[■ FARM EQUIPMENT SPECIAL PROMOTION ® iNEWHOtLAiso PHces Good Through March 31 st and Subject to Prior Sale tmwuMO NEW HOLLAND LS SERIES GREAT NEW LOOK - SAME GREAT PERFORMANCE LS Series Super Boom™ skid steers have a sharp new look, and deliver the innovative design features and field-proven performance advantages that you’ve come to expect from New Holland Low Rate Finance: 0% 12 mo.; 3.9% 24 mo.; 5.9% 36 mo.; 6, | TIMELESS CLASSICS 45 HP, 4 Wheel Drive TN SERIES - ALL PURPOSE - STANDARD AND NARROW TN7SD ALL PURPOSE TN7S STANDARD TN9OF NARROW 62 HP, 2 Wheel Drive Cab 62 HP. 2 Wheel Drive, 80 HP, 4 Wheel Drive jHHv Tractor with 16x16 Syncro Open Tractor with BxB Cab Tractor with 16x16 if* Command Transmission, Syncro Command Syncro Command Air Ride Seat and Transmission Transmission Three $21,190 $32,990 AGGRESSIVE POWER TLIOO ALL PURPOSE Think power. Think comfort. Think convenience. Think excellent visibility. Put all that in one tractor, and you have the TL tractor from New Holland. Field-proven 56 to 86 PTO horsepower engines have good lugging ability Four dependable transmis sions (including a creeper) let you customize the tractor to the work you do. You can choose a comfortable, A/C cab, or, a roomy flat deck with foldable POPS GEMINI - INNOVATIVE IN TECHNOLOGY, PRACTICAL IN DESIGN ... GEMINI 8260 GEMINI 8360 . ... 100 HP, 2 Wheel Drive. Cab 115 HP, 4 Wheel Drive, Cab W/Air Ride Seat and 23x12 Dual w/Air Ride Seat and 18x6 Power Command Transmission Shift Transmission iMHi Price Reduced $40,500 Price Reduced $60,990 f( GROFF] NmmYm C«« Tn* .I*. 36" PALLET FORKS While Supply Lasts $495 BIG JOBS - LITTLE TRACTORS 3830 NARROW 4330 VINEYARD 45 HP Cab Tractor, 4 Wheel Drive 62 HP Cab Tractor, 4 Wheel Drive $21,800 $23,200 ■* ** ff' -Mrx» I A iNobMlykMMnlHqrWM mgs 5™ SKUMTfI MS NEW IDEA* Nothin* like it on earth" NEW EQUIPMENT Kubota Ml2O lOOhp 4WD, Power Shift Kubota MHO 90hp 4WD, Power Shift Hesston 3986 12-Wheel High Cap, Rake Hesston 540 Round Baler, 1000 Lb. Bale Hesston 1340 12’ Disc Conditioner, 3 pt. Swivel Hitch USED EQUIPMENT NH 277 Baler w/Thrower 1H1258u Manure Spreader Kuhn GRS2SN Tedder Rake Woods 3180 15’ Wing Mower Bushhog 126 R 10’ Pull Type NH 617 9’ 3pt. Disc Mower, 2 Years ATI 805 Preseeder Kuhn GMD66 HD 3 pt Disc Mower Kuhn GMD 700 9’ 3 Pt Disc Mower Kuhn 452 T 17’ Tedder LAWN & GARDEN Kubota F 2400 72” w/Cab Kubota 86200 DT w/Loader Kubota 82150 Loader Backhoe, 4WD Cub Cadet 2072, 20hp, 60” Grasshopper 721 D, 1995, 1500 hrs. Grasshopper 725 25 hp 61” Walker 16 hp 52” Simplicity Sun Star, 20 hp, 60” 3 pt Wood Saw STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE Cochranvllle, PA 610-593-2407 l% 48 mo.; 7.5% 60 mo, '** INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR • 67 HP Tractor • 2 Wheel Drive • 744 Industrial Loader 82 HP, Cab, 4 Wheel Drive, w/Air Ride and 24x12 Dual Command Transmission J $40,900 The Ford model 545 D is designed for extra heavy duty i ndu stnat/uti I ity loader and landscaping applications Features such as hard steel front shell, mdustnal front axle, and engine with , _ _ cast-iron oil $27,500 pan, protect the ' unit from )obsite damage & d'ssssysp# WF axle for JD 3020,4020 factory original $l,OOO Fancy Ml 717 combine w/813 bean tableon 708 tractor (2) 806 Deutz -1 w/cab, 1 w/heavy loader Ford 4000 Diesel Uni 801 w/815 gram & bean head Complete rear wheel dnve attachment for Uni 708,709 Uni 6504 wide or narrow corn heads w/741 throat Uni 844 N com head Uni 770 Ear Com Adapter from Chopper to Com Head 700 & 844 Senes Com Heads 4R Ml 800 Uni w/4WD Nl 708 2 wheeler Some "Cheaper" Urn’s w/huskers R.B. Leaman 7X7-399-4037 | Leaman Tractor & Parts Inc. IL 329 Brenneman Rd., Willow Street, PA 17584 Lh3 717-464-2874 Fax 717-464-4130 v. ** > Turn ten on Bwmeman Hd. from 222 S»tß>Hon TORQUE AMPLIFIERS & CLUTCHES CENTER HOUSING SPECIAL TILL APRIL 1,2000 Labor Rate $99.00 Gasket Package 50% OFF ★ 5 Year Warranty (Complete Unit) ★ Heavy Duty Sprag ★ Price $695.00 ★ 20 Years of Proven Results 1 ★ TA’s Can Be Shipped UPS The Strongest units available anywhere with a track record to prove it 1 USED TRACTORS - SOLD WITH WARRANTY • (2) Case IH 5240, cab, air, power shift, MFD, 1995 w/3800 hrs, extended warranty till July, 1 with 2700 hrs & extended warranty • Case IH MXI3S, 1997, cab, air, MFD, 260 total hours, equipped w/18x42 radials & duals - warranty remaining • IH 5088, Cab, Air, 2WD, 3600 Hrs, Good Cond, new 18x38 w/duals • (2) IH 3488, cab, air, fresh paint, hydro trans rebuilt, 18x38 tires, like new. Excellent Cond (I) @521,500 • IH3oBB,cab,air,26oohrs,dual PTO& hydraulics, very good tractor • IH 84, hydro w/loader, runs good, poor cosmetically IH 484, diesel, 2700 hrs w/snow blade, fresh paint, PS, 3pth IHIOO, hydro, cab, hydro tested w/engtne overhaul, fresh paint, 18x18 tires, 80% tread IH 1486, cab, air, 1981,4500 hrs, 20x38 tires, very nice cond, solid mechanically IH 1086, cab air, good rubber, nice cond, IH 1086, 1981, cab, air, very clean, excel cond, 18x38 tires 80% tread IH 766, fender tractor, 1975, very nice original cond. w/5 year T/A Case IH 5130, 2WD, ROPS, PS, 18x38 tires, good cond • (2) Case IH 5140, cab, air, MFWD, power shift, 5000 hrs & 8000 hrs, 1 w/creeper JD 4030 ROPS, quad w/reverse out, 18x38 tires Farmall Super H w/live hyd w/battery box under seat, needs engine kit Several Lower Priced Maxxum Tractors coming in, some 2WD, MFD & DROPS, good prices, 5250,5230,5140 Call IH 966 4-post ROPS, runs good, T/A works, ugly sheet metal $5,700 Case 455-C, Case track loader w/clam shell bucket & scamfier, 1985, 3900 hrs $15,500 080 MF Model 230 diesel, low hrs , PS Coming In IH 1486, cab, air, excel, mechanics, has cab rust $9,500 Case 1270 cab, power shift, runs good & operates ~,¥ . $4,000 Call Us For Your Used Parts Needs SPECIALIZING IN IN BUT HAVE OTHERS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 26, 2000-C25 OEM.BB WQtll«6S WELCOMED ★ Engine Overhaul Kits tor most brands, m-frame & complete out of frame kits Excellent prices from quality suppliers. ★ Rebuilt fuel pumps - most brands, comes with 2 year warranty ★ Turbo Chargers (new & rebuilt) 1 & 2 year warranties ★ Next Day UPS Delivery On Most Of These Items • 1H 1206, WFE, Ipt, 2 PTO’s • IH 1066, red cab, 1975 model, 5500 hrs, 18x58, dual PTO & hydraulics, field ready • Farmall 656 diesel, hydro w/2 post ROPS, hydro tested, diesel runs good, 15 5x58 tires • Farmall 560 gas, w/rebuilt T/A, 15x58 rear tires, standard draw bar, runs good, straight sheet metal, could use paint • SMTA, gas, WFE, PS, 2pt hitch, good cond • JD 6200, 2WD, power quad, 2 post ROPS • JD 1010, crawler loader, gas, good cond • JD 2940, row crop w/2 post ROPS, 4700 Hrs v nice • JD 4620, power shift, w/cab, will have rebuilt trans • IH 1086, ROPS, will have fresh T/A & has recent engine, complete SRC engine • Tiiffline 21’, folding disc, rock flex, excel • MF 2805 cab, air, 240 hp, w/PS, trans, 1900 hrs, tractor good m every way “cheap hp” •AC Dl9, gas, runs good, 18x54 tires • Cockshutt 30, WF, spt, nice sheet metal • Engines (used) • D 282 fits 560 thru 706 •D. 510 German fits 706,756 • JD 7 6L, same as 466-T complete fresh overhaul | IM'NDIMi I R \("I ORS | We Now Accept I ENGINE PARTS $6,700 080 Call
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