Asparagus Recipes Get A-Plus For Nutrition And Taste You know spring has arrive ward one end of long side of tur when fresh asparagus starts ap- key fillet. Sprinkle each with 2 pearing in grocery stores and pro- tablespoons cheese and IV2 tea duce markets. The season for spoon each parsley and shallots; fresh asparagus lasts from Febru- sprinkle with seasoned salt and ary through June. Perfect for a pepper. Roll up turkey to en light springtime vegetable, aspara- close asparagus. Fasten with gus can add flavor and nutrition skewers or toothpicks. Brown to any meal. turkey rolls in oil in oven-proof A member of the lily family, the skillet. Pour wine over and edible part of asparagus is the sprinkle with seasoned salt and young shoot of the plant, that pepper. Bake at 350 degrees for ranges in color from green to 15 to 20 minutes or until turkey white to purple. The vegetable is is cooked but not dry. an excellent source of vitamin A If desired, add 2 tablespoons and C. One serving of asparagus is water to pan drippings, heat only 25 calories and provides 10 and serve over turkey rolls, percent of vitamin A, 15 percent Makes 4 servings. Serve with of vitamin C, two percent of calci- cooked rice or pasta, um, and two percent of iron. The Cream of Asparagus Soup vegetable is also a fair source of V 2 cup chopped onion vitamin B. 1 tablespoon cooking oil When buying asparagus, look 2 cans (14 V 2 ounces each) for firm, bright green or pale ivory chicken broth stalks with tight tips. Asparagus 2V2 pounds fresh asparagus, plants live eight to ten years, and trimmed and cut into 1-inch the spear’s size indicates the age pieces of the plant. If asparagus stems Vi teaspoon dried tarragon Vs to V« teaspoon dried are tough, remove the outer layer Vs cup butter oregano with a vegetable peeler. You can Vs cup all-purpose flour V» teaspoon hot pepper sauce also purchase canned or frozen as- V 2 teaspoon salt 4 eggs, beaten paragus. Vs teaspoon white pepper 1 pound fresh asparagus, Asparagus is best cooked the 3 cups half-and-half cream trimmed and cut into V 2 -inch same day it’s purchased. How- IV2 teaspoons lemon juice pieces, ever, it will keep when tightly Shredded Swiss cheese I® a skillet, saute onion and wrapped in a plastic bag for three In a large saucepan over medi- garlic in oil until tender. Com tQ four days in the refrigerator. It am heat, saute onions in oil until bine cheese, bread crumbs, pars can also be stored in a container tender. Add broth, asparagus, l®y> salt, pepper, oregano, and standing upright in about an inch and tarragon. Simmer until as- hot pepper sauce. Stir in the of water. Cover the container with Paragus is tender, about 8-10 onion mixture and eggs. Cook as a plastic bag. minutes. In a blender or food pro- paragus in a small amount of Enjoy these scrumptious recipes cessor > P uree the asparagus, a water until crisp-tender, about to add asparagus-appeal to your third at a time, and set aside. ’ ™ IBU es ’ a,n w ® next dinner. la a Dutch oven or soup kettle, Stir asparagus into cheese Turkey Asparagus Roll-Ups melt butter. Stir in flour, salt, mixture. Pour into a greased 4 (8-12 ounce) turkey breast and peper. Cook and stir for 2 9-inch square baking pan. Bake fillers minutes or until golden. Gradu- at 350° for 30 minutes or until a 2 teaspoons Dijon-style mus- ally add cream. Stir in the pu- hnife inserted near center comes tard reed asparagus and lemon juice. out c * ean - Let stand for 15 min- V 2 cup shredded lowfat Heat through. Garnish with utes - ut * nt ® small squares, mozzarella cheese cheese if desired. Yield: 8 serv- Serve warm. Yield: 5 dozen. 12 to 16 small asparagus, ings (about 2 quarts). Asparagus, Apple, And cleaned, trimmed Cheesy Asparagus Bites Chicken Salad tablespoons each, minced pars- V 2 cup diced onions ley and shallots 1 garlic clove, minced Seasoned salt 2 tablespoons cooking oil Ground pepper 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded 1 tablespoon vegetable oil sharp Cheddar cheese V« cup dry white wine Vi cup dry bread crumbs Gently pound turkey to length 2 tablespoons minced fresh of asparagus spears, spread each parsley slide with V 2 teaspoon mustard. Vi teaspoon salt Place 3 to 4 asparagus spears to- V« teaspoon pepper RECIPE TOPICS If you have recipes for topics listed below, please share them with us. We welcome your recipes, but ask that you in clude accurage measurements, a complete list of ingredi ents, and clear instructions with each recipe you submit. Send your recipes to Lou Ann Good, Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Recipes should reach our office one week before publishing date listed below. April: 8 - Easter Candy 15-Bread Spreads 22 - Easter Ideas 29 - Egg Recipes / V t \k~ * N* * Turkey Asparagus Roll-Ups is a zesty main course that blends the flavor of aspara gus with the home-cooked taste of turkey fillets. Asparagus recipes this week come filled with taste, nutrition, and appeal to spring up your tastebuds. 1 cup cut fresh asparagus (1 inch pieces) 2 tablespoons cider vinegar 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 teaspoons honey 2 teaspoons minced fresh parsley ¥2 teaspoons salt ¥4 teaspoons pepper 1 cup cubed cooked chicken V 2 cup diced red apple 2 cups torn mixed greens Alfalfa sprouts, optional Cook asparagus in a small amount of water until crisp-ten der, about 3 to 4 minutes. Drain and cool. In a bowl, combine the next six ingredients. Stir in the chicken, apple, and asparagus. Toss. Serve over greens. Gar nish with alfalfa sprouts if de sired. Yield: 3 servings. Asparagus Bacon Quiche 1 unbaked pastry shell (9 inches) der, about 3-4 minutes; drain 1 pound fresh asparagus, well. Arrange bacon and aspara trimmed and cut into 1-inch gus in the crust. In a bowl, beat pieces eggs. Add cream, IVi cup cheese, 6 bacon and onions, sugar; salt, pepper, 'add crumbled nutmeg. Pour over asparagus. 3 eggs Sprinkle with remaining cheese. I l h cups half and half cream Bake at 400° for 10 minutes, re -1 cup grated parmesan duce heat to 350°; bake 23-25 cheese, divided minutes longer or until a knife 1 tablespoon sliced green inserted near the center comes onions out clean. Yield: 6-8 servings. 1 teaspoon sugar Gingered Pork V» teaspoon salt And Asparagus Vi teaspoon pepper 6 tablespoons apple juice Pinch ground nutmeg 6 tablespoons soy sauce Line the unpricked pastry 4 garlic cloves, minced shell with a double thickness of x tab ,e Spo on ground ginger heavy-duty foil. Bake at 450° for x pou nd pork tenderloin 5 minutes; remove foil. Bake 5 thinlysliced minutes more; remove from 2 tablespoons cooking oil, oven and set aside. divided Cook asparagus in a small amount of water, until crisp-ten- Here’s a new way to cook fresh asparagus. The art of roasting produces a flavor that the asparagus lover will find hard to resist. If you use thin asparagus, shorten the cooking time, and if you use big, fat stalks, it might take a few minutes more. If you don’t want to use the wine, use water in its place. OVEN ROASTED ASPARAGUS 1 pound asparagus 2 cloves garlic, slivered 2 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons dry white wine or nonalcoholic white wine 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon olive oil Vi teaspoon salt Vs teaspoon ground black pepper Break off the tough ends from the asparagus spears. With a vegetable peeler, peel the bottom half of the asparagus stalks. Scatter the garlic in a 13-by-9-inch baking dish. Arrange the asparagus in a single layer. In a small bowl, combine the water, wine, lemon juice, oil, salt and pepper. Pour over the as paragus. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes. Turn the aspara gus over and roast for 8 to 10 minutes more, or until the aspar agus are tender but slightly crisp and the liquid is almost gone. Makes 4 servings. Featured Recipe (Turn to Page BS)
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