Another Cochran Auction MONTHLY FARM, LAWN, GARDEN & BUILDING AUCTION Will sell the following for the Estate of Emerson M. Bowman, *!lJ er Cross and Others -- Located at the COCHRAN AUCTION COMPLEX, 7704 Mapleville Road, Boonsboro, W.C., Maryland on: MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 21, 2000 4:00 P.M. Tractors & Farm Equipment including- NEW HOLLAND 553 Diesel Skid Loader; JOHN DEERE 4430 Diesel Tractor, MASSEY FERGUSON 275 Tractor w/Loader, INTERNATIONAL 8275 Tractor w/Loader, INTERNA TIONAL 544 Tractor-Nice, INTERNATIONAL 284 Diesel Tractor w/WOODS Mid Mount Mower & 3 pt. Hitch, FORD 1110 Diesel Tractor 4x4 w/Mid Mount Mower & 3 Pt Hitch, KUBOTA Mo, L 2450 Tractor 4x4 w/Loader; (2) INTERNATIONAL 154 Tractor w/Mid Maunt Mowers, HES STON 5500 Round Baler-Nice Condition; NEW HOLLAND 489 Haybme- Very Nice; NEW HOLLAND 56 Rake w/Rubber Mounted Teeth-Very Nice; NEW HOLLAND 254 Tedder/Rake; PEQUEA 9’ Hay Tedder-Like New; 18’ Metal Hay Wagon; (2) Wooden Hay Wagons; 3 Pt Blade; 3 Pt. Snow Blower-Like new; DANUSER Post Hole Digger; Hay Elevator; NEW IDEA Ground Driven Manure Spreader; 18’ Tag-a-long T/A Trailer-Like New; Warehouse Type Forklift; JOHN DEERE 420 Riding Lawn Mower; JOHN DEERE STX3B Riding Lawn Mower; JOHN DEERE 110 Riding Lawn Mower; MASSEY-FERGUSON 1655 Lawn & Garden Tractor w/Mid Mount Mower & Hitch; GRAVELY 7173-H Lawn & Garden Tractor w/Mid Mount Mower Blade & Cab; and Other Lawn & Garden Equipment & Related Items. OVER (3)TRACTOR TRAILER LOADS of New/Unused Building Materials & Supplies Including. (109) Interior Doors, Approx. (100) Exterior Doors, (38) Standard Windows, Casement Windows, Staircases, Trim, Kitchen & Bathroom Cabinets, Lohcolumns, Rolls of Hose, Boxes of Filters, Silicone Sealer, Plumbing & Electrical Supplies, and Other Related Items Cars & Trucks from Several Estates, Red Cross including Nice CHEVY SlO Pickup, FORD Pickup, & Several Cars (2) Tractor Trailer Loads of New/Unused Office Furniture & Supplies. TERMS: Cash or approved check with positive identification. Lunch Rights Reserved. Not responsible for accidents. MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED w/5% Admin. Fee. Will Be Selling with Several Auctioneers at One Time! AUCTIONEER: James G. Cochran THOMAS E. BIKLE Wesley Ware, Dwayne Flook (22-00) Director of Marketing JAMES G. COCHRAN CEO/Auctioneer Cochran AUCTIONEERS & ASSOCIATES LTD. Professional Auctioneers Since 1972 —2B'W> 7704 Maplevllle RtJ., P.O. Box 222, Boonsboro, MD 21713-0222 * (301) 739-0538 ~ NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED - AWARD WINNING AUCTIONEERS SINCE 1972 J LARGE PUBLIC AUCTION ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, DOLLS, COLELCTIBLES & TOOLS FOR HELEN C. KRUG, HANOVER & ELSIE M. HOLDER, BROGUE, PA SATURDAY, FEB. 26,2000 at 8:00 A.M. (Doors Open 7 A.M. - Box Lots at 8 A.M.) Preview Fri. Eve. from 6 to 8 P.M. Auction to be held at the Chanceford Community Center, 7 miles southeast of Red Lion, off Rt. 74, turning at the Brogue Post Office & proceed 1 block. Large oak bow front & side closet w/mirrors, lions head & B&C feet; corner cupboard w/1-9 pane, 3 dove tail drawers, 2 paneled doors & ball feet, attributed to Rupp, York, PA; oval carved Victorian stand w/white marble top; walnut mirrored dresser w/2 jewelry boxes, 4 drawers w/leaf pulls; mahg. rod & ball design stand w/octagon top; O.G. mirrors; oak stands; Empire chest; 2 over and 3 high chest; night stands w/dovetail draw ers; spool bed; cherry chest; antique bed, chest & oval mirror; clothes trees; nice 2 drawer stand w/mirror; misc. wash stands & dressers; ornate oak slant front desk; Ig. cherry drop leaf table; 6 solid cherry dining chairs; cherry desk; childs bentwood chairs; cherry lamp tables; plank bottom rock ers; leather sofa; 8 pc. B.R. suite; wardrobe; blanket & cedar chests; 2 blue Lazv Boy reclinefs, like new, 2 sofa & chair sets; metal wardrobe. RCA 25” TV w/remote, used very little; Kitchen Aid refrigerator, like new; Wards upright freezer; old refrigerator, Litton M.W. oven; Roper elec, dryer; ant. Admiral floor model radio; 7 pc. dinette; kitchen cabinet base; Kitchen Aid mixer/food processor set; lots of dishes & cookware; S.S. cook ware. Large selection of fine dishes, glassware, cut glass, press & pattern glass, signed dishes & bowls, brass buckets; figurines; candle sticks; steeple clock; & many items not mentioned. Approx. 35 dolls of many styles & kinds as Dutch, Chinese, Indian, Negro, Korean, Swedish etc. some composition, china & celluloid; Toro Wheel Horse Model 15-44 HXL, 15 HP - 44” deck & hydro; rotary mowers; Homelite blower & trimmer; Craftsman air pump; Scotts spreader, Alum. ext. ladder; wood step ladder; Werner 8’ fiberglass step ladder; wheel barrow; wood tool chest; asst, tools; lawn & garden tools; bench vise, deep sea rods & reels; old snow blower & many items not mentioned. Attention collectors & dealers; You will find this to be a very good quality auction. Many interesting collectibles. 2 auctions will be running till noon. Antique furniture approx. 1 PM. Terms: A 10% buyers premium. Cash to strangers & out-of-state buy ers. Not responsible for accidents. Good food by CTianceford Volunteers. M iMiuif W s*{* 74lJMa9 d 7 7 74, " UM ** Lie. Nos. 820 & 821 MON FEB 21 - 5 15PM Many's Auction, Toy Auctions held at Bareville Fire Hall, Leola Pa Randy Stoltzfus Richard Harry, aucts MON FEB 21 ■ 7PM 2 complete liquidations at the Cochran Auc tion Complex, Mapleville Rd Boonsboro W C , Maryland J G Cochran, auct TUES FEB 22 - 9AM Homings Public Sale of farm machinery & tractors Ephrala, PA Rentzel Goodrich & Brown Aucts TUES FEB 22 -10 AM plywood, roofing molding ceramic tile flooring, doors, office & ware house equip plumbing & electri cal supplies, appliances, chande TWO DAY PUBLIC AUCTION of ANTIQUE TRACTORS, ENGINES, NEW, USED & ABUSED FARM EQUIPMENT JOHN & ELIAS BEILER’S 21 ST ANNIVERSARY AUCTION THURSDAY, FEB. 24TH £ FRIDAY, FEB. 25TH, 2000 Starting Time: 8:30 a.m. on Both Days Located: 10 miles East of Lancaster, 2-1/2 miles West of New Holland, Turn off Route 23 on South Grofldale Road, Turn Left on Musser School Road, Lancaster County, PA The Following to be sold Thursday, February 24th at 9:00 AM TRACTORS: 400 Farmall Gas, 560 IH Gas, 660 IH Diesel, Farmall H, 6 cyl. 160 hp White Hercules Diesel Power Unit w/Low Hrs„ 100 hp Belarus Power Unit (new), 3.53 GM Power Unit NEW EQUIPMENT: I & J Cultivators 1 & 2 Row, I & J Sprayer w/tongue, I & .1 Pull-type Sprayer, 6 T. Farm-bilt Wagon Gear, 6 T Hoover Wagon gears, 32’ Buffalo Valley Elevators, Buffalo Valley Corn Drag Pioneer Forecarts, Walking & Sulky Plows, Beiler Forecarts, 9’ Spring Harrows, 3’, 4’ & 6’ Horst Rd. Roller Harrows, Various Sizes of New Farm Gates. USED FARM EQUIPMENT: 2 B 12” LH White Horse Plow, 8’ Brillion Packer Seeder, 7000 JD 4 R Cornplanter, Various types ol Gravity Bin Wagons, 450, 451, 455 & 456 NH Mowers, 65, 68, 69, 268, 269, 271, 273 & 311 NH Balers, 426 Wire Tie NH Baler w/thrower, 336 JD Baler w/2 cyl Wise 20, 24 & 28 JD Blade, JD Disc Harrows, 55, 56 & 256 NH Rakes, #5, #7 & #9 McD Cutters, 16” & 19” Papec Cutter, C4O Gehl Cutter, 12” & 14” Oliver Trailer Plows, JD, Oliver & McD 2- way Plows, Oliver & Ontario Grain Drill, 323 & 325 NI Cornpickers, 10A, 12A, 14 17, 18 & 206 NH Spreader, 564 RIH Cornplanter, 401, 402 & 404 NH Crushers. McD PTO & GD Cornbmders, McD #9 & JD #4 Mowers, Roller Mill w/Papec Blower, B’xl6’ Danco Hay Wagon, Papec Hammermill w/6’ bagger, Myers Mower & Crimper Combination, 362 NH Flail Type Spreader. 175 Bu Grove Gravity Bin Wagon w/67 Gear, 27” 3 pt PTO Buck Saw, IH Cub Disc, 202 NH Spreader, NH 1R Transplanter, 1R Holland Transplanter, Nicholson & Grimm Tedders, Various Sizes of Cultipackers, Cardboard Baler. MISCELLANEOUS: Auctioneers Dennis Wolgemuth (Lie. #2357) Robert Wolgemuth, Blaine Rentzel Robert F. Martin & Sons, Fred Goodrich, Allan Diffenbach, Dave Gossert, Mel Hoover, Roy Good Food by the Bareville Aux. - Breakfast Served Both Days For Motel reservation call 717-355-9900 or 717-656-2091 or 717-354-4166 THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL LISTING. NO BUILDING MATERIALS, hers, tools 1825 E Boston Ave Phila , Pa Wm F Comly & Son Inc aucts WED FEB 23 - 9AM Farm Equip Tractors Truck Lots To be held at Wolgemuth Auction 109 N Maple Ave Leola Lane Co Pa 717-656 2947 WED FEB 23 - 9 30AM 528 Mam St, Cedarville, Cumb Co NJ Maple Run Farms, Inc Veg etable Farm Equip Auction Pir runq Aucts WED FEB 23 2PM Antiques, household goods, collectibles & tools held at the Horst Auction Center 50 Durlach Rd Ephrata, Lane Co . Pa Horst Aucts THURS FEB 24 - 9AM Will #2 Cincinnati Horizontal Mill, Truck Loads of New & Used Tools. Plus Various types ot other Shop Equipment. The Following to be sold Friday, February 25th. Please note: Tractor Parts & Gas Engines will be sold at Approx. 12 Noon. ANTIQUE TRACTORS: AC G w/Culti, 28-50 Cross Mount MM, JD A Unstyled, LA w/sickle Mower, Unstyled D, 730 w/WF, MC JD Crawler, AC “K” Crawler, Model “I” Rock Island, Super M Farmall wAV.F, Farmall.Cub w/2B Plow, HK Huber, Cockshutt 30 & 50, 33 MH, MM “U” wAVT, WD 45 AC w/WF, 39 Farmall M (ser # 3690), Farmall MTA w/PS, 1936 Silver King (ser. #1663), 1939 Silver King (ser. #3869), 22-36 McD Restored on Factory Rubber, MM Dozer Restored, JD PTO Pump, JD B w/WF, JD AR Restored (Elec Start) Various Tractor Parts *1956 IH S-120 Dump Truck, 1939 GMC AC 600 ST. Truck ANTIQUE GAS ENGINES 3 HP Fairbanks, 1-1/2 HP 1 IH on cart, 1-3/4 HP Economy, 3HP Hercules, 4 HP Leader. We expect 100 Gas Engines MISCELLANEOUS ANTIQUES: 22-36 Farghuar Thresher, Peerless Thresher, One Horse McD Gram Binder, Monarch Com Cracker, 1 & 2 Hole Corn Sheller, Plate Mills, Cider Press, American Seeding Grain Drill, #2 JD Sickle Mower, Oliver 23A Plow, McD Disc, #1 Syracuse Walking Plow, South Bend Walking Plow, JF Scraper, Bean Scraper, IH Lister 2B Plow, Beet Lifter, Caboose Stove. CAST IRON SEATS & LITERA TURE AT 9:00 AM Deere and Co., Parlm & Orendorff, Champion, #79 Plain Seal We expect 200 Seats & Various Style Toolbox Lids & Wrenches Terms By: B. John & Elias S. Beiler 601 Musser School Road, Leola, PA Phone 717-656-9733 TIRES OR APPLIANCES Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 19, 2000-837 Grow Farm Retirement Auction Cash Crop Farm & Vegetable Equip, Grading Lines Bellona, I (Penn Van), NY By Norm & Barb Willson RoyTeitsworth, Aucts THURS FEB 24-11 AM Oriental Road Liverpool, Snyder Co , PA Horse Drawn Farm Machinery Luke B Martin, Owner Roger A Lauver Aucl 570-374-3793 THURS FEB 24-12 Noon Dairy Sale at Fraley's Dairy Com plex, 3 miles E of Muncy, Pa along Kepner Hill Rd Fraley Auc lion Co THURS /FRI Feb 24 &25 - 8 30 AM 601 Musser School Rd Leola Pa Farm Eq Antique Tractors For B John & Elias S Bieler Dennis Wolgemulh Auct 2357 FRI FEB 25 8 30AM Ten trac tors equipment, 100 tons+ hay vehicles tools misc at 550 Ridge Rd Shippensburg, PA Carl and Betty Kelso Owners Martin s Auction Service FRI FEB 25 - Farm Equip 10 tractors combine hay vehicles at 550 Ridge Rd Shippensburg Pa for Carl and Betty Kelso Mar tin Auction Serv FRI FEB 25 - 9AM Antiques collectibles, furniture 3013 E Market St at Spnngettsbury Fire Co Social Hall Estate of Charles J Hockenbrocht and the late Hazel M Scheelz of Columbia Gilbert & Gilbert, aucts FRI FEB 25 -10 AM Farm Equipment, Trucks Gram Dryer for Peter & Ann Mane Hengst in Warren County. NJ Zettlemoyer Auction Co FRI FEB 25 IPM State Grad ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle Pa FRI FEB 25 - 5 15PM Harry s Auction Toy Auctions held at Bareville Fire Hall Leola, Pa Randy Stoltzfus Richard Harry aucts FRI FEB 25 - Horse consign ment sale Penns Valley Live slock Centre Hall Pa Tack 6PM Horses 7 PM 814-349 : 50??_ FRI FEB 25 (8 30AM) & SAT FEB 26 (4PM) - Library of The Late Francis (Frank) Blase Jr of Telford Bucks Co PA Horst Auction Ctr Rt 322 & Ourlach Rd Ephrata Lancaster Co PA FRI SAT SUN FEB 25 26 &27 - 9AM - 4PM Cornmesser's Hard ware Store Bellwood PA (Blair Co) Auction of Complete Large Inventory Ron J & Ron S Gilli gan #AU339 L & #AU343O-L_ _ SAT FEB 25 Mifflin Co Farm Equip Auction, Located just off Rt 103 between Lewistown & McVeytown Glenn E & Kaye L Marlin owners Bryan D Imes aucl _ SAT FEB 25 5 30 PM Furniture Toys Misc at Kenny's Auction 4401 Phila Ave . Chambersburg PA SAT FEB 26 -(Blizzard Date Feb 28) Pen Van (Yates Co ) NY Complete Farm Dispersal for Mr and Mrs Gary Chanstensen 130 Holstems and full line of machinery Pirrung Aucts SAT FEB 26 - Farm machinery tractors and personal property 3208 Mossier Rd Manheim From Ml Joy take Milton Grove Rdj N turn right Mossier Rd Ist farm on left or from Manheim take W High St turn right onto Mossier Rd approx 6 miles to farm on right By P Mervin Myers Estate Kline Kreider & Good aucts _ SAT FEB 26 - SAM Brenne man s Consignment Sale S York Co Dallastown Pa Rick Foreman Ralph Brenneman Charles Wehrly, Bob Roshon aucts SAT FEB 26 - BAM Household goods, antiques, Hummel fig urines, toys trams & old coins Held at the Lincoln Fire Hall in real of 1438 W Mam St Ephra ta Pa By Olive Patterson & Oth ers DaleL Putt, auct SAT FEB 26 - SAM Antiques household goods, dolls, col lectibles & tools for Helen C Krup. Hanover & Elsie M Holder Brogue, Pa Held at the Chance ford Community Center Sechnst Aucts SAT FEB 26 - 8 30AM 26th annual all day auct Horses mules, farm machinery, tools hay & straw small goods buggies lawn & garden quilts furniture antiques and more Strasburg Fire Co SAT FEB 26 - 9AM Lawn trac tors, tools hardware, furniture HH goods antiques At Hause man's Farm Mkt, Berks Co Gary Hauseman auct SAT FEB 26 - 9AM Friendship Fire Co 177 Carlisle Springs Rd Carlisle Pa Elmery Murry Aucts SAT FEB 26 - 9AM Sybertsville Pa Toy Show Suqarloaf Fire Co SAT FEB 26 9AM Full line of construction tools, building mate rials held in Vintage, Pa oppo site Vintage Sale Barn along Rt 30 A&R Building Materials Petersheim Auct 610 593-2828 SAT FEB 26 - 9AM Dell equip ment tools antiques household goods 4 miles E of Pine Grove Pa Robert W Derflei^auct SAT FEB 26 - 9AM Antiques Boat, Golf Cart Furniture Sleigh etc Andrewas Sporting Club Schuylkill Co PA Estate of Nor man W Berger Lehighton Robert A Amer _ SAT FEB 26-9 AM Auto& Truck Sales Literature, Manuals, Car Parts Cabinets etc Leesport Farmers Market, Rt 61, Leesport. PA By J & G Auto SAT FEB 26 - 9AM Farm Equip ment between Schnecksville & New Tripoli, PA For Warren & Ruth Koenig Zettlemoyer Auc lion Co SAT FEB 26-9 30AM Consign ment Auction Farm Equp At the Rushville Hay Auction Site Tom M Weaver & Kent Weaver, aucls SAT FEB 26 - 9 30AM Farm Auction for Joseph C Sarbello Rt 322, Swedesboro, NJ 1/4 mi W of NJ Turnpike Col Lee M Fox, auct 856-478-6225 SAT FEB 26 -10 AM Building Materials 1021 Balto St, Hanover Pa Southern Sales Service Aucts Buying! Diamonds, gold, estate jewelry Coins, antique jewelry of all types Parkhill Jewelry 5 West Main St. Ephrata, PA 17522 717-733-8800
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers