834-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 8, 2000 THURS JULY 20-SPM 216 4th St New Cumberland PA Liqui dationof The Wire Coffeehouse & The Groove music store Norman Courney, Freight Station Auct A-2590-L THURS JULY 20 SPM Real esate custom brick dwelling on 1 acre country lot 1008 Rabbit Hill Rd Lititz Warwick Twp Lane Co Richard M & Bert M Hurst owners Kline Kreider & Good aucts THURS JULY 20 - 6PM Reai estate 2-1/2 story vinyl sided dwelling at 124 Akron Rd Ephrata Twp Lane Co Pa For Margaret F Weaver Horst Aucts THURS JULY 20 - 6 30PM Real Estate, Ephrata along rt 322 approx 1/2 mile E of R 1222 For Katie N Garman Witmer s Auc tion Service FRI JULY 21 - 6 30AM Real estate approx 40 minute drive N of Harrisburg, Pa Levi Stauffer owner Ray Ritter Kenneth E Smith, aucts SAT JULY 22 - Real estate antiques HH goods 841 Rothsville Rd Rt 772, between Rothsville & Lititz By Phares M We saver Estate Aaron E Mar lin Auct Service SAT JULY 22 - Waterloon Boys JD Show at Rough & Tumble Grounds Rt 30 Kmzers Pa SAT JULY 22 - 8 30AM Antiques furniture personal property Off E Mam St in Spnngettsbury Twp York Pa Estate of Lloyd A Young Nevm B Rentzel Zachery R Gross aucts LARGE TWQ DAY PUBLIC AUCTION of Pedal Tractors, Farm Toys, Toy Trucks & Related Items Will be selling tot local family, who is sellma their home and moving a 20 ycai collection - moved to the COCHRAN AUCTION COMPLEX. 7704 Maplevillc Road. Boonsboro, Wash Co , Maryland, for convenience of sale on SAT. EVENING, JULY 15, 2000 @ 6:00 P.M. Appioximalely 300 lots of Sales Brochures, Manuals & Calendais on Farm Related Items. Some Early Lunch Boxes; Several Early Wind-up Toys; Truck & An plane Banks, Buckeye Cast Iron Scat, Purina Chow Signs; JD & Int. Alghans, BB Guns; Games. Empire Child’s Electric Stove, 1928 Erector Set m Wooden Box m Exc Cond., Roy Roger’s Flash Light & Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2000 @ 12:00 (Noon) 30 Pedal Tractors Early Oliver 88 Row Crop; Early John Deere 60 Large; Early John Deere 60 Small: Early Case 400, (2) Early Farmall 400; Early Farmall 560; John Deere 420; John Deere 30 & 40 Series w/Metal seats; Kubota M 8580; (2) Minneapolis Moline; Spirit of Minneapolis Moline - New; (2) John Deere 50 Series; Massey Ferguson 8160; Ford 8000; Deutz Alhs 8070; Cub Cadet; Inland Tractall; Ranch Trac; Caselh, Oliver 70 Row Crop-Repro.; John Deere A-Repro; Farmall M-Repro; John Deere Pedal Car-Repro; and Several Other Newer Pedal Tractors; Carts for Pedal Tractors. 175 Toy Tractors & 50 Farm Toy Farm Implements Early (2) JD A w/Man-1947; Early JD 60; Early JD 60 w/2-Row Mounted Picker; (2) JD 5020-one w/one Stack, one w/two Stack; JD 3010 w/3 Pt.; JD 3020; JD 140 Lawn & Garden w/Cart; JD 60 Orchard-Special Edition; l/Bth Scale JD B; Rare-Massey Harris 745 D Tractor 1950 by Lesney; Early Oliver 77 w/Dnver-1960 by Shk; Oliver 70-1950 by Slik; Oliver 70-1940 by Arcade; Spirit of Ohvei; Oliver 66 Budweiser Dairyland Nationals; Oliver 77 Blue River Toy Show; Oliver Crossroads USA-Special Edition; Plastic Farmall M wAVagon; Plastic Farmall Cub; Farmall 806 w/White Loader; Farmall 560 w/Fast Hitch; Farmall 1026; Farmall 544; Farmall 856; Int. 5288; Int. 1586; (2) Farmall H-Special Editions; Int. 1566, and Many Others. Precision Series Tractors • Farm Toy Implements Construction Toys • Toy Trucks Early Smith Miller GMC Lyon Van Lines Tractor Trailer; 1939 Kingsbury Cannon Truck, Fisher Price #7 Looky Fire Truck; Hubley School Bus; Hubley Flatbed Truck; Hubley Bell Telephone Trucks; Buddy L Merry Go Round Truck, Buddy L Texaco Tractor Trailer; Buddy L Water Tower Truck; Buddy L Sanitation Tiuck, Buddy L Sand & Gravel Truck; Keystone Sprinkler Truck, Keystone Dump Trucks and Others Hess Trucks • JD Mail Wagon—Repro 1938 Marx Reversible Coupe AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Very Nice Collection with most items in very good condition Absolutely no consignments for this auction - Everything sells to the highest bidder. Plan to attend 1 No Buyers Premium. JAMES G. COCHRAN CEO/Auctioneer Cochran*®* LIFE MEMBER AUCTIONEERS & ASSOCIATES LTD. Professional Auctioneers A Appraisers Since 1972 Mam Office; 7704 Mapleville Rd„ P.O. Box 222, Boonsboro, MD 21713-0222 (301) 739-0538 • TOLL FREE (MD) 1-800-310-2844 • FAX (301) 432-2844 PA Lie. #(ASOOOB32-L) SAT JULY 22 - 8 30AM Denver Fire Hall Locust St Denver Antiques, and personal properly Florence H Binkley Estate Art Pannebecker Auct Service SAT JULY 22 - 8 30AM - Horse 10AM Mel s Stables, 834 Wal lace Rd , New Holland PA Mel Hoover Auctioneer _ SAT JULY 22 - 9AM Real Estate Antiques & Collectibles, HH & Furniture, Guns 922 Enders Rd , Halifax, PA Estate of Violet Mid daugh Linn Lenker, Auct » AU003745-L _ _ _ SAT JULY 22 - 9AM Antiques household goods, primitives, col lectibles & tools At the Horst Auc tion Center Corner of Rt 322 & Durlach Rd Ephrata Lane Co, Pa Horst Aucts _ SAT JULY 22 - 9AM 721 Ewing Rd , Cochranville, Chester Co , Pa Lumber roofing, trees & shrubs for Henry S Stoltzfus 6IQ -593-1 140 A Omar Stoltzfus, auct SAT JULY 22 - 9AM Summer consignment auction of antique & late model farm tractors farm equip, lawn equip on the comer of Rt 194 and Brown Rd Taney town, Md Sam Walters 111, Tony QuarrickJohnJHess, aucts SAT JULY 22 - 9AM Personal property, real estate 2600 Long Lane Leb Pa Joseph V Centim owner Nelson L Eterso|e L aucl SAT JULY 22 -9AM Real estate, personal property & antiques 492 E Mam St, Leola, Pa By Ethel Elmer W&B Auction Service SAT JULY 22 - 9AM Heavy equip tools ouns 220 Water St, “The Maruel Car” Shanesville. Earl Twp Jr's Auc tioneering SAT JULY 22 - 9AM 2 5 Acre country property with 2 separate deeds, Warwick Twp Along Rl 772 between Rothsville & Lititz lane Co Pa By Phares M Weaver Estate Aaron E Martin auct SAT JULY 22 10AM Passenger Vehicles Trucks Construction & Farm Machinery 1450 New York Ave Wilmington DE 302-573- 5005 Nationwide Auction Sys SAT JULY 22 -10 AM Real estate antiques, furniture, JD nd mg mower, utility trailer, power lawn & hand tools 3278 Mam St Village of Conestoga, Lane Co, Pa By Thebble Greer Howard E Shaub Inc auct SAT JULY 22 -10 AM Real estate 2 miles S of Millersburg, 3 miles N of Halifax and 300 yds west off Rl 147 at Black Shoulder Lane on the Shore of the Susque hanna River in Halifax Twp Upper Dauphin Co Pa Antiques coins tools & hosuehold items Carrie E Harman owner Deibert Mike auct SAT JULY 22-10 AM Passenger vehicles trucks construction & farm machinery, 1450 New York Ave Wilmington DE 302-573- 5005 Nationwide Auction Sys tems SAT JULY 22 -10 AM Tractors Truck Tilling & Planting Eq, Hay & Forage Eq Feeding & Cattle Eq , Milking Eq & Feed tor kermit & Jeffrey Ely Rt 173 N to E Gilmore Rd Lloyd & Don Braham, Aucts #Au-91L & AU;2274L __ MON JULY 24 - 2 30PM Rein holds Fire Co Rt 897, Remholds Antiques, personal property beanie babies tools Terms by Richard & Ruby Delong and oth ers Art Pan nebecker Auction Service TUES JULY 25 - 7PM Real estate, 3 BR split level dwelling on 1 acre 26 Frame Ave Malvern Pa E Whiteland Twp, Chester Co Estate of Charles D Hurley Horning Farm Agency, Inc 610- 286-5183 WED JULY 26 - 9AM Farm Equip Tractors, Truck Lots To be held at Wolgemuth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave , Leola Lane Co Pa 717-656-2947 Clerk: T.E. Bikle 60 ACRE FARM AUCTION FOR EDNA STOKES ESTATE SAT., AUG. sth At 10:00 AM Chanceford Twp, York Co. Located from Brogue South on Rt. 74, turn left at Auto Box Corp. on Gun Tree Road go approx. 3 miles turn right on Battle Hill Road a short distance, farm on both sides of hard road, signs posted. Apptox 60 acres w/2 houses, main home having 3 bediooms. 1 bath, central air, oil FH.A heat other home needs septic system but has a well, mam home has a quiet setting w/spnng ted pond neai, also faim has stieam going through several places, approx 25-30 acres of good lying farm ground, piesently being farmed (crops reserved) balance m woodland some pasture type land, some future timber value, property will have new suivey and survey plots available at open houses, zoned agriculture, presently m clean and green 5 development rights, lots ot hard road frontage open tor inspection Sat., July Bth, 15th, 22nd and 29th from 10 to 2 00 pm Terms: 10% down auction day of final bid price, balance in full within 60 days. Come prepared to buy family wants to try and expect high bid auction day. PATRICIA A. FREY Linda L. Garver Executrix’s Atty. Andrea S. Anderson Bradley K. Smith GRI, CRS, CAI, AARE Auctioneer/Broker/Appraiser Lie. #B6OL Ph. 717-927-6949 PUBLIC AUCTION Valuable Residential Real Estate, Personal Property w/Extremely Rare Lancaster County Clock, Also Exceptionally Nice Equipment!! SAT., JULY 15,2000 9:30 AM 420 N. Duke Street/Millersville, PA Real Estate Will be Sold at 11:00 AM With Terms of 10% Deposit at Time of Sale And Settlement to be Made in 45 Days Real Estate consists of a parcel of land known and numbered 420 N. Duke Street, Millersville, PA. Thereon is erected a two story, 3 bedroom frame house with 2 and one half baths. Also featured are a living room, dining room, family room, kitchen and laundry. There is a large enclosed patio with an attached garage. The property is zoned RM with an m home beauty shop. A Rheem system provides for heat and air conditioning with PP&L 4 Star electric supply. The garage is a two story (24’x26’). You will appreciate all of the features of this home. Come take a tour of its entirety. ANTIQUES: large crotch walnut armoire, very rare Jacob Kammerer Grandfather clock “1790”. early blanket chest “1929”, Leonard electrified player piano (restrung in the 1980’s) with piano rolls (nice). Waterfall dresser, ladder back chair, large oval mirror, reverse tinsel painting. Victorian rocker and side chair, conference table, Morris chair, book cases, dressing mirror, 2 kneehole desks, OG mirror, 8 plank chairs, early wooden wheel chair, press back rocker, egg baskets, egg crate. HOUSEHOLD: large desk, crate furniture, 2 sofas, love seat, 2 ottoman, coffee table, credenza, large queen size bed and dresser, game table, fold ing table, modern living room chairs, book case with doors, Naugahyde chair, violin, globe, office desk and chair, rocking chair, chaise lounge, pic tures, microwave, dishes and glassware, computer desk, triple wicker dresser, linens, outdoor furni ture, lamps, various framed prints, also numerous small items not mentioned EQUIPMENT: Like new 2 wheel drive John Deere 855 diesel approx 250 hrs, 2 stage 48” snow thrower, 60” mower deck, 25 KW generator pro. Auction for: CHARLES A. ACHEY, JR. and CHARLOTTE D. ACHEY Si*K&l 'THtWttf j4cCCU9H&, -AU-648-L- Professional Auctioneer, Appraiser and Advisor Our Services Are Not a Sideline (717) 626-2636 Fax (717) 627-6757 got milk? ABSOLUTE PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE TRACT #1 - 21-1/2 ACRES TRACTS #2 - 22 ACRE THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2000 4PM LOCATION; Take Rt 272 South just past WDAC, turn right on Truce Rd , straight onto Martic Heights Rd to Mt Nebo Store turn right onto Hilldale Rd approx 300 yards to Auction on right TRACT*I Consists of rural/country land, 21-1/2 acres ideally located at end of private cul-de-sac lane featuring approx 9 acres tillable land, balance woodland TRACT #2 Consist of ideally located country tract 22 acres most ly wooded offering great home site potential with Southern expo sure, also located at the end of private cul-de-sac lane NOTE: Both tracts are surveyed, perc & probe tested for stan dard septic systems Both offer quiet, rural setting for Southern Exposure home site Zoned rural conservation * ABSOLUTE AUCTION: One tract (Buyer's choice) will be sold Absolute Auction to the highest bidder regardless of price Other tract subject to confirmation Terms 10% down, balance 60 days For additional information and land plotting call Auctioneers 786- 3394 or 733-1006 Inspection of property can be made anytime RAYMOND W. SULLIVAN 111 786-4537 Kenneth Howard, Atty. Auction Conducted By Lloyd Kreider, Randal V Kline, Roy Good, Jr, Auctioneers S frW*- 786-3394 or 733-1006 -^^ Lie #SI3L - #499L - #2116 “ auctioneers “Horst Auction Center” PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, COLLECTIBLES &TOOLS WED., JULY 12,1000 2:00 PM Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, located at the corner of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd. (approx. 2 1/2 miles west of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lancaster County, PA. FURNITURE - JELLY CUPBOARD, Walnut 2 Door Cupboaid, Lg Work Table (w/Turned Legs); Spool Stand, Victorian Stand; One Diawer Stand; Ladderback Chair; Rockers; OAK - BOWED SIDE CHINA CLOSET; Libraiy Table; Child's Roll Top Desk; Concave Stool, Overpainted Pie Rack; Artist’s Cabinet; Mahogany Stand; Flip Top Game Table, Lampstand; 6 Pc Ornate Depression Bedroom Suite. Parloi Tables; Needlepoint Footstool, CHERRY - HENKEL-HARRIS DINING ROOM SUITE; Sectional Bookcase; Dropleaf End Table; Mod. Dry Sink; Curio Cabinet/Grandmother’s Clock; Mod. Bedroom Suite; Craftmatic Spring & Mattress; UPRIGHT PIANO; Pine Chest Of Drawers; Chrome & Glass Dining Set; Upright Jewelry Chest; 5 Pc. Broyhill Dining Room Set; Sectional Sofa (w/Recliners); Wmgback Chairs; La-Z-Boy; Desk; Filing Cabinet; Quilt Stand; Painted Tool Chest; Benches. APPLIANCES - Freezer; Sony Stereo; Sony Color T.V.; Dayton Store Scales; Cookware; Iron Skillet; Copper Tea Kettle; Lamps; Bridge & Wrought Iron Floor Lamp, Steeple Clock (Welsh); Pewter Candlesticks; SET OF STER LING SILVER FLATWARE (for 12); Pr. Sterling Candelabras; Teapot; Adv. & Collector Tins; Tin Chocolate Box; Candle Molds; ENTERPRISE #5 COFFEE MILL; Antique Scales; Ballot Box; Pantry Box; Cutlery Tray; Brass Bucket; Bells. CHINA & GLASSWARE - French Limoges China; Set of Parkleigh Dinnerware (12); Set Of Lenox Christmas China; Lenox; Bone China; Set Of Johnson Bros. “Fruit Sampler” Dinnerware; Feista Bowls; Stoneware Crocks & Jugs; Redware; Urn, Cut, Pressed & Pattern Glass; Blue Glass, Crystal Stemware; Apothecary Bottles; LINENS - Woolen Coverlet; Hats; Antique Sewing Items (Quilting Frame Bird, Needle Cases); Braided Rugs; Basekts; Toys - Poosh-M- Up Big 5 Game, Crawlers; Trucks; Tractor; Baseball Bat & Glove; Tram Set; Books; Ephemera, Sheet Music, Stanley Tool Catalogs, Wyeth Prints, Prints; Early Oil Paintings; Original Artwork, Chippendale Mirror, Ornate Mirror, Pocket Knives; TOOLS - ANTIQUE WOODEN TOOL CHEST; Antique Hand Tools; Carving Tools, Planes; Wood Clamps: Butcher Ladles; Anvil; Wooden Box; Fishing Rods No Out Of State Checks Without Prior Approval. Horst aucts. T. Glenn (?i *^3B*3oso Timothy G. Fax # (717) 738 2132 Thomas A. ■ voices of experience”
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers