[fV CONSTRUCTION |||H EQUIPMENT 'i Cat forklift V6OB dsl, hydro, side shift, 5,000 lb cap, good shape, $4,000. 570-689-9790. Backhoe, Davis model DlOO, skid steer loader type. Includes 12 8< 16" buckets, $l5OO. Lane. Co. 717-738-2573. Case W-14 Art. Loader, Good Condition. $12,000. 570-676-3384 CAT 955 L Track Loader, Good Condition, Good Under Carriage. $23,000. 570-676-3384 Roller- Eager Beaver 1-Ton, Hydro-Drive Water System $l2OO 610-222-4669 1999 JD 310 SE backhoe, 210 hrs, 1.3 cu yd bucket w/flip-over forks, A/C, 128.24" buckets, foam filled front tires, $52,000 080. 908-832-9572. JD 450 track bader, new engine under 100 hrs used, UC & sprockets very good cond, $12,000. 410/840-8818 David. Construction equipment. After 30 years in busi ness, cleaning up 5 acres of trucks & parts, track loaders, cranes, dump 8> flat trailers. Call Farming ton, Conn, 860/676-0411 leave an address, will send list. SILOS AND UNLOADERS WANTED: Renovation of 16x50' Silo 8< Relocatfon of Butler Building/Re-siding. Central NJ 732-303-9286 Goliath 20' Wide Unload er, New Chain; Hercules 20' Unloader; Badger Bed ding Chopper w/ Wiscon sin Motor. 610-469-9633 Sib, cement, 16'x30' w/ misc equip. Working head for sucker rod Meyer pump. 703-754-4228 N.VA Goliath 74 unloader. Goli ath 70 unbader. Automo atic roller mill. New AFS hammermills. 717-768-7269 EASTERN DIVISION: STAR SILOS AT MYERSTOWN: 1-800-431-7709 J-STAR/VANDALE/LITTLE DAVID SILO REPAIR AND SERVICE: Vlsa and Mastercard Welcomed “Building Concrete Manure Tanks For More Than 30 Years ” When you need a bunker silo or commodity bin we have the product for you. lUM| PRECAST CONCRETE PANELS Used Patz silo unloaders, winches, cords 8. cables. Melvin Nolt. 717-656-2615. RIBSTONE SILO 610-255-4311. Door frames and silo staves, new silos avail able. 610-593-1172. WANTED: Concrete stave silos, will remove. Fair prices paid. 610-273-3993, 1-800-860-3993. MARTIN’S SILO REPAIR Moving Concrete Stave Silos - Gunite Relinlng - Fill Pipes - Distributors - Roofs - Replacement Doors - General Repair 907 Centerville Rd. New Holland, PA 17557 (717) 445-9834 ssussri Rebuilt Patz 988 silo unloaders, 12-30 ft. Used, dropped and worn out ones taken in trade Will install and/or Deliver Anywhere Call 716/532-2919 If no answer, leave message POURED CONCRETE SILOS The silo of CHOICE TO PROTECTYOUR VALUABLE FEEDS! CONCRETE PRODUCTS FOR YOUR STORAGE NEEDS, PLUS: SILO UNLOADERS FEEDING EQUIPMENT INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURES STEEL VACUUM TANKS MEMBER: International Silo Assn. Crop Storage Institute Am. Soc. of Agrl. Engrs. PA Forage & Grassland Council REPLACEMENT SILO DOORS Many Kinds In Stock • Marietta • Fickes • Madison •Terre Hill • Lancaster • Ribstone Silo Doors Made To Order Bring Pattern Of Old Door SAMUEL S. ZOOK 534 Willow Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 P.S. “Got Milk?” Silo Door Hardware • Butterfly Hinges • Latches • Steps • Ladders RT 30 Sollenberger Silos Corp. CONCRETE STRUCTURES SINCE 1908 ... And Still Growing §□ CORPORATE OFFICES: EC -2294 Molly Pitcher H’way Chambersburg, PA 17201 1-800-909-6909 J-STAR • VANDALE • SILOMATIC LAIDIG • FLYING DUTCHMAN PRIME INDUSTRIAL TANKS Visa and Mastercard Welcomed * t i* SILO REPAIR AND SERVICE! CHECK OUR WEB SITE www.sollenbergersilos com WE ARE THE AUTHORIZED DEALER: Sidewalls out of bias and radial ply truck and tractor tires. Used as an alternative to car tires as silage bunker cover weights. They weigh about the same and are easier to handle. Take up less space when piled along side of bunker and hold no water to grow mosquitoes. Cover a larger surface area when placed on cover. Get Your Tires Now While Available! Sidewalls bundled for ease of handling. Delivery Service Available! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 24, 2000-07 A Nitterhouse Company k CO#}p »— y
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