WILL GROW FARM RETIREMENT AUCTION CASH CROP FARM & VEGETABLE EQUIPMENT GRADING LINES THURS., FEB. 24 @ 9:00 AM BELLONA, (Penn Yan), NY NOTICE: Norm & Barb Willson have sold the f arm & look forward to retirement. All farm assets will be sold at public auction. LOCATION: The auction will be held at the home farm, Coleman Rd., Bellona, NY, 3 miles east Rt. 14A, 7 miles south of Geneva, 6 miles north of Penn Yan. From Rt. 14A 3 miles south of Hall, take Bellona Station Rd. East 3 miles to Thistle Rd. SELLING (15) tractors, forklifts & dozer: Case-IH 7130 4x4 w/cab, low hours; IH 1086 4WD w/big rubber & cab; JD 4430 fender; JD 4020 D; JD 3010; JD 2520 w/duals; Ford 7610 4WD w/cab, veg. special w/creeper; IH 504 Hi Clear w/6R carrot planter; Farmall H; Farmall 200 w/carrot sprayer; Caterpillar D4D bulldozer, Hyster 4000# forklift, all overhauled; Towmotor forklift; IH 140 forklift; IH 4000 forklift. TRUCKS: IH w/fert. hopper; IH water/spray truck; IH 10 wheeler w/potato body. VEGETABLE EQUIPMENT: Sweet corn sprayer; Lockwood 2R potato harvester; Lockwood 4R potato planter; (3) HD wagons w/potato boxes; ID 4R potato cultivator; 4R hiller; 6R multivator rototiller; multivator for onions; Stanhey 8R onion planter w/roller & spray tanks & barley planting unit. GRADING LINE & PACKING EQUIPMENT: Detlweltz potato seed cutter/treater; Castle Harvester beet grader; Potato Wash line grader/sorter/bagger. Hobbs irrigation reel w/1250’ hose, 150’ gun cart; Hale PTO 6” irriga tion pump; Berkeley irrigation pump w/JD diesel power; 4500’ of 6” pipe; (3) small water pumps. FARM EQUIPMENT: IH 720 6xlB plow; JD 16’ disc; (2) 16’ 401 drags; Brillion 18’ cultipack er; (2) Bob 17’ rollers; 12’ Land leveler; Reynolds LSI4 landscaper; Brillion subsoiler 2 shank w/moles; Brillion 12 shank chisel plow; 4& 6 R cultivators; JD 7000 dry 6R planter w/bug box; Demco sprayer; several poly tanks; John Blue squeeze pumps; 1100 & 1500 gal. water tanks; grass seeders; fert. spreaders; Castle 40’ elevator; flat wagons; dump wagons; JD 58 loader; dual wheels; Brillion 12’ chopper; Post hole digger; 8” hyd. auger; pallet jack; platform scales; good sup ply new & used parts & supplies; shop tools mcluding-torches, press, lathe, cut off saw, welder, air compressor, drill press; port-a-john and much, much more. TERMS: Full settlement auction day, cash or good check. RoyTeitsworth, Inc. (716) 243-1563 FAX (716) 243-3311 6502 Barber Hill Road Geneseo, New York 14454 www.teitsworth.com I I i l I p HORSE CONSIGNMENT SALE Barbeque Chicken Mel Hoover - Auctioneer Need Directions Call: 814-349-5099 A Horse Sale jfrt FRIDAY, Penns Valley Livestock Centre Hall, PA Tack Horses 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Nice selection of Horses. Hitching 5:00 p.m. Ride or Drive before you buy last Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. SPECIAL HORSE SALE!! Monday. March 6, 2000 Regular Monday Sale, 10:00 AM, Riding Horses, Ponies, -12:00 Noon Work Horse - Approx. 2:00 PM Driving Horses Notice; OUR Shippers all are calling and say they will have Top Work Horses for Monday Ward Wright - Shy Tipton, Billy Meadows, Bill Pope, Jim Murry - They say they will be in New Holland Sale Bam - with the Right Kind DRIVING HORSES - will sell about 2:00 PM - Most all consigners will have Fresh Shipped Drivers at the sale. If you need Horses - Work or Drivers - Be in New Holland Sales Barn Monday 3-6-2000. MsQlr>nn’t forget the Smucker Mule Sale Friday, March 3rd, 2000,10:00 AM All out of state shippers, please bring "" along your Coggins and Health Certificate for interstate shipment - Thank you!! Sale Managed By New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. Bun 717-354-4341 Fax 717-355-0706 Home 717-397-5538 Norman ft David Kolb, Mgrs. 61L Belleville Livestock Market Spring Machinery Sale Friday, March 3, 2000 at 9:00 AM We will be selling on consignment any type of horse drawn or con ventional farm equipment and all types of new hand tools for farm use. Hay, Straw, Tractors and cars will be sold at 1:00 PM, sale will start at 9:00 AM with several loads of new tools. Consignments are welcome on Thursday March 2, 2000 until 6:00 PM. We are sorry but no consignments will be accepted on Friday. Gene Click (717) 667-2703 Sale Barn (717) 935-2146 FEB. 25, 2000 Kitchen open Friday of each month. every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. For more info: Dairy and Livestock Sales WED MAY 17 & THURS , MAY 18 - 8 30AM Wed Lawn & Gar den Tractors, misc items Thurs Misc items, tires, posts, etc Farm Equp & tractors 6 miles S ot Chambersburg Pa 1 mi E of manon, just E off I-81 at Marion along Rt 914 Marion Auction Service FRI MAY 19 - Feeder Sale 7 PM Middleburg Livestock Auction Sates, Inn, Middleburg, Pa -Rl MAY 19 - 7 PM Horse Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Pa r KLINGS DAIRY SALE Thursday, March 9, 2000 11:00 A.M. Selling at Klings Sale Barn, Located 15 Miles North of Carlisle on Route 74, R.D. Landisburg, Pa. SELLING: A Trailer Load of Fresh and Close First and Second Calf Holsteins From Canada, Majority Registered. Several Milking at the 100 Lb. Mark. A.I. Sired, Some sell with records and classification. FANCY YOUNG COWS AND HEIFERS! PLUS: 20 Springing Grade Heifers, All Holsteins. We still have room at this printing for some good local consignments. Call Art at 717-789-3883 KLINGS SALE CALENDAR Wednesday, March 1- Heberlig Complete Machinery Sale, Newburg, Pa. Saturday, March 18 - Middaugh Farm Machinery and Real Estate, Shade Gap, PA Friday, March 24 - Gladtime Farms, Complete Registered Holstein Dispersal, Tully, N.Y. Saturday, April 1 - Klings Annual Farm Machinery and Feeder Cattle Consignment Auction - Call now to consign your items. Saturday, April 8 - Mitchell Farm Machinery Auction, Duncannon, Pa. Sale Managed By: Kling's Auctions, Inc. Landisburg, Pa. . Pa. Lie. *O5OO i Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 19, 2000-847 3AT MAY 20 - 9AM Tools and elated items - Roy Blauch Estate, 7040 Bates Drive, Annville, Pa Harry H Bachman, auct TUES , MAY 23 - 9AM Quilt, Craft 4 Buggy To Be held at A&C Diff snbach Auction Inc, 100 W Jack son St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa 717-355-7253 WED , MAY 24 - 9AM Quilt S Craft To Be held at A&C Diffen bach Auction Inc, 100 W Jack son St, New Holland Lane Co , Pa 717-355-7253 WED, MAY 24 - 9AM Farm stables, 101 W Fulton Equip, Tractors, Truck Lots To Holland, Pa be held at Wolgemuth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co , Pa 717-656-2947 ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spnng Road, Carlisle, Pa FRI MAY 27 - Horse Sale 8 30AM Tack, 11 AM Horses Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc. Middleburq, Pa FRI MAY 27-12 Noon Quarter Horse Sale, New Holland Sales
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