818-Lanca*ter Farming, Saturday, February 19, 2000 MAIL ; X MARKET F R SALE 0 NH 354 grinder, long auger, $2,300, JD 70 D, $1,650, JD R runs well, $2,650, JD AR styled, $2,300-Balti more Co 410-239-7989 Hoover commercial upright sweeper-Red Lion, Pa 717-246-1390 Air compressor, Worthing ton mono rotor, best offer, also JD 5020, runs good, $6,500-E D. Vogt, Milling ton Rd , Millmgton-Kent Co.Md 410-928-3276 1987 48 ft dry van, TR, air ride, swing doors, 96 wide, #lO mspection-Lebanon Co. 717-949-2366 1976 International 4200 road tractor, 350 Detroit, 13 speed, $2,500-Jumata Co 717-589-7676 Ten plastic chick feeders lid, 2-gal chemilizer med icator, very good, $25, plas tic chick feeders, $1 25/ each-Lancaster Co 717- 656-7440 New 16 ft flat bed wagons w/front and back stan dards, none slipping, rough lumber & new farm bilt gear, $l,OOO-Dauphm Co 717-365-9950 20 Tumbler pigeons, $3O tor the lot, nice birds-Dauphm Co 717-533-5113-no an swer, leave message Pygmy buck kid, white w/red hue and backbone, red sire and bloodlines, muscular built, may throw red'-Berks Co. 610-845- 3362 Firewood log length your pickup truck, $l5, small wood stove, $65, water tank truck bed, 1250 gal $650-Berks Co 610-589- 5164-7 p.m. 7 yr. old Saddlebred, traffic safe sound, 16H, snap in lines, $2,300-Samuel H Martin, 335 White Oak Rd , New Holland. 17557 Firestone tire, LT 215, 85 Rl6-5 tires, 4/32 tread plus, $5O/for all-Northamp ton, Pa. 610-261-1015- leave message JD 318 lawn tractor, 18 hb, PS, hyd drive, 50” mower, $2,700, also NT weights for 2010 & 1020-Dauphin Co 717-652-5412 8660 R JD model B fly wheel, $lOO, JD2-1/2XB" Hi pressure remote cylinders, $75 to $125, 420 pulley, $149-Cumberland Co 717-249-2591 MAILBOX MARKET Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our mailbox markets. No photo copies accepted! Please NO PHONE CALLS • Please PRINT LEGIBLY Attach Your Lancaster Farming Mailing Label Check One: For Sale □ Notice □ Wanted □ If You Do Not Wish To Be On The Internet Please Check Here I I No Phone Calls Please! NH 477 hay bine mower, conditioner, excllent, shed kept, $2,250; 6 ft hay wag on, flotation tires, excllent,, shed kept, $1,050-Mifflm Co 717-248-8664 Cummins VT9O3, good block and bare heads, no crank, rods, pistons, or pump, has most bolt ons, $5O-Trumansburg, NY 607-387-5838 1945 Whizzer motor bike, Columbia spring, front heavy spokes wheels, front wheel brake, AACA Ist winner, $3,250-Franklin Co 717-263-4703 Rmgo tractor loader, 3PT hitch, 4 wheel drive, diesel, less than 50 hours, $ll,OOO-Northampton 610-691-3070 Newville, Pa. one acre lot w/2 car garage and five horse barn. $15,000 Want ed-sno-cone machme- Cumberland Co. 717-245- 9583 Flat wagons, 18 ft. and 20 ft., also irrigation pipes 4”, also top link for JD 40-Lan casterCo 717-626-9486 Snow plow loader for Far mall H or M, new seals, $250-Lancaster Co 717- 367-7211 Two John Deere 3 HP, hit and miss, gas engines, one is modified spark plug, one on cart-Lancaster Co 717- 872-5788 New Idea 9200 4RN corn planter, fertilizer, insecti cide and planter monitor, like new condition, asking, $4,500-Berks Co. 717- 933-8748 7-1/2 Ft. power angle snow plow, Fisher fully hydraulic, $5OO-Lancaster Co 717- 351-0259 Spouting-5” K-style white alum (used material), 25c/foot Wanted-hand pump for well water-Lan caster Co 717-786-1466- evenmgs Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces | Standard Models j Wood or Coal IB Multlfucl H B Hj Models Burn Wood. OH. » C H Coal or Gas Separate combustion chamber Adapts to any existing and smokestack heat system Installation (olt & eas on)v) & Accessories Available g y) Clyde K. Alderfer (570) 539-8456 R D #l. Box 246. Mt Pleasant Mills, PA 17853 AD FORM Here 18 County Phone No. 'Jice straw, $lOO/T at barn. alfalfa hay, $135/T, cnppen gram cleaner. $2,300,1996 Articat ZRT6OO, 2900 miles, excellent, $3,500- LancasterCo 717-426- 1742 Wheat straw, small bales, 18 4x38 tire, $3O; small PTO seeder, $3O; AC 2X -3X plows; Snapcoupler canvas tractor wmdbreak er-Lancaster Co 717-684- 5352 Oliver Cletrac instruction book, Oliver Cletnc HG parts book, original, not photocopies; old wood wagon wheels-Northum berland Co 570-797-3793 679 NH manure spreader, most options, good condi tion, $2,500, Farm hand wheel rake, good condition, $2OO-Lancaster Co 717- 336-5942 7 Ft. snowplow, hydraulic, for tractor w/subframe, $375; garden tractor, 3-1/2’ snowplow, $4O; Case VAC parts-Fredenck Co 301- 898-8994 . 30 used Zimmerman water bowls, $25 00/each; 60 lb milker pail w/claw & pul sator-Lancaster Co. 717- 548-3116 Rissler conveyer; Rissler bunk feeder, J bunk, Troughs, 10,000 gal. liquid tank OK, 2 inch outlet-Lan casterCo. 717-665-5210 Small size high back sofa. Excellent condition, black rose tapestry, $2OO-Lan casterCo. 717-394-7798 Swans-two black Aus tralian female, 2 yrs old, breeding age, $2OO/each, fainting goats, two young billy, $5O/each-Jumata Co. 717-463-2474-Jim 20x40 Ft. arched barn, unused, $3,500; complete six goat milking unit, $2,500 (E-mail rhsand fort@yahoo com)-Ocean Co 732-928-2343 Requirements: 1) Subscribers allowed “one” free Mailbox Market per month only (Ad will appear 1 week only) 2) Lancaster Farming Mailing Label must be attached 3) Limit. 20 words. 4) Phone number must include area code. 5) Your County must be included 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following week’s issue 7) No Business Ads accepted. ** The Lancaster Farming staff has the right to reject any Mailbox Markets that do not meet these requirements ** Roller Mill nurse tanks, Flexauger used silo unloaders, bunk feeders, manure pumps, computer feeder; 1456 Farmall Cen tury sprayer-Fredenck Co 301 -271 -2268 Oats, $6.50 per hundred, 750 bushel available- Berkeley-304-754-7615 John Deere ‘Care and Operation of Farm Machin ery,’ First edition text book, mint condition, $165 PPD USA-Warren Co. 908-459- 4733 JD PTO pulley; 16’ Bnllion transport harrow; cattle rack extensions for Mid- West body plus gate-Berks Co. 610-367-7256-No Sunday Calls Model 170 Rissler tmr. w/hay processor, good con dition, $3,500; Gehl 940 forage wagon, roof good condition, $3,000-Cumber land Co. 717-530-5342 1968 200 Mercedes diesel, 1975 240 and 220 Mer cedes diesels, needs repairs; extra parts, wheels tires, etc.-Lititz, Lancaster Co. 717-626-4359 Case plate tamper (demo); Honda water AV 13008, $1,495, Wacker ground pounder BS6OY, $1,350; Ford 12-24”; backhoe buck ets-Berks Co 610-326- 4969 Jacobsen 12HP LGT on steel decks Suburbanite walk behind on steel I wheel implements-will be at Beiler Sale-Lehigh Co. 610-965-2336 Modernized, charming farm house, 2 or 3 bed ooms, 1 bath, basement, 2 car garage on .59 acres, assumable 7% FHA mort gage available, $115,900- Lancaster Co. 717-581- 3546 12 yr. old quarter horse w/papus, dwarf rabbits; male and female Chi hauhau puppies; also guinea pig pens-Lancaster Co 717-354-5039 Two gallon glass jar, elec tric butter churn, $5O-Lan :aster Co 717-442-8160- will return calls left on answering machine 3ray chinchillas, doves, pot oetly pigs, llama fiber, mini mule jack-Lancaster Co 717-898-7502-call after 4 Dm 242-67 David Bradley corn shelter, belt driven, $125,7 t scraper blade, 3PT, 5125-Lancaster Co 717- >B4-2764 FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORM' Mail To: Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markets 1 E. Main St. P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 Pair of big black Percheron, good side workers, $3,200- Andrew Martin, 764 Lauschtown Rd , Denver, Pa 17517-Lancaster Co. Farmette, horses. 3 bed room house, 25x45’ work shop, barn, outbuildings, 4 ac , 165 K. Owner photos $2-D. Martin, Box 104, Adamstown, Pa 19501- Berks Co 6x27” Mayrath transport auger, complete with 3HP totally enclosed motor and boot, $2OO-Lycommg Co 570-673-8684 Gehl 322 Scavenger II spreader, $4,000 080, Zimmerman water bowels, $25; third cutting alfalfa hay, $l3O-can deliver-Chester Co. 610-932-4312 Root washer Cont. or Batch, seif standing, exc. shape, $750 cash or OC-6 parts-Mon. Co., NY 716- 281 -4952-days IH 1486, 300 hr on engine overhaul, $9,200; 508 white 4 bottom 18” auto reset plow-Lebanon Co. 717-866-4299 Two I-beams, 8” wide x 12” high x 5/16” web, 13’ long, $5O/each-York Co 717- 993-9090 Circulation Main: 717-394-3047 717-721-4412 • 717-721-4411 Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Thursday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm NEW SUB! Fill in your name, address, telephone number Check appropriate payment box * 52 issues - $31.00 104 issues - $59.00 in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WV ♦ All other states: 52 issues - $41.00 Outside U.S. - Call for price quote Payment must accompany order - Allow three weeks for subscription to start Qfe CHAN Cut your mail label from a recent issue and place in the space provided below. Write your new address and telephone number on the form below. In addition, provide a requested date for address change to take effect. Send 3 to 4 weeks prior to your requested date Lancaster Farming will send a renewal notice to you prior to the expiration date of your subscription You may renew your subscription using the form below To insure proper credit for your subscription - Attach Your Mailin from a recent Lancaster Farming issue and check the appropriate payment boxes Please send this form & payment to: Lancaster Farming PO Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 (Check appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective Through 04/30/00 □ New Subscription □ Renewal - Attach Mailing Label Above □ Address Change - Attached Mailing Label Above Date to Change / / PA. MD. DE. NJ. NY. □ $31.00 -1 yr (52 issues) □ $41.00 -1 yr (52 issues) □ $59.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) □ $79.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) Name Address Address City Zip + 4 □ I have enclosed a Check/Money Order □ Please charge my credit card □MC □ Visa □ Discover iiiiiiiiii i ri i i i i rrm Signature for Credit Card Payment Only 1986 F 350 4x4, 137”W8, 4 spd , 6 9 diesel, w/9’ Eby alum bed, gooseneck hookup, needs rear end, $3,000 firm-Fulton Co 717-294-3970 1987 Ford FI 50, 4x4 pick up, 4 spd., power brakes & steering Also, collector plates-Schuyllkill Co. 610- 488-1366-Please call after 5.00 p.m. Beautiful reg. Haflmger horses, mares, geldings. Also, new Haflmger har ness. Deal in Haflmger hitch wagons-Somerset Co. 814-445-6358 Manure spreaders, New Idea ground drive. Buy, Sell, Trade, Repair-Lan casterCo. 717-786-3387 Oliver 770, power steering, overhauled 7 yrs. ago, good condition, new radiator and water pump; 12HP Sears Suburban tractor-Berks Co. 717-933-9328 Hand Pumps & Trough E&R Plumbing 399 N. Shirk Rd., Naw Holland, PA 17557 717-354-5554 M 717-354-9520 » RIPTI E OF ADDRESS RENEWALS CLIP HERE Renewal - Change of Address ;aster Farming Mail Lai Attach Your Mail Label Here Telephone (credit card number) 15 Ft. Yetter rotary hoe, good condition, $575; #7O NH bale thrower, good belts, $125. Wanted-Super A Farmall for parts-Lan caster Co. 717-354-2375 Wheat straw 3x3xB square bales, baled very dry, $95/{on, delivery available; corn silage out of ag bag- Lancaster Co. 717-664- 3826 Alfalfa hay. 2nd & 3rd cut ting, high protein, excellent, no mold or dust; rye straw, good color, clean, dry-Lan casterCo. 717-354-4813 Rancho 3-mch lift kit for Grand Cherokee, like new, $300; Draw-tite class 111 hitch, full size Cherokee, 1983, $lOO-Lancaster Co. 610-593-5502 Horses for sale, willing over fences, quiet, safe. Ride on the buckle or collected- Spnng Grove, Pa. 717- 225-6797 104 issues - $79.00 State exp. date
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