A22-Lanc«st*r Farming, Saturday, June 10, 2000 Pennwood Farms Relocates To Expand Dairy Operation Duane and Andrea Stoltzfus were the first of Pen nwood Farm’s five household families to move to Somer set County. GAY BROWNLEE Somerset Co. Correspondent BERLIN (Somerset Co.) Some 400 head of milking cows at Pennwood Farms are still adapting to the 28-stall rotary milking parlor during the hours of 2 a.m.. 10 a.m.. and 6 p.m. Typically, the older cows, set in their ways, are more stubborn. The younger stock, naturally, are adapting more readily to the single-file order of entering and exiting the fully computerized facility. Like their animals, the owners of Pennwood Dairy never before experienced a milking parlor and realize progress bring challenges. Pennwood Farms is a part nership four-brothers who are carrying on a business begun in 1%2 by their dad, Harvey Stoltzfus. They are HEAVY DUTY FIBERGLASS GATES Prices ■RiNyinMHIMMMM 8' - $63 bpnM|R|||yK 10’- $7O >4' $97 Contact Your Nearest Dealer: Paul B Zimmerman, Inc -50 Woodcorner Rd Ephrata PA 717-738-7350 John A Zook - R( 30 Gap PA Zook's Farm Store - Honey Brook PA Gideon K King - Elam Road Kmzer PA OtJ Farm Store - Hess Road Quarryville PA Zimmerman Farm Service - Bethel PA 717-933 4114 Huber’s Animal Health - Myerstown PA 717-866-2246 Umbergers of Fontana - Rt 322 PA 717-867-5161 Pleasant Valley Store, Sproul Rd Kirkwood PA OavidS King - Railroad St Myerstown PA 717-866-6556 Rovendale Ag - Watsontown PA 570-538-9564 David S. King Iron Worker Manufacturer of Church Bench folding hinges. SCOTCHMAN BEWO CIRCULAR COLD SAW Check Us For Used Iron Workers Selling; Scotchman Uni- Hydra and Mubea .1 HYDRA )NWORKER 120 TONS 873 South Railroad Street, Myerstown, PA 17067 717-866-6556 Don. Glenn, Dwight, and Duane Stoltzfus. On 50 acres near Morgan town, Harvey began on land he rented from his mother, with 18 cows derived from her herd. Stoltzfus. with his wife, Mary Jane, saw Pennwood Farms dairy, like their four sons, thrive and grow until it finally had outgrown its loca tion. Ultimately, the entire family five households moved across the state to Somerset County, from their home on the border of Berks and Lancaster counties. Pennwood had purchased the local farm and Holstein herd of Lewis and Barbara Berkley, as well as the Wil liam Schultz farm, which would augment heifer hous ing and cropland. The Berkley lands were ample to support the new freestall barn and milking center Pennwood planned to build. In 1999, these were constructed adjacent to exist ing facilities. The freestall barn is equipped with the side and top curtains critical for main taining temperature control and proper ventilation for cow comfort, since, in the Laurel Highland region, the four seasons are very distinct. The top curtain, unlike its side counterparts, is con trolled by a thermostat. Additionally, three big bunker silos, along with a five-bay commodity shed and several calf hutches, were built. The existing freestall barn was remodeled and a 2.5 million gallon manure pit was constructed. Dwight empties it with a 5,700-gallon capacity manure truck. One loss in the move was a thriving custom manure haul ing business they had built in Morgantown. They said, however, they hope to build a similar operation here. Pennwood dairy spokes person, Andrea Stoltzfus, wife of Duane and pregnant with their first child, said she and her husband were the first couple to arrive here. They milked the existing herd. In November 1998, the couple was married one day, moved to Berlin the next day and honeymooned on the third day. “We have had to make a lot of changes since we moved here," Andrea said of the group. “We made up at the outset a job responsibility sheet. We are still a family farm, but with different as pects as a business.” Don's speciality, for instance, is equipment E & F AG SYSTEMS Sales, Service & Installation of Cow Mattresses Curtain Systems Dura Bed (717) 687-0349 (717)392-6809 2674 Bachmantown Rd. Ronks, FA 17572 repair and maintenance. Glenn makes the cropping decisions, handles the em ployee aspect, and manages the parlor. Herd health, breeding decisions, and mer chandising are Dwight’s areas of responsibility and Duane’s areas are nutrition and feed ing. “Each can take over the job of the other, if necessar y,”Andrea said. “Here they have the same focus and the same goal. There is no time for grudges.” Two couples are allowed Andrea Stoltzfus shows the Pennwood free stall barn, 342 by 112 feet. The herd is fed TMR twice daily at bunks. SPRING SPECIALS Gas Drive Hot Water Pressure Washers GDDS 4435K158D B ■prMueti Kohler - Belt Drive General Pump, 4.3 @3500 PSI new $ 4,095 eDDS 4435 K Kohler - Gear Reduction, CAT Pump 4.0 @ 3500 PSI demo unit (gMASTERCLEAN Harrisburg, PA • 1 -800-755-9274 time off on alternating week ends. That is equivalent to four milkings. Five part-time employees and good neigh bors have been a blessing. The Berkleys live nearby, Lewis helps with tractor driv ing. According to Andrea, if Harvey is not on a tractor, he comes around once a day to see what’s happening. “He loves his cattle and he loves his family,” Andrea said of her father-in-law. “He wants to make sure everyone (Turn to Pago A 22) asssS
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