C4-L«nca«tef Farming, Saturday, February 28, 2000 Local Dealer Takes Farmers To Louisville Show (Continued from Peg* C 3) With the technology, machin ery and educational opportuni ties available at the National Farm Machinery Show in Louis ville, it’s not surprising that many of the farmers who made the journey are grateful for the opportunity provided by Hoober to experience the show in person. “It’s a good opportunity,” Hetrick said of the show, “and it’s great that Hoober makes all the arrangements. It makes it easy for us. Plus you get to travel with good people with the same interest you have.” “I think Hoober really appre ciates their customers,” said first-time visitor Matt Sowers of Mifflinburg. “I think the people Leadership, Services Lead CAB Into 2000 WOOSTER, Ohio-New lead ership and expanded producer services describe the Certified Angus Beef (CAB) Program’s 21st year. Jim Riemann became the program’s executive director in October, succeeding Louis M. “Mick” Colvin’s 21-year reign. Colvin started the program in 1978 with the idea of using reli able standards to determine beef quality. Since then, 11.5 million cattle earned the Certified Angus Beef label. In 1999 alone, about a half billion pounds (493 million) of this beef brand reached grocery stores and res taurants in the U.S. and 46 in ternational locations. “Angus producers deserve much credit for including con sumer preferences in production decisions by using the Angus da tabase and carcass merit EPD,” Riemann said. “Consumers are recognizing the Certified Angus Beef brand stands for high qual ity. We need to intensity our ef forts at helping retailers and restaurateurs present to con sumers so it becomes a destina tion product.” Fiscal 1999 marked the most cattle identi fied for the CAB Program, at about 9.5 million head, and the highest average carcass accept ance rate since the licensing of major packers, 20.4 percent. Its 493 million pounds sold marked an average of more than 25 per cent growth over the last four years and more than 500 percent growth for the decade. Future program growth will come from supply development steps toward vertical coopera tion. The formation of the feeder-packer relations division spurred the opening of a satellite office in Manhattan, Kan., to fa cilitate the Feedlot Licensing Program. By Oct. 1, that divi sion licensed 35 feedlots in 11 states with a one-time capacity of 460,000 head. Some 84 percent of the 8,000 feed cattle enrolled the first year met visual requirements for Cer tified Angus Beef acceptance. At processing, carcass acceptance rates ran 5 percentage points ahead of the program’s overall 20.4 percent mark. at Hoober understand what it is to farm and what it is to be in agriculture. That’s why they’re leaps and bounds ahead of ev erybody else when it comes to service. I think they do this out of a sense of appreciation.” “It says a lot for the com pany,” agreed Dietrich, who was making his fourth trip to the show with Hoober. “They have the same values as we do and to have them put something like this together just makes you feel like you’re part of their family.” And while most were still trying to absorb all they had seen at this year’s show, it’s a pretty safe bet that many will be returning to Louisville next year for the 36th annual National Farm Machinery Show. That higher rate came from better identifying Angus-type cattle, and should climb as feedlots apply lessons from the division’s commitment to qual ity seminars. These emphasize both proper product use and management for higher quality beef. Progeny testing for carcass merit enjoyed another record year. The Carcass Data Collec tion and Analysis Service col lected information on 17,619 progeny by Sept. 30, compared to 16,215 by that date in 1998. Sire-identified progeny testing climbed from 4,603 head in 1998 to 4,885. Certified Angus Beef acceptance also climbed a full percentage point for all progeny and two points for sire identified cattle. The percentage of sires in the 1999 Fall Sire Summary with actual or interim carcass EPDs hit a record 71 percent, well ahead of the 60 percent goal for 2002. Looking at the program’s overall impact, the international division increased the program’s global span to include 459 res taurants and 495 retail stores. Food Service grew the licensed U.S. restaurant base to 2,800, and reported 56 percent of its 140 million pounds sold as end meats. Retail grew to sales of 279 million pounds through more than 3,500 U.S. licensees, including Albertson’s 475 stores in 12 western states. Value added products grew by one third to approach 10 million pounds sold. In-store displays, recipe cards, and promotions pointing out that “life can’t have too much flavor” steered consumers to the Certified Angus Beef brand. In eight major metropoli tan markets, coordinated adver tising programs conveyed brand messages and the new, toll-free tip line at 1-877-2-EAT-CAB as sisted 1,000 callers in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Mexico with information needs. A new Internet initiative led to the cre ation of a new Website for con sumers, www.2eatcab.com, to be released in March 2000. Lancaster Farming Classified Ads Now searchable on th< Internet. ✓ Check Out Our Web Site WWW.I; :asterfan FARM EQUIPMENT TW 35. 2700 hrs, 4WD, cab, air; 21' cultlmulcher Kewannee; 2 Badger ma nure spreaders, tandem, hyd. tailgate, 320 bu. All excellent, all shed kept. Serious inquiries only 570/966-0883 after 6pm. IH 806 WF fender, 18.4x38 tires, 800-521-4336. JD 175 loader, good, lay stick control. 717/445-6266. NH #8 forage wagon, 3 beaters, roof. NH #4O blower. Both VG condi tion. 610-593-5165. CIH 5130 cab, 4WD, power shift, 4300 hrs, $19,000. CIH 5130 2WD. 717-445-6720 1953 FORD JUBILEE W/ LOADER, rebuilt brakes, elec. 8< hyd systems, new paint, runs excel. 610-647-0869 JD 2500 5-18 ASR plow; JD 950 16' cultlmulcher. 717/665-4743. CIH 7130, 4WD, duals, weights, reasonable. 717-445-6720 330 Owatonna Skid steer on steel. Good Cond. $3200; 605-D Vermeer Rnd Baler $1900; HD4 Crawler Ldr w/Backhoe $3800; NY 716-526-5954 AC Dl7 Gas, w/3-16" Plows, 10' Springtooth Harrow, 1957 Mdl, Good Cond & Running. 410-535-2419 Formal A tractor, 6' Woods belly mower, front end loader. 610-367-0966. Skid Mount Sprayer for PU 300 Gal Tank, Scot Pump w/Honda Motor, 40' Boom w/ Foam Marker $l,OOO 610-593-6094 White 2-105, enclosed cab, 2853 hrs, $12,000 obo. Farmhand 6650 tub grind er, good cond, $B5OO obo. 814-259-3997 12" Oliver 2 bottom plow with 14" bottom ex. cond. White Horse 2 way 14" plow, complete overhaul 1 yr. ago, new controls and bottoms, rebuilt frog, new wheels and paint, ex. cond. 814-349-5542 leave message. Demco, 3pt, 200 gal sprayer, 45' booms. Raven elec controls, $2,500. 1200 gal fuel tank body, complete w/pump, hose, meter, valves, $2,500 080. 12' stake body dump, $7OO 080. JD 5500 combine parts, rear & bottom sheet metal. 717-382-4878, ext 101. JD 350 crawler loader w/540 PTO, engine good, U/C still running, $5200 oba 717-532-3055 Byron 103 1R sweet corn picker, 3pt hitch, stalk ejector & fan, excellent condition, $7500. 410/479-1317. JD 7000 cornplanters from midwest, 4-6 row, $2,900 to $6,500. New and used liquid fertilizers, in secticide, markers, hitches, tires $2O. Soy bean cups $l5. Sensors $lO. Sensor tubes $l5. Pequea Planter, PA, 8:00-8:30am, 717-442-4406. JD 4520, cob, very clean original tractor, no 3pt, $5,900.717-532-8926. NH 2000 baler. 14' field cultivator. 610-932-8999 JD 2750 Tractor, Cab, 4x4. Hi-Lo; JD 245 Ldr 301-733-2195 1997 Shelbourne rentals, 24' stripper head, new style, used 1 year less than 500 acres, $lB,OOO. 410-374-9708 JD “M" plows. AC “B" w/ A. Pony tractor. Cub w/ A, PA. Panzer w/A. 2 axle horse trir. Anvil: JD 110 w/A. IH seed mopper (4). Old corn shelters. 1971 Chev P/U. 1960 P/U Dodge. Iron kettle. 2 cyl Nova Ford flat heads. 609-927-2912 NJ. Case IH 7130 Magnum FWD, good dean tractor, runs great, coming soon, caH. $34,500. Zeisloft Ea 800/919-3322. WANTED: Old motorcy cles, miniblkes, scooters, ATV's, etc Private col lector. 610-692-6079. Ford 2110 3cyl gas, 3pth, 5 hydraulics, $2,800. Call after 7pm, 609-393-5947. JD Backhoe Attachment w/mountlng brackets, off JD 2240, $2,000. 410-429-1927 Vermeer Stump Grinder Model 252 Exc Cond No Reasonable Offer Re fused Lancaster Co 717-786-8293. 1998 Case IH CxBo, cab, 360 hrs., 16.9-34, Price $27,000. Call 856-769-4025. JD 7000 com planter, 6R 30", dry fert, no till, $5500. 717-792-2546 Manure spreaders. New Idea ground drive. Buy, Sell, Trade, Repair. Lan caster Co. 717-786-3387 186 Int. Hydro, cab, heat, A/C, AM/FM CD player, completelv restored. 350 hrs. on new motor, $20,000 080. 301-790-0450. Bobcat 773. 1600 Hrs, $10,900; Bobcat 7753, 600 hrs, $10,900.717/336-7375. JD 4640, 4480 hrs., AG & Turf tires, pwrshft. 90% mowing. Also JD 2840 w/ loader, JDB3O, MF2O w/ 973 hrs., on diesel rebuild, Int 424 gas w/turf tires. Toro gas w/7 gang mower, Kubota 3750 4x4/loader. 301 -384-7146. JD 2950 FWD, cab, fancy tractor, reduced to $22,900. New rear radial tires. ZelsloftEq. 800/919-3322. Crop processor kits for JD 3970.3960, NH 892,900. $4466. JD 3950. 3940, NH 782, 790. $4266. JD 5000 8. 6000 series replacement rolls, $933/ea. Homing Mfg. 717-445-9317 2255 Oliver, 750 hrs on re built eng, new hyd pump, new rubber, cab, good cond, $ll,OOO. 717-354-6544. JD 404 Dsl, Irrigation Pump w/Berkley Pump S, Elec. Primer on Trailer. Shed Kept.; Shur-Raln 6"x4o' Irrigation Pipe, Positive Latch Hook,Ex cellent. 856-935-0348 JD B Tractor, Exc Cond. Garage Kept. $2,500 610-384-8631 IH 5488 2WD, Wts. Duals; Stoltzfus 810 Lime/Fert Spreader, Used Once; IH 52500 Single Axle Dump, DT466 Auto, All Eq Exc. Serious Inq. Only 724-527-5542 Generator, aux., adapt, to Cat. I,3pt hitch. 4500 w, 120 8< 240 v, ex. cond, $3OO. 215/348-1375 eves. Gehl 6625 skid steer, bucket & forks, 1,900 hrs., excellent condition, $10,000.410-429-1927 Gleaner M 2 $8,500 Fancy Gleaner F 2 $11,900., Gleaner F 2 $6,900. MFS4O $3,500, JD4400 D 36 $2,900. Huge savings on all com bine trade Ins. Zeisloft Eq. 800-919-3322. NH Haybine; JD SRN CornHeact JD 4400 Com bine 6600 Gas, Best Offer 814-766-3431 Radiators & water pumps, brand new for JD, IH, MF. Ford 8. Case. MC/Vlsa 717-530-9459 6pm-9pm IH 1486 motor overhaul 300 hrs, $9,200. 508 auto reset plow , 4 bottom 18 Inch. $1,800.717-866-4299. JD 2520 dsl., WFE, VG cond AC 210, 120 hp, turbo w/duals, VG cond 609-723-6265 eves. Generator: Cummins Onan 30KW dsl genset, like new 156 hrs, all safe ty switches, block heater, battery charger, 2SBgal fuel tank included, $5,150. 570-864-2558. JD 4840, power shift, axle duals, excelent rubber, motor complete over haul, AC changed to new Freon. Dlno tested, 200 + HP. 315-258-2879. Irrigation pipe, 40 pieces. Sure Rain 40'x4" w/ sprinklers, $l6OO. 610/760-1284. JD 4520 tractor w/cab, $BOOO. JD 4020, cab, side console, PS, $lO,OOO. 814-334-5564 JD 4840 cob, power shift, duals, $ 1 5,500. 717-532-8926. 1970 Dodge spray truck, 500 gal, radar Dickey John, foam marker, hyd booms, nice truck, $8,500. AAF 510 combine. 4RW, 13' platform $3,000. 4010 1 of a kind $B,OOO. Two horse trailer needs work, $3OO. New 115 chuck wagon chain, $2OO. Baltimore Co, 410-239-2696. AC Tractor 6080 2K Mrs, Good Rubber; IH 4 16" Semi-Plow; IH 37 10' Disk, Both Good Condition. AH Prices Neg. 610-933-6401 Kuhn 10‘, 300 G mower/ cond finger comb, good cond, $4,500. SchuylkiM Co, 570-386-4691. JD 6400 cab, 2WD, power quad, 38" rubber, r&p axles, 1000-540 PTO, 1500 hrs, like new. 717/933-9186. IH 720 sxlB on land plows, JD 12 cultlmulch $1,850, BriWon 3pt. 8 tooth chisel, like new $1,850 570-437-2604. JD 3pt Reid Cultivator; NH 782 Chopper 8. 2R Com Head; White 4RW Combine Head. 410-374-4440 MF Flat Top Fenders for 150, 165, 175, 185 & 1080, Brand New $179/Ea MC & Visa Accepted. 6-9 pm Eves Only. 717-530-9459 JD 4430 C & A 8300 Hrs, Runs Good, Ist & 2nd Gear Bad. $10,500 No Sun day Calls 814-358-2886 USED TRACTOR PARTS, also rebuilt clutches and torques. We ship UPS. Hll-T Fam Inc.. 4295 Rich mond Palestine Rd, New Madison, OH 45346. 937-548-0718. CIH 5130, 4WD ROPS, PS, new tires & paint, 5200 hrs, $21,500 obo. 724-452-8725 Rlchardton 700 dump wagon; NH 258 rake; Kuhn GFSOOOT rotary tedder; NH haybine; Hes ston 4755 baler w/ preservation att., like new. 610/869-2527. CIH 8340 mower condi tioner $3,600. CIH 181 MT rotary hoe 15' $2,300. OH 4500 vbra shank with buster bar 13' $1,500. Pe quea 710 tedder $l,OOO. All equipment A-1 condi tion, field ready. Berks Co, Frytstown, 717-933-8748. 1999 Case 2388 combine w/1020 25' platform. AFS w/yleld monitor, 2WD, 2 year warranty. 410-374-9708 9' Hesston 1050 discbine, shed kept, ready for the field, very good cond. $4500. 814-766-2614 days, 814-224-4115 eves BLUB RIDGE REPAIR Agricultural - Industrial Engine Overhauls A Equipment Repairs I Most work done on site! Nelson Horst 128 Shady Road, Newburg, PA 17240 717-423-6924 FORKLIFTS: Direct wholesale liquidation. Must sell Many makes. Call J.R. 215-937-1146 NH 353 Grinder/Mlxer w/Unloading Auger Ext. Exc Cond. 610-285-6525 9N Ford tractor w/hl-k), runs good, $2400. 717-442-9552 IH 1456, WF, fender, 5100 hrs, nice, 18.4x38 tires. 800-521-4336. Ml Manure Spreader 10', Rubber Tires, Ground Drive, Wooden Box; ttH 990 Hayblne, 7' Cut; 10' Hayrake. Good Cond. 717-789-4424 After 6 PM ht 585. 16.9x30. 1 hyd. Price $9,000. Call 856-769-4025. NH 782 forage harvester w/2R 822 com head & 770 hay pickip; NH #8 for age wagon, $1250; NH 36' elevator, $450; 20' Her cules sdo unloader. 610/286-7821. Spade Plow, Imants, 4' w/harrow, good shape, 1-800-886-0272. FORKS; 80 pairs of forks, all sizes. $lOO/UP per pair. 410-335-4700 NH 555 diesel skid loader, $6,900.717-354-0266. Ditz Wltzel potato seed cutter, $3OO. Trexler po tato seed cutter $lOO. 410-239-6509 Kelly 30 backhoe attach ment, 3pth, SZSOO 080. JD F9lO frt mount mower, Onan eng, 20hp, 52" cut $2,500 080. Call Tony, Delaware Co 610-459-2944. Heavy duty loader off of Deutz tractor, $l4OO. F2L912 Deutz rebuilt, $2200. 717-687-8266 8-B;3oam Clay manger ranger electric feed cart, very good cond., Oliver #546 semi mtd. plow 4 - 16" (570)494-1571. NH 791 Spreader, Like New $6,000; AAF 65 Trac tor, 52HP, Gas, w/AAultl Power, New Eng $4,000 717-367-0349 Deutz AIDS SM7ORC dls cbine, 10.5' cut, good cond, $2500 now, or buy at MM Weaver's auction 3/20.717-548-4144 INT 710 sxlB Spring Reset Plow w/On-Land Hitch’. Exc. Shape. 610-285-6525 Used Knight reel augle mixer wagon, model 2300, side discharge, chute & scales, 8 years old, good cond, $BOOO. Recondition ed Lucknow 285 mixer wagon, good cond. $BOOO. 1-800-801-2082 JD 750 no-tH drill, 10', grass seed, dolly wheel, exc. cond, $14,500. 717-369-4115. 1995 Hack Centerlde," DT466, Alison 653, Eaton 26k, (extra rear & axles included), 65' booms, 1800 gal. SS tank, 60 SS foam & rinse, Durco 3x2, Rav ens 460, 60" Rlchways, Goodyear XTs 90%, 4250 hrs, many nice features, excellent condition. 717/375-2229 PA. Dismantling for Parts: Hundreds of farm trac tors new and old several JD 2 cylinders also dozers and track loaders. Cal for any part you might need. Atkins Tractor Salvage. Union WV 24983. Phone 304-772-3741. Ford BN,9N Fenders, Brand New w/Mounting Brackets $125/Ea; MC & Visa Accepted. 6-9 PM Eves 0n1y.717-530-9459 Oliver 55, no 3pth. live PTO, $1,250 080. 215-968-1812. JD 4455 4WD, PS. 4 post canopy, $22,500 obo. 717-292-9655 JD 6600 combine w/6R corn head, 213 flex, good condition, $13,900. No Sun day cals, 215-541-9060.
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