IS 00 POSILAC t STEP REDUCES YOUR COST OF PRODUCTION PER CWT it oo * 14.00 FLUCTUATING BFP («/CWT 12 00 10.00 • 00 c.oo 4 00 2.00 0.00 JAN-95 APR JUL OCT JAN-96 APR JUL OCT JAN-97 APR JUL OCT JAN-98 APR JUL OCT JAN-99 APR JUL OCT REDUCE YOUR COST OF PRODUCTION White you can't control milk prices, you can control your cost of production. Usinq POSILAC I STEP reduces your cost of production per CWT. making the additional milk you produce extremely cost efficient. DRY MATTER INTAKE AND POSILAC 1 STEP -j{/v 4 ; j - ii -i/i-l l 39 —; —->»—-»» ——- —■' ■" 37 ■' ■*■"■' —‘ - Ui 3/23 -H/lft S/16 6/13 t/U J&, , WCONtflOl. B POSILAC » STEP PROFIT (S/CWT ) FOR ADDITIONAL MILK PRODUCED DRY MATTER INTAKE INCREASES Healthy, comfortable cows maintain hlqher levels of DMI.Cows In herds supplemented with POSILAC I STEP Increase dry matter Intake In accordance with production and maintain hlqher levels of DMI throuqhout lactation, even durlnq periods of hot weather. COWS FEED THEMSELVES FIRST every management situation and from all regions of tl Cows always feed themselves first to maintain health and have successfully used POSILAC I STEP tor years. 1 fetal development. Then, and only then, are extra nutrients nutritional, herd health and cow comfort management, i used to produce more mllh. use POSILAC 1 STEP to become more productive and mon START 9-10 WKS AFTER CALVING Because cows have Inore responsive secretory cells available early In lactation versus later, cows should be suppl+nented earlier rather than later. For best results, start POSILAC 1 STEP 9-10 weeks after calving. GET AN 8-12 POUND RESPONSE YEAR AFTER YEAR field trials to the Northeast DHI Data Study and the Northwest DHI Data Summary, a wide range of studies over many years all prove that POSILAC 1 STEP lactation after lactation, year after year. From clinical and Increases response an average of 8-12 pounds/cow/day. POSILAC 1 STEP ACROSS THE CO Producers with herd sizes from the teens to the tlv NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES SOURCE ‘NORTHWEST OHI OAI lIP*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers