FORMER ATLANTIC BREEDERS COOPERATIVE FARM PUBLIC AUCTION OF 146 ACRE TILLABLE FARM IN AGRI PRESERVE, FARM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES THURS., MARCH 23,2000 Sale at 10:00 A.M. Real Estate at 1:00 P.M. Located - Turn off Rt 283 at Landisville Exit, turn north toward East Pete on State Rd ,go 2/10 mile, turn left on South Colebrook Rd go 7/10 mile turn left on Long Rd 6/10 mile to sale East Hempfield Twp, Lane Co , PA Frame bank barn w/a 30’x60 extension, 24’x70 silo w/Van Dale jnloader, 20'x60' concrete slave silo, frame tobacco shed w/dampenmg cellar & stripping room, well w/pressure system, land in high slate of cultivation, soil, water & conservation plan Open for inspection Sals , March 4& 11 from 200t04 00 PM or for appointment call 898-1227 or Auct 656-7770 10% down day of sale balance on or before May 23,2000, for sketch map send selt-addressed/stamped envelope to R E Martin, 429 E Mam St, Leola, PA 17540 Terms by GENEX/CRI Aucts Robert E , Jeffrey R & Michael L Martin, 656-7770 AUOOOSBOL Randall L. Ranck Edward Miller, Atty. Conrad Farm Machinery Auction 6 Tractors and Full Line of Equipment Fri., Mar. 3,2000 at 10:00 AM, Bennington, NY Located at 1103 Clinton Street (Rt. 354), 1/2 mile west of Bennington and Rt. 77, 6 miles west of Attica, 4 miles east of Cowlesville, on Rt. 354. TRACTORS: Case-IH 7100 tractor MFWD with 1357 hours (Sharp! Purchased new); IH 1466 with MFW drive: two IH-666 diesel tractors (one w/new rubber); two 856 diesel tractors with good rubber; 18.4x34 duals; 20.8x38 duals; FORAGE & HARVEST: NH 1411 discbine (Sharp! used on less than 20 acres); NH 890 chopper with hay head; NH 880 chopper w/2- row head; Dion 3-btr self-unloading wagon with roof; fT&S 3-beater wagon with heavy-duty tear; Gehl 3-btr SU wagon w/tandem gear; INT 56 blower; Case-IH 600 blower; NH 315 kick baler; 4 H&S feeder/kick wagons; NH 256 rake; Vicon 4-gang RSIOT tedder; NI 40’ hay & grain elevator; 40’ skeleton hay elevator; Kilbors #375 wagon on HD gear w/20” tires & hyd auger; 20’ metal feeder wagon; 2 round bale feeders. TILLAGE & PLANTING: Case-IH #BOO 4- row planter; IH 12’ #370 transport disc; Brillion 14’ cultimulcher; Kvernland 5-bottom semi-mt plow; White 12’ transport disc; INT #5lO drill. BARN EQUIP & MISC; NH 155 spreader; 3- point bale fork; Wic bedding chopper with Honda motor; cattle trailer. NOTE: Most of this equipment has been stored inside; all has been well cared-for. Terms: Cash or good check day of sale with ID, nothing to be removed until settled for. Out of State buyers must bring a Bank Letter of Guarantee made out to William Kent, Inc. CONRAD FARMS, Owner —KENT‘S AUCTIONEERS * * RE. BROKERS STAFFORD, NY PH. 716-MFS449 ;| e-mall: PH' 716-343-5449 1 STAFFORD, NY ‘ SAT , APR 1 - New and Used (atm, industrial tractors, machin ery, lawn & garden equip Mar shall Machinery, Inc, RR 4 Box 630, Route 652, Honesdale, Pa 570-729-7117 SAT, APR 1 - Farm Machinery, Tractor 557 Ranck Rd, New Hol land Allen & Vera Burkholder Klme. Kreider. Good. Aucts SAT APR 1 -930 AM 729 Gnsl Mill Rd, 1 mile N of Mattindale, pa Antiques, personal property, tools lor Keller and floseme Sensemg Leßoy S Horst and PaulW Horst, aucts SAT APR 1 -10 AM Located in Blair Co, Sinking Valley A line of farm machinery Jay and Jim Keller Mark and Brian Click, aucts AUCTION LIQUIDATION OF TRUCK REPAIR SHOP TOOLS - EQUIPMENT - PARTS - TOW TRUCK - CAT - DOZER SAT., MARCH 11th 10 A.M. Location: Crosskeys Transport, Inc. - 7 Crosskeys Rd., Collegeville, PA (between Ridge and Germantown Pike - Behind Austin Beverage Dist.) TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: Drill Press, Hyd Tk Trans Jack, 10 Ton Porta Power I”+ 1-1/2" Drive Sockets, Ratchets Snap-On, 3/8 Impact Gun, Tk Wheel Dolly, Torches, Airco Stick/TIG Welder, Airco MIG Welder, Chain Hoists, Misc Hand Tools, Racks, Bins, Shelves, Drill Bits, Taps Dies, Creepers, Old Metal Lathe, 10 H P Air Compiessoi, 5 H P Air Compressor, Air Hose PARTS: New & Used Mack, hit Fieightlmer, Etc , Filters Bearings, Seals, Lights Beacons Brakes, Springs, Shocks, PTO's, Pumps, Joints & Shafts, Hoses, Trlr Cords, Flaps, Triangle Kits, Flap Brackets, Ratchet Straps, Chains, Binders. Tarps, Tires, Wheels Hyd Cylinders, Cross Members MISC: 1974 FORD/WRECKMASTER M D TOW TK , 96 Ford Pick-Up Bed & Liner, Alum Tk Tool Box, (2) 36” Sleeper Bunks 10' Snow Plow, Small Snow Throwei, Lawn Mower Decks & Tractor Parts Alum Ramps, Mist Steel Shapes, Desks, Cash Registers, PATZ Bunk Feeder. (2) Hay Elevators 1952 CAT D 4 DOZER (subject to immediate confir mation) Lots of other bargains, too' Terms; Cash or PA Check Sale conducted for CROSSKEYS TRANSPORT, INC. Plus surplus new truck parts for PARDO’S TRUCK SERVICE PARTS WHSE., INC., and others. AUCTIONEER: Richard L. Franks, Sr. AU-01340-L 610-489-3737 PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY Sat., Mar. 11,2000 9:00 AM Located at 118 Coppermine Road, from 1-70 take Route 15 North to Route 26, go 3 miles to Route 194 North, 7 miles to Coppermine Road on right, then 3 1/2 miles to sale on right or I -70 to 9 miles East of Frederick to Route 75 North, 10 miles to Coppermine Road on left, 1 mile to sale on left. 5 Tractors IH 1066 Turbo with cab and new engine; IH Super H; IH H tractor; IH C tractor; AC WC tractor; C tractor for parts. Two Livestock Trailers 1994 Aluminum 26’x8’ trailer with Vac-Hyd brakes, 2 divide gates, rear door opens from either side, 10 ton axles with dual wheels, excellent con dition; 16’ Bumper trailer 6’ wide. 1979 Lincoln Town Car, 37,500 miles, new tires, and battery, garage kept. Machinery NH 1495 haybine: IH 120 silage wagon; Meyers 3516 silage wagon, excellent cond.; Fox Super D self-propelled chopper, 3 row narrow head, pick up head; White 543 no-till planter-no fert. boxes; MF 33 gain drill; IH 550 5 bottom plow; IH 2 bot tom plow fast hitch; IH 4 row cultivators fast hitch; IH 445 baler with #l5 thrower; Miller disc; JD disc; 36” disc; JD 9 shank chisel plow; roller harrow; Brillion 42 tooth harrow; Case disc plow; pasture harrow; 3 pt. scraper; bam elevator; 30’ Farmbilt feeder; Woods 80 mower; NH 679 manure spreader; IH 200 manure spreader; liquid manure injector; 4 calf hutches; 3 roller mills; mantle saw; cement mixer; 2 ton shop hoist; wagon gears; IH 10 flail chopper; electric motors; log chains; truck and tractor chains; 2 bale wag ons; 2-axle flat trailer milk cans; Winco Generator; horse drawn wagon gear with tongue. Milk Equipment 2000 gallon Girton milk tank; compressor; 50 gal lon commercial hot water heater; Wesvaco vacu um pump with 7 1/2 HP motor; DeLaval Vacuum pump with 7 1/2 HP motor; cow clippers; other miscellaneous dairy supplies; many other useful items. Terms: Cash or good check; nothing removed until settled for, not responsible for accidents. Owners, Ellis Hood 301-898-7709 Dennis Hood 301-898-7265 Auctioneer: C. Floyd Davis Clerks: Drury and Drury Lunch Rights Reserved SAT APR 1 -10 AM Farm equip James D Horst & family have dis continued their Coldstream Farms operation Interstate 81 exit 240, Ml Crawford, Va Tom M Weaver & Kent Weaver, aucts SAT APR 1 -10 AM Three Rivers, Frank Shepard Woodbury Ct Retiring Potato & Crop Fanner Phil Jacquier, Inc, Auct 413-569- 6421 Fax 413-569-6599 Email philcomQiacquier auctions com SAT APR 1 -11 AM JuVmdale Invitational and Spring Promise Show Calf Sale - hosted by Vin cent and Juliet Wagner - S Ramona Rd, Lebanon, Pa Harry H Bachman, auct SAT APR 1 -11 AM Reserved (or retirement auction of modern machinery Steuben Co, NY Pir rung Auctioneers. Inc Car MON APR 3 - 6PM 5 1/4 acres Real Estate, remodeled 2 story dwelling, 2 car block garage & out buildings, West Cocalico Twp At 45 Sandy Hill Rd For Myron & Lisa Sloltefus Horst Aucts TUES, APR 4 - Fat Cattle Sale, Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc , 548 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle. PA TUES , APR 4 -745 PM Feeder Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Rd. Carlisle. PA WED, APR 5 - 9AM Lumber & Building Supplies To be held at Wolgemuth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, Pa 717-656-2947 WED,APR 5-6 30PMWmross, Hess, Farm Trac & Toys To Be held at A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc, 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa 717-355- 7253 THURS, APR 6 - Real estate, 1 ac wooded tract w/split level home, 2 car garage, 27’x32' shop Jeffrey & Christine King, Kline Kreider, Good aucts THURS APR 6 - 6Pm Real estate, brick 1 1/2 story cape cod dwelling Bnckerville At 644 E 28th Div Hwy Elizabeth Twp, Lane Co , Pa For F Elizabeth Adams Horst Aucts FRI APR 7-10 AM Horse Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St New Holland, Pa FRI APR 7 & SAT APR 8 - Youth for Christ Benefit Auction - Lebanon Area Fairgrounds Lebanon, Pa Local Aucts SAT APR 8 - Farm equip gram truck & bin, horse trailers for John H Cline at 248 Mulberry Dr Mechamcsburg, Pa Mike Ster mer aucl SAT APR 8 - Real Estate & Pers Prop at 975 Reading Rd (Rt 625) East Earl (close to Bow- SNYDER COUNTY FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION March 11, 2000 at 10:00 a.m. Auction to be held at the Beaver Springs, PA, 21 miles north of Lewistown and 21 miles south of Selinsgrove, just off Rt. 522. Auction signs day of sale. Tractors, Skid-Loader & Modern Farm Machinery John Deere 4430 diesel tractor w/quad range 4-post semi-enclosed canopy, 1800 hours since engine overhauled at Lost Creek Implement; John Deere 3020 diesel narrow front tractor w/power shift, dual remotes, 2 post canopy, 1400 hours since overhauled at Lost Creek Implement; John Deere 2010 diesel wide-front tractor, 3 pt. dual hydraulic; All tractors are in good running condition and look good; New Holland L 325 skid-loader w/60” bucket & manure fork; New Holland 716 3-beater self-unloading forage wagon w/roof and New Holland 12T tandem axle chassis, good as new; New Holland #8 self-unloading wagon w/New Holland 10T chassis; New Holland 273 pto thrower-baler; John deere 450 pto hydraulic hydra-push manure spreader, good condition; Zimmerman 10T chassis w/16’ wooden bale rack wagon; New Holland 230 chassis w/16’ wooden bale rack; New Holland 15 chassis w/16 ft. bale rack wagon; John Deere heavy duty chassis w/16’ bale rack; John Deere 1065 A chassis w/J&M Model 250 gravity box; New Idea 5209 9’ rotary haybine; New Idea 324 2 wide-row pull-type corn picker w/326 husk ing bed, John Deere 38 forage harvester w/2 wide-row corn head & pick-up head; Oliver 14’ transport disc; United Farm 10T chassis w/20’ wooden live stock feeder wagon; Brillion 14’ hydraulic transport harrow; John Deere 350 5-bottom hydraulic semi-mount plow; John deere F 350 4-16’ hydraulic semi mount plow; Kewanne 9 tooth 3 pt chisel plow w/depth wheels; John Deere 16 flail chopper; John Deere 8250 14 single disc rubber tire grain drill; Winpower Model 25 PT2 pto alternator on wheels; New Holland 55 rolabar rake; New Holland chassis w/galvanized gravity wagon; John Deere 1240 4 wide-row plateless corn planter; Baltic 3 pt fertilizer-spreader; 200 gallon 3 pt field sprayer; 32’ hay and grain elevator New Idea 28’ grain elevator; 16’flatbed wagon; New Idea 28’ grain elevator; 16’ flatbed wagon; New Holland 28 forage blower; New Holland 520 pto manure spreader; 3 pt bale spear; big bale feeder; Grove Model 700 3 pt scraper blade; 275 gallon fuel tanks; barn fans; hydraulic cylinders; livestock feeders and waterers; feed carts, 10-14’ farm gates; and many more farm-related items Auctioneer’s Note: Farm has been sold and the Lepley’s must liquidate all farm machinery. Equipment selling is field ready and has been purchased new or like new. This is an absolute auction. Plan now to attend. Owners: Paul J. & Sandra J. Lepley, Beaver Springs, PA (570) 658-7148 ALSO SELLING AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE: Tractors, Self-Propelled Combine, Forage Wagon & Baler International 1486 diesel tractor w/full glass factory cab, AC & heat, tractor has 540 & 1000 rpm pto, new torque, clutch, batteries, muffler, seat and tires, 100 hrs on new rebuilt engine by CB Hoober, Inc, this tractor a real cream puff, w/150hp on C.B. Hoober’s dyno, selling w/5800 orig hours; John Deere 4320 diesel wide-front tractor w/differential lock, dual hydraulics, and new 18.4R34 radial tire, this is a 2nd owner tractor w/5000 orig hrs, stacked w/weights & nice; John Deere turbo 7700 self-propelled gear-driven diesel combine w/new overhauled motor, 3000 orig hrs. elec height control & 216 16’ ss floor flexhead, this machine is fully-equipped w/weights, field-ready, looks good; Gehl 970 3-beater self-unloading forage wagon w/roof & McCurdy 12T tandem axle chassis, w/flotation tire and telescopic tongue, like new; New Holland 316 pto baler w/#7O hydraulic thrower, new cond. Owner: Charles Opdyke, Bannerviile, PA (570) 658-7251 Modern Farm Machinery International 800 cyclo 4x30” narrow row plateless corn planter, looks good; Gehl 72 6’ pto flail chopper; International 120 16’ forage wagon w/Electnc 8T chassis w/flotation tire; 2-16’ wooden bale rack wagons w/Grove 6T 7 8T chassis, one w/flotation tires; International 234 2-row mounted cornpicker. Owner: Richard Shirey, Beaver Springs, PA (570) 658-4044 Grinder-Mixer New Holland 352 portable grinder-mixer Owner: Richard Rice, Beavertown, PA (570) 658-3610 Bryan D. Imes Auctioneers, RR 1 Box 902, Port Royal, PA 17082 (717) 527-2449 AU-001656-L Terms - Cash or good Pennsylvania check; Lunch Stand Sale held rain or shine, not many small items. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 26, 2000-847 mansville) Walter & Lucy Good Kline, Kreider & Good. Aucts SAT, APR 8 - Glenn Mitchell, Duncannon, Pa Farm Machin ery Sale Managed By Klmg's Auctions, Inc , Landisburg, PA 717-789-3883 SAT APR 8 - Lawn & Garden Consignment Auction Held in Myerslown, Pa Philip Hurst, auct SAT APR 8 - Special Riding Horse Sale 830 Tack, 11 AM Horses Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales. Inc Middleburg. Pa __ SAT APR 8 - 8 30AM Mt Pleas ant Mills, Juniata Co, PA Farm Equipment, Tractors, Lawn & Garden Tractors Elwood Flow ers, Owners Roger A Lauver, Auct 570-374-3793 SAT APR 8 - 8 30AM - Horse 10AM Stallion Presentation Day Mel’s Stables 834 Wallace Rd New Holland, PA Mel Hoover Auctioneer SAT APR 8 9AM Cedar Crest Electric S sth Ave , Lebaono Pa Electrical Supplies Slyvia B Witmer & Dale Stauffer auct SAT APR 8 - 9AM Real Estate pickup truck, auto woodworking equip household goods antique furniture & collectibles At 328 Berrysburg Rd Upper Paxton Twp Millersburg Pa Estate of Marlin H Zimmerman David Deibler Ed Shoop aucts SAT APR 8 - 9AM Spring Con signment Sale, Held at Juniata Markets Juniata Co Pa Long’s Auction Service SAT APR 8 - 9AM Wolgemuth Annual Spring Consignment Auc tion located at 2101 Valley Road Manheim Lane Co, Pa Full line offarmeqhip Bob Manager 717 665-6684 SAT APR 8 9AM Consignment sale Rt 25 at Gratz Fairgrounds Grate Fire Co & Amish bcnoois Lawn S garden, crafts, farm machinery, lumber, sheds & Horses . SAT APR 8 -9 30AM Farm machinery consignment sale Penns Valley Livestock, Centre Hall, Pa 814-349-5099 SAT APR 8-10 AM Real estate, on 1 3 acre lot, located 5678 Mar tmdale Road, New Holland “Mar tmoale" Pa Auction by Victona S Fultz Aaron E Martin Auction Service SAT APR 8-4 PM Farm toy con signment auction at Lancaster Farm & Home Center, on Service Road, off Rt 72 Farm toy show same day at 9 AM till 2 PM Randy Stollzfus and Harry, aucts TUBS APR 11 - 6PM Real estate 21/2 story frame home on 1 acre Located along Rt 10 between Golf Course Rd and Rt 568 Robeson Twp, Berks Co OH March 11th from 1-3 PM Terms by Dennis Ranck Homing Farm Agency, Inc 610-286- 5183 WED, APRIL 12 Easter Lamb & Goat Sale Belleville Livestock market Belleville Pa FRI APR 14 - 9AM Roman/Greek Easter Sale Carlisle Livestock Mkt Inc 548 Alexander Spring Rd Carlisle PA _ FRI APR 14 9AM Tractors Farm Eq & Supplies To Be held at A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc 100 W Jackson St New Hol land Lane Co Pa 717 355- 7253 _ __ FRI APR 14 - Dairy Sale 12 Noon Middleburg Livestock Auc tion Sales Inc Middleburg Pa FRI APR 14 - Frederick Md Valuable Real Estate & Remain mg Inventory of Auto Parts & Misc J G Cochran _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers