SOUTHERN VIRGINIA FARMS FOR SALE AND LEASE Freddie S. Smith 540/639-2262 after 8 pm Wisconsin Dairy Farm 320 ac. dairy farm, 2-3 family operation, located in Chippewa County, Wl 92 & 50 cow barns, 2 houses, & several other outbuildings on both farms. Farms are contiguous to each other. Located on 320 ac. rectangle tract of land. Buildings are in excellent cond. Call Rod Laßosa C-21 Metro Realty, Inc. 715-832-2222 or contact Rod by E-Mail ask for information & full set of color pictures of property Priced at $474,900 f/S vs.: REAL ESTATE CO 18 ACRES - Borders Eagleton State forest Good area to build a hunting camp Has 1 000 gal holding tank Owner will finance $36,000 STATE COLLEGE AREA - 1 34 acre homesile in area of spacious homes & spacious lots in country near town Public water & on-site septic $45,000 18 ACRES - Hunting land in Clinton County oft Beech Creek Mountain road Owner will finance $27,000 2 ACRES- Rather private country homesite near Woolnch on Little Plum Run Road Perked land $29,900 MARTINSBURG AREA- 3 bedroom ranch on Apple Packer road on nearly half acre in country setting Attached garage Quick occu pancy $92,500. RENOVO - Six pack shop & restaurant & liquor license All euqipment $85,000. 213 ACRE DAIRY FARM - Near Westfield in Tioga County 150 acres tillable 7 wooded balance pasture 2- story farm house, 65 stall barn plus additional box stalls 1000 gal tank/8 unit pipeline, 3 unloading silos, 30x126 heifer barn, loafing barn, 40x130 drive through equipment bldg 30x70 implement bldg $290,000. KARTHAUS - Bar & restau rant in good hunting country All equipment, liquor license plus all restaurant equipment Serves good food $165,000. 1.7 ACRES - Good building site near Drifting, Clearfield County for home or camp Perced for septic Electric available Rather private $13,900 5+ ACRES - Parcels, 5 build ing sites near Phillipsburg, 25 miles from State College Suited for permanent home or recreational home Each par cel $30,000. OSCEOLA MILLS BAR - Bar & restaurant on edge of town Equipment fixtures, liquor license plus nearly 1 acre with room (or house $125,000. OUTSTANDING REAL ESTATE - Former lumber and hardware business 32,000 sq ft office, shop, showroom, warehouse space All in exce lent condition PLUS 2300 sq ft elegant living quarters 3 5 acres of well maintained land Paved driveways and parking areas in top condition PLUS many unique features Easily adapted to a variety of busi nesses Clearfield County $425,000 (814) 355-8500 www newhorlzonreaiestalepa com FARMS FOR SALE j Dairy Farms for sale. Some bare, some stocked • & equipped. Call Ken, Jeff, Ted, Gerald or f Brian for free catalog. I CHRISTENSEN SALES CORP I Abbotsford ,WI (715)223-6345 $ Rare Find! Caernarvon Twp, Lancaster Co, 77 acres, all wooded, small stream w/view & privacy. Property has MILES of horse trails, artesian well drilled, road frontage on 3 roads. Will be sold w/4 deeds. Close access to turnpike & major roads. Great price, $374,900. Call for private showing, brochure & plot plan. (717) 940-1763 (717) 355-0849 Perfect for Dairy or Beef - 130 cow •9, Freestall Double 6 parlor, 2,000 gal. bulk “ tank, Small heifer facilities in mam barn vjjji separate heifer Barn. Large shop, several SgJL other sheds and outbuildings. Very nice 3 JV 9 to 4 bedroom 1 1/2 bath home. Also a second home (well from a distance it looks like a house, but up close pretty rough, perfect for the Mother in law). All jp 9 on 335 acres with 180 tillable, 105 pas ture, 30 woods. Wj), Asking $159,900. 24 Hour Phone # 315-393-6325 % XJm*. Rural Properties, Farms RUSSEL J. FINLEY Residential, Business 9$ BROKER • OWNER 207 Montgomery St. Ogdantburg. NY 13469 (LAND FOR SALE SULLIVAN AND LYCOMING COUNTIES •This 312.39 Acres in Cherry Twp„ Sullivan Co., has it all, super view, old apple trees, springs, pond sites, and Excellent Hunting. Enjoy peace and seclusion, watch the sun rise and set. Asking 5214.900. •Lycoming Co.: 54.5 Acres In the North Mt. Area of Jordan Two, woods and fields, super view, trout stream, pond site, good hunting area, old barn. Lot's of Road Frontage. Build Your Dream Home Or Cabin Here. Asking $89.900. •Sullivan Co.: 1.000 Acres with a 100 Acre Lake. borders game land #66 &13 excellent hunting area tor deer, bear, turkey, ducks and geese. Owners will finance and will consider selling all or part - Call Now! REALTY EXCEL #705 ON RT. 405 Hughesville PA, 17737 • 570-584-6116 Call Ron Arthur 570-482-2040 Specializing In Land Sales - Call Toll Free 1-880-431-7203 • 83 AC - Farm - $249,900 - Bedford County • 195 AC - Mostly wooded, $156,000 - Bedford County • 44 AC - Mostly wooded $44,000 - Bedford County • 23 AC - Christams Tree Farm, $74,000 - Bedford County • 125 AC - Farm $400,000 - Blair County • 40 AC - Mostly Wooded $56,000 - Somerset County • 78 AC - Mostly Open - $75,000 - Clearfield County • 6 AC - Farmette - County v " “ v '% ‘ • ' ; 'H If * ■ *ij ■j‘ i « I ■- •j: .v. ■ ' OnM^| Southern New York, Steuben County 100 cow tie stall, silo, pole barn, heifer area, updated 4 bedroom farm house, private, on gravel road, 50 acres, REA electric. Asking $130,000. 31 acre dairy farm, bank barn, 59 tiestalls on pipe line, heifer area, pond, fenced for grazing, like new 3200 sq. ft. 3 bath farm house, private view. Asking $165,000, more land for sale. Valley farm, SO tillable acres, bank bam, shed, pole barn, 4 bedroom house on Route 15, park like set ting. $140,000. 190 acres open and wooded, secluded view, near PA border. $150,000. 65 acres open and wooded, pond, view, $35,000. 57 acres open and wooded, joins State Forest Lands. $27,000. Organic farm, 63 acres, Greenhouse, 3 bay garage. Retail store. On State Road Asking $89,900. LEW REAL ESTATE X4l Chestnut St., Corning, NY 14830 607-917-5637 $120,000 - Huntingdon •*- « 9 acre farm, with stream, brick dwelling (1800's) 2-Story bank bam. out building All in good condition Near to the borough of Mifflinburg For Info or Showing Contact: Fred Strouse or Brian Kissinger n 2300 S. Atherton Street State College, PA 16801 800-876-3395 • (814) 234-4000 o(pcH Homestead ‘Ready MULTIPLE LISTING HCBI SERVICE { USB 91 Princeton St 1 North Mam St. Wellsboro, PA Mansfield, PA 570-724-3500 570-662-3287 PRIVATE SETTING with large front yard Mobile home could sleep 4. Screen house w/an A-frame roof. 27 ft travel trailer included in the sale. 3.9 acres in good hunt ing area. $34,600. W 209 ROUTE 6 ROAD FRONTAGE. 27 acres of mostly open land with some woods. Great piece of land close to Mansfield with electric, telephone, & gas on property. $79,900. Ml5O INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY with this well maintained 3 unit home. New windows, recently painted exterior, large lot with ample parking, Detached workshop and garage for extra rental income $124,900. M 149 BUILD YOUR HOME HERE! Beautiful 10 acre building lot. Perc site and a view that quit. Access off private road, minutes from town. $24,500. W 026 I have many good buyers looking lor farms. If you are thinking of selling call me. I will meet with you. . »paceroserv«! for ad. I need farms for several gopd buycrs. CaM for an appointment. LANCASTER CO. • 163 ac. dairy farm, Southern Lane Co. A very nice farm, good soils, great setting. TIOGA CO. • 35 Ac. And 130 Acre TVacts Of Land - No Bldgs., Pond, Stream, Nice Location \M C\\ Mil l’\(H IU OK M 1.1, Kl M IS I \|| El nr* /A Office 717-786-1300 HOMESALE SERVICES GROUP P O. Box 306, Quarryville, PA 17566 E-Mail RuttKfo'LancNews Infi.Net GREAT BUY! Owner Retiring #1632 - 340 acres, 160 tillable, 40 pasture, balance woods. Good 8 room 4 bedroom home, barn for 100 head, 3 silos, Large river frontage. A good farm for farming or recreation. Asking $210,000. Owner will consider all offers, anxious to sell. #1651 - Owner retiring! 150 acres, 90 tillable, large pasture. Excellent two story dairy barn - 55 big tie stalls, heifer bam, machinery building, 3 silos. Nine room home. Located on quiet road. Only $170,000. #1605 - Owner retiring! Showplace farm. 170 acres, 100 tilable, 45 pasture. Very productive land. Colonial 13 room 5 bedroom 2 bath home. T\vo story dairy barn - 78 tie stalls, heifer barn, machinery building, 4 silos. Asking $225,000. There are good farms priced right. Ask for our free farm list. See us on the Web. POSSON REALTY and Auction Service 787 Bates Wilson Road. Norwich, NY 13815 (607) 334-9727 Call Ken Rutt - a life long farmer and real estate investor who can assist you in any sale or purchase of real estate. Creative tax and financial arrangements, low farm mortgage rates. Serving Southeast PA The Best Can Often Cost Less Cell Phone 940-9025 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Juna 24, 200Q-P4S 812 Kingdom Road Mohawk, NY 13408 CacAOmc* Bus. (315) 866-7909 Fax: (315) 866-7909 e-mail NHUGICKRE@AOL.COM or To View Pictures; Than New York State, Than Mohawk 791 Acre Gorgeous Estate, 6 homes over 450 tillable 3 ponds & 2 dairy barns, $1.9 million. 390 Acre Operating Dairy Farm For Sale - Mohawk Valley - Herkimer County. 230 tillable, 50 pasture 100 acres woodland, 40x200' Barn 2 Harvestore silos, barn cleaner with manure pit, nice 4 bedroom home, 1-1/2 baths, large country kitchen, dining area. Huge living room with fireplace Hot water baseboard heat 2 pole barns. $360,000 or stocked and equipped $530,000. 2nd home available EQUESTRIAN ESTATE. 225 Acres with Horse barns, indoor riding area, SHOWPLACE FARM 2 Beautiful Colonial Homes. Call for details 175 Acres Hunting Land or building spot Beautiful 12 acre Lake. 4000’ Road Frontage. $125,000. 68 Acres Farm Land with small pond Beautiful building spot. $65,500. MANY MORE FARMS, LAND AND HOMES FOR SALE, CALL FOR DETAILS SOUTH CENTRAL PA FARMS NEEDED! We have buyers! If you've been thinking of selling, give me a call for a marketing consultation. • 126 ACRE FARM IN WAYNESBORO - Large 4 bed room stone farmhouse, fireplace in both living room and family room, farm includes 45x100 beefbarn, 2 Harvestore silos 1 w/unloader, loafing shed, Machine Shop and more Great possibilities for Horse farm-Good trails to Michaux State Forest, some wooded acreage with stream Great views $640,000 (LF-FL3191603PG) • PRICE REDUCEDUDEUUMMENT POTENTIAL • 55 acres with 997 in Quincy Township. Call for (LF-FL2422797PG) • 162 ACRES WITH DAIRY & CROP SET-UP. 7 BEDROOM FARMHOUSE. Freestall barn with center feeder, conveyor, 67 stalls, Milkhouse and numerous other outbuildings $700,000. (LF-FL3030373JR/CC) • 24.30 ACRE HORSE FARM - Well maintained with 72 x 100 stable, regulation size riding arena with grandstand, lunging ring, hot walker, 4 outside pad docks, tack rooms—both barns have water and elec tric, 2 bedroom 11/2 bath pre-Civil war home with Hess custom kitchen. Property currently used as a 32 stall horse boarding business with great income potential. $370500 Price Reduced - $349,000. (LF-FL3IO2O3OCC) • 99.17 ACRE FARMLAND - UNDER 50x84 Bank Barn w/2 tie stalls, 20x70 concu£ffi\mS«i outbuildings. Terms Conservation Easements available $325,000. (LF-FL3117623PG) Paul Sunder 1814 E Mam Street, Waynesboro, PA 717-762-7114, ext. 116 1 (800) 582-2534 _ Ist FTI *** ** Member of PA Farm Bureau United Country Farm & Home Realty Nancy Hugick, Broker COAST TO COAST Jm PAULGUNDER Selling Farms for over 20 years CONTRACT - stall barn w/41 Jar and several of Agricultural upon request. [ions
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