C2-Lancaater Fanning, Saturday, February 26, 2000 WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) - Chairmen of key congressional committees disagree on whether farm policy should be overhauled, but some lawmakers predict at least some tinkering with the market-oriented policies that became law in 1996. “I think there’s enough desire on the part of my farm-state col leagues to make changes," said Rep. Jo Ann Emerson, R-Mo., a member of the House Appropria tions agriculture subcommittee. She applauded Agriculture Committee Chairman Larry Corn best, R-Texas, for scheduling hear ings on farm policy from February through March in Washington and seven to 12 regions nationwide. Shrinking export markets have sort prices for wheat, com, soy beans and other crops plummeting, and the Agriculture Department forecast for 2000 is bleak, too. Farm income is predicted to drop $7.6 billion next year to $40.4 bil lion, unless Congress takes the unlikely step because it is an election year of another multibillion-dollar bailout. “We’re looking at the third year in a row of a disastrous ag situa tion," Combcst said in a recent interview. “We’ve got to look at this. Something is not working." Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman agreed, saying Congress has lurched from one patchwork emergency bill to the next. His comments came in October on the heels of an $8.7 billion emergency aid package. “And we shouldn’t wait until the expiration of the farm bill in 2002," Glickman said. “The fact is, with two years of emergency payments to farmers. Congress has already seriously amended the farm bill. What is needed now is a thought-out, well-balanced farm bill that we can work on if we address it early in the year before we are looking again at emergency farm legislation.” Trouble is, there’s not much consensus in Congress or among the major farm interest groups on what should be done. Combcst Senate counterpart. Agriculture Committee Chairman Dick Lugar, R-IncL, has no plans for hearings because he believes there is no need to change farm policy. Several farm-state Demo crats, meanwhile, will be pushing to boost U.S. farm subsidies as a tool in trade negotiations with the Europeans. Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., said change in farm policy, even before Farm Policy To Be Issue For 2000 the current law expires in 2002, is inevitable. Citing statements by Glickman and by President Clin ton and Vice President A 1 Gore, Roberts said the question is not whether Freedom to Farm will be rewritten, but when and how. Roberts, who as House Agricul ture Committee chairman was chief author .of the 1996 reforms, argues it is disingenuous to blame the farm bill for a failing safety net “THE PROVEN LEADER” R-SERIES SUPER SPREADER All Manure Spread Evenly on Your Field None On Your Tractor Easy cold weather clean up. Low loading height - 58 1/2". No leaking on roads or driveways Automatic oiler for roller chains (optional). Heavy duty double augers FARM EQUIPMENT BUYERS TRUST THE NAME MEYERS! when its components a crop insurance overhaul, aggressive trade policies and regulatory and tax reforms were never put in place. Not only the administration but GOP leaders in Congress have fail ed, he said. This year, Roberts plans to introduce his own package that incorporates those elements as an alternative to rewriting farm policy. id, S NEW SPECIAL RETAIL FINANCE PROGRAMS See Your Local Dealer Today W 1 OPTION 2 OPTION i WENT LOW RATE FINANCING - BIG IVERTIL 15 MONTHLY PAYMENTS CASH 1,2001 0.0% APR DISCOUNTS Jl Meyer Products Over $l,OOO * To Qualified Buyers 3000 / 4000 Series p». Equipment on All Meyer Forage Boxes Also available - See the Meyer Farm Wagons The High Performance Wagon a . Built To Last 7 models available 8-18 ton BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC 133 Rothsville Station Rd Lititz, PA DUNKLE & GREIB, INC. RD #1 Mill Hall, PA HISTAND’S FARM & HOME RD 1, Box 231 Rome, PA ICKES FARM SUPPLY Route 869 West Osterburg, PA id P< lid MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT Rt 283, Rheems Exit Elizabethtown, PA MEYERS IMPLEMENTS, INC. 400 N Antrim Way Greencastle, PA MIFFLINBURG FARM SUPPLY Route 45 East Mifflmburg, PA “It’s like Freedom to Farm was the horse you wanted to ride in die Derby, but you hobbled him first there's no jockey, no saddle and all (he rest,” he said “We said these component parts had to be part of the policy or this wouldn’t work.” Many regard trade issues as hav ing the best potential to shore up struggling farmers. One of the Boxes Total Speed System The Only One of its Kind “Advanced Design Technology For Today’s Forage Handling Needs! r NO HASSLE WARRANTY • Ist year parts and labor • 2 year warranty on entire box • 2nd year parts • 5 years on the mam apron chain • 5 years on the A 26 lower gear box (3500 & 4500) • 10 years on the All 0 lower gear box (4600) • 10 years on the box structure y. 25 years on the plywood flooc/ GEORGE V. SE & SON 1521 Van Buren Road Easton, PA DEER CREEK EQUIPMENT, INC 6600 Limestone Rd. Oxford. PA 720 Wheeler School Rd Whiteford, MD LONE MAPLE SALES & SERVICE RD 2 New Alexandria, PA priorities in a new round of global bade talks is to get the European Union to lower its farm subsidies. EU farm supports are worth $324 per acre, compared with $34 for the United States, according to the Agriculture Department Canada and Australia are even lower. Combcst said his House panel also will consider proposals for bolstering U.S. export programs to counter European crop subsidies. i’s top Can Hi le Tough v On-Farm Demonstrations -r *cr\- -*■ * ' ' *y*oty**t t ' llh'&tilt''••' *t- : -' - fe.” 1 '- ■''■■■ ■ £•?>*> * QUICK DUMP REAR UNLOAD BOXES All PTO drive models can unload in 30 seconds. Hydraulic drive also available Truck Mount ■V . v ' l< , h . 1 |r ■ j P *» * '--■--' -- **** —* ***.*«.*f**m Tandem Trailer Mount with Flare and Wagon Mount with Roof Dooi Laic' syL, seconds unloading time (rear unload) SANDY LAKE IMPLEMENT CO., INC PEL RD 3, Sandy Lake, PA WALTEMYER’S SALES & SERVICE, INC. RD #3, Box 43-B Red Lion, PA
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