FARM EQUIPMENT * JD 3940 forage harvester/hay & narrow row com head, corn head just rebuilt, excel cond. 3 forage wagons, $7OOO/all. 717-786-2080 For Sale: lnt'lloB6 tractor, cab, heat, air. Call 570-837-2640. Great Bend 570 QT load er, self-levelling, used very little. 717-597-8654 No Sunday calls 354 Perkins diesel, turbo charged, out of 2105 White tractor, strong runner, $3500 obo. 717-258-4897 Used AC 7020 Engine parts available 717-867-2331 FOR SALE: 1065 Gehl Har vester w/grass and corn heads, used 1 season. 717-243-4590. JD 4RW 7000 dry fert, insect, no-till coulters. 610-346-7029. Case IH 585 3pt. 2 remote, good cond., new paint, 2,750 hrs., $8,950.489 Hay bine, good cond., $3,750. 717-859-3501. 1950 Farmall H, looks & runs good, $l2OO. 717/292-3508. Ford 7000 row crop, great running tractor, $6550. NH 489 haybme, ex. shape, $4850. Pequea 520 feeder wagon, great shape, $l5OO. 570-268-5045 570-265-3442 Ive msg 10T Ferguson chisel plow, $825. IH hi clearance 4R cultivator, $625. JD 400 rotory hoe, $975. JD 325 4b hyd. reset plow, $725. No Sunday calls 717-464-5631 JD 4560 AAFWD, 3700 hrs, duals, v.nice, $42,000. 724-667-8820 724-667-8350 IH 684, 584, 585, 685, 784, 884, 885, Fenders hi flat top style $l6O ea. 717-530-9459 6-9 PM. Case Int'l 485 Dsl, tires 85%, 3pt, PTO, Exc cond. $7,850 856-769-3183 AC Dl7 tractor w/or w/ out loader, best offer. 23.130 tractor tires on 9-hole press steel rims, like new, $6OO. JD A&G tractor parts. 304-263-2976 JD 40, JD 50, excel, shape, both run, shed kept. 570-748-6600 Ford 6640 SLE, 2275 hrs, dual remotes, ROPS w/ roof, good cond, $15,750. NH 853 round baler, hyd tie, recent new chain, field ready, $3850. 301-432-4293 1941 Case SC center ex haust, needs work. After spm, 570-759-3006. Hardy 3pt hitch boom sprayer, used little. 717/391-6473 after 6pm AC tractor 7060, ver good cond. 2921 hrs, air duals. AC chisel plow, 3pth, 14 shank. AC soy bean planter, no-till, 10R. 609-585-6521 FAAC 1R carrott harvest er, very good cond, $3500. 15' Ziggy potato body on 59 IH field truck, $800.570-784-0259 eves. AC 600 4RW No-Till Plant er, Dry Fert, Inspect, Shed Kept, Excellent Cond. $1750; JD 237 MTD picker Multi-Lube Stalk Removers, Excellent Cond. Used on 3020 $lOOO Juniata Co., 717-589-3089 JD 3940 Forage harvest er, 2 row N corn head 5 1/2" hay head electric control. 410-635-2785. NEW 5300 gal 6 wheel steerable manure tank w/wo disc injectors. NEW 4900 gal manure tank 4 wheel steerable w/wo in lectors. Demo 32' lagoon or pit pump. Selling @ cost. 570-265-7119. (5) Combine header wagon tires, $125. NH quick hitch, $7O. 3&5 hp electric motors. 3 phase 20hp elec motor, $3O. 3x16 new hyd cylinder, $6O. Deutz 606 parts. NH 782 parts. Hedlum Martin tandem U/C $6OO. James- I \1 . Forklifts U -a L New and reconditioned JpnXVI For Sale or Rent Heavy duty fork extentions Call For Prices Don't trade or throw out that old engine. Have it overhauled for a fraction of the cost of new! All work is guaranteed. 1995 Clark 8,000 lb . Cushion Tire, 181" Lift, Side Shifter, Reconditioned $12,900 1996 Nissan 5,000 lb., Cushion Tire $10,500 1995 Hyster 4000 lb , Pneumatic Tire $10,500 Yale 8000 lb , Cushion Tire. 18' Lift $6,950 Komatsu 3000 lb . 2 Stage, Side Shifter $7,500 Aluminum Dock Plate, 60” x 72" . , $485. $425 Call For Special Pricing on Forklift, Skid Loader and Scissors lift Rentals CAIU'C I SAM STOLTZFUS O 59 17 Plank Rd MECHANICAL Narvon, PA 17555 CE'D’inT'lT For Service Calls OIVKVIVIS 717-442-9334 2345/2365 DISC CONDITIONERS Gehl has two all-new disc mower conditioners to cut your crop down to size, fast and easy, the DC2345 has 7 discs and a 9’2” cutting width; the DC2365 has 8 discs and a 10’3” cutting width. A Gehl disc mower conditioner delivers exceptional cutting and conditioning, even in your most difficult crops and conditions. ■ Designed with the operator in mind ■ Easy access all around ■ An equal angle PTO ■ Three-point flotation support i a 9°/° tot \ ca< * Available From Your Local Participating GbHL Dealer D.W. OGG EQUIPMENT CO. 5149 Cap Stine Rd. Frederick, MD 961 Leisters Church Rd. Westminster, MD ECKROTH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT RR 02, Box 24A New Ringgold, PA bHL. Financing for Gehl Forage Boxes HINES EQUIPMENT LINCOLN SUPPLY PEOPLE’S SALES & WERTZ FARM PO Box 5, Rt. 22 & EQUIPMENT SERVICE, INC. & POWER EQUIP. Cresson, PA Intersections of Route 35 p ” R ° ute , 5 1® RR 03, Box 550, Altoona R ts . 601 & 219 Oakland Mills, PA Glen Roek ’ PA (Bellwood) Somerset, PA STOUFFER BROS. INC. A.L. HERR & BRO. ICKES FARM SUPPLY MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. 1066 Lincoln Way West 312ParkAve. Rt. 1 Hwy. 869 West RR 01 Stauffer Rd. Chambersburg, PA Quarryville, PA Osterburg, PA Bechtelsville, PA ..lebanonvalley miller-lake IMPLEMENT CO., INC. RR 02, Box 273 A 700 E. Linden St. Belleville, PA Richland, PA Waiver of Finance on new Gehl Equipment until April 1, 2001 Then 9.9% APR for up to 36 months YOUR BEST FORAGE BOX VALUE Gehl’s new BU9BO Self-unloading forage box has been redesigned for improved performance and durability. Features include: • True variable-speed drive for infinite unloading speeds. • Single lever control. • Improved beater design. • Stronger drive chain and reinforced roof. • Standard highway light package. • Optional folding 18-inch conveyor extension UM cftMrlS a 0F BINKLEY & HURST FONTANA BROS. RR 04 (Fontana) 1 33 Rothsville Station Rd, Lebanon, PA Litlte, pA PEOUEA 7-9 It Hay Tedders, PTO 16-18 ft Steel Bale Racks 6-8-10-12 Ton Wagon Gears Portable Bunk Feeders USED EQUIPMENT Pequea 10 ft Rotary Rakes New Holland 256 Rake 2 - Row 3 Pt Cultivator New Idea Farmhand Wheel Rakes Ferguson #4O, PS, LPTO, Good Cond HENRY HORNING 404 W Newport Rd , Lititz, PA 17543-9434 717-626-5033 7 15 9% 'or a „°* • **o*tb a 'O*- « 36 * tor m °ntb a ' OH “ «f ®* '«* I «h£°2tA. I | i ' ■■ t I*/ 1 ,M |ll,
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