HAY FOR SALE Alfalfa & Mixed Hay Big Square Bales 3’x3’x7’ 610/944-5741 Berks Co. £ Seed Corn & I i R.R. Soybeans j V '99 Seed. PA j > Dept, of Ag i r Germination \ r Tested. 90-105 » / Day Corn f 717*263*7737 1 Dry Wood SdavihQS Kiln Dried & Bagged Good for horses or dairy cows SantuaC K. Lapp, Jr. 2008 Horseshoe Rd Lancaster PA 17601 717-299*1412 COTTONSEED barley - com bakery feed beet & citrus pulp com gluten - silage distillers-peanut hulls extruded cotton & soy soymeal - soyhulls wheat midds Robert McSparran, Jr. (410) 778-1403 (877^7^1403^ FOR SALE 4x4 Round Bales Alfalfa & Orchard Grass Juniata Co. 717/463-2807 . after Bpm A Southern Ontario Hay Delivered in trailer load lots Large Bales $l4O/ton Small Bales $175/ton Wind Mill Farm Ivan A. Horst Box 693, RD 2, Liverpool, PA 17045 717-444-2046 Whole Cottonseed & Other feed ingredient needs: For Competitive Prices & Timely Delivery Call the AG Ingredients Group Serving the dairy and feed industry 717-295-8718 or Toll Free 888-636-2271 DRY WOOD SHAVINGS Excellent For Dairy, Horses and Poultry Delivered in Bulk: 30 & 50 Cu. Yard & Trailer Loads HAY and STRAW in Square and Round 4th Cutting Round Bale, Baleage, Tested Alf Dry For Dairy and Horses Ist &■ 2nd Cutting Grass for Dairy £r Horses. Straw in Wheat, Speltz, Oats Large Inventory ~ We Deliver Weaver Farms 717/258-5224 • 717/512-6711 R.K.I lOGT 1225 > Colebrook Rd. Marietta, PA 17547 YES! W.,.r. SW/H-c. N ! i n t S~ll YES! W„ Still W~nt Y ur usin.ss El BUYING BAR CORN, SHELLED CORN & WHEAT 7171 653-2510. fSOOI 654-2510 | High Maples Farm Balage For Sale I • 3x3x6 Square Bales • 2 nd , 3 rd , & 4 lh Cuttings • Forage Analysis Available -• Delivery includes a skid steer loader with a squeeze HHHBHHHHpHHifIHHHH < • Bales will not be punctured. | Call 410-275-9147 | before Please leave a message iffijasu ■^•SERVICa.. BMMNIm offering The BSmMSM >js j 2} MMII VIRGINIA 2} IM&Bl FARM bureau : BSBSU SERVICE CORP. ta. Serving Your Needs By Offering The 2J Following Feed Ingredients! • Whole Cottonseed • Beet Pulp Pellets • Cottonseed Hull Pellets • Citrus Pulp Pellets • Hominy • Dried Di >riec Jistillers Gram . Whiskey Distillers Please Put Us To Work For You By Calling $ 888/4*4-5*74 • Baled White Pine Shavings Now Celebrating 35 Years Serving Agriculture 51 El El El a g T rs El ra B S Ei 5j COMMODITY vl Jl SPECIALISTS V-3 23 WET BREWERS GRAIN 2* ■£s Feed It Because: 2? * High Protein - 32% * High Energy - .83 NE * High Fat -8% Increase Palatability "n • Replacement of Forage THI Bagging Available YS S* 800-443-6774 2J KILN DRIED & BAGGED SAWDUST/SHAVINCS 50 bags $3.00 ea. 100 bags $2.50 ea. Trailer Loads $2.00 ea. (approx. 500 bags/trailer load) Plus shipping or picked up at mill rs LOUIS LONG LUMBER CO., INC. I henshurg, P \ - C.mihria Co 814-472-0219 phone Bl4-472-4754 fax I Wfet Brewers > •m | Grain - Sawdust | % \ | Ernest J. Tomer | I Trucking, Inc. I | 3109 Belvidere Rd. I Phillipsburg, NJ I 08865 I 908-475-2578 9 BREWERS WET GRAINS FROM McNESS IS A GOOD WAY TO SAVE ON YOUR FEED BILL • Replace the soybean meal and part of the corn in your feed with brewers grain. • Get quality McNess vitamins and minerals from the same source. • Free ration balancing to build the most cost effective ration. • Call toll-free 800-888-0230 Furst McNess Lenhartsville, PA Compressed in Bags 12-1/2"x17-1/2"x28-30" long Approx. 3-1/2 nj. ft./bag Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 1, 2000-D29 Complete Feeds, Concentrates, and Minerals For All Livestock Mulch M.H. Martin Co. 717-738-1312 Ephrata Mileage charge after the Ist 10 mi. White Pine shaving 3.5 cu. ft. bale Picked up at barn: $3.75 Delivered: 40 Bales = $lB6 60 Bales = $267 BO Bales = $340 Shaving & Sawdust Mix 3.4 cu. ft. bag Picked up at barn: $2.75 Delivered: 40 bags = $146 60 bags = $207 80 bags = $260 Bulk Shavings 12 yd.-87 yd. Call for price Bark Mulch 3 yd. @ $96 Other sized loads available up to 63 yds. Screened Top Soil Call For Prices Mushroom Soil 5 yds. = $ 65 15 yds. = $lOO 40 yds. = $175 65 yds. = $2OO A & \*\ > 1 Organic Unlimited Manufacturer of Organic Feed 34 Evergreen Road Lebanon, PA 17042 Office Phone (717) 273-1555 Fax (717) 273-2914 www.organicunlimited.com Providing The Eastern U.S. with Organic Feeds Bagged or Bulk Specializing in Dairy and Poultry Rations
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