choice Yearlings and 2 year-olds 55.00- 70.00, Utility and Good 1-3 36.00-47.00. GOATS: (All sold by the head) Billies; Large 92.00-118.00. Mutton. Few Choice and Prime 78.00- 92.00. Nannies; Medium and Large 41.00- 73.00. Yearlings; Choice and Prime 57.00- 72.00. Kids: Choice and Prime 38.00-70.00. Good 20.00-38.00. Lancaster County Weekly New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA Friday, Sept. 29,2000 CATTLE CALVES 2369 1886 2289 1657 3489 1915 THIS WEEK LAST WEEK LAST YEAR CATTLE: Compared to last week’s closing prices, slaughtei steers sold 2.00- 3.00 higher. Trading started the week on a slight positive note, then turned very active on Thursday with increased Kosher holiday demand. Western prices also advanced .50-1.00 on a live basis and 1.00-2.00 dressed, but still trail the spot futures market for October by about 3.00. Midwest feedlots sold cattle from 65.50-66.50 live and 104.00-105.00 in the beef. Local Holstein steers and a light (Turn to Pago ASS) laaaaa HERD OISPERS iaiauiuiLnauiiamaaiai-1 W. Conly Scarff Home (410) 838-5883 Mobile (410)790-2650 iiaiiiiaiauiiaaia
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