First Lady Michele Ridge Sports Milk Mustache HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Sporting a milk mus tache, Pennsylvania First Lady Michele Ridge encouraged Penn sylvanians to drink their milk during an Osteoporosis Preven tion event held at the state Capi tol on May 31. Sponsored by the Pennsylva nia Department of Health and regional Dairy Councils, the event kicked off with opening statements by Pennsylvania Phy sician General Dr. Robert S. Muscalus and Ridge. Both stress ed the importance of consuming calcium-rich dairy products and exercising as ways to prevent os teoporosis, a crippling bone dis ease. Osteoporosis often is associat ed with the elderly, but it can de velop silently for years, putting even the young at risk. “Too many children, and I would say fIRRRn p|BpH Wedge-shaped Well sealed gears cutter bar and bearings ifea* Top service hubs Fully protected cutter bar bottom VICON’S KMR Trailed Mower Condi tioners combine a superb cut with excellent conditioning performance. Available in 7’10”, 9’10", 10’, 10’6" and ■WMIIt's. MpOlilsfringing tecl*- ; notary down toe earth. h f-ahl mm CM & DMP MOUNTED DISC MOWERS • Cutting Width from s’B” to 10’6” • Unique 3 Blade Discs perform well in all crops • For tractors as low as 36 HP • Flail Conditioner models available, 7’10” and 9’10” only ANDEX 653 DOUBLE ROTARY RAKE Makes one or two windrows! « v. ■%. 4 • Trail Type • Hydraulic Lift • Tandem Rake Axles optional • 19’6” Working Width when form ing 1 windrow • 21’4” Working Width when form ing 2 windrows • 9'5” Transport width Distributed By: CUMMINGS and BRICKER, INC. ‘Wholesale Distributors , . , 100-120 Lehigh Ave. • PO Box 928 Batavia, New York 14021-0928 100 Stover Drive, Carlisle, PA 17013 (716)343-3411 (717)349-6730 Visit Our Web Site at; • E-Mail Us At; | SERVING FARMERS THROUGH FARM EQUIPMENT DEALERS SINCE 1961 I adults today, drink soft drinks instead of milk,” Ridge said. “Many of these same children also sit and watch television or play video games instead of exer cising.” Good nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits are key to pre venting osteoporosis, according to Muscalus. “In most cases, os teoporosis can be prevented by eating a balanced diet rich in cal cium and vitamin D; by partici pating in regular, weight-bearing exercise; by not smoking; and by avoiding alcohol use,” he said. In* addition to the state De partment of Health and other health-related organizations, Dairy Council Middle Atlantic was on hand to support Pennsyl vania’s statewide effort to pre vent osteoporosis. “It was very exciting to collab orate with other state organiza- SPECIAL FINANCING IN EFFECT jjL mm on thesef I ffffffffj products THRU EZ FLEX FINANCING! Order by 8/31/00 and choose from the following Extremely or Delayed Ist Payment LOW APR’s then LOW APR’s 0% 18 months N/A 3 25% 24 months 9.00% 6 25% 36 months 10 00% 7 25% 48 months 10.25% 8 00% 60 months 10 50% Hay Tools Extremely or Delayed Ist Payment LOW APR’s then LOW APR’s 0% 12 months N/A 6 25% 24 months 10 30% 8.25% 36 months 1100%. 9.00% 48 months 11 00% 9.25% 60 months 11 00% * See four local VICON Dealer or contact Cummings & Brisker for more infomallon <P VARIABLE AMBER ROUND BALERS EHBr 1 ST .' f#. / ,^^Br *v . ,«*•«*••• |V y - f , dßr >"*ii, i. VICON RV SERIES produce consistent high density bales in virtually all crops and conditions Variable chamber allows for smaller bales in silage and larger in dry hay or straw Opitcut Cutting System also available Model Bile Size Pick-Up Width Binding System RV 157 4'x2 to 4’xs' 56" Twine, Twine & Net RVIS7L 4'x2'to4'xs’ 84" Twine, Twine S Net RVIB7 4'x2' to 4'*6' 56" Twine, Twine & Net RVIB7L 4'x2'lo4'x6’ 84' Twine, Twine 8 Nel flam • Trail Type • 10’11” Raking Width • IB’S” Working Width • Hydraulic Lift • Tandem Axles • Oil Bath Gear Case tions that support this cause,” said Pat Kennedy, MS, RD, Dairy Council’s Health Profes sional Programs Coordinator. “Working with the Department of Health and other key influ ences will help us even more to get the word out on the impor tance of consuming dairy prod ucts for osteoporosis prevention.’ According to the National Os teoporosis Foundation, Pennsyl vania is one of the leading states in the number of osteoporosis sufferers. More than half a mil lion Pennsylvanians, including one in two women and one in eight men over age 50, suffer from the disease. “Adequate calcium intake is crucial in maintaining strong bones and in preventing this dis ease,” Kennedy said. “Research has shown that dairy foods are a preferred source of calcium in the diet.” naan ANDEX 423 T ROTARY RAKE -S/l I 77 DOUBLE ROTARY RAKE side delivery only lll !sgg|ffPliPWWPi|| • l||^f'| 'A * * Trail Type * 25’3” Working Width (Includes Windrow) * Ideal for Merging Large Amounts of Hay or Straw for chopping or baling * Tandem Axles on Each Rotor * Hydraulic Fold Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 24, 2000-A23 Get Moo-ving With Milk Seeking The Next Milk Mustache COLUMBUS, Ohio Dairy farmers and milk processors in Ohio, West Virginia and western Pennsylvania are working to gether to help Americans drink up. For the third consecutive year, the “milk mustache” mobile will be visiting more than 100 cities, April through October, on a cru sade to educate Americans about the importance of physical activ ity and the vital role milk plays in staying healthy and fit. Teaming up with ESPN, the “Get Moo-ving with Milk Tour” will encourage participants to in clude milk in their diets offering them the chance to test their ath letic skills against milk celeb rities in an interactive sports challenge. At the conclusion of the tour, one national winner will be chosen to appear in a milk ad, sporting their lips, in a future edition of ESPN The Magazine. All ages attendance will have the op portunity to conduct a free person- STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) The Penn State Dairy Science Club and the Pennsylvania Holstein Association will team up to sponsor the 17th annual Nittany Lion Fall Classic consign ment sale on Saturday, October 28. This year’s sale comes a week earlier, so selec tion committee members will be eager to ap proach Holstein breeders in the next few months. Last year’s successful sale averaged $2,051. This year’s goal is to select about 75 top quali ty springing Holstein heifers and young Holstein cows. A small select group of high-pedigree calves will also be sold. The Nittany Lion Fall Classic sale committee members are; Overall Chair - Olivia Courtney, Mansfield, PA; Assistant Chair - Josh Hushon, Airville, PA. flam Penn State Dairy Science Club members use the Fall Classic as a “hands-on” educational op portunity. The sale provides first hand experi ence in selecting, merchandising, personal man agement, and finances. This year the Club hopes to continue the suc cess of past sale’s to keep this strong tradition going into the next century. If you are interested in consigning, call Ken Raney at the PHA office (814-234-0364); Olivia Courtney at (570-549-6422), or the Department of Dairy and Animal Science at Penn State at (814-865-7638) and ask for Larry Muller or Dale Oliver. al fitness assessment and speak to a registered dietitian from the dairy farmer-funded American Dairy Association & Dairy Council Mid East or a local sports trainer about the right combination of diet and exercise. The calcium and nutrients in lowfat milk may make it the new weapon in helping the nation fight the battle of the bulge and shape up. New research shows that besides strengthening bones, lowfat, calcium-rich milk may help turn up your body’s fat burning ability, helping you to drop weight more easily. The “milk mustache” mobile will be at the following locations throughout the summer. Akron, Ohio; Sept. 25, Charleston, W. Va.; July 9-14, Cincinnati, Ohio: June 27-30, Cleveland, Ohio; Sept. 22-24, 26, Columbus, Ohio; Sept. 15-19, Dayton, Ohio: June 26, Johnstown, Pa.: July 20, New Philadelphia, Ohio: July 9, North Canton, Ohio: Sept. 28, Pitts burgh, Pa.: July 13-17, and Tole do, Ohio: Oct. 12. Fall Classic Date Set Timber Leads -gfe. “Money DOES Grow on Trees The best price for your standing SMPißgy timber may come from a buyer 100 miles away! One FREE call to ]■ Timber Leads connects you to tim ber buyers in Central PA. Our FREE service can help you receive a competitive price for the timber on your land. Landowners call Timber Leads today! 1-877-386-7595 WATERLESS TOILETS “Sun-Mar” Composting Toilets Several models available including non-electnc. • NO Septic System • NO Chemicals Save the Environment' Recycle Back to Nature' FREE: 12 Page Color Catalog UV Perform Septic Inspections &. Certifications ECO TECH Call Today 1-800-879-0973
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