C4W.ancaster Firming, Saturday, April 15, 2000 USED EQUIPMENT • VD Lagoon Pump Demo • 190 cu ft Rissler Stationaiy • Rissler 190 cu ft Mixer •VD Slmger Spreader 3300 gal tank • 180 Oswalt Auger Mixer Good Cond *27ocu ft Steiner Stationary Mixer |•3 PI bagoon Pump Rent or Sate • Knight 2250 2\6 cu (t Portable Complete w/Electronlc Scales | • 335 cu tt Lutknou portable Mixer Good Cond Goal Cond u/scales Demo Unit Mixer In Stock Call For A FREE Demonstration MILLCREEK FARM^YSTEMS tm FARM EQUIPMENT Z#n ML WWf* ZEROTOim inurrYvcracLß ZTR MANEUVERABILITY ALL HYDRAULIC DRIVE 800 LBS. LOAD CAPACITY 1500 LBS. TOWING vwtour Kuhn Mower Conditioners FC3O2 9’ 10” Cut, Finger Comb Conditioner, Standard Hitch *12,990°° Kuhn Gyrotedders Hydraulic Fold GFSOOITH 17’8” Working Width Does your tedder do this? Bogie (7i7) 3344101 (800) 346-33f9 110 South RailroatfAva., Now Hull«n*J, PA 17557* Monday Thru Fridiy 7:30:5:00; Saturday r-Noon , vi»ttounwos««: atearotf-coin ■cam. enabling the operator to switch from transport to field operation in less than a minute, without ever leaving the tractor cab INSTOCK- ALTERNASOO 16* CENTER PIVOT DISK MOWER CONDITIONER AwiUt GA32I wor> *560 ,000°° Cash Discount (or) Low APR Financing fo 12 mos. 4.9% 36 mos. .9% 24 mos. 5.9% 48 mos. Good through April 30 On FC4OOO Center Pivot Mower Conditioners FC4OOORG 13’ Cut, Center Pivot, Roll Conditioner, Gyrodine Hitch *lB,9oo*° Demo l«£i> <■ u s ■< r
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