Ak DISPERSAL aM FARM MACHINERY Friday, March 24, 2000 10:00 A.M. Auction held for: JACOB & KATIE LANTZ 3 mile South of Morgantown in Chester County, Pa., 3 mite east 2 f From Rt. 10 north of Honey Brook go east on Todd Rd. to White School Rd. east to Morgantown Rd. north; from Rt. 23 go south on Mill Rd. straight across mountain to farm; from Pa. Turnpike get off Morgantown exit go south to light turn left, Ist road right Mill Rd. M Address: 875 Morgantown Rd., Honey Brook, Pa. 987 INT. DIESEL - 2290 CASE DIESEL - 990 DAVID BROWN DIESEL - 3 FORAGE WAGONS - N.H. 782 FORAGE HARVESTER 3 DIESEL TRACTORS - FRONT END LOADER International 986 w/cab 1,000-540 P.T.0.; Case 2290 w/cab 1000-540 P.T.0.; David Brown 990 w/loader sells as a unit. Auct. Note; Tractors are all in good running condition, well maintained HAY AND FORAGE EQUIPMENT New Holland 782 forage harvester, Model 824 2 row com head. Model 770 w/grass heads will be offered as single units; New Holland Model 40 forage blower; New Holland 816 forage wagon - excellent condition; 2 Dion for age wagons, all have 3 beaters in good condition; Hesston 1130 9 ft. haybine; Pequea tedder; Kuhn hay rake; New Holland 311 baler in nice condition; 3 bale wagons; flat bed wagon w/Demco gear; New Holland 30 ft. elevator; Gravity bin wagon. TILLAGE AND PLANTING EQUIPMENT John Deere 7000 com planter, nice condition, 4 row w/dry fertilizer boxes, 3 pt. small grain PTO. seeder; Dunham 9 tooth 3 pt chisel plow; 508 White 4 bottom semi mounted plow; Dunham 10 ft. cultimulcher; John Deere 215 12 ft. disc harrow; Midwest harrow, 3 pt. 2 row cultivator; Diller 3000 gal. liquid manure spreader; Walsh field boom sprayer; 14 ft. J.D. field cultivator. FARM RELATED EQUIPMENT Rhino 3 pt blade, Bush Hog 5 ft. 3 pt. rotary mower; front loader mount stone pick er; 2 bale movers 2 pt.; electric motors 2-5 h p.; air compressor, PTO hydl pump, appx. 4 ton Alfalfa hay: pony cart and harness. Not a lot of small items come early for machinery; few household goods out of attic, Caloric gas stove. Bring proper I.D. to obtain buyer number Auct Note. This is an opportunity to purchase machinery well maintained, shed kept Auctioneer: Petersheim Auction Service Steve, Steve Jr., Orpha Rose 610-593-2828 AU 001349 L PUBLIC AUCTION Ten Head Grey Mules -18 Sets of Harness Farm Machinery - Original Sputnick Wednesday, March 8, 2000 • 9:00 AM Auction held for: John L. & Rebecca King in Millport, Lancaster County, PA, 2 miles East of Lancaster Airport on Millport Road, 1 mile North of Oregon. Take Becker Road North to Millport Road. 10 Head of Big Grey Mules - Harness - Hitches Pair 9 yr. old 17.5 hands near mule top lead mule; pair 8 yr. old 18 hands; pair 5 yr. old, 17 hands; pair 8 yr. old 16.5 hands; pair 12 yr. old, 17 hands, top lead team; 8 yr. old big grey work mare, lead horse, works single or double, 16-1/2 hands; 18 set of Harness, 4 Bntchmen, 14 set of front gears, 6 set of hip backs, bridles, collars, single trees to 7 horse hitches. 6 yr. old white pony with a lot of snap, 13 hands; black gelding pony, works, drives single or double, also rides, 14 hands. Auctioneer’s Note: This is an opportunity to purchase top mules in nice condition, good confirmation. Manure Handing - Barn Equipment Pequea conventional manure spreader w/tailgate; scraper blade; hyd. control w/5 h.p Kawasaki engine on forecart; hi pressure washer, 1500 PSI; milk mover Sputmck, bed chopper w/8 h.p. diesel; 2-12 volt lift units. Case Int 8520 baler, New Holland hay inverter, like new, 50 acres; New Holland 266 rake, Zimmerman elevator, Grimm hay tedder, 326 New Idea 2 row corn picker 40 hp VM diesel w/super shelter; John Deere 4 row corn planter, dry fertilizer, insecticide boxes, McDeenng corn binder w/long loader, hyd. row control; John Deere 3960 forage harvester w/feeder table; Gehl 99 hi-throw forage blower; Ontario gram drill, disc openers; White Horse 2 way plow; 2 bottom Oliver trailer plow; John Deere 24 discs, disc harrow, rebuilt ‘96; John Deere 24 disc transport disc harrow; 3 section field harrow; 2 cultipackers; steel field roller; I.J. 2 row cultivator; transplanter; 12 ft. spike harrow in ex. condition; McDeering cultivator; 12 row field sprayer; 1 horse veg. & tab sprayer; hi clearance: 2 gravity wagons; 10 ft. elevator; 5 flatbed wagons; 2 sets of double tobacco ladders; I.J. 2 shank chisel plow; platform scales: large manual meat slicer; 3 wagon loads small items and more; horse stock on skids. This will be an all day sale, lots of items. Some antiques, storm front carriage. ATTENTION: There will be a pig roast, homemade soft pretzels, plen ty of Kunzler sweet bologna by the case or half case. Proceeds to ben efit local families to assist with hospital bills. Auctioneer’s Notts - Out of area folks bring proper ID to obtain buyer number. Auctioneer Sj r Petersheim 610-593-AUCT 610-593-2828 AU 001349 L Lots of Homemade Food on Premises Farm Machinery ZECHNER & AUNGST tered bidders. ESTATES SALE Highlights included a A pubhc sale of anti- nine-piece mahogany dm ques, household goods, col- mg room su ! te > $1,500, a lectibles, tools and a car was five-piece mahogany bed held Wednesday for the room suite, $950; a ma- Charles Zecher estate, the hogany Gov. Wmthrop Jean Aungst estate and oth- desk, $650, a five-piece ers at Horst Auction Center, maple bedroom suite, $5OO, Ephrata a four-piece cherry bed- There were 498 regis- room suite, $900; a camel- ANTIQUE TRACTORS * STEAM ENGINE Located at SHAFFER EQUIPMENT CO., on Rt. 317 (Burrsville Rd.) approx. 2 miles north of Denton, MD. TRACTORS: A C. 8550 diesel 4 wheel drive, A.C. 7580 diesel 4 wheel drive, AC. 6060 w/cab & front wheel assist, A.C. 6070 w/cab & front wheel assist, A C. 7000 diesel w/cab, Deutz-Allis 6260 diesel air cooled, A C. D-10 w/Woods mower, Ford 1210, Cub Lo-boy w/42” Woods mower COMBINES & HEADS: 1996 Gleaner R-62 air coaled, 1994 Gleaner R-62 w/Agco series 400 - 20’ grain head (Engine 452 hrs. - Seperator 353 his.), 1991 Gleaner R-52 w/l B’gram head (Engine 1706 hrs -Seperator 12331ns ), 1989 Gleanei R-60 w/20’ gram head (Engine 2592 hrs ), (2) Gleaner G com bines, Gleaner C-II w/l3’ floating gram head, Agco series 400 gram head, A C NB3B corn head, (2) A C A 438 corn heads, (2) A C 320 gram head series 3, Duetz-Alhs 81’ gram head, Deutz-Alhs 20’ gram head series 3, Deutz- Allis 8 row 38” corn head, A.C 6 iow 30” corn head, Agco 6 row 30" corn head (low hrs ), several Gleanei G & F combines for parts FARM EQUIPMENT: Unverferth grain wagon 475 bu w/hyd auger, A C mod 2300 toldup disk, Unverferth 23’ rolling basket, A.C 20’ foldup spring tooth, A C 1600 chisel plow 3ph, Brady 1800 chisel plow pull type, ACS bottom onland plow. Case 6 bottom semi-mount plow, Dunham-Lchr Ultra Mulcher II flat fold 22’, Tyc gram drill, A C 24 tine gram drill, Land Pndc 15’ rotary mower loldup, (2) Woods 121 lotary moweis pull type, (3) Unverferth headei carts, Lely spinner 3ph , (5) Funnel body wagons, Hardee 360 ditch bank mower, A C mod 333 no-lill planter 11 row w/mod 74 units, John Blue sprayei w/alum lank, A.C loadci lor 6000 senes tracloi, 2 axle trade! w/1000 gal tank, Sprayer 3 ph , GT gram dryei (pto driven - propane), Imphmenl trader, 2 axle flat bed li adcr 12’, Deutz-Alhs 385 plantei frame, 3 pli lotary Idler - front blade - sickle mower foi A C 720, Catcipdler pull type Road Grader #A63B, AC D-10 Road Grader, N H flail choppci and other items V ANTIQUE TRACTORS - COMBINE - STEAM ENGINE: Nichols & Shcppaid Steam Engine, Peerless Steam Engine (Stationary), Glcanei Baldwin pull type combine (in working condition), A C mod UC on steel. Int 1020 on steel. Case 18T2 on steel, Case 1832 w/Cross motor, (2) A C WD4S wide honts, AC mod U on steel, AC WD, Int 816 on steel. Cockshutl 30, A C WE. Hubei 32-45 wide liont on steel, Fordson on steel, AC mod CA, AC mod RC, AC mod WC, (2) Hubei tiaclors (I lor parts), AC mod G w/hyd & cultivatois, McCoimick-Dcermg loi pails, Foidson loi pails, A C WC loi parts, A C WD & WD4S loi parts ANTIQUE VEHICLES: 1928 Chev 4 dr, 1918 Graham Biotheis pickup. 1932 Chev 2dr coupe, 1940 Pontiac 2 dr, 1953 Chev 6 wheel tiuck TRUCKS: 1974 Chev w/ioll back body (gas), 1982 Chev 1 ton set vice tiuck (diesel). 1985 Ford F-350 service tiuck (gas), 1977 Chev 30 w/utihty body (gas), 1979 GMC 6500 w/16’dump body, 1968 chev C-60 w/16’ dump body, 1969 Chev C-50 Boom tiuck NOTE: Inspection o( vehicles will be the icsponsibility of the puichasci TOY COLLECTIBLES: New in Box Alhs-Chalmeis, Dcut/-Alhs, Gleaner, A C Litciatuic, Poslcis, Paits, Books, Seivicc Books and olhci items MISC.: 1979 DU Shotgun Wealhciby Patnuan II 12 ga , Teira-Tigei 6 wheel utility vehicle, (2) Metal lathes, tiactoi stands, Allis-Chalmcis Tools Raihoad Crossing Signs, vanous paits loi Alhs-Chalmeis - Deut/-Alhs - Agco-Alhs - Glcanei. Steel Wheels, coin heads lot paits, A C pull type com bine loi paits seveial vehicles loi pails, fuel lank loi pickup vanous engines & blocks wagon wheels, plalloim scales, seed cleanei A F lanell & Co Hoise Diawn Dump Rake. Hoise Diawn Wagon and othei items TERMS: Cash oi appmved check with cunent lellei horn voui bank gu.u anteeing funds, unless you aie known b) the aucdoncei Foi moie inloimation contact the Auctioned at 410-754-8826 / 410-479-0756 01 Shattci Equipment Co al 410-479-1477 REAL ESTATE TO BE SOLD AT 12:00 NOON AT THE AUCTION LOCATION ON BURRSVILLE RD. PARCEL 1: Faim ol appiox 188 69 acics with appiox 173 aucs tillable, located on Gailand Rd (cast side) between Sheppcid Rd & Kiblci Rd Deed retercncc MCB/21 1/647, Map 24/Gud 13/Parcel 16 in Caroline County, MD There aie no buddings on this property Possession of larm land will be at settlement, except lor 50 acres ol barley, which will be reserved until har vest tune PARCEL 2: Marshland of approx 93 acres located on the Westerly side of the Choptank River in Caiohne County, SW ol Denton, MD Deed refeience FDM/232/255, Map 36/Gnd 18/Parcel 19 This property is excellent for Duck hunting or trapping TERMS: For complete teims and conditions ol Real Estate, contact the Auctioneer W. MARTIN SHAFFER, JR. A. CURTIS ANDREW AUCTION, INC. Auctioneers: Curtis Andrew - Mike Roe, CAI 410-754-8826 or 410-479-0756 Note: Shaffer Equipment Co. will continue on as a Lawn & Garden dealership, operated by Mr. Shaffer’s son Dale. ♦a vW* Sale Reports ESTATE AUCTION REAL ESTATE * TRACTORS COMBINES * FARM EQUIPMENT LAWN & GARDEN Saturday, March 4,2000 at 9:00 A.M. (rain or shine) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 19, 2000-833 back sofa, $210; a ma hogany bow-seat chair, $160; a nightstand, $120; a small blanket chest, $lBO, a Zenith color TV, $l5O, a Lane waterfall cedar chest, $140; and a small General Electric freezer, $llO. Also, a breakfast set, $130; a fainting couch $175, two mahogany card tables, $ 150 each; a decorat ed storage jar, $390, a Dresden plate quilt, $110; a Estate of Coke cooler, $175; a Fisher Price circus, $140; two flow-blue plates, $llO each; a Griswold No. 14 frying pan, $l4O, a lady sprinlder, $l3O, a motion lamp, $125, a carnival footed bowl. $260; and a tray lot of watches and watch parts, $145. Also, a set ot flatware in box, $130; a Hamilton man’s wrist watch, $160; a bull moose pin, $110; a Lionel tram set, $200; a can dlewyck pitcher, $170; a Stanley No. 20 compass plane, $140; a chisel set, $170; hand-painted plates, $160; a Roseville basket, $100; art nouveau candle holders, $430; a green bot tle, $230; and a nine-patch quilt, $llO. Additionally, five bird glasses, $110; a mechanical toy, $160; a Neffsville dairy bottle, $120; a Greyhound bus, $ll5, a “Star Trek” glass dome, $230, a “Star Trek” USS Enterprise Model, $160; a bicycle, $ll5, a Toro nding mower, $200; a John Deere lawn mower, $l4O, an Anens law mower, $130; and a 1987 Ford Taurus four-door sedan, $2,450. The sale was conducted by Horst Auctioneers, Eph rata. BELLEDDV ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of farm machinery was held February 12 for the estate of Alfred (Big AI) Belledm, 1/2 mile northeast of Wash mglonville, Pa The outstanding price of $21,200 was received for a John Deere 4230 tractor Other prices were J D 4440 tractor, $25,500, C ase 680 H backhoe, $14,250, J D 6620 combine, $15,500, J D 7200 6-row com planter, $15,100, Rhino bat-wing mower, 56.500, J D 980 field cultivator $7,400. J D 4010 tractor $(,300, Int 720 5-bottom plows, $3,000, JD 643 com head, $B,lOO, JD 4400 combine, $6,200, J D 3010 tractor, $3,300, 24 It goose-neck flat trailer, $4,000, Int 1973 2010 dump truck, $4,800, J D 1219 haybine. $4,500, J D 8100 dull, $3,100, ID cyclone tiactoi, $2,800. ami Kilbios giavitv bin wagons up to $2 7(H)' bralc\ Auction Co mar aged the sale SMITH S\LI \ i'uhliL Sa!i* at loy was held 1 ebruars 12 bs Don and Mailcnc Smith "at Grassmyi s Warehouse real McVeytown at top ol Mat tawanna Hill, Mifflin Co, Pa Some items sold were Buddy L ladder truck, $320, Fire Chief pedal car, $220, big 4 pedal tractor, $260, match box cars, $5 to $27 each; push dog, $55, pull toy cow, $7O; box of bubble Christmas lights, $55; doll cradle & doll, $75, metal farm set, $l7O, 1976 Hess truck, $280; Buddy L Coca Cola truck, $220; Texaco fire truck, $130; Tonka car carrier, $160; hot wheel cars, $4O to $42.50; and old ambulance car, $l2O. Mark Click was the auc tioneer with Ron Grass-
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