UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.)-The PA Department of Agri culture’s Meat Animal Eval uation Center announces the 84- day results of the Bull Perform ance Testing Program. We have 78 outstanding bulls on test this year. The group consists of 39 Angus, nine Polled Herefords, 28 Simmentals, one Charolais and one Limousin. The 39 Angus have main tained a group average daily gain of 4.26 lbs per day through 84 days with a lifetime weight per day of age of 3.47 pouftds. The top-gaining Angus bull is the T.C. Stockman 365 son owned by Ed Dunkelberger. The 5.77 Ibs/day this bull recorded through 84 days is the 2nd high est gain overall breeds! The sec ond fastest gaining Angus is the IN 11-41 IP TIACTBR DEALS Make short, fun work out of all your yard, garden and farmstead chores with one of these handy MF 1200 Series tractors with matching loader and implements. And now is the time to get a really great deal. We’re passing on special factory dis counts plus incredible low-rate financing like 0% APR interest for 12 months, or 8.4% for up to 60 months. Stop in today for all the details and experience the driving force. But hurry, these offers end March 31, 2000. •Financing terms subject to approval by AGCO Finance and vary by down payment. Massey Ferguson* is a worldwide brand of AGCO Corporation, Duluth, GA SEE YOUR NEAREST DEALER FOR DETAILS M.M. WEAVER &SON N Groffdale Rd. Leola, PA 17540 (717)656-2321 MEYERS IMPLEMENTS, INC. 400 North Antrim Way Qreencaatle, PA 17225 (717)597-2176 SCHREFFLER EQUIPMENT Pitman, PA 17964 (570)648-1120 PEOPLE’S SALES & SERVICE Oakland Mills, PA 17076 (717) 463-2735 Bull Performance Testing Results Announced PS Traveler 351 614 son of Mar lin and Steve Paul, who gained 5.46 lbs per day. The top-gaining Polled Here ford bull is the SBF Royal Ran cher son consigned by Shawn Eberly. This bull gained 4.76 lbs/ day. The second-fastest gaining Polled Hereford is the MGM Renegade son owned by Steve and Jeff Reigel and he gained 4.64 pounds per day through the 84 days. The nine Polled Here ford bulls achieved an average daily gain of 4.17 pounds per day and a lifetime weight per day of age of 3.56 pounds per day. The 28 Simmentals on test gained an average 3.98 pounds per day and maintained a life time weight per day of age of 3.53 pounds. The top gaining MASSEY-FERGUSON LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT CO. 700 E. Linden St. Richland, PA 17087 (717)866-7518 LAWN CARE OF PA Martindale, PA (717)445-4541 D.W.OGG EQUIPMENT CO. 5149 Cap Stine Rd. Frederick, MD 21701 (301) 473-4250 Westminster, MD (410) 848-4585 C.J. WONSIDLER 1975 Trumbauersville Rd. Quakertown, PA 18951 (215)536-1935 Simmental bull is the Lehman Lucky Buck 7049 C son owned by John Myers. This bull recorded an ADG of 5.80 which is the highest ADG overall breeds. The second-fastest gaining Simmen tal was the bull consigned by Jack Herr. This STF Redition G7Z son gained 4.54 pounds per day on test. The top-gaining Limousin bull is the Quail Run Black Ink son which gained 4.06 pounds per day and was consigned by Kevin Murphy. The top-gaining Charo lais, consigned by Raymond Bratton, gained 4.19 pounds per day on test and is a son of BCF New Trend 992. P. The bulls will all be weighed off test February 22, 2000. They will then have their final aver age daily gain, adjusted 365-day MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. Stauffer Road Bechtelsville, PA 19505 (610)845-2911 NORTHEAST DIST. & EQUIP. Rt. 106 West Clifford, PA 18413 (570) 222-9090 (570)222-9020 FRANK RYMON & SONS, INC. 399 Route 31 South Washington, NJ 07882 (908)689-1464 ECKROTHBROS. FARM EQUIPMENT RD #2, Box 24A New Ringgold, PA'17960 (570)943-2131 4910 Kernsville Rd. Orefield, PA 18069 (610)366-2065 TEST DRIVE ONE TODAY! MASSEY-FERGUSON weight, frame score, and adjust ed fat thickness calculated. The bulls will be scanned ultrasoni cally to determine fat thickness, and estimated loin eye areas. The bulls will undergo a compre hensive breeding soundness exam, including collections, and a semen evaluation. The bull must meet minimum require ments for structural soundness and breed character. After all of the evaluations, approximately the top 75% of the bulls will be selected to be offered in PA’s 27th Annual Per formance Tested Bull Sale scheduled for 11:00 a.m., Friday, March 31, 2000. The bull sale is First Union Salutes Ag Industry At Agri-Education Seminar LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) -’’Agriculture 2000” will be the forward-looking focus of the 19th annual First Union Agri- Education Seminar Thursday, Feb. 24, here at the Farm and Home Center. According to Damn Boyd, manager of First Union’s Agri- Finance Department, First Un ion annual sponsors this semi nar for members of the agricul tural and agribusiness commu nity to keep them informed of the changes and potential oppor tunities in the industry. The seminar will be conducted from 8:30 a m. to 3 p.m In Pennsylvania, agriculture is the number on industry, and Pennsylvania farms lead the way in the Northeast. According to Boyd, Pennsylvania agricul ture led the Northeast with $4.14 billion in cash receipts and an additional $4O billion related economic activity. Agricultural business creates jobs for one out of every five Pennsylvanians. The keynote speaker will be Marcia Z. Taylor, editor of Top Producer, Farm Journal Publish ing’s business magazine for executive farmers. Taylor will challenge attendees to “Don’t Underestimate the Competi tion.” Also appearing at the sem inar for the first time will be G. David Orr and Ronald J. Hanson. Chief economist of First Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, February 19, 2000-C3 planned as a central part of PA’s 11th Annual Beef Expo which runs March 30th through April 2nd at Penn State’s Ag Arena. The Expo will have something for everyone. There will be edu cational displays, a large trade show, junior activities and shows, purebred Angus Short horn and Simmental sales, and great food. For more information about the bulls on test, the PA Beef Expo, or to request bull sale cat alogs, contact Glenn Eberly, Dir ector, Meat Animal Evaluation Center, 651 Fox Hollow Rd., State College, PA 16803. Phone 814-238-2527 or 814-865-5857. Union National Bank, Orr will share his economic forecast of “Optimism Tempered by Real ism.” Hanson is professor of agricultural economics at Uni versity of Nebraska and will look at “The Unspoken Words of a Family” Dr. David M. Kohl, professor of agricultural economics and snail business management at Virginia Tech and a past semi nar presenter, will provide new insight in his talk, “Agrivisions m the New Millennium” John M Blanchfield, another previous participant and manager of agri cultural banking and rural development for the American Bankers Association’s federal legislative operations depart ment, will outline “Federal Ag Policy Changes in 2000 ” H Louis Moore, professor of agri cultural economics at Penn State University, will discuss “Agricultural Markets in 2000 ” Other seminar speakers will be Jennifer Zimmerman, Lan caster County FFA president, and Sarah Boyd, 1999 Superior 4-H recipient in Lancaster Coun ty. Zimmerman is a senior at Ephrata High School. Boyd is a student at Millersville Univer sity. For further information, con tact First Union’s Agri-Finance office in Lancaster at (717) 291- 3519. BUY, SELL, TRADE OR RENT THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED ADS IN Lancaster Farming
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