If you warn to ask local com growers abow “With (opr years of Bluets Gold" use on our farm, I have teamed that the best corn herbicide program to I pt, of Puat at planting followed with Basle Gold* + 3 ox, ofßanveL This has eliminated Fallpanicum problem and does what Hike to see done to Canada thistle. Beets Gold* seres me money met eSmimtesthecropdmnegefromletepost broedtsef herbicides too, ’ wttbeontamo eavscfourcoiwentiorudcemendno-tillcom.’ d-uii f entry set old cm pasture held that hi excellent moisture holding capacn loaded with tots of weed seeds gleet dtgWeed plus severed dtifr ofgreesee; I figured ahead of time take a two pass program to (demo com. Beeie GaU* deaned the field did/tot effect the comet eti l' lee greet y»lue too" pypitaymt* * a»«ltflß>if *> a iWklttd me tetelKt. “It wee e difficult year for weed control In meet com field# in this mee test yeon severe! growers sew our com fields md wanted to know whet we used to keep them socleen. We switched to Bests Gold* onetmost ell2,3ooacres of com. Our mein progmms was ,33 oz, Bests + 1 lb. frinoep in Meroh efterwe deep ripped, then followed with 14 oz. Bests Gold* + 2qt nitrogen * cropofl on&tnchoom. One of our irrigated corn hybrids with Bade Gold* - averaged 226.69 bushels on 165.4 acres. We would tike to stay with what works, and will be using the same weed control this year,” “Last year our com yields weren't the best because of the dry weather. Our weed control program gave us clean com despite the dry weather. This ts the second year weeds tike Lambsquarters, Foxtail, Shatteroaneand Johnsongrass. We will be using Gaels GoldF again for the third straight year.” 13asis Gold® this is what thay would say: 7 have been farming most years; Baste Gold* is the bet control t have ever experienced. Qne-irip Basle Odd* cut in hai for hard-to-contro! weeds. No Vt lambsquarters. Quackgrase particum. We did not need to re-Sf, of theiAOO acres of Basts Gold* UnUke what I have experienci past, &aala GoUP did not hold hack, which resulted in higher eartier Maturity and lower drying Gaata GokP saved me a tetytf mr way too," Eidle An<tetetF«rt« VfcrtwvMP leton. “Our experience waswlth 14 oz. Basis Odd? + 4 oz. Banvel on 1,200 acres where we expected the worst weed problems like Fall panicum & triazlne resistant weeds, We used one trip with Basis Gold* on conventional tillage and applied frincep early followed by Basis Gold* + Banvel postemergence on ho-tilt, Basis OolxP worked well and Is a tower cost program than what we had been using. We like how Basts Gold* enabled us to use fewer plastic Jugs and get away from the liability of carrying bulk herbicides on our trucks. We also like the way the com jumps out of the ground with a Basis Gold* program. It was our best irrigated com crop ever. We keep teaming more about how tpdolt right every yean our two best Irrigated hybrids treated with Basis Gold * averaged about23obushets/acre, I see mow Conotiopt, fA - “We used total post weed control on 1300 acres of corn Our Basis Gold? program on 600 acres was one trip with 14 02 Basis GoUF + 3oz Banve / for Fall panloum, Foxtails and Canada thistle We have found we are only fooling ourselves thinking we can use a full rate of a pre-product then trying to spot spray to clean up escapes; we usually realize at harvest that we should have resprayed all the acres postemerge Eased on our Basie Gold* results, present thinking is to use at least as much Basis GoleP this year and mil likely increase to I,2ooacres of Basis GoleP on this years corn crop. The residual advan tage in Basis GoleP is important to us " “What was frustrating me was the large number of acres we were spraying twice Our pre-emergence sprays were failing I was looking for a better way. Then we tned Basis GoleP. Since using Basis GoleP, we've done very little re-spraymg. Weed control isn’t always perfect, but it is very acceptable For three years Basis GoleP has been our main herbicide program We will use it again thisyear on our 700 acres of field corn. Schiff Firms Harrington, DE (SB®), DuPont Crop Protection •Bjuw) ok P«*eV DMtfarwcin t<W7, M«im TJ. Schtff
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