Sheep Scrapie Information Meeting May 22 LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) The American sheep in dustry is taking a giant step toward the goal of eradicating scrapie from its flocks across the country. Pennsylvania leads the coun try in scrapie monitored flocks with 51 enrolled. Lancaster County producers are urged to do the right thing and get involved in the Pennsyl vania Scrapie Flock Certifica tion Program. Scrapie is a degenerative and ultimately fatal neurological dis ease in sheep and goats. It was first diagnosed in the United States in 1947, but through August 1999 it has been found in 950 flocks in this country. Scrapie primarily has been re ported in the Suffolk breed, but it also has been diagnosed in a Border Leicester, Cheviots, Cor riedales, a Colswald, Dorsets, Finn Sheep, Hampshfres, Meri nos, Montadales, Rambouillets, Shropshires, Southdowns, and a number of crossbreeds. Penn State Cooperative Ex tension will conduct an informa tional meeting regarding scrapie Duraßed COW MATTRESS The Only One Of Its Kind 80 oz. Waterproof 0 The Heaviest 0 The Driest ‘ 0 The Most Effective 0 The Strongest 0 The BEST Why Buy Anything Else? Duraßrisket® ““ts* v 717-597-4283 £osv to install 8 ft. sections —^BWn^R . Martin Construction Co. $l2. 00 ""“" HOPE POLYBOARD a JgS„ , Milk houses. jf// /// manger liners, rTo^ /jjf MUDGUARD 717-687-0349 fj I \\\ /./ non woven Farmer Boy Ag Systems \\ V# geotextUe 8005454374 Get out of the mud' w North Brook Farms on hp Toll Free: 877-624-2638 Hi SS and the flock certification pro gram Monday, May 22, at 7:30 p.m. at the Lancaster Farm and Home Center. Dr. Amy J. Nes selrodt, USDA veterinary medi cal officer, will lead the discussion. The voluntary certification program provides participating producers with the opportunity to protect their sheep from scra pie and to enhance the marketa bility of their animals. Signs of scrapie vary widely among individual animals and develop very slowly. Early signs include subtle changes in behav ior or temperament these changes may be followed by scratching and rubbing against fixed objects, apparently to re lieve itching. Other signs are loss of coordination, weight loss de spite retention of appetite, biting of feet and limbs, lip smacking and gait abnormalities, includ ing high-stepping of the forelegs, hopping like a rabbit, and sway ing of the back end. For more information regard ing the meeting, contact Chester D. Hughes, Lancaster extension livestock agent, at 717-394-6851. DOYLESTOWN (Buck Co.) Following are the results of the recent Delaware Valley Col lege Senior and Livestock Judg ing Contests. DELAWARE VALLEY COLLEGE SENIOR LIVESTOCK JUDGING CONTEST RESULTS HIGH TEAM BEEF PLACINGS: 1. Perry Co. 4-H. 2. Lebanon Co. 4.3. Perry Co. 4-H. HIGH TEAM SHEEP PLACINGS: 1. Perry Co. 4-H. 2. Belvidere FF. 3. Warren Hills. HIGH TEAM SWINE PLACINGS: 1. Perry Co. 4-H. 2. Lebanon Co. 4.'3. Perry Co. 4-H. HIGH TEAM BEEF REASONS: 1. Leba non Co. 4. 2. Perry Co. 4-H. 3. Lancaster Co. HIGH TEAM SHEEP REASONS: 1. Leba non Co. 4.2. Perry Co. 4-H. 3. Perry Co. 4- HIGH TEAM SWINE REASONS; 1. Leba non Co. 4.2. Woodstown R. 3. Perry Co. 4- HIQH TEAM TOTAL BEEF: 1. Perry Co. 4- H. 2. Lebanon Co. 4.3. Perry Co. 4-H. HIGH TEAM TOTAL SHEEP: 1. Perry Co. 4-H. 2. Lebanon Co. 4.3. Lancaster Co. HIGH TEAM TOTAL SWINE; 1. Lebanon Co. 4.2. Perry Co. 4-H. 3. Woodstown R. Tice, Tim Schaeffer, Coach: Bnan Kreider. 3. Perry Co. 4-H; John Ebersole, Bobby BUY, SELL, TRADE OR RENT THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED ADS IN Lancaster Farming PHONE 717-626-1164 OR 717-394-3047 Delaware Valley College Senior And Livestock Judging Contests HIGH INDIVIDUAL BEEF REASONS: 1 Travis Adam. 2. Nate Tice. 3. John Hines. HIGH INDIVIDUAL SHEEP REASONS: 1. Josh Miller. 2. Tim Schaeffer. 3. Jason Corey. HIGH INDIVIDUAL SWINE REASONS: 1 Travis Adam. 2. Ann Leed. 3. Nate Tice. HIGH INDIVIDUAL TOTAL BEEF: 1. John Hines. 2. Sheena Hines. 3. Josh Miller. HIGH INDIVIDUAL TOTAL SHEEP: 1. Ann Leed. 2. Ryan Danough. 3. Zach Martin. HIGH INDIVIDUAL TOTAL SWINE; 1. Tim Schaeffer. 2. Nate Tice. 3. Jason Corey. HIGH INDIVIDUAL TOTAL REASONS; 1 Travis Adam. 2. Ann Leed. 3. Jason Corey. HIGH INDIVIDUAL TOTAL PLACINGS: 1. Sheena Hines. 2. John Hines. 3. Tim Schaeffer. HIGH INDIVIDUAL OVERALL: 1. Sheena Hines. 2. Tim Schaeffer. 3. John Hines. HIGH INDIVIDUAL SWINE PLACINGS: 1. Tiffany Moore. 2. Sheena Hines. 3. Tim Schaeffer. HIGH INDIVIDUAL SHEEP PLACINGS: 1. Ryan Danough. 2. Zach Martin. 3. Wade Dunning. HIGH INDIVIDUAL BEEF PLACINGS: 1. John Hines. 2. Sheena Hines. 3. Josh Miller. HIGH TEAM OVERALL: 1. Perry Co. 4-H; Sheena Hines, Zach Martin, John Hines, Zane Martin, Coach: Knsta Pontius. 2. Leb anon Co. 4; Travis Adam, Nate Spatz, Nate P.O. Box 187, Myerstown, PA 17067 • (717) 866-2030 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 13, 2000-A33 Sue Vilt, Ben Jones, Josh Miller, Coach. Knsta Pontius. HIGH TEAM TOTAL PLACINGS: 1. Perry Co. 4-H. 2. Lebanon Co. 4.3. Perry Co. 4-H. HIGH TEAM TOTAL REASONS: 1. Leba non Co. 4. 2. Perry Co. 4-H. 3. Lancaster Co. DELAWARE VALLEY COLLEGE JUNIOR LIVESTOCK JUDGING CONTEST RESULTS HIGH INDIVIDUAL TOTAL SWINE: 1. Jessica Klitsch. 2. Denise Hardisky. 3. Sharon Semrau. HIGH INDIVIDUAL TOTAL SHEEP: 1. Jessica Klitsch. 2. Jaimie Willard. 3. Ra chael Vecchione. HIGH INDIVIDUAL OVERALL: 1. Jessica Klitsch. 2. Denise Hardisky. 3. Enn Willard. HIGH TEAM OVERALL: 1. Lebanon Co 2. Susquehanna. 3. Manatawna4H. HIGH TEAM TOTAL BEEF: 1. Northamp ton 2. Bucks Co. 4H 2.3. Bucks Co. 4HI. HIGH TEAM TOTAL SHEEP: 1. Saul 2. 2. Susquehanna. 3. Manatawna 4-H. HIGH TEAM TOTAL SWINE: 1. Susque hanna. 2. Lebanon Co. 3. Manatawna 4H. HIGH INDIVIDUAL TOTAL BEEF: 1. Samatha Semrau. 2. Heath Spatz. 3. Daniel Fox. 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