JflL MASSEY-FERGUSON Whtrt tvmars tdaas laVa root Mustang 330 Skid Steer NH LX 885 Skid Steer Pequea Skid Steer Trailer Ford 545 A tractor loader, 300 hours Gehl CB 400 Harvester w/ 2 heads Bushhog Rotary Cutter NH 499 Haybme IH 5100 Gram Dnll 20 Double Disc Gram & Fertilizer NH 28 Blower Woods CBO Rotary Cutter Used ATVs COMING IN: NH 853 Net Wrap Baler NH 570 Baler w/Thrower ItEWHOUAN) SCHREFFLER EQUIPMENT Pitman, PA 570-648-1120 570-648-1811 OPEN HOUSE MARCH 18th Coming In JD 4020 w/Loader; TRACTORS 1H: 4230 w/cab, 4x4,1800 hrs, 5088 w/cab 3600 hrs 1485/Cab, 4100 hrs, 1468/Cab 5200 hrs (V-8), 1086/Cab 4000 hrs 1066/Cab 3700 hrs 986/Cab, 4500 hrs 966/Cab, 3700 hrs, 966,885/Cab, 4x4, loader, 3700 hrs, 885/Cab, 3100 hrs, 856/Cab, 2600 hrs, 695, 4x4, loader, 2670 hrs, 686,4700 hrs, 674/loader, 4700 hrs JD. JD 4640 w/Cab, 4815 Hrs, 4440 w/Cab, 4300 Hrs 4320 w/Cab, 5700 hrs, JD 4030 w/loader, 5500 hrs, 4020/Cab, PS, 5200 hrs, 4020, 3200 hrs 3040/Cab, 5500 hrs, 2950/Cab, 4x4,1900 hrs, JD 2940 w/Canopy 4100 hrs, 2840,3200 hrs, 2655/loader, 3000 hrs, MF 235, 255 2300 hrs, 285,5400 hrs, 1080,5100 hrs, AC 7040/Cab JD 31OA Backhoe/Loader/Cab, MF 1-135 w/cab 3300 hrs, MF 1080 w/Cab 2680 Hrs Kubota L24SDT Backhoe/loader, 4x4,900 hrs, IH 4140 Skid Steer IH 4140, Ford 6600/Cab Side-mount bank mower Round Balers. NH 855,853,852, (2) 850,849 847,640, JD 335, Gehl 1310 Square Balers- FortfNH 316/thrower, NH 316/kicker, 310/thrower, (2) JD 336/kicker, 327/kicker, IH 430/lhrower Cullimulchers ID 950 15". IH 315 15'. Bnllion 13' Gram Drills: IH i IH 510, IH 5100 Drill, Great Plains no-till Haybines: NH 488. 472 Discbmes. NH 412. Nl 5209. JD1326 Hayrakes. NH 56, IH 34 Spreaders: IH 530, NH 518 Planters: JD 7000 6R, JD 7000,4 Row, (2) 56,2 Row, IH 56 4R Chisel Plows: JD 12 tooth. 3 ot. Bushhog 7 tooth, 3 pt, Case/IH 7 tooth, 3 pt, Glencoe 91 Disc Chisel Misc : Also available IH 2250 barter, Woods 15' Batwing mowers, Used 16' Stock trailer, NH 354 Grinder Mixer, Plows 2 thru 6 Bottom, Discs -stt to 20 ft, Hay Inverters & Tedders New Farmco Feeders & Hay Wagons All other types of farm equipment From LEADER’S FARM EQUIPMENT Rt 26 South of Everett, PA - along the road to Mench 814-652-2809 Cloeed Sundays ft Mondays X* PROVEN PERFORMER Gehl’s Scavenger* Spreader delivers the performance you need year after year, with increased durability and outstanding application control All thanks to the following features. • Heavy-duty round core auger with segmented paddles to blend manure Powered both up and down to ram through heavy loads and break up bridging Special “V” tank design to handle solid, heavy bedded, semi-solid, self-leveling and liquid manure. Adjustable auger and expeller speeds spread more types of manure Variflow™ discharge featuring square-tooth expeller paddles for smooth,e ven spreading at the rate you choose. Improved drive system with heavier final drive chains and enhanced idler system. ?5»» c0 ‘ <> I Q 9% lot I as \ C TX Available From Your Local Participating Gehl Dealer PEOPLE’S SALES & WERTZ FARM D.W. OGG SERVICE INC. & POWER EQUIP. EQUIPMENT CO. Route 35 PA Route 516 5149 Cap Stine Rd. Oakland Mills, PA Glen Rock - PA Frederick, MD 961 Leisters Church Rd Westminster, MD STOUFFER BROS. INC. A.L. HERR & BRO. 1066 Lincoln Way West 212 Ave. Chambersburg, PA Quarryville, PA ECKROTH BROS UM cllmtaSa 0F rinki fy a hiirrt farm EQUIPMENT JONTANA BINKLEY & HURST rr 0 2.80x24A LEBANON VALLEY MILLER-LAKE ""JEST -33R«hSLl. nB d. <*•«***.* IMP ™ M E E HI£ > a INC ' Litltz, PA D ,l dDA Belleville, PA nicniana, pa TRACTORS I MF 399, 1996 Model w/ro!I bar & canopy, like new I *MF 1100 dsl w/cab h diff lock, clean tractor ® IMF 1080 dsl tractor, good tires I Case 1835 C skid Idr eng overhaul, hydra redone, gd. shape ® I MF 245 gas. good rubber & overhauled engine ■ MF 230 diesel, eng overhaul, new paint & rubber I 1(2) MF 180 diesel tractor, good running cond ■ MF 135 gas, new paint, overhauled engine & new rubber I I Ferguson 40, gas. nice running, new paint MF 236 Qulck-Tach Ldr. To Fit MF 265 or 275 I EQUIPMENT | ' Glenco 10 tooth chisel plow JD 8300 6xB grain drill * lAC3 pt 8 tooth chisel plow Cultlpackers. 10’. 12’, 14'& I * Brillion 10' cultlmulcher dlf sizes ■ IJD 10' cultlmulcher NEW 7' &8’ scraper blades I MF 880 4x16 spring, reset 5' & 6' finish mowers ® I plow NEW gates and hay feeders ■ MF 880 5x16 hyd. reset plow Used Brillion cultlpackers I ■ MF 3pth hay rake and Cultlmulcher parts ■ I 1l MF Tractor parts Dismantling 135. 150, 165. 175. 178. 180. 205x4. 265. 270. 283. 285. 383. 399 4WD. 1080. 1085. 1100. 1130. 1105, 1135. 1150. 1155. 2745. 2775. 2805. 3090. 3680.MH22.30.44 Balers I I 1 ft 111 _ off 81 exit 11. 2 miles N on 233 _ i (717)776-6242 No Sunday Calls ■ cHL. Financing for Gehl Disc Mower Conditioners Waiver of Finance on new Gehl Equipment until Jan. 1. 2001 ' OR ' Then 9.9% APR for up to 36 months NOLT’S EQUIPMENT 403 Centerville Rd TNewville. PA 17241 UP TO $4OO CASH REBATES I 717/426-4919 717/426-2304 Fax Trucking Available Cut Your Fields Down To Size! Gehl swing-frames give you the capacity and maneuverability of a self-propelled mower conditioner at a pull-type price...plus the advantages of high-speed disc cutting technology. ■ Nine disc cutterbar delivers 11-foot 7-Inch cut. ■ Wide conditioning rolls for uniform, fast drying. ■ Full-width skid shoes protect the cutterbar. ■ Simple drive system for more reliability. ■ Change from windrow to swath in seconds - without tools. f rT r W7 - OR - HINES EQUIPMENT LINCOLN SUPPLY PO Box 5, Rt. 22 & EQUIPMENT Cresson, PA Intersections of RR 03, Box 550, Altoons Rts. 601 & 219 (Bellwood) Somerset, PA ICKES FARM SUPPLY MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. Rt. 1 Hwy. 869 West RR 01 Stauffer Rd. Osterburg, PA Bechtelsvllle, PA "Wh FOR SALE EPOXY AND GLASSUNED STEEL TANKS .s ' Various Sizes from 20,000-50,000 Gals. IDEAL FOR: Tanks available ■ Drinking Water et the following ■ Fire Protection locations: m Fertilizer Northern Texas ■ Irrigation North Carolina ■ Sludge Maryland a “ C- Rhode Island 250 Per Gal & 7 1 2° % f ° r 0.8% . 84 * f °«* ** o **th a 3e 8% fo * e **»ooths 4 % *°r SSL*?*** k yrrzT' v V,«nr * .vti 44S& ✓'
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