LARGE VEGETABLE FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION “MAPLE RUN FARMS , INC. - EST 1926” WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2000 • 9:30 AM 528 MAIN STREET - CO. RD. 553 CEDARVILLE (CUMBERLAND CO.) NEW JERSEY (Blizzard Date Thurs., Feb. 24) SOUTH JERSEY Cedarville is located south of the east-west Route 49 southeast of Bridgeton, southwest of Mill Ville. From the North: Follow 55 south to Millville Exit #24, (Rte. 49 into town), then Co. Rd. 610 southwest. From the South: Follow 49 from the Delaware Memorial Bridge to Bridgeton then Co. Rd. 609 southeast. Discontinuing farming to persue other interests, selling will be a full line, almost all of which was purchased new! 20 - TRACTORS - 20 (Note: All tractors are original owner to this farm except (2) 385’s which were bought from a neigh bor.) C-IH 7120 (1990) MFWD TVactor, cab, 4730 hrs., 3 remotes, 18.4x38 rear rubber and axle duals, 14.9x28 front rubber; C-IH 7120 (1988) 2WD TVactor, cab, 5250 hrs., 3 remotes plus elec tric. 18.4x38 rubber and axle duals; C-IH- 5140 (1992) MFWD TVactor, cab, 2580 hrs., 2 remotes, 16.9x38 rubber; IH 3288 (1985) 2WD TVactor, cab, 3090 hrs., 2 remotes, 14.9x38 rub ber; IH 885 (1990) 2WD TVactor, cab, 3980 hrs., 2 remotes; 15.5x38 rubber, set of 38 snap on duals; JD 4440 (1980) open station TVactor, 7065 hrs., 2 remotes, 18.4x38 rubber, set of 18.4x38 snap on duals; C-IH 595 (1992) open station TVactor, ROPS bar, 1500 hrs., 1 remote, 12.4x42 rubber; C IH 385 (1992) open station TVactor, ROPS bar, 2600 hrs., 1 remote, 9.5x36 rubber; C-IH 385 (1991) open station TVactor, ROPS bar, 2860 hrs., I remote, 9.5x36 rubber; Four (4) IH 140 (1976) gas Tractors, 9.5x24 rubber, 2 with 4-row belly cultivators; Oliver 1650 (1968) gas TVactor, open station, 6300 hrs., creeper gear, 1 remote, 12.4x38 rubber: Oliver “Super 66” (1957) gas TVactor, wide front end; Case 730 (1962) diesel TVactor; Farmall “H” narrow front with irriga tion pipe rack; Farmall “H” not running: Farmall Cub TVactor with 1-row cultivator; Case “C” tri cycle Tractor; IH ID (1954) Crawler, gas pony motor, diesel engine, 1 hyd. remote; VEGETABLE FIELD EQUIPMENT 1996 Ramsey self propelled Harvest Aid (HFPIS-HLC) for bulk and field pack, J.D. diesel power unit, 2600 hrsv, full out 96 ft. width, fold-in conveyor, air compressor, hydrostatic 4 wheel drive, original owner excellent condition!; 1990 Gallenberg dual axle 600 gal. stainless steel tank Sprayer, 110 ft. hyd. fold booms, 100 noz zles each with check valve, high pressure diaphragm pump, manual height control (present ly set up high for stake tomatoes), original owner!; Stan Hay 981 4-row precision planter; Ferguson (North Carolina) “1100 s series Tilrovator”, 3 pt. 8 ft. rototiller bed shaper with liquid fert. setup; Two (2) Kannoco water wheel Planters, 45 in. centers, with 14-18-21 in. wheel spacings, 2 yrs. old!; Kennco plastic layer 2-row, 45 in. center; Holland 4-row transplanter, 3 pt.; Mechanical 4- row transplanter, 3 pt.; Mechanical 3-row pull behind transplanter; Four (4) Mechanical trans planter units, used 1 yr.; Kennco 8 ft. 3 pt. land leveler; Two (2) tandem axle hyd. tilt bin box trail er with rollers; Two (2) FMC 200 gal. stainless steel tank sprayers, single axle, with 24 ft. booms; Ten (10) 20 ft. high clearance flat rack field wag ons, one is tandem axle with flotation tires, 9 are on 20 in. truck tires; Four (4) low clearance 16 ft. flat rack wagons; Cole 3 pt. 2 unit side dresser; Two (2) Porterway tomato harvesters (not used since 1990); 100,000 tomato stakes (1 in. x 48 in.) pressure treated; 7,000 (1 in. x 48 in.) brand new stakes; Qty. of plastic trays (36, 50, 72, 128, 200); Nine (9) Modine hanging, gas, forced air heaters, 1 is Ip gas; 1989 TMC FG-15 Forklift, indoor/outdoor hard tires, gas engine, 2 stage lift; 1988 TCM FG-15 Forklift, indoor/outdoor hard tires, gas engine, 2 stage lift, not running; 1956 Yale Forklift, indoor/outdoor tires, gas engine, 2 stage lift; AC Forklift, indoor/outdoor tires, with rotator 360 degree head; Terms: CASH-CERTIFIED OR CASHIERS CHECK IN U.S. FUNDS! Honorable personal or business checks will be accepted from those per sons who have established favorable relations with the Maple Run Family or the Auction Company. Those persons unknown shall present to Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc., upon registering to bid, a cur rent letter from their bank attesting to the cus tomer’s good faith and prompt payment practices and stating the amount they may spend at the Maple Run Auction. This document becomes the property of Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc., until check clearance. The owners and the auction company reserve the right to deny immediate removal of any item until check clearance. Acceptable ID required to register for a bid card! Lunch - Comfort Facilities on site! “A Big Sale With Something For Everyone!” Owned by Maple Run Farms, Inc./The Late Lou Romano and Family Paul A. Gilson, President INFO CAII Paul or Julia at the office 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 856-447-4298 VEGETABLE PACKING LINE: 1994 pallet box dumper, 3 hp electric over hyd; 32 in. flighted belt conveyor; adjustable speed; 32 in. pre-grader; Ag-Pak 32 in. washer with sponge dryers; 32 in. roller picking table; Kerian 48 in. speed sizer; 16 ft. x 48 in. flat belt distribution table, variable speed; 8 ft. x 32 in. flat belt table; 36 in. washer; 12 ft. x 36 in. flat belt conveyor; McConnell 14 ft. bulk body receiving hopper; Twelve (12) 40x48 pallet boxes; Four (4) box stitchers; 200 plastic picking baskets; Tomato string; etc.! For Auction Conducted By Janies P. Pirrung and Associates PIRRUNG AUCTIONEERS, INC. P.O. Box 607 Wayland, New York 14572 Phone 716-728-2520 Fax 716-728-3378 TILLAGE AND GENERAL EQUIPMENT: IH 5100 grain only drill with double disc openers; IH 165 5-18 roll over plow, on the land hitch; IH 475 22 ft. hyd. wing disc; IH 475 16 ft. transport disc; JD 16 ft. transport disc; IH 16 ft. seed bed conditioner; MF 8 tooth, 3 pt. chisel plow; Pull behind 4-row bed shaper; Glencoe pull behind chisel, like new; Mechanical 3 pt. pot planter 6 ft., 3 pt. disc; JD 3 pt. single subsoiler; 3 pt. 2 and 4 row cultivators; Pull behind 4-row tool bar only, with hyd. raise; Pull behind sth wheel; John Blue fumigator (no pump) with 300 gal. stainless tank; Vicon 700 lb., 3 pt., broadcast spreader, like new; Miller portable welder/generator; Single 150 gal. saddle tank on frame; Single 200 gal. saddle on frame; Two (2) 1500 gal. vertical poly tanks; Four (4) 200 gal. vertical poly tanks; TRUCKS-TRAILERS; Nice 1988 CMC “Top Kick” 7000 S/A truck, 3208 Cat., 208,000 miles, 5 sp. trans., air brakes, 22.5 tires, 22 ft. Kidron insulated body with diesel Thermoking unit with electric standby, rear rollup door, and curbside door; 1988 Western Star with full sleeper, tandem axle, twin screw, Cat 34068 diesel engine, 539,000 miles, 9 sp. split air trans., air brakes; 1966 Mack R-model, tandem axle, (tag axle), 5 sp. trans., Mack 237 engine, 267,000 miles; 1960 Mack B-61 model, S/A, 5 sp. split shift trans.. Mack diesel engine, 379,000 miles; 1984 Polar American 48 ft. insulated van trailer with diesel “space saver” continual run Thermoking unit, electric standby; 1979 TVailmobile 45 ft. van trailer; Two (2) (1 -1965 and 1-1962) 40 ft. tandem axle, flat bed trailer; 1965 45 ft. tandem axle, flat bed trailer; 1962 40 ft. grain trailer; Two (2) Dodge 15 passenger worker buses, gas engines, manual trans.; 1988 Ford F -150 pickup, red, short bed, 302 gas power, manu al trans., no overdrive, 2WD; 1988 Ford F-150, black, short bed, 302 gas Jasper rebuilt motor, manual trans., no overdrive; 1992 Chevy S-10 pickup, 8 ft, bed, 6 cyl., manual 5 sp. trans., 72,000 miles, air, personal highway vehicle. IRRIGATION: 1170 pcs. (2 in. x 40 ft) (46,000 ft. or about 9 miles!) Pierce hook and latch alum, pipe each with 18 in. riser and Rainbird 20JH sprinklers; 195 pcs. (2 in. x 40 ft.) Pierce pipe with hook end only; 31 pcs. (2 in. x 20 ft.) with risers and sprin klers; 118 pcs. (3 in. x4O ft.) (4,700 ft.) Pre-Kok hook and latch alum, pipe with risers and sprin klers; 201 pcs. (4 in. x 40 ft.) (8,000 ft.) Pre-Kok hook and latch alum, pipe, some with 2 in. valves other straight main line; Deutz 6 cyl. Turbo diesel pump unit on cart with electric primer and 60 FMS-M2-3, Hale (6x6) pump, just 628 original owner hrs.!; Double 36 in. sand filters unit; 41 2 in. filters for drip system; 47 2-in regulators; App. 20,000 ft. 2 in. lay flat header pipe line with drip tube connectors on 45 in. centers; 3 Omnlont suc tion pumps; 300 gal. Fuel tank on cart; 6 in. x 40 ft. suction line with screen; 2 pipe wagons; Selection of pallet lots 2-3-4 inch L’s - T’s - starters; FORKLIFTS: SAT APR 8 - 9AM Woll irnuth Hall. Pa 814-349-5099 Annual Spnng Consignment Auc tion located at 2101 Valley Road, Manheim, Lane Co, Pa Pull line offarmeqhip Bob-Manager 717- 665-6684 SAT APR 8-9 AM Consignment sale Rt 25 at Gratz Fairgrounds, Gratz Fire Co & Amish Schools Lawn & garden, crafts, farm machinery, lumber, sheds & Horses SAT APR 8 -9 30AM Farm machinery consignment sale Penns Valley Livestock, Centre PUBLIC TOY AUCTION (SO) WINROSS. HESS TRUCKS. (100+) ERTL BANKS. (SO+) AIRPLANES. RACING & NASCAR. BRICKYARD 400. MATCHBOX. YUENGUNG ‘77.’80 BEER TRUCKS. COCA COIA. DIE CAST. ETC. Fri., February 18, 2000 At 5:00 P.M. LOCATED: Indoors at the Leesport Farmer’s Market MEETING ROOM just off Route 61 at the North end of Leesport, Berks Co., PA. Plan to attend - Something for everyone. Approx. 350 Lots Sale For: E. SCHRIBECK KENNETH P. & JASON K. LEIBY, AUCTIONEERS (PA L#. AU00541-L/ AU003821-L) 610-562-3929 1126 Moselem Spring Road, Hamburg, PA 19526 Dairy and Livestock Sales COMPLETE MILKING HERD DISPERSAL BREEZY MEADOWS FARM Friday, February 18, 2000 *l2 Noon At Smoketown Quality Dairy Sales Smoketown, PA • Rt. 340 TOP YOUNG HERD OF MOSTLY GRADE COWS ■r WITH A FEW REGISTERED. HERD FACTS INCLUDE: ★ Herd shipped over 19,000 lb. per cow last year ★ Butterfat runs between 3.8 & 4.1 at dairy. ★ Somatic cell consistently between 125,000-140,000. ★ 1/2 herd fresh within 30 days or due within next 30 days. ★ Other 1/2 bred back safe in calf with several fancy young cows milking heavy and due June Isf to October 1 st. ★ Special Mention: Super fancy young Reg. cow due June - a show cow l ★ 2 fancy fresh mixed breed Ist calf heifers. ★ Fancy group of 2 year olds, just fresh since end of Jan with a few more due soon. ★ 75% of herd milking in first or second lactation. ★ Cows never pushed for peak production. ★ Reason for sale - owner retiring - 3rd generation on this farm. Anyone in need of some top replacements due now or anytime this year can find them here! ALSO SELLING REGISTERED AND GRADE FRESH AND BRED BACK COWS FROM AN OVERSTOCKED FARM. MILK WEIGHTS DAY OF SALE. ★ Grade - Henry Acres Mmuteman -2- 0 - 305 - 18,814 -614 f -549 p. Fresh 1-31-00. Dam - Southwmd Son - 305 - 33,205 -870 f -1004 f. ★ Alta - Reg. Midway - ET - Due to - Wade Web 2 - 0 - 302 - 21,097 -826 f -660 p. Dam - Abby - 4 - 2 - 305 - 28,101 -1,068 f -887 p ★ Carrie - Reg. Double - Good Saville - ET - Fresh 1-21-00 1 - 11 -305-21,164-671f-662p. 3 - 2 - 305 - 24,135 -757 f -738 p. Dam - Burt Ora - 9 - 9 - 305 - 28,171 -982 f -771 p - Still in herd milking, ★ Polly - Reg. - Jol-Lee Prelude Coach - Fresh 1 -29-00. 2 - 0 - 310- 19,917 - 786 - 613. 3 - 1 - 290 - 24,439 - 905 - 692. Dam - Tnfecta - 3 - 3 - 295 - 22,662 - 8691 -746 p. Free Lunch for the Dairymen 1 hour before the sale Mel Hoover - Auctioneer AUOO3III-L Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 12, 2000-841 SAT. APR 8 -10 AM Real estate, on 1 3 acre lot, located 5678 Mar tmdale Road, New Holland “Mar tmdale”Pa Auction by Victona S Fultz Aaron E Martin Auction Service WED, APRIL 12 Easter Lamb & Goat Sale Belleville Livestock market. Belleville, Pa FRI, APR 14 - 9AM Roman/Greek Easter Sale Carlisle Livestock Mkt, Inc, 548 Alexander Spring Rd . Carlisle PA FRI, APR 14 - 9AM Tractors, Farm Eq & Supplies To Be held at A&C Ditfenbach Auction Inc 100 W Jackson St New Hol land, Lane Co, Pa 717-355- 7253 FRI APR 14 - Dairy Sale 12 Noon Middleburg Livestock Auc lion Sales, Inc Middleburg. Pa FRI APR 14-4 30PM Lawn and garden equip Ed’s Repair Shop. 388 Linden Grove Rd, Ephrata, Pa 17522 354-4209 Mel Hoover, auct FRI APR 14 - 6 PM Feeder Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland. Pa FRI APR 14 - 5 30PM & SAT APR 15 -9 00 AM Myerstown Church of the Brethren 52nd Consignment Sale Glenn Has sinqer 717-866-2925 lor info SAT APR 15-Wickards Annual Consignment Sale & Machinery on consignment, plus 75 head of feeder cattle Kevin Wiokard & Rick Foreman Aucls Carlisle, Pa SAT APR 15 8 30AM Antiques, household goods, fur mtuie Andrew Allwem, Rt 343 North of Lebanon Harry H Bach man. auct SAT APR 15 -9AM Real estate personal property and antiques Real estate sold at 11AM From mtersecton of Rt 11 and Rt 23, west on Rt 23 for 11/2 miles, turn left on Coventryville Rd for approx 1 3/4 mile to property on left East Nanhneal Twp, Chester Co By Estate of Mildred E Brew er Horning Farm Agency, Inc 610-286-5183 SAT APR 15 - 9AM Consign ment Auction Rt 522 at village of Wagner, 12 miles North of Lewis town, PA (Mifflin Co) Call Ivan Macknair 717-543-5192 Auct Blame Rentzel *AU-761 SAT APR 15-9 AM smi S Tur botville, 2 mi N of Washing tonville off Rt 54 Consignment Sale Benefits Beaver Run School SAT APR 15 - 9AM Tractor, Farm & Orchard Items, Shop Equip & Tools, Windmill, HH Items, Collectibles 1 mi Sof Pit man in the Mahantongo Valley, Schuylkill Co, PA Avice E Mor qan, Owner Mike Delbert, Auct
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