Monarch 10” stone burr mill screen & eng., complete, Fred.Co, 301-447-6269 Choice purebred Shrop shire & dorset ram & ewe lambs, exc breeding stock, Leb Co., 717-949-3653 Marlin model 25m 22 mag num rifle, 7 shot clip w/bushnell 3x9 scope, $l5O firm, no Sunday calls, Leb.Co, 866-2415 Ford 4000,4 cyl., Ford 860, 309 planter, 2b. plows, pHd, cultivators, dirt scoops, harrow, all 3 pt, souder loader, Northumberland Co, 570-425-2743 MF garden tractors & used parts for sale, MF-10, MF -12, MF-7, also have imple ments to fit same, Carroll Co, MD, 410-840-8489 87 Ford XLISO pick-up, 90K mi. at air, AM/FM, tape player, dual tanks, exc cond., $4,000, Balto Co , 410-374-6742 JD M, runs good, shed kept, snowplow, chains, garden plow, $2,900 080, Carroll Co., 410-239-6211 1998 Kawasaki ATV 400 4x4 auto liquid-cooled, good cond., $4,000, Northumberland Co, 570- 275-5766 Lombardim 40 HP diesel, rebuild, 5 to 1 gear reduc tion to 540, $3,000, Leb Co, 717-865-3200 16’ boat trailer, $l5O, 6xB’ trailer, $lOO, HD Army trail er, $l5O, 9x6’, Leb. Co, 717-838-6270 1939 Chevy 1/2 ton pick up, lots of new parts, $4,500, Adams Co , 717- 334-8664 JDIIO, 1965, mower, blade, snowblower, chains, manuals, runs good, $B5O, York Co, 717-225-7305 2*spotted pony mares, 36- 37” w/colts at side, nice ponies, $1,350 for all 4, call after Bpm, Lane Co , 717- 336-7273 NH Mach Co engs., parts or any items made by NH Mach. Co, also advertise i ments, Lane. Co., 717-653- 2682 Another old barn wood table from Blue Ball, lost your name & telephone number, Salem Co.. 856- 339-9364 Tractor Collector Auction, Oct 7, Cecil Co Farm Museum, needs tractor & parts, low com , can pick up, Cecil Co., 410-398- 4313 2 7 50x16 split rim wheels w/6 lugs for a dual wheel Ford F-350, 1966 truck, Cape May Co., 609-628- 2755 3 pt spring tooth harrow, B', Carroll Co., 410-756-6290 Steel rear wheels for case, 35” open centers, rubber trade in, Moses K. Renno, RD 2. Box 942, Mifflmtown, PA 17059 Sheep to graze in my field, rent or buy, want 2 for now, call Greg, live near Kutz town, Berks Co., 610-683- 6756 Used mower deck for JD 317 46” to 48” cut, good cond , Chester Co , 610- 857-9643 Used greeting cards, all occasion, Aaron R Stoltz fus, 331 Bartville Rd , Kirk wood PA 17536 Hand Pumps & Trough E&R Plumbing 399 N. Shirk Rd., New Holland, PA 17557 717-354-5554 M 717-354-9320 » Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces f Cut Heating Costs With An Outdoor Furnace Standard Model Burns Coal, ’■ %■ Wood or Wood By-Products B jkJ Roxbury Sales & Service 717-532-5820 MULTI-FUEL MODEL BURNS COAL, GAS, OIL OR WOOD Will Adapt to any Existing Heat System _____^\ccessonesJiJnstallation^vailable - ____ Cast iron baseboard heaters, prefer Burnham Baseray brand, will consid er other brands, Dauphin Co, 717-944-4027 12" or 18" backhoe bucket for JD 400 backhoe, Perry Co.. 717-789-3818 Bucyros Erie 228 crawler crane, Chev 86-67, 6 2 diesel pick-up, good cond., 3/4 & 1 yd drag bucket, Cecil Co, 410-378-2785 Many kittens tailless or stubby born kittens, Wayne Co, 570-729-7670 Power take-off unit to run dump-box pump, must fit Clark 5 spd. transmission model #285V70, Kent Co , 302-492-3261 14x28 used tractor, fire good shape, Valley Brook Farm, Layton, NJ 07851, Sussex Co., 973-948-5781 Used parts, Yamaha bike, 1986 Virago XYIIOO, shield, luggage cases, call if you have any, Del Co, SlO-394-6805 2 heifer for feeder stock, 300-400 lbs., Salem Co., NJ. 856-769-8094 Bolens husky medium tube frame tractor for parts, Chester Co, 610-347-2196 Seed & fert. tubes for JD FBB, chain drive gears for 467 haybine, call Georoe after 8 p.m., Mon. Co , 732- 431-2499 FI 2 Farmall gas tank, good cond , 9891 Mead Hill Rd , Felton, PA 17322, York Co. 717-993-2308 Umbrella cockatoo & severe macaw females, write to - Hoover, 1173 Reading Rd., Narvon, PA 17555. Lane. Co. L.C. Smith 12 gauge shot gun, fair cond , double bar rel, Bucks Co, 215-598- 3818 Hydraulic lift kit for JD FB-A gram drill, Berks Co , 717- 933-4778 Used stainless steel milk cans, good cond, Levi Stoltzfus, 22270 Path Val ley Rd , Doylesburg, PA 17219, Franklin Co. Cap for pick-up truck, 7' long, 6' wide, For Sale - old shutters, $l2 080, no Sunday calls, N’tland Co., 570-758-8671 Family seeking home to rent or buy, homeschoolers lost home-to fire, 3 bdrms or 4 needed, Help! Chester Co. 610-273-7984 Inexpensive storage shed to move to or build on my property, Sch. Co., 570- 875-1800 Wis 12HPor 14HPeng. to fit a Bolens 1050 tractor model TR-12D or TR-14D, Perry Co., 717-834-5774 Li Or ugpasuaasjji I* I Is New & Used b b Wind Mills i b EAR WIND MILL I I SALES A SERVICE | I 717-354-5554 | I 717-354-9320 | [B|uiqii|uiuiuiuiqumiuiiai3iaiill3l3un! Sale Reports ANDRUS & SONS SALE A Public Sale of a milking herd was held May 31 by Russel Andrus & Sons, five miles northwest of Towanda, Pa. The average of the cows sold was $1,140 and some of the top animals brought $1,875, $1,850 and two sold for $l,BOO. Fraley Auction Co. managed the sale. LUTZ ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held June 1 for the estate of Alma Lutz, 932 Pineland Rd., Exeter Twp., Berks Co., Pa. The 14 acre far mette with a 2Vi story stone and stucco house was sold for $200,000. Horning Farm Agency conducted the sale. MAURERSALE A Public Sale of toys was held June 3 in the Blue Room of the Ridge Fire Co., along Rt. 23 between Phoe nixville, Pa. and Rt. 100. The toy sale in cluded: 1966 Hess Voyager OB $1,500, 1970 and 71 Hess fire trucks29o, 1977 and MAILBOX MARKET WANTED Rhododendrom maximum, great Laurel plants 4”-10”, leaves 11 /2”-3" wide, leaves thick, leathery, dark green, upper lustrous, paler below, Perry Co , 717-536- 3610 MAILBOX MARKET NOTICE Waterloo Boys, All John Deere Show, July 22,2000, 8 a m. to ’?, Rough & Tum ble Grounds, Kmzers, PA, Route 30, Lane Co, 717- 354-6896 Jacob S. Fisher, Box 26, Bart, took over Isaac Miller’s farm wagon & feed bin business Paying top dollars for old pictorial cigar labels, write Cigar Labels, 264 Forge Hill Rd , Wnghtsville, PA 17368, York Co, 717-252- 2023 Menges Mills Steam Show, Spring Grove, July 15 & 16, pedal tractor pull, country music, threshing, shmgle making, free admission, York Co., 717-235-1104 Would the woman who called about having an apt in Horsham please call back Thank you' Adams Co, 717-337-1151 Sandstone half farm house, 3 br, 2 bath, Irg kitchen, 4 bay barn down stairs available, 5 ac pas tr- ■■ fen- cr- ture, new fence, Cocalico, $625, Lane Co, 717-336- 8216 Free fire wood from trees, already cut, call 8-10 a m , Lane Co, 717-548-3154 Plained & old barn lumber, auction Sat 6/24/00, see (E) p. 14, 6/3 & 17, ply bd, 2x6x22, tin, crafts, nursery trees, roses, silo, Chester Co, 610-593-1140 32x70 warehouse for rent in New Providence area, great for lumber or lawn fur niture, Lane Co, leave message, 717-786-7608 For Rent 8 ac pasture w/stream, 1921 Robert Ful ton Hwy, Quarryville, PA 17566, Lane Co _ 78 Hess tanker $95, 1983 Hess first truck $45, 1984 Hess tanker $45, Big Bang tank $l3O and Big Bank war shop $4OO. Ted Maurer was the auctioneer. CONSIGNMENT SALE A consignment sale of antique, collectible and modern firearms was held Saturday at the Horst Auction Center in Ephrata. There were 285 regis tered bidders. Auctioneers sold two Kentucky fowl rifles signed Golcher, $925 and $290. Among the Reming ton guns sold were a model 700 BDL .30-06 rifle, $260; a model 760 BDL .30-06 rifles, $370 and $220; a model 760 .30-06 rifle, $280; a model 121.22- caliber rifle, $200; a model 760 .308-caliber rifle, $260; a model PUBLIC SALE of ANTIQUES, PERSONAL PROPERTY, WINROSS TRUCKS AND CAR Monday, June 19, 2000 Sale At 3:00 P.M. To be held in the Reinholds Fire Co. Banquet Hall, Rt. 897, Reinholds Terms By: M LEROY E. MARTIN g \ rt Pannebecker and Others ■■ uction Service # V. #AU 001476-L 717-336-6983 B. HABECKER #1296-L PUBLIC SALE Of Antiques - Household Goods, Blue Deco Crocks, Agate, Iron & Tinware, Waffle irons, Wooden Articles, Collector Plates, Tools SAT., JUNE 17, 2000 9:00 AM Sale to be held at Silver Springs Fire Hall, West Hempfield Township, Lancaster Co., PA (West of Lancaster, along Rt. 23) Food served. Sale by Agent for Owner: Alice Graybill & James Kauffman Howard E. Shaub, Inc. (717) 464-3541 Auctioneer (AU-000831-L) PUBLIC AUCTION OF KNIVES SAT., JUNE 17, 2000 9:00 AM Commonwealth Fire Company 2045 North Sherman Street, York (Pleasureville), PA 500+ Lots 0f... Straight and Safety Razors, Schrade, Remington, NKCA Club, Case, Winchester, Hunting, Handmade, Mini, Kitchen, Butcher and Miscellaneous Knives For Complete Catalog List, Please Send SASE to Auctioneer at Address Listed Below. Auctioneers: Nevin B. Rentzel & Zachery R. Gross PA Lie. #2483/#3206 800 Norman Road, York, PA 17402 (717) 843-2679 870 TB Remington 12- gauge trap gun, $200; a model 110012-gauge semi-automatic trap gun, $230; a model 870 20-gauge pump shot gun, $255; and a model 141 .35-caliber rifle, $270. Winchester guns in cluded a model 770 .300-caliber rifle, $390; a model 1887 12-gauge lever-action shotgun, $575; a model 61 .22- caliber rifle, $525, and a model 12 16-gauge shotgun, $230. Bidders bought the following Ruger guns: a model 77 V .22- caliber rifle, $230; an MKI .22-caliber semi automatic pistol, $230, and a Mark 2 .22- caliber semi-automatic pistol, $200; and the following Savage guns; a model 99 .308- caliber rifle, $280; a model 24 V .222- caliber over-and under 20-gauge shotgun, $270; a model 29 .22-caliber rifle, $2OO, and a Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 10, 2000-825 model 170 .30-06 rifle, $2OO. Auctioneers sold an Ithaca model 37 20- gauge pump shotgun, $240, an Ithaca field grade 12-gauge doub le-barreled shotgun, $340; a Stevens model 520-30 12-gauge trench shotgun, $600; a Stevens model 416 .22-caliber target rifle, $230; a Stevens .22- caliber rifle, $300; two Marlin model 39 .22- caliber rifles, $3lO and $250, and a Marlin FIREARMS AUCTION Our next GUN consignment auction will be MON., JUNE 26, 2000 5:00 PM (Doors open at 3 p.m.) MILLER’S AUCTION CENTER BETHEL, PA (exit 3 off 1-78) Berks Co., Pa. *We have our FFL to sell your firearms legally THIS AUCTION WILL BE FIREARMS ONLY Call now to consign your guns, or for information (717) 933-5736 Drop your firearms off any Thursday from 9am to 10am or 4pm to 6pm. We will also take firearms Thursday June 22 from Ipm to 6pm. Auctioneer; IB Dwight D. Miller AU002414-L 'SC-' Bethel, PA 19507 ""]% (717) 933-5736 PUBLIC AUCTION ON BEHALF OFt CITY & COUNTY AGENCIES, PPL, UTIUTY COMPANIES. LOCAL CONTRACTORS. BANKS. LEASING COMPANIES. VARIOUS CHARITY ORGANIZATIONS AND OTHERS SATURDAY, JUNE 24 ■ 10 AM 1450 NEW YORK AVENUE, WIWINSTON, DE L v iSSENGEU VEHICLES I TRUCKS I [C NST..UCTI N & Ri..M MACHINERY A T APPROXIMATELY 100 LOTS TO INCLUDE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCK TRACTORS, LOADER/BACKHOES, FORKLIFTS, UTILITY TRUCKS, BUCKET TRUCKS, DOZERS, TRAILERS, PICKUPS, VANS. DUMP TRUCKS, MEDIUM TO HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS AND MORE INSPECTION; THURSDAY & FRIDAY, JUNE 22 & 23 FROM 9AM-4PM TERMS OF SALE: 25% DEPOSIT IN CASH CERTIFIED OR CASHIER'S CHECK IS DUE UPON AWARD OF BID BALANCE IS DUE MONDAY, JUNE 26 BY SPM FOR INFORMATION OR A FREE BROCHURE, CALL (302) 573-5005 OR (800) 550-8810 Auction Conducted By """ SYSTEMS* DEL #024060 A Subsidiary of Entrad*. 'n AUCTION REMINDER Robert & Kathleen Klossner COMPLETE CATTLE & EQUIPMENT DISPERSAL AUCTION OWEGO, N.Y. TUES, JUNE 13, 2000 11:00 AM Auction (s the Farm on Catlin Hill Rd Owego N V Fiom N> S Rt I 7 Exit Take 17C West 5 Miles & turn toGlenmary Dnvc (Ct> Rd #2l) go 1 Mile to Callm Hill Rd Pioceed I Mile to Firm Watch Foi Arrows *75 Hi-Grade Holsteins 75* (48) mature Cows DHllest 218HRHA 1 8F 1 2P Real good group of cattle milking over 60 Lbs Ave (27) Super Hhs from started calves to springing Hfrs All home raised Blood &. FB tested Ehcible for immediate Interstate shipment day of Sale Machinery - It’s Super! (4) Iractois (JD 4450 w/cab JD2950 w/cab JD 2940 tender 19S8 JD72O) Full line of Super Machinery New Miller lake never used See Last Week s paper for Full 1 istmg Call oi Visit out Website (frwww manasseautlions com ~ Auctioneers & S lies Min mcr* Whilnev Pomi NY MHft2 ftHyS 607 6M2 4MO/I K(H) MANASSL/f i\ W»7 W 2 4*27 pyjaSHy Members ot NYSAA NAA mil PAA Ass»>u.inons UOnSSrS Visit Our Website Num nunisseuictionscom model 36 R.C. .35- caliber rifle, $220. Also sold were a J.C. Higgins model 50 .30-06 rifle, $255; two High Standard Model 103 .22-caliber semi automatic pistols, $375 and $400; a U.S. Springfield (trap door) .50-70 rifle, $400; a Sako .222-caliber rifle, $425; a Colt single action .38-caliber S.P. 2 revolver, $250 and a U.S. Remington Model 03-A3 rifle, $3OO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers