838-L*ncaster Farming, Saturday, July 8, 2000 FRI SEPT 22 - IPM State Graded Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle, Pa FRI SEPT 22 - 7 PM Mornsville Autumn Review Sale, Mornsville NY Exchange SAT SEPT 23 - 8 30AM - Horse 10AM Mels Stables 834 Wal lace mu , New Holland PA Mel Hoover, Auctioneer SAT SEPT 23-10 AM Complete contents of Gordners Garage, mechanical tools, roll-back truck tractor, etc in the village of Clark stown by Fraley Auction Co SAT SEPT 23 -10 AM Passen ger Vehicles, Trucks. Construc tion & Farm Machinery 1450 New York Ave, Wilmington, DE 302-573-5005 Nationwide Auc tion Sysm SAT SEPT 23 -12 Noon Quar ter Horse Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St, Tew Holland, Pa MON SEPT 25 - 73 Acre lime stone farm, 1670 Clay Road Ephrata Pa By Paul H & Anna NOTICE!!! ♦ „ A " •> N * Look For Public iSales Scheduled Past Deadline On Second To Last Page 'Of Section A . j 'i AUCTIONEER'S I f Call 717-626-1164 to list your auction service. V NOTICE To assure that your Public Sale appears in the Public Sale Section we must have your advertisement by 5 P M Tuesday of each week’s publi cation. " A Professional C 1 ( AUCTIONEERING \ / 410 W. Church Rd. VEphrata, PA 17522 (717)733-3511 Real Estate • Farm Equipment * Antiques • Household Goods It doesn't cost to use our Auction Service...lt Pays. CALL TODAY!! tfjk 'W HORNING 11/ 1 FARM AGENCY, INC. Merle Eherly All-2417-L • Alvin Homing AU-0433-L Ellon Horning ALI-0434-L Morgantown, PA (610) 286-5183 > > Courteous Real Estate Set vices > > Professional Auctioneers > > State Certified Appraisers > > Specializing in Farms and Land KREIDER, KLINE & GOOD COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL AUCTION SERVICE REAL ESTATE - FARMS & RESIDENTIAL PERSONAL PROPERTY - ANTIQUES - FARM STOCK SALES - LIQUIDATIONS RANDAL V. KLINE LLOYD H. KREIDER AUCTIONEER-REALTOR AUCTIONEER 717-733-1006 717-786-3394 ROY E. GOOD, JR. AUCTIONEER (717) 445-4309 Mae Martin Aaron E Martin Auc tion Service TUES , SEPT 26 - Real estate 82 acre dairy farm, box 351 R D ©Myerstown (Heidelberg Twp, Leb Co Rt 501 N, turn right Reistville Rd 1/2 mile, turn right lane at Heidelberg Church of the Brethren By Enos N & Katie N Lembach Kline, Kreider & Good aucts WED SEPT 27 - 9AM Farm Equip Tractors, Truck Lots To be held at Wolgemuth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave , Leola, Lane Co, Pa 717-656-2947 THURS SEPT 28- 10AM Bath Steuben Co , NY Steuben Co Surplus Equipment Auction Pir rung Aucts FRI SEPT 29 - 6 PM Feeder Sale New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland Pa FRI SEPT 29 - 7 PM Feeder Cattle Sales Finger Lakes Live stock Exchange, Canandaigua, NY SAT SEPT 30 - Horse Sale 8 30 Tack, 11AM Horses Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc, Middleburg v £a ALL POINTS AUCTION CO. J SAT SEPT 30 - 9 30AM HH, Farm Equip, At 101 Meadows Rd Newville, Cumberland Co, Pa For Dewey Shaffer Foreman & Brenneman AUI63-L _ SAT SEPT 30 - IPM 65 Acre Limestone Farm, take Rt 772 to Brownstown turn on East Mam SI at square, go 1 mile to Turtle Hill Rd . Ist farm on Turtle Hill Rd , Lane Co By Edwin W & Katie Z Nolt Snyder’s Auction Service OCTOBER TUES OCT 3 - Real estate 107 1/2 acre farm & personal prop tools 130 Krumstown Rd , Myer stown (Millcreek & Jackson Twps) Leb Co Rt 501 N turn right Elco Drive, pass Elco High School turn right Warluft Rd (Becomes Krumstown Rd ) farm on right By Henry N & Martha G Weaver Kline, Kreider & Good Aucts TUES, OCT 3 - Fat Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc , 548 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, PA TUES, OCT 3- 7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spnng Rd PA WED, OCT 4 - 9AM Lumber & Building Supplies To be held at Wolgemuth Auction 109 N Maple Ave , Leola Lane Co Pa 717- 656-2947 FRI OCT 6 - Graded Feeder Sale 7 PM Middleburg Livestock Auc tion Sales, Jnc Middleburg, Pa SAT OCT 7 - 2 day auction of 3 generations of antiques At Mt Airy Fire Hall, 880 Durlach Rd Stevens By Gilbert J Paul, Aaron E Marlin, Aucl__ SAT OCT 7 ■ 8 30AM - Horse 10AM Mel’s Stables, 834 Wallace Rd, New Holland PA Mel HooyepAuctioneer SAT, OCT 7 -10 AM Cowboy and Western Memorabilia Dou ble D Round Up - Miller’s Auction Center Exit 3 of 1-78 Bethel, Pa in Berks Co Dwight D Miller Dave Ebersole, aucts SAT OCT 7 -10 AM Heifer Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, 101 WFulton SI, FRI, OCT 13 - IPM Slate Grad ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle, Pa FRI OCT 13-6 PM Feeder Sale New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St New Holland, Pa FRI OCT 13 - 7 PM Dairy Sale Middleburg Livestock Auction lnc Middleburg, Pa SAT OCT 14 2nd day auction of 3 generations of antiques at the Mt Airy fire hall 880 Durlach Rd , Stevens By Gilbert J Paul, Aaron F Martin Auction Service SAT OCT 14- Real estal (2 sep arate tracts), brick rancher on 1/2 acre & 1 8 acre tract 128 Center Ave Terre Hill Personal proper ty tools, furniture, Rt 897 N to Terre Hill, turn left Mam, turn nght Center By Paul A & Edna M Weber Kline, Kreider & Good, aucts SAT OCT 14 -10 AM Feeder Cattle Sales Finger Lakes Live stock Exchange, Canandaigua, NY TUES, OCT 17 - Fat Cattle Sale, Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, 548 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, PA TUBS, OCT 17 - 7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spnng Rd , Carlisle, PA WED OCT 18 & THURS, OCT 19 - 8 30AM Wed Lawn & Gar den Tractors, misc items Thurs Misc items, tires, posts, etc Farm Equp & tractors 6 miles S of Chambersburg, Pa 1 mi E of manon, fust E off 1-81 at Marion along Rt 914 Marion Auction Service _ THURS OCT 19 • 11 AM The Willow-Terrace Harvst Sale Henry Beneke & Family, owner. Millerton, NY 100 High production registered Holstems The Catle Exchange FRI OCT 20 - 7 PM Feeder Sale Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc, Middleburg, Pa Dairy and Livestock Sales RR #3, PO BOX 185 Middteburg, PA 17842 (570) 837-2222 (570) 837-2512 Mlddleburg Livestock Dairy Sale Fri, July 14 @ 7 PM • Load from Dominic Aubuchon • Load from Clar-ene Farms ,>'l( ? •20 Fresh Cows from Jim Hostetler J • Also Selling 350 Straws of semen from registered bull whose sire is Dancer, dam is Tong Must bring semen tank or will deliver. • Load of Fresh Registered Cows from Rockmont Farms All Consignments Welcome NOTE: to consigners! Please send all information, breeding dates, health charts, etc. along with your trucker. For More Information Contact - Clarence Shirk - 717-656-8793 or Sale Barn 570-837-2222 Lie. #AU002750
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