842-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 19, 2000 * SAT MAR 18- 10AM Farm Con signment Sale, 1817 Barclay Rd. Barclay. Elbom Aucts SAT MAR 18 9AM Furniture antiques, personal property lawn S. garden equip tools, Elizabeth Sreneman, 1 Newswanger Rd , .ancaster Pa John D Stauffer Aucts SAT MAR 18 - 9AM Garage Tools & Supplies 927 North Rail oacl Ave New Holland Lane So , PA Mary E High Edwin N High, deceased Robert E martin & Sons 717 656-7770 SAT MAR 18 - 9AM Furniture personal prop tools, guns, car, aickup truck 935 W Mam St New Holland Pa Aaron E Zook zstale Kline, Kreider & Good, aucts SAT MAR 18-9 AM Real Estate Personal Property, 4125 Wilshite Drive, York, Pa For Kathryn R Grim Wilman Auctioneers, Inc SAT MAR 18-9 AM Real estate At 5248 Mine Road Kmzers, Pa Salisbury Twp Lane Co For Ben Z Stoltzfus, Salma Stoltztus Dale Slollztus, aucts PUBLIC AUCTION BUILDING HMtSHLK SATURDAY, Wfeß. 26Ul e 10:00 AM 1021 Balto. St., HANOVER, PA. (In the Penn Plaza shopping! center) FEATURING: Brand New!! -Appliances, Andersen Windows, Vinyl Windows, Skylites, Patio Doors, French Doors, Leaded entry Doors, Solid Pine Interior Doois, Ceramic Floor & Wall Tile, Pre-finished & Pergo Type Wood Flooring, Carpeting, Kitchen Cabinets, Bath Cabinets, Faucets, Sinks, Whirlpool T\ibs, Toilets, Lumber Lots, Molding Lots, Etc., Etc. MUCH MORE'! INSPECT Fri. Feb. 25th, 9:ooam - 5 pm TERMS - Cash/Cert. Funds, Visa, MC Am Ex., 12% Buyers Premium -2% discount for cash. No out of State checks without bank letter of credit. Sale Held Inside - Rain or Shine No Children Pay of Sale SOUTHERN SALES SERVICE AUCTIONEERS 717-235-7706 / 717-646-0199 Gordonville Fire Co. Sale March 11, 2000 Carriages will be sold 11:00 3 rebuilt Amish Carriages by Mickle Mines Coach Shop, 2 rebuilt Amish Carriages by Buena Vista Coach Shop; 3 rebuilt Amish Carriages by Benj- Fisher Coach Shop; 1 new Amish Carriage by John Allgyer; 1 new Amish Carriage by Jacob- King; 1 new open Amish Carriage by Esh Buggy Shop Md. 1 Amish Carriage 5 yrs. old (good con dition); 1 Amish Carriage 6 yrs old (good condi tion); 1 Amish Carriage 2 Yr old (real good condi tion); 1 Amish carriage 6 yr old 4 wheel brakes (good condition) lots of good used Amish Carriages; 1 new open courting buggy by Esh Buggy Shop Md.; Good used Amish open bug gies; 2 new pick up Spring Wagons by Levi Beilei. 6 new Spring Wagons with 2 seats by Esh Buggy Shop Md ; new and used Spring Wagons (single and double seats); good used Market wag ons, new and used 2 wheeled carts, some with lights or brakes, used sleighs; 1-2 seated Surrey with fringe top. Receiving Dates March 6th - 10th. Will not receive carriages Sat. morning March 11th. Any questions about carriages contact Elam R. Petersheim 201 A. Belmont Rd., Gordonville, Pa. 17529 SAT MAR 18 - 9AM Estates of martha Graybill & Wilma Hoff man Real Estate, Antiques & Collectibles Hassmger & Court ney AucteJs7oJtt!Hi79l. SAT MAR 18-9 AM Real Estate antiques HH goods tools & car 681 Wide Hollow Rd. E Earl Twp Lane Co, Pa Freeda E Good Estate HorsJ Aucts SAT MAR 18 - 9AM Real estate, household goods tools, col lectibles 99 E College St, Wem ersville, Berks Co Pa By Esther C Groff Sylvan B Witmer, aucts SAT MAR 18-9 AM York Co 4- H Farm Consignment Sale, 1771 Sloverstown Rd, York, Pa Ster mer Auctioneering Service SAT MAR 18-9 30AM JD Trac tors, farm equip, 6620 JD com bine & trucks, 1 mile N of Elmer, NJ on Mam St for Ward Bishop By Blame Renlzel Aucts SAT MAR 18 - 9 30AM Farm machinery & farm real estate sale iddauoh Klmqs Auctions. Inc SAT MAR 18 -10 AM Henry J Moser Estate Auction Tractors, Farm Machinery, Furniture, Antiques, HH Goods J G Cochran, Auct SAT, MAR 18- 11AM For Casey Systems, 151 Holland Rd, Sus sex, NJ, Farm machinery auction Col F R Daniel Aucts, Inc 908- 369-4784 SAT MAR 18 - IPM Real estate, Lane Co West Earl Twp By Edwma Weaver Gingrich & Hoover, aucts MON MAR 20 Annual Consign ment Auction for tractors, com bines, farm equipment Auction By M M Weaver & Sons 169 North Groffdale Road, Leola Aal ron E Martin, Auction Service MON MAR 20 - 9AM Tractors, trucks & farm equip, at 499 Fish & Game Rd . East Berlin Pa for Mildren Sauble by Blame Rentzel Auction Service 717-764-6412 TUES , MAR 21 - 9AM Quill, Craft & Buggy To Be held at A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc, 100 W Jackson St New Holland, Lane Co, Pa 717-355-7253 TUES MAR 21-Fat Cattle Sale, Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc , 548 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, PA TUBS MAR 21 - 10 30AM Farm equip for David & Shawn Wenger, 532 Brenneman Rd, Manheim, Pa John D Stauffer, Aucl PUBLIC AUCTION 9:00 A.M. Sat., Feb. 26,2000 Leesport Farmers Market Along Route 61 in Leesport. PA We are located North of Reading and South of 1-78 Chevrolet, Chrysler, Mercury, Ford, Rambler Auto And Truck Sales Literature, Shop Manuals, Car Parts, Garbs, Fuel Pumps & Gaskets, Spark Plugs, Wheel Bearings, Fender Skirts And Ford Parts For 1930- 1960, Chevy Parts, New 58 Horn Blow Ring, New Headlamp Rings, Ford Salesman Books, Oil & Gas Pumps, Old License Plates, Brake Shoes, AMC St Rambler Parts, Nos Door Skins, Headlight Buckets St Misc. Nos Parts (Lots of NOS Chrome) Parts Cabinet, Display Racks, raise Ford Anglia Parts Not responsible for accidents Terms: Cash or Good Check Day of Auction No Out-of state check. ATM & FOOD ON PREMISES Important Unreserved Public Auction, Consisting of 1890 Lots The Library of The Late Francis (Frank) Blase, Jr. of Telford, Bucks County, PA Consisting of Books on the Following Subjects: Birds, Nature, Architecture, Art, Antiques, Crafts, Railroading, Transportation, Coal Mining & Mining Equipment, Iron & Ironware, Early Industry, Farming & Farm Machinery, American Indians, United States & Misc. History, Important Selection of Books on Philadelphia, General Penna. & Penna. German History & Literature and a Collection of Misc. Ephemera & Badges ■ to be held: Session 1, Friday, Feb. 25,2000 at 8:30 am Session 11, Friday, Feb. 25,2000 at 4:00 pm Session 111, Saturday, Feb. 26,2000 at 8:30 am Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Road, (Corner of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd., West of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lane. Co., PA A 110-page detailed cataloge is available at a cost of $25.00 by mailing request to “Blase Auction", c/o C.E. Spohn, 114 W. Main St., Lititz, PA 17543 Horst AUCTS. T. Glenn 7i 7 wS?mbo Timothy G. Fax # (717) 738-2132 Thomas A. “voices of experience" Catalogue by: Clarence E. Spohn (717) 733-6402 (daytime, Mon. Fri.) • (717) 626-9232 (6-9 p.m., Mon.-Fri.) TUES , MAR 21 - 7 45PM Feed er Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spnng Rd. Carlisle. PA WED MAR 22 - 9AM Farm Equip, Tractors, Truck Lots To be held at Wolgemuth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co. Pa 717-656-2947 WED , MAR 22 - 9 AM Quilt & Craft To Be held at A&C Diffen bach Auction Inc, 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa 717-355-7253 THURS MAR 23-Farmmach & tractors, beef cows 321 E Petersburg Rd, Neffsville, Galen Hoover, Elizabeth Hoover Kline, Kreider & Good aucts THURS MAR 23-146 Ac Farm Farm Equip & Supplies Long Rd, East Hempfield twp, Lane Co, PA Terms By Genex/CRI Robert Martin, Aucts THURS MAR 23 - Gladtime Farms Tully, NY Herd Dispersal Managed by Klmg’s Auctions, Inc , Landisburg, PA 717-789- 3883 and Wood’s Auction Ser vice, NY THURS MAR 23 -10 AM 34 Koenig Rd, Bernville, Berks Co, Pa Farm Equip, JD Tractors, Combine & Harvester Sale for Lav' -i Koerang Les Longeneck- -avem er, Auci FRI MAR 24 - Complete Disper sal Wilhide & Stine Farm, 8631 Mentzer Gap Rd, Waynesboro, Pa including tractors & full line of machinery JG Cochran Auct FRI, MAR 24 -10 AM Farm Machinery, 3 Tractors, 986 Int Diesel Jacob K & Katie Lantz, 875 Morgantown Rd, Honey Brook, PA Steve Petersheim, Auct FRI, MAR 24 -1 PM State Grad ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. 548 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, Pa THURS, MAR 24, FRI, MAR 25 & SAT, MAR 25 Consignment Antique Tractor Sale Columbia City, IN King Auction Service 219-723-4378 SAT MAR 25 - Lawn & Garden consignment auction Held Schoeneck, Pa Philip Hurst, auct SAT MAR 25 - Farm machinery & related items for Ralph Dietch, Carlisle, Pa Brenneman & Fore man auct SAT, MAR 25 - 531 Panorama Drive , Denver Industrial Trac tors, Equipment, Tools & Person al Property Terms by A Stanley & Barbara A Burkhart Kline, Krei der & Good Aucts r LOCATION: Todd County, KY - Trenton Community (KY-TN State Line). From Trenton, KY travel Highway 41 North 2 miles, turn left onto Highway 1589 (Mimms Rd.), go 1 1/2 miles. See Signs. 112 ACRES ± 2 STORY HOME WITH FULL BASEMENT 40 Xl36' MILK BARN W/LOFT 4 BAY EQUIPMENT SHED (All Buildings Constructed new in 1995) Farm has 112 Acres ± Openland, some small areas of scattered trees; topography is level to gently sloping; long blacktop frontage on Mimms Road; West Fork Creek borders property on the back; growing alfalfa on - J -«■* portion of farm f:yi £ FARM IMPROVEMENTS: 20’x80’ Four Bay Open Equipment Shed; 40’x136’ Milk Barn w/box stalls & parlor; large loft for tobacco or hay HOME is 2-Story; approximately 3000 sq’ living space plus a full basement; all rooms are large, Farm view from every direction; Amish family equipped and main tained - Home built new in 1995. BROCHURE & PLOT AVAILABLE TERMS: 15% Day of Sale, balance w/deed. Deed In 30 days or less. Any announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material. OWNER: NR. at MRS. JACOB STOLTZFOOS V A .V (270) 887-9977 (270) 885-6789 KY. DIAL FREE 1-888-303-8862 y nr LINDA TURNER BROKER-AUCTIONEER (270) 439-7786 JAY FIESE APPR AUCTIONEER (270) 466-5976 UCTIOW - SAT., M Farm Machinery and Farm Real Estate Sale Located in Huntingdon County, From Shade Gap Take Route 35 North 3 1/2 Niles to the Farm, "Niddvw Ln." :al estate offered at Approximately 110 Acres with 85 tillable, balance pasture and woodland. Bank Bam with 32 Comfort Stalls, Gutter Cleaner, Attached Loafing Area, 16x50 Silo with Unloader and Bunk, 45x60 Heifer and Machinery Shed, Wagon shed, garage and other outbuildings, bam set up for generator, 850 Gal. Bulk Tank, and Chore Boy Pipeline with 6 Units. TANK AND PIPELINE SELL SEPARATELY AFTER THE REAL ESTATE. Nice two story farm house w/new vinyl siding, oil heat & woods stove, 4 bedrooms. Call for an appointment to see. TERMS: $20,000.00 Down • Balance in 30 Days. NOTE: The Real Estate will be offered if not sold SALE HELD DUE TO HEALTH CONCERNS OF OWNER. 6Cab J.D. 2940 w/Yr. Round Cab ; Diesel, w/I.H. 2050 Loader, 2 Buckets I.H. 574 I. #7OO, 5x16 Auto Reset Plow, N.H. 680 Tandem Axle 2 Btr. Spreader, (2) J. 3800 Choppers-2 R. Narrow-2 R. Wide and 2 Grass Hds., 2 Lamco Tandem Axle Forage Wagons, A.C. 4R. No Till Com Planter, White 5100 4R. No Till Planter, N.H. 282 Baler w/Kicker, (2) Wooden Rack Hay Wagons, N.H. 56 Hay Rake, N.H. 488 Haybine, J.D. 12 Ft. Transport Disk, Ford 3 Pt. Chisel Plow, (2) Athens 12 Ft. & 10 Ft. Disks, (2) Gravity Bin Wagons, Jerr- Dan Pipe Rack Wagon, N.H. 36 Ft. Elevator, Flat Wagon w/Hydr. Dump, (2) Kools Blowers, Oliver 2 R. Mounted Picker, Oliver Single Row Pull Type Picker, J.D. Van Brunt 13 Disk Drill, Cultipacker, Com Drag Elevator, (2) Diesel Fuel Tanks, Gehl Forage Wagon, Grove Forage Wagon, Bearcat Flail Chopper, (2) Homemade Calf Buildings, Asst. Rough Sawed Lumber Piles, Round Bale Feeder, 3 Pt. Post Hole Digger, 3 Pt. Scraper Blade, J.D. 3 Pt. Fertilizer Spreader, Hanson 300 Gal. Field Sprayer, 3 Pt. Bale Spear & Bucket Spear, Asst. Farm Gates, 3 Pt. -2 R. Cultivator-Prairie Harrow, I.H. 550 Manure Spreader, J.D. 110 Riding Mower and (10?) Other Riding Mowers, & Parts- Lg. asst, of older machinery for parts, scrap. HAY, STRAW, SILAGE Approximately 50 Round Hay Bales (outdoors), 15 Round Hay Blade (shed kept), 15 Round Straw Bales (shed kept). Approx. 1000 Square Hay Bales, and Approx. 1000 Square Straw Bales. Com and Haylage in Bunk (small amount) SALE ORDER: Starting With Several Waaon Loads Of Misc. Farm Items, OWNERS: JOHN AND HELEN NIDDAUGH SHADE GAP, PA 814-259-3727 Sale Managed By: Kling's Auctions, Inc. Landisburg, Pa. Pa. Uc. #OO5OO O/flce: 717-709-3883 SAT MAR 25 - Farm equip & related items for Frank and Joyce Charlon, 50 Westfield Lane, Newville, Pa Martin's Auction Service SAT. MAR 25 Horse Sale - 8 30 Tack, 11AM Horses Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc Mlo dleburq. Pa SAT MAR 25 - 8 30AM Frakturs. primitives, baskets, lighting devices, pottery, c hma, dolls, jew elry, textiles, prints art work, Center Co Penna books & ephemera Held at Horst Auction Center 50 Durlach Rd, Ephrata, Lane Co. Pa Horst Aucts SAT MAR 25 - 8 30AM Major Const Equp, trk & trailer auction Southern Pa Contractors Auction in York Springs, Pa off Rt 15 Wolfe Aucts SAT MAR 25-8 30AM Gap Fire Co Spring sale Huge community auction, plenty of homemade foods Pequea Ave off Rt 30 in Gap AUCTION TURNER A ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE & AUCTION, SAMUEL (SAMBO) WRIGHT APPR AUCTIONEER (270) 475-4659 TOMMY ANDERSON BROKER - AUCTIONEER 9:50 A.M. FARM MACHINERY ■m Machlner SAT MAR 25 - 9AM Tractors, combines, trucks, lawn & garden equip consignment sale Norman Parker Farm, 146 Jacobstown- Cookstown Rd, Wrightstown, NJ L Parker Sales, Inc Lee Parker. auct SAT MAR 25 - 9AM Remholds Fire Co Banquet hall, Collection of Roseville, Antiques Art Pan nebecker. auct SAT MAR 25-9 AM Farm Equip ment Between New Tnpoli/Ger mansville area, PA For Kenneth & Margaret Bittner Zettlemoyer Auction Co SAT MAR 25 - 9AM Tools, engines and all sorts of engine repair tools 55 miles N ofHarns burg, Pa (Forrest and Norma Fet terolf, owners Kenneth E Smith, Dennis Massinger, aucls SAT MAR 25 - 9AM Located in Centre Co, between Centre Hall and Spring Mills, pa farm machinery and tools For Mrs Robert Breon Mark Click, auct 2212 Ft. Campbell Blvd. Hopkinsville (270) 886-9042 R. 18, 2000 IQOI 2:00 Farmall M Farmall M. & a itate At Noon.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers