FARM EQUIPMENT JD4450 4 post, 2wd, power shift, 20.8x38, 6800/hrs, 717-597-5623. No Sunday calls. WANTED; Old motorcy cles, minibikes, scooters, ATV's, etc. Private col lector. 610-692-6079. CIH AAaxxum MXI2O, POPS w/Canopy, 4WD, Power Shift, L3OO Loader 450 Hrs, Like New Cond., Warranty until 4/00 $47,500 - (717)436-5800 Int. 585, 16.9x30, 1 hyd., price $9,000. Call 856-455-3462. JD 8875 2 Spd, 1600 Hrs, Nice Cond. $15,900 717-369-4115 565 New Holland Baler, Exc Cond; 8521 Int'l Bale Thrower, Good. Com plete. 856-935-6766 Ford 2110 3cyl gas, 3pth, 5 hydraulics, $2,800. Call after 7pm, 609-393-5947. Ford BN,9N Fenders, Brand New w/Mounting Brackets 5125/Ea; MC & Visa Accepted. 6-9 PM Eves 0n1y.717-530-9459 Dl4 AC, WF, PS, straight and original, $2,675. LanCo, eves, 717-336-1282. Kinze 2500 planter, swing frame, narrow transport, 6-30” rows w/mterplant, no-till, liquid fert, insecti cide, new blades. 717-242-3712 JD 16A Chopper, Looks Like New, $2500 717-252-2842 White 6145 4wd, 1995,160 hp, 18-sp PS, 3 re motes, 18.4x42, duals available, 2 PTO's, 1 -owner, $40,500 080. 717/426-2659. '96 14' Brillion P-10 series, transport, single gang pulverizer, 20” wheels, $3,200.908-475-2232 eve. JD 6300,1994, MFWD, cab power quad, 640 loader, triple remotes, 2200 hrs, ex. cond $35,800. 1H 710, 316 plow, semi-mounted, auto reset, $l5OO. 717-933-9186 Ford 1300 305 Hrs, Exc Cond $4,800 717-369-4115 NH 489 haybine, new hyd swing tongue, 2 new gear boxes, excel, cond, $5OOO. JD 7000 4R conservera tion planter, no-till many new parts, good cond, $5OOO. (3)AAyers tandem silage wagons, tables, wooden sides, $BOOO/all. 724-438-4332 Farmall Super C w/snow plow 8> chains, $1,675. LanCo, eves 717-336-1282. NH 1034 stack wagon, good condition, $5OOO. 814/265-0924. Case IH 1680, G.L.M. rock trap, chopper, new style fan, 2300 hrs, v.good, $35,000. Heads also avail able. 717-734-3139 T ractor Kubota 87100 dsl, 4x4, front Idr, backhoe, snowblower, $8,500. 717-235-5795. JD 7200 vacuum 6RN no till planter, used very little, like new computer trac monitor seed & in secticide boxes, no fert, $13,800 firm. 410-795-4160 Carroll Co. Three Small Bale Wagons $3OO/Ea 717-548-3504 Call After 7:30 PAA DEUTZ ALLIS 5215, 1989, hst & synchro, compact dsl, 18hp, 4x4,995 hrs, turf tires, Lawnpride mower, s', Bush Hog rototiller, 62" 6' angle blade, asking $9,200 080. 717-938-6209. HERCULES, CONTINEN TAL Waukesha farm, in dustrial engine parts. AAB.AA Surplus Sales, 807 Zerega Avenue, Bronx, NY 10473, (718)828-9026; fax 828-9851. WANTED To Buy; ■j Case 300 Series Tractor Ford 4100 w/NH Landscape rake power angle. Excellent condition. *12,500 Firm 717/225-5872 Forklifts New and reconditioned For Sale or Rent Heavy duty fork extentions Don't trade or throw out that old engine. Have it overhauled for a traction of the cost of new! All work is guaranteed 1996 Nissan 5,000 lb., Cushion Tire. slo,soo 1995 Toyota 5,000 lb.. Pneumatic Tire 1990 Clark Cushion Tire, Low Hrs $6,900 1991 Yale 6,000 lb , Electric $8,500 Yale 8000 lb.. Cushion Tire, 18' Lift $6,950 1994 Yale 6,000 lb. Cushion Tire $9,500 Allis Chalmers 4000 lb $2,450 1999 Komatsu 4000 lb., Pneumatic Tire Komatsu 3000 lb., 2 Stage. Side Shifter.. s7,soo Hyster 8000 lb., Diesel, Pneumatic Tire slo,soo Aluminum Dock Plate, 60” x 72” $405 $425 Call For Special Pricing on Forklift, Skid Loader and Scissors lift Rentals SAM’S MECHANICAL SERVICE Call For Prices $13,900 SAM STOLTZFUS 5917 Plank Rd. Narvon, PA 17555 For Service Calls 717-442-9334 \HSfffILEID DIESEL jfßgß SERVICE 'wlf Service - Sales - Parts Specializing in Detroit Diesel 237 Green Hill Road, Newville, PA 17241 Phone 717-776-7725» Fax 717-776-4127 for... $ A 150... I S Rebuilt Exchange Engines • Used § S Engines • Used Parts • Gen. sets • ¥ Power units S We ship UPS Daily Dealer Inquiry Welcome aWALTEMYER’S " SALES & SERVICE INC. Route 24, 2 Miles South Of Red Lion 717-244-4168 800-225-6314 NEW USED JD 6410 2WD w/Cab 10’ Chisel Plow 3 pt. hitch JD 5510 2WD JD 210 Disc, 13'9" wide JD 7410 MFWD w/Cab used HEEESiiEIsH JD 3020, NF NEV 7 in om nn , JD 1750 6R No Till Corn JD 2010 Dsl Planter Int 966 Dsl w/Loader& WFE USED Fartnall Mjfeii ICnowplow & JD 450 Drill 8’ Wide Rotary ifljwjl JD 4R 1240 Planter MF 165 AC 4R No-Till Planter JD 1968 3020 Dsl White 6R 5100 Seed Boss Int 2424 3pt hitch N ° Till Planter JD LF 10 Fertilizer Spreader JD 8300 DD 18x7 NEW JD 8300 Drill w/harrow JD 446 Round Baler attach JD 456 Silage Special Round Baler JD 710 MoCo USED NEW JD 1217 MoCo Model 200 Mahoning JD 1350 MoCo Outdoor Furnace Kuhn GMD 700 Disc JD 709 91111 "type Mower Cherokee Post driver 1209 MoCo 616 Rotary cutter NH 69 Baler w/Thrower 41 2 J* otar y cutter 717 Rotaiy cutter Unverferth header wagon NEW USED JD s'A’ Hay Pickup Cre ' g ™° n J^ ler ' 14 ' long ’ JD 2RN Corn Head . n , B ’ ooo s ) y W l 40 Hay & Grain Elevator USED Bushhog 160 13' Rotary Byron 105 String Bean Cutter Harvester JD 27 Flail Chopper IH 303 Combine JD 25A Flail Mower 10'GH 2 RW C H Potato Bulk Body on Trailer__ StOPB Hours N 1 217KW1»1-e Spreader . JD F 725 w/54” Deck F932 w/60" Deck Flatbed Farm Wagon Saturday w/sides B-12 I. lII.J ■■ HLiY EjjUIL. T £ Buy - Sell - Repair I Over 30 Tractora In Stock IH 806 dual PTO, no 3 pt, runs nice $5,500 Case 1030 WF, 3 pt, 1000 PTO, nice . $4,700 Farmall H, nice straight, good runner $l,lOO IH 1466 cab, dual PTO, no 3 pt, nice $7,100 MF 1155 w/cab, recent engine work, nice $6,600 IH 460 gas, w/loader, runs nice $3,400 PARTING OUT: Case 930, 830, 900, 500, LA L, DC, SC S, VAC, Case VAC 14, RC, IH 656 Hydro 560, 650,19, W 9, WD9, M H F2o’ JD B, Oliver 70. Super 77 diesel, MM UTU, AC WC, WD Some used tires New & Used Parts & Supplies King's Tractor 1426 Noble Road Kirkwood, PA 17536 FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambersburg, PA 17201jj(k Phone: 717-263-0705 M Sales-Parts-Service BEST BUYS IN USED EQUIPMENT Ford 8670 Genesis 4x4 Ford 8670 Genesis 4x4 Super Steer NH Gl7O Genesis 4x4 Ford 9700 w/Cab Ford 9700 Ford 8600 w/Cab Ford 7910 4x4 w/Cab Ford 7600 w/DP Ford 6610 4x4 Ford 6600, New Paint, Dual Power Ford 5000 SOS Ford 4000 Ford 3600 Ford-3000 Ford 2600, Gas Ford 801 w/Ldr Ford 600 JD 4030, New Paint JD 4010 Wide Front JD 3010 JD 2140 w/Cab MF 180 Massey Harris 44-6 ■Hdl. (2) NH LXBBS Cab, Heat (2) JD 8875 (3) NH L 785 NH L 553 NH L 445 Located: 1 Mile Off Exit 8, On 1-81, On 696 North To Orchard Rd. Hours: 8:00-5:00 Mon. Thru Frl. rn Farm Plan. I 8:00-12:00 Saturday CO *s***orFPCF*i t KQ r Excellent Ford Tractors i it 8770,4WD, super steer, 4 remotes, 20 8x42,900 hrs if x TWIO, cab, air, 18 4x38, DP, dual remotes, 5,600 hrs i Sf 8600, cab, DP, dual remotes, 20 Bx3B, weights, 4,500 hrs x « 7740 SLE, cab, air, 18 4x34, 1,550 hrs i X 7740 SLE, canopy, weights, 18 4x38, 2,100 hrs j t 7710 11, cab, 4WD, DP, dual remotes, ‘B9 model, 2,500 hrs % ii 7710, cab, air, DP, dual remotes, 18 4x34, 3,800 hrs if r 7610 11, cab, air, 2WD, 18 4x34, 1989,2,100 hrs \ t 7610, DP, dual remotes, 16 9x38, 1,700 hrs } k 7610, rollbar, DP, dual remotes, 18 4x34,4,800 hrs A X 7000, flat deck, DP, dual remotes, 4,000 hrs \ A 6610, rollbar, DP, dual remotes, 16 9x30,3,400 hrs fl \ 5030,4WD, roll bar, shuttle, DP. dual remotes, 500 hrs A X 5000, DP, 15 5x38,1 remote, 5,100 hrs A A 4630, cab, 4WD, shuttle w/Ford 7410 Idr .QJJJJJirs d K 4835, 4WD, cab, air, 24x12 shuttle w/NH 7310 Idr, 150 hrs A If' 4600 SU, diesel, 14 9x28, dual remotes, 1,200 hrs \ A 4600 SU, diesel, 14 9x28, I remote, 1,700 hrs j V 4600 SU, diesel, 16 9x24 w/front snow blade, 3,300 hrs A X' 4100, diesel, 8 spd w/Dunham-Lehr QT Idr, 2,400 hrs A A 3930, 4WD, BxB shuttle w/Ford Idr, 450 hrs v \ 3600, gas, 8 spd , PS, 13 6x28 w/Ford Idr X I 3000, gas, PS w/Ford Idr A 2000, gas, 8 spd , PS, 13 6x28 \ JD 4050, cab, air, quad, 18 4x38, 3,400 hrs JD 6400, rollbar, pwr quad, 18 4x34, dual remotes, 2,200 hrs \ 6 JD 6400, rollbar, pwr quad, 18 4x38, R&P axle, 2,500 hrs ? JD 6300, canopy, syncro, 15 5x38, dual remotes, 1,000 hrs. i 5 JD 2755, cab, airJhijnw. 540/1000, dual remotes, v 0 R&P, 1,800 hrsBQUQ A ( JD 2755, 4WD, rollbar, hi-low, dual remotes % w/JD 245 Idr, 2,500 hrs f ) ID 2355, canopy, dual remotes, 16 9x30 w/JD Idr, 2,000 hrs A fMF 180, multi power, dual remotes, 15 5x38, 1969 model j if Equipment ? p Bnlhon 4 row deep till cultivator ? « Ford 951 6’, 3 pt. rotary mower A r NH 474 7' haybine \ k JD 146 loader w/valve, off 2640 $ • Ford 7411 loader w/40 series brackets A Ford 7210 loader w/bucket fits 5000 thru 7610 A DUAL 210 loader fits 7700 & 7710,2WD & 4WD V Weights to fit most Ford tractors \ All Tractors Tested On Our Farms. Tractors Stored Inside. -Please Call For Appointment Lease A Financing Available t' Burkholder Bros. i } Lebanon, PA 17042 i i ( 2 miles from Schaefferstown on Rt. 419 South, j t Turn right on Flmtville Rd.) A V 2 Locations i $ 717-272-2352 717-949-2123 1? 3 Lloyd Leon j d 330 Crest Rd. 400 Flintville Rd. A * Lebanon, Pa. J 717-529-4066 8 am to 8:30 am Ford 1720 JL-T.11.10 Hrs Ford 1720 Ford 1520 w/Mower Ford 1700 \EJS3 NH 1720 wISEI Hrs Kubota L 3600 Cab & Air w/Mower MF 1030 w/Ldr. HAYBINES NH 479 NH 499 NH 488 Case 1490 NH 469 JD 1209 NH 489 CMC 229 DISCBINES NH 1411 NH 1431 ROUND BALERi Claas Rollart 66 Avco New Idea 486 NH 848 Fastnet NH 850 NH 660 lANURE SPREADEI NH 680 NH 519 Nl Solid Plus 3816 NH 40 Blower Gehl 99 MISC. (2) NH 255 Tedders NH 276 Haylmer w/Thrower Woods 121 10' Brush Hog
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers