830-Lanc«ster Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000 Sale Reports HOOVER ESTATE SALE A Public Sale was held Saturday for Wilbur E. “Bill” Hoover Estate at the Horst Auction Center with Horst auctioneers in charge of the bidding by 335 bidders. Antiques, Indian artifacts, primitives, tools and hardware were sold. Some of the items included the fol lowing Indian artifacts; a pottery vase, $2,600; baskets, $2OO to $650; a decorated hide with Indian motif, $1,400; a rice straw basket, $575; a Glisten pottery bowl, $500; a hom scoop, $300; a beaded necklace, $225; four pair of moc casins, $2OO to $3OO, and two pair horse bri dle rosettes, $3OO. ABSOLUTE AUCTION 10 ACRES (More or Less) Tuesday, Apr. 25, 2000 6:00 PM Location: Between Manheim & Mt. Joy, Near Sporting Hill along Fairview Road. East of Rt. 283 Manheim/Mt Joy Exit. Take Rt. 772 toward Manheim, just before Sporting Hill, Turn Left onto Fairview Road 10 Acres on the Right. Rapho Township, Lancaster County, PA. Acreage with High Potential, Mature Trees, Stream, Tillable Ground, and excellent Location. Could be a beautiful Farmette. Zoned Agriculture, Manheim Central School District. Must be seen to be appreciated. Terms: 10% down Day ot Sale and the Balance Due on or before 30 Days. For more Information Call (717) 656-2947 Sale For: Margaret M. Metzler Attorney Young & Young Conducted By WOLGEMUTH AUCTION (#2357) Dennis Wolgemuth (717) 656-2947 or FAX (717) 656-6011 http://www.wolgemuth-auction.com EMAIL-wolgemuth-auct@juno.com 808 WOLGEMUTH & JOHN HESS PUBLIC AUCTION Sat., May 27, 2000 At 9:00 A.M. Located 1/2 mile south of the Village of Fountain m the beautiful Hegms Valley ot Western Schuylkill County PA 15 miles west of Poltsville three miles cast of Hegms and 1/2 mile south ot Route 25 From 1 81 lake Route 25 West approx three miles to the Village of Fountain Turn south onto Fountain Rd to auction site 22 ACRES (more or less) Featuring a 2*l/2 story frame Hi dwelling The first contains a targe * eat,n kitchen living room office 7 area and full bath The second floor i BR has four bedrooms The home has oil-hot water heat Also included is a HJ* 1 TL !■ large bam with ample work and stor- NOTF The propelty has been jll enrolled in the “Clean and Green Assessment Program The property is mostly wooded with Pine Creek a trout stocked stream flowing through the property If you are looking lor a rural country property as a permanent home or a weekend get away you will want to sec what this properly has to offer FOR INSPECTION CALL: 570-682-3953. INSPECT NOW, ARRANGE YOUR FINANCING AND BE PRE PARED TO BID & BUY AT THE AUCTION! Pursuant to PA & Federal law the lead paint information booklet is available to all potential bidders upon request I urthennore potential bidders arc invited to perform lead based paint testing at their expense during the 10 day period prior to the auction TERMS: 10% down the day of the sale, further terms & conditions to he announced when the real estate is offered at 11 a.m. GLADYS I. STUTZMAN, KENNETH H. SHADLE and WAYNE E. SHADLE Owners David IL Ratdgan, Fsq. Williamson, Fnedburg, & Jones Also selling Antiques & Collectibles. John Deere 110 Lawn Tractor, Tools and Household Items WAYNE E. SHADLE Owner DEIBERT, Mike, Auctioneer AU-1599-L Klmgerstown, PA (570) 425-2256 Also, a Remington style Indian statue, $650; a wooden mask, $225; and a birch bark basket, $375. Furniture sold include an oak bookcase, $225; an oak display cabinet, $225; and oak chest of draw ers, $375; a softwood bucket bench, $475; a mill disk, $325; two Conestoga wagon jacks, $325 and $400; a Conestoga wagon tool box, $230; a tray of Conestoga wagon chains, $290; and Cooper’s crescet, $330. Also sold was a signed ax, $475; a sun burst pattern ax holder, $625; two wrought iron ax holders, $425 and $875; a tool box hasp, $475; two pieces of wrought iron hardware, $475; a Conestoga wagon feed box, $220; two cone mandrels, $lBO and $300; a sheel wright hub auger, $400; a swage block, $425, and a rim bender, $220. Also, two anvils, $325 and $575; a 1793 stake anvil, $575, a blacksmith vise, $325; one lot of three post cards with pictures of ice wagons, $300; a lot of five postcards with car riage scenes, $375; three wooden bowls, $375 and two were $475 each; a group of advertising cards, $225; two deco rated redware bowls, $4OO and $500; a butter mold, $425; a decorated stoneware far, $500; a goose-handled basket, $775; and a burle wood bowl, $270. COMPLETE FARM MACHINERY DISPERSAL VAUGHN & KATHY HARKNESS Columbia Cross Roads, PA (Bradford County) Thurs., Apr. 20TH At 10:00 a.m. Located: 12 mi. northeast of Troy, PA, 15 mi. southwest of Athens, PA. From Tory, take RT 14 North toward Columbia Cross Roads, turn on road No. 4014 (which is the Cross Roads-East Smithfield road), go approximately 8 mi. to farm. From Athens, PA, take RT 220 South to Milan, PA, take road No. 4014 west to the farm through East Smithfield, approximately 12 mi. to farm. Watch for auction arrows at Milan, East Smithfield & Cross Roads. TRACTORS: 2-105 WHITE cab/air, 2 ptos., 2 hyds. 1 ILxl6, 20.8x38 (4,084 hrs.): 2-105 WHITE platform (red stripe), aux. fuel, 2 ptos., 2 hyds., HLxl6, 20.8x38 (1,732 hrs.); 2-70 WHITE platform, 2 ptos. 2 hyds., llLxlS, 18.4x34 (4,200 hrs.); SWARTZ 1800 all-hyd. loader, 72” bucket; 826 INT diesel, 16/8-8/4 shift, 2 ptos., 2 hyd., 18.4x38 radials; 18.4x38 circle-lock dual wheels; 20.8x38 tractor chains; AUTOS: 1979 C-10 CHEVY4X4 pickup, 350 eng., auto trans., (farm tag), 1972 M.G. BGT auto (S/N 74039); 1985 CITA TION 24’ pull behind tandem-axle camper/trailer, self con tained, AM/FM, A/C, microwave, awning. HAY & HARVESTING: 3290 NH baler, super sweep, 3-jt. pto. w/hyd. directional control, 58 NH thrower; 489 NH 9’ 3” mower/cond.; 258 NH rake; CB-860 GEHL tandem-axle for-, age harvester, hyd. in-head knife sharpener, elec, controls; HAIIIO GEHL 6’ pickup head; TR3038 GEHL adj. 2-row corn head; 8N2054 BADGER forage blower (like new); 8U940 GEHL 3-btr. 16’ forage box on G 1056 GEHL tandem axle gear; (3) 10x16’oak wood hay kicker boxes & grs.; 16’ flat deck wagon; 16’ SMOKER single-chain elevator; 48’ single chain elevator; 275 MCCURDY gravity box, GBO6 GEHL gear, flotation tires, ext. hitch; 325 NI picker/sheller; PLANTING & TILLAGE: 508 white SXIB automatic spring reset plow, disc jointers, hyd. side-hill hitch, gauge wheel: 264 WHITE 13’ disc, dual whls., buster bar; 16’ KNOWLES trans port harrow; 543 WHITE 4-row corn plater, liq. fert. w/squeeze-pump, D D seed openers; 10’ BRILLION grass seeder, hyd. lift, attachment, track whackers (256 acres); OTHER: MS3IS GEHL tandem-axle spreader (345 bu.); 184 WOODS 3-pt. rotary cutter; 300-gal. AG-CHEM in-line sprayer, agitator roller pump, control valve (like new); 5-hp. fert. pump & transfer hoses; 500 & 1050-gal. poly fert. tanks; 450 CALHOUN 1-T fert. spreader; 15,000 KW PINCOR generator, cart & pto shaft; farm hyd. dump trailer; fence cart; UNIV. bale spear bucket; (4) round bale feeders; BADGER 4’xlO” conveyor ext.; 200-gal. 7-21-7 liq. fert.; BARN & MILKHOUSE EQUIP.: 11-HP. AGRI-METAL bedding chopper; 3-hp. auto, roller mill; WIC graincart; fiber glass silage cart; WILLARD-BATES gestation tabulator; breeding kit; XRI6S semen tank; (6) DELVATRON (super flow claws) pipeline milker units; PIONEER 37M81 unit; AM/PM timer; DELAVAL milker pail; gutter grates; barn tools; 48; floor fan; 24’ of BADGER 16” barn cleaner chain; 24’ PATZ 16” chain; MISC.: cement mixer; OLIVER side-hill hitch; Oi rear-wheel weights; (6) INT front weights; tractor radio OLIVER/IH Pulleys; wood pulley; plus misc items; FROM NEIGHBOR: 4020 STEINER, 4X4, KOHLER, 21x11x18 tires & quick attach loader w/4’ bi TERMS: Complete settlement day of sale with Cash oi check. Sale Order: 10:00 a.m. beginning w/misc. iter 11:00 a.m. sharp large equipment then finish misc. iti SALES MGRS’S NOTE: This farm has been Harkness family since 1871. Farm of Distinction Machinery has been meticulously used & maintained was sold 2 yrs. ago and the farm has been leased. Bob Shaylor - PH 570-297-3278 BELSTRA SALE A 46 acre farm locat ed at 233 Rock Hill Rd. in Millersville, Manor Twp, sold for $630,000 at an auction held for John & Ann Belstra on Sat. March 25, 2000. The farm featured a 2 family dwelling in rural zone development with over 1800 lineal feet of both creek and road frontage. Also a large 10 room house, 2 story bank bam with attached com crib, 2 car block garage, frame, tobacco shed and pond, the arm was purchased by Mr. & Mrs. James Dommel of Lancaster. Other items includ ed: Massey Fergusen (M) SHAYLOR AUCTIONEERS JU 615 Elmir* St IVoy PA 16047 1209 Farm Machinery * Livestock ♦ Appraisals • Real Estate Broker Licensed * Bonded * Since 1062 * Lie 833 L * 3677 L PH (670) *O7 9271 • (670) 307 9S7S • (670) 307 3619 EMail SHAYLOR@EPIX NET 1035 (31hp.) tractor w/4 w.d. - $8,900, John Deere riding mower (model 425), $4,600, John Deere riding mower (model 420), $4,100, Woods dixie bush hog, $6OO, Franklin wood stove, $385, Also, Ansley-Fox 20 ga. shotgun, $1,850, Reminton mod. 141 3.5 cal. pump rifle, $3OO, Ithaca featherweight 12 ga. pump shotgun, $230, Kodiak special bon by bear archery, $95, 184 registered bid ders attended the auc tion conducted by the Probst Family Auction Service of Willow Street. Questions, call 464- 3700 FARM MACHINERY SALE On the premises looted East of Keymar and Northwest of Union Bridge in Carroll Co., MD. From Rt. 194 in Keymar go East on Middleburg Rd. 2 miles, turn right on Bucher John Rd., go 2 miles to sale on corner of Bucher John and Good Intent Road. See black and white sale signs. Saturday, April 22,2000 At 10:00 A.M. TRACTORS - SKID LOADER J.D. 4440 w/power shift, 770 Oliver, J.D. 675 B Skid Loader w/rear wgts. buckets and manure fork bucket. GEHL 7210 TMR Mixer w/electric scales (like new) See Next Week’s Ad For Full Listing! Lunch Available ID Required for bidders no. TERMS: Cash or good check day of auction. Nothing moved until settlement is made. If out-of-state, need bank letter of credit. The owners or sale manager accept no responsi bility for your attendance. OWNERS DUANE and SUSAN RODKEY 5223 Good Intent Road Union Bridge, Maryland 21791 PH: 410-775-1428 SALE MANAGER Norman Hill 15905 Union Chapel Road Woodbine, Maryland 21797 PH: 410-489-7121 AUCTIONEER: Denny Remsburg PH: 301-473-7959 PUBLIC AUCTION jyi Of Real Estate toA in Lancaster County oncwk . D Saturday, Q io:ooa.m. April 15, 2000 10:00 AM - Approx. 1 Acre Lot and Household Goods and Miscellaneous Items Directions: From Route 23 in New Holland, take Brimmer Ave. South approx. 2 miles to Hill Rd. turn left to sale on right, or from Inter course take 340 East to New Holland Rd. turn left to Redwell Rd. turn right to sale on left property on corner of Redwell Rd. and Hill Rd. in East Earl Township. 11 ;00 A.M. Real Estate at 11:00 A.M. 1 ACRE more or less, situated thereon a 70 ft. x 14 ft. Trailer with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, kitchen and living room. On site sewer and well, L.P. gas heat. Terms: 10 percent down day of sale, balance on or before May 15,2000. Attorney: Linda Klmg Auctioneer’s Note: This is a large lot in a nice quiet country setting. Misc. Items Stihl Cham Saw, Stihl Leaf Blower, 2 Stihl Weed Eaters, Vacuum Leaf Sweeper, Self-propelled Mow er, Misc. Mowers, Shop Vac, Lawn Cart - like new, Wheelbarrow, Tools, Tool Bench, Picnic Table with Benches, Sleeping Bags, Picnic Jugs, Porch Glider and Chairs, Old Wooden Plane, Stepladder, Bag Wag on, 4-Gun Gun Rack, Steven 12 Gauge Model 940 C Single Shot, Crossman 760 Pellet Gun, Portable Air Compressor. . ~ „ Household Goods Quilt Frames with Stands, Electrolux Vacuum Sweeper, Greek Sweeper - like new, Sofa Bed, 2 Liv ing Room Chairs & Rocking Chair, Small G.E. Upright Freezer (like new), Crosley Clothes Dryer (like new), Solid Walnut Drop Leaf Table with 6 Boards, 3 Chairs. Assorted Dishes & Kettles, Antique Set of 4 Folding Chairs, Antique Toys, Canning Jars, Freezer Boxes, Maytag Washer, Microwave, Night Stand, Wooden Bowl, Candy Dish, Empire Model 214 7x50 Binoculars, Single Bed, Humidifier, Kerosene Lamp, Wooden Marble Roller, Peanut But ter Glasses, Snoopy in the Box, Lot of Misc. Dishes. Terms by Martin B. & Thelma K. Martin 102 Red Well Rd. New Holland, Pa. 17557 Cash or Honorable Pa. Check Only fij* All Announcements Sale Day jbj UWr Take Precedence Over TiJ jHMfei All Advertising 'Tj[ ' as Not Responsible ). for Accidents U -- • Food on Premises Auctioneer: Mel Hoover AU-003111-L 717-354-8397 Home or 717-354-6431 Barn
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