832-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 12, 200g nd Pa Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. MARCH 2000 WED , MAR 1 - David & Dons Heberhg, Newburg Pa Farm Machinery Sale Managed By Klmg s Auctions Inc Landisburg PA 717-789-3883 WED MAR 1 9AM Lumber & Building Supplies To be held at Wolgemulh Auction 109 N Maple Ave Leola Lane Co Pa 717- 656-2947 WED MAR 1 -10 AM Real Estate Antiques HH Goods Spa Old Conestoga Wagon Mule Horse Driving Equip etc 418 Dry town Road Holtwood Martic Twp Lancaster Co PA Russelll D Shope Owner Howard E Shaub Auct _ WED MAR 1 - 6 30PM Wmross Hess, Farm Trac & toys To Be held at A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc 100 W Jackson St New Hol land Lane Co Pa 717 355- 7253 _ THURS MAR 2 - 9 30AM Full Line horse drawn farm machinery team head of mules 1066 IT diesel tractor 600 Gehl Har vester Terms by Beniamin & Linda Stoltzfus White Oak Rd Georgetown Lane Co Pa Steve Petersheim auct THURS MAR 2 10 30AM Guernsey Dispersal 112 Cow Milking Herd Old Furnace Farm LewmC Armentrout Keezietown VA Ownby Auction & Realty Co Inc THURS MAR 2 11AM Harold Watson Farm Dispersal 6JD Late Model Tractors Full line of Farm Machinery Conducted by Fraley Auction Co THURS MAR 2 - 4PM Real estate 845 Fivepomtville Rd Stevens Pa Leonard H & Graceann Z Zimmerman own ers Kline Kreider&Good aucts FRI MAR 3 - 9AM Farm machin ery fer antiques 175 Scraggy Rd Oxford Pa Terms by Ken neth L and Jane Hershey Krei der Kline andJSoqd aucts_ FRI MAR 3 9AM Spring Machinery Sale Belleville Live stock market Belleville Pa FRI MAR 3 10AM Antique jew elry layds rings gold jewelry watches dolls vintage clothing hats & purses coins & currency At 2306 Helena Drive E Hemp field Twp Lane Co Pa By Gertrude A Hess Howard E CORNMESSER HARDWARE STORE GIGANTIC PUBLIC AUCTION FEBRUARY 25, 26, 27, 2000 AT 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 F.M. Each Day Cornmessers Hardware Store, Bellwood, PA. (Blair County) Full Store of Hardware & Houseware Items Between Tyrone & Altoona, PA. (Blair County). Taking 1-99 From Tyrone Go 7 Miles To Bellwood Exit & Follow Auction Signs. (Follow Rt. 865 Signs) At Main St. Watch For Signs. After Being In Business For Approx 100 Years, Cornmessers Inventory Will Be Offered At Public Auction. There Is One Of Nearly Everything You Could Ever Need. This Is A small Example Of What Is In Store, Please Come To View For Yourselves. NEW INVENTORY! Woolrich Hunting Coats - Plaid & Orange, Many Other Woolrich Coats, Hunting Clothes, Remington & Winchester Ammo., Scope Mounts, RGBS Dies, Powder, Bullets, Gun Cases, Scopes, Binoculars, Clay Target Thrower, P.S.E. Compound Bow, Turkey Calls, Fishing Supplies, Rods, Etc, Sidekick Holsters, Arrow Supplies, Other Hunting Supplies, Case XX Cutlery Display Case, Case XX Knives Counter Display, Case Knives, Many Other Pocket Knives, Dewalt Hand Tools, Dewalt Carbide Bits, Black & Decker Hand Tools, Makita Hand Tools, Delta Scroll Saw, Many Router bits, Ridgid 400 Pipe Threader, Shovels, Forks, Axes. Garden Tools, Edgers, Hammers, Saws, Screwdrivers, Wrenches, Nails, Suews Bolts. & Bolt Bins, Bits, C Clamps, Lock Sets, Snake Lights, Taps, Dies, Tool Boxes, Step Ladders. Coleman Propane Items, PVC Pipes, & Fittings, Coppei Fittings, Many Brass Pressure Fittings, Electrical Items & Supplies. House Light Fixtures, Bathroom Fixtures. Gallons, Quarts & Cans Ot Paints, Red Devil Paint Shaker, Hero 200 Colorant Dispenser For Paints (Like New), Key Center Machine & Keys, Vent Free Gas Logs, Full Line Of Items For Household, Pots & Pans. Casseroles, Baking Pans, Kitchen Counter Top Appliances. Kitchen Utensils Garden Supplies, Garden Fountains, 50,000 & 165,000 BTU Reddy Heaters, 8" Alum Werner Step Ladder, Big Orange Brand Various Sizes Of New Link Chains, 2 New Homelite Chain Saws, Alum Dolly, Pallet Jack, 8’ Wood & Glass Old Display Cases, 2 Oak 5’ Tall Chest w/Drawers, 2-5’ Glass Display Cases, 2-4’ Glass Display Cases, Sharp Cash Register, NCR Register, & Others, IBM Computer w/Momtor, Hundreds Of Pieces Of Commercial Metal Store Shelving To Be Sold Of Sunday The 27th. 1985 Ford F-150XL 4x4 Pick Up w/Standard Trans. w/Meyer Hyd. For Plow. Ford Econoline Van (Rough). Auctioneer’s Note: This Is Only A Brief Listing. This Is A Large Store With A Lot Of Inventory. Hunting Accessories, & Hunting Clothes Sold Saturday Morning. Shelving Sold Sunday. Everything Else Will Be Mixed In For 3 Days. Auction Under Tents w/Reddy Heaters - Behind Store - dress Warm. TERMS: Cash Or Check Only - Day Of Auction Each Day. AUCTIONEERS: Ron J. & Ron S. Gilligan #AU339-L & #AU343OL Owner & Auctioneer Not Responsible In Case Of Accidents. All Oral Info Day Of Auction Takes Precedence Over Any & All Written Ads. ihaub. Inc auct FRI MAR 3 -10 AM Farm equip , tools, guns for Conrad Plasterer 7774 Ok) Scotland Rd, Shippens burg, Pa Martin's Auction Service 717-532-5382 . FRI MAR 3-10AMPaulSmuck er Mules, New Holland Sales Sta bles 101 W Fulton St New Hoi- AUCTION www alderfercompanv com Location - Alderfer Auction Center, 501 Fairgrounds Rd, Hatfield, PA 215-393 3000 www alderfenompanvcom Partial Listing - LAWN & GARDEN EQUIP: Wheel I hursday Horse D-200 20hp garden tractor, Tpt hyd , February 17 w/atlach -snow blade 48 deck, 54 rear tme rototillcr, spring tooth cultivator 1 bottom plow Toro/Wheel Horse lVtB HXL Hhp lawn tractor, hydro drive, deck, Generac Mega Force 6500 walt/Hhp engine transport generator. Cambell Haus shp/20 gal transport air compressor Craftsman tool boxes/work bench hand & garden tools POTTERY PENNSBURY includes RARE-Sedcr plate large fish &rd fishplates Blue Delft church plate 1958 Rooster pattern Hex pattern, also pic plates Balt & Ohio RR dish milk pitcher, red barn plate MCCOY 125+ pcs patterns include Holly Blossom Time Butterfly, Cattail, Lotus Leaf Pine Cone Sunburst, 18 pcs of SHAWNEE-18 pcs, over 100 pcs assort including VAN BRIGGLE, WELLER. ROSEVILLE STANCE RUMRILL, ABINGDON BAUER, HAEGER. HALL HULL &. OCC JAPAN ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES- Oak sectional bookcase drop front desk w/sgl dwr over glass dr base Viet fall front desk drop leaf table Empire chest, glass dr bookcase 6 dwr spool cabinet, bow top trunk, plank scat chairs. South Bend Mallcadlc kitchen coal range. German Mamvelle (child s) tune music box, draw poker machine old cigar store counter top gambling game artwork clocks signed Avant-Garde metal sculpture of sea gulls celebrity posters prints &. photos, WWII patches, insignia & service star, jewelry to include W D P Dumbo clip designer costume, children s animal pins, buckles, hair combs, G Shiebler silver stud diameter watches & clocks including Mickey Mouse Cinderella, Mr Peanut, Beatles & political pens, carved Meerschaum pipe in case, loys-aclion figures, Ertl, Hess, Matchbox, board games stereoptic, cigarette & post cards reference books & assort magazines CHINA & GLASSWARE Dinner & luncheon sets 5 Hummel figurines & plates Collector s plates wine sets FURNISHINGS Mah -9 pc DR suite 2 dr cabinet, ptd sgl dr cabinet w/sgl dwr top marble top stand Spinet piano &, bench, blk Naugahyde rechner 6 pc chrome base dinette set framed leaded glass panel metal file cabinet w/safe 2 Bohara hall runners, handcrafted lidded wooden boxes, GE refng &. auto washer TERMS Payment day of auction 10% Buyers Premium [PREVIEW Feb 16 57PM & ddy of .lucfion 7am AIDERFER AUCTION Co 501 Fairgrounds Road Hatfield, PA 19440 • 215 393 3000 www.alderfercompany.com FRI MAR 3 - 2PM Farm Equip ment, north of Fogelsville, PA For Vernon Wink Zettlemoyer Auc tion Co FRI MAR 3 & SAT MAR 4 - Cumberland Valley Farm Toy Show - Auction Sal 3 PM 717- 249-8434 for ml SAT, MAR 4 - Farm machinery, tractors, trucks, Blue Knoll Farms, 4300 Lewisb erry Rd , York, Pa Rime Kreider. Good, aucts SAT MAR 4-BAM complete liq uidation of American Tank & Test ing Inc 600 N 22nd St Leb Pa Kleintelter’s Auction SAT MAR 4 - 8 30AM Bart Twp, Fire Co 11 Furnace Rd, Bart Pa 36th Annual Sale Local Auction- RATIi/iAR 4 - 8 30AM Bart Twp Fire Co 36th Annual 2 All Day Sales (see 03/18) Farm Equip, Horses, Mules, Hay, Straw, Com, Tools, HH Goods, Furniture, Appliances, Antiques, Quilts Rte 9:00 am 896, Georgetown, Bart, Lancaster * c u - Co, PA Local Auctioneers SAT MAR 4 - 9AM Real Estate, SAT MAR 4 - 9AM Antiques tractors, combines farm equip , Personal Propert, Dolls. Cub antique trclors, steam engine , Cadet 2284 Riding Mower at lawn & garden At Shaffer Equip Remholds Fire Co Banquet Hall, Co on Rl 317 approx 2 miles N Rt 897, Remholds, PA M D of Denton, Md Shaffer Equip Co Sturqis Estate Art Pamebecker A Curtis Andrew Auction, Inc f PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., MARCH 11, 2000 at 9:00 AM Located 18 miles Northwest of Pottsville, 8 miles Southwest of Ashland and 3 miles cast of Pitman in the Mahantongo Valley, Schuylkill Co, PA From 1-81 Exit 15 take Route 901 North approximately 4 miles to Taylorsville Road Turn West and proceed approximately 4-1/2 miles over moun tain to first macadam road to right, approximately 1 mile to auction site (Watch for auction signs day of sale) TRACTORS, FORKLIFT & TRUCKS IH 1066 w/Cab, Weights, Dual Remotes & WFE, Farmall 210 w/Cultivators (Good Rubber), A/C B w/6’ Woods Belly Mower, Farmall Cub w/Cultivators (good rubber), Bolens H 12xL Riding Mower w/42” Deck, A/C WD 45 w/Forkhft Attachment, 1981 Chevy 60 w/150 Engine & Morgan 14’ Alum Van Body w/Roll-up Rear Door Also (3) Pick-ups (not running for parts) 1979 Chevy 20, 1974 IH 100 & 1974 Dodge Club-Cab 100 FARM MACHINERY - EQUIPMENT - ANTIQUES - WINDMILL NI 125 2 Row Corn Picker & NI 126 Shelling Unit (will be offered separately and as a unit) IH 550 5 Bottom Semi-Mounted Plow, IH 18’ Trans Type Vibra Shank Harrow, IH 12’ 3 Pt Vibra Shank Harrow, NH 451 1 Pt 7 Sickle Bar Mower, Bush Hog 2510, 10’ Rotary Mower (used 1 year); Woods C-80 6’ Rotary Mower, Hub 28’ Bale & Grain Elevator, Little Giant Drag Elevator, Gravity Flow Wagon, Century 1 Pt 28’ Boom Type Sprayer w/125 Gal Plastic Tank, (6) Ford Suitcase Weights, Asst Tractor & Truck Chains, NI 1 Pt Double Spinner Spreader, Gandy Insecticide Applicator, Mounted Manual Cultivator, Aqua Blast P4200C High Pressure Washer, Forney Electric Welder, Manual Tire Changer, Portable Air Compressor, 10’, 8 , & 6’ Relngerated Display Cases (no compres sors). Crystal Tips Ice Maker, Horse Saddle, Wagon Load of Small Misc Items Copper Apple Butter Kettle; Slanted Wooden Display Table, Wooden Boxes, Hand Cultivator Platform Scale, Early Metal Windmill on Steel Tower; Wooden Chicken Crates & Potato Grader Other Items Not Listed ORCHARD, VEGETABLE & POULTRY EQUIPMENT Seem Line 2 Row Potato Harvester w/Lockwood Cham, New Spare Parts Included Roto-Beater 2 Row Green Potato Stalk Chopper, JD 2 Row Sweet Corn Planter w/Plates & Depth Gauge, Girelte Self- Propelled Pruning Plalform/Cherry Picker, Cosmag 6-1/2’ Orchard Mower w/Swingmg Extension, Approx (50) 3”x2o’ Alum Irrigation Pipes, 6’ Irrigation Extensions, Tew Brusher/Washer, (20) 25 Bu Plastic Vegetable Bins, (150) 5/8 Bu Baskets, (100) Mushroom Tubs (Bu & 1/2 Bu ), Gas Brooders, (45) Hanging Poultry Feeders. Other Poultry Feeders, Pickwick Poultry Plucker SNOWMOBILES - ATV’S - MOTORCYCLE 1983 Arctic Cat Cougar Snowmobile w/IFS (only 1100 miles), 1981 Arctic Cal Trail Cat Snowmobile (both sleds are in nice condition), Polaris 250 Trail Boss 4-Wheeler, Honda TRX 200 4-Wheeler, Yamaha 350 “Big Wheel ’ Motorcycle NOTE This is a liquidation of excess machinery Many items are in good condition For more information call Henry (570) 648-9424, Brett (570) 644-6686 or (570) 648-8095 KENNY STEHR & SONS, OWNERS TERMS: Cash or PA Check w/Plcture ID nFIRFDT MIKE, AUCTIONEER AU1599-L l/kIDEn I KUNGERSTOWN, PA (570)425-2256 MIFFLIN COUNTY FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION Saturday, Feb. 26, 2000 11:00 AM Located 9 miles west of Lewistown, PA just off Rt. 103 along River Rd., and 3 miles east of McVeytown just off Rt. 103. Directions auction day off Rt. 22-522. Tractors, Truck & Modern Farm Machinery 1972 JD 4020 dsl with side console, canopy, wide front, 18.4-34 tire, 3 pt and dual hyd., this tractor is all original with 106 hp; JD 3020 dsl with wide front, 3 pt and hyd., tractor had engine overhaul 1000 hrs ago and looks nice; 1975 F-350 Ranger XLT w/8’ flatbed, automatic, engine just over hauled, good cond.; JD 210 tandem-axle rock flex 12’ transport disc with dbl acting cyl., very nice; New Idea 3626 PTO manure spreader with hyd endgate, used 2 seasons, very nice; Martin 36’ hay and gram elevator with 1 hp electric, sells new cond.; NH 315 PTO thrower-baler with super sweep, paint is good, very nice; NH 489 haybme, good, Pequea 710 PTO hay tedder, very nice; NH 256 rolabar rake with dolly wheels and rubber ized teeth; Pequea 10-ton chassis with flotation tire, telescopic tongue and 16’ pressure-treated wood bale lack, nice; Farmer’s Choice 10 ton chassis with flotation tire, telescopic tongue and 18’ wooden bale rack; Colby 6 ton chassis with 16’ wooden bale rack; Bush Hog 8-tooth 3 pt chisel plow, IH 650 forage harvester with 2 W.R. comhead, 2 N R cornhead, and 5’ pickup head; JD 65 forage blower, nice 3 pt. bale spears, 4 feed carts and other small farm related items. 30 4’xs’ big round bales of 4th cutting alfalfa grass hay. Auctioneer’s Note; Owner has rented the farm, be prompt day of sale, not many small items. Equipment looks good and is ready for immediate field use. Terms Cash or good PA Check Owners: GLENN E. & KAYE L. MARTIN (717) 899-7498 Bryan D. Imes, Auctioneer R R 1, Box 902 Port Royal, PA 17082 AU-001656-L (717) 527-2449 Sale held rain, snow or shine Large Public Auction Antiques, Household Goods, Dishes, Glassware, Classic Car For Sally S. Rineholt Estate & Others Sat., Feb. 19, 2000 AT 8 AM ( Box Lots at SAM) To be held in the Winterstown Fire Hall along Rt. 24, midway between Stewartstown & Red Lion in York Co., PA Paw foot table w/bds; 4 ant. captain chairs; 5 pc. dinette; plank & cane bottom chairs & rock ers, oak beds, dressers, wash stands & night stands; lamp & coffee tables, D.P. stands; floor & dresser lights; rayo & kerosene lamps; nice sewing cabinets w/drawers; queen & dbl. box springs & mattresses; linens; bedding; quilts, afghans; desk & chair; childs rocker, clothes trees; drop leaf table, benches; foot stools, tall wooden side cupboard; 4 pc. L.R. suite; reclmers; occ. chairs; 2 window A.C.’s; 2 nice Empire chests; Whirlpool washer & dryer; Maytag washer & dryer; elec, stove; Hotpomt fridge; sm. chest freezer; port, dishwasher; GE MW oven; nice Farberware oven; West. elec, roaster; TV’s & stands; 8 track player; radios; port, sewing machine; old Supertone mandolin; vintage clothing & hats; 2 brass kettles; blue flowered jardemer; crocks; jugs; jars; sewing notions; store baskets; lantern; approx. 35 pcs. American fos toria; cut, press, cut & dep glass, German & other signed dishes & bowls; opalescent; Blue Willow; pitcher & bowl; Corning; Correlle; Guardian Service; stainless steel; cookie jars; costume jewelry; what-nots; sm. figurines; porch furniture, etc 1976 Nissan 280ZX sports car, over 100,000 mi., but good restorable car to be offered at 12 noon, alum ext. & step ladders; wheelbarrows; lawn & garden tools & many other items. Not responsible for accidents Cash to strangers & out-of-state buyers. Good Food. nn MCffjff m jJI Auctioneers Red Lion PA Ph 717 244-0295 Lie. Nos. 820 & 821 PUBLIC AUCTION Sat., Feb. 19, 2000 9:00 A.M. Selling for Wright Brothers (Richard & Robert) 1305 Old York Rd (Rte 539), Robbinsonville, N.J. 08691. DIRECTIONS: Rte 195 to Rte 539 (Allentown Exit) - North one mile - Sale on Right. TRACTORS & COMBINES; White 2-135 w/cab & duals; Oliver 1755; 2-Oliver 77; Oliver 77 w/loader; Oliver 70; Oliver 88 (parts); White 7300 combine w/2 heads (13’ Hart Carter); Oliver 7300 combine (parts). ■TRUCKS: Int. R2OO, RlBO, 1600 w/Haines potato body; Chevy 6500 w/Stone fert body; Ford w/16’ Daulman body; Chevy flat; INT 1700 w/14’ dump; 46 Chevy flat; 62 Chevy 60 series w/18’ grain body, EQUIPMENT: White 285 21’ field cult; White 271 21’ cut har row; White 508 6-18 semi mount plow; 2 row potato digger; 2-Daulman potato harvester (1-new chain); JD 416 4 row potato planter; 2-Daulman potato bodies; 2-Ziggies potato bodies; Brillion 14’ cultipacker; 4 & 6 row weeders; INT 5100 grain drill w/goose neck hitch; 2-wheel lines; Lilhston roto beater; Oliver 2 & 4 row cult; Oliver 2 row com planter; Oliver 2 & 4 side dressers; 6’ & 8’ cut harrow; 3 ptht 4 row cult; Mayrath 6” auger; 300 gal sprayer; fert drill; 3 pt plow; Oliver mower; lot Oliver tractor parts, Oliver 1 row com picker (parts): 2-gram cleaners; snow plow & frame tor 2-135 White tractor; wooden wheel wgn, 2-Ridge plows; saw bench; walking cult; lot old harness; 2-potato brushers; Boggs potato grad er; sm potato bagger; 30’ Haines elevator; 2-sm potato graders; 2-Haines seed dusters & cutters; 2- transfer pumps; burlap bags; bag trdcks; 4-plat form scales; 1-1/2 pallets potato bags; 2 hole com sheller; barbwire; old sewing machine; lot hand tools. Miscellaneous articles too numerous- to mention. Seller or Auctioneer are not responsible for theft, injury or accident of any kind on Sale premises. All articles sold “AS IS - WHERE IS” Lunch will be available on premises TERMS: Cash or Good Check NOTE: Out of state buyers must have bank letter of credit. L. Parker Sales, Inc. (609) 758-8603 (daytime) Lee Parker, Auctioneer (609) 723-2010 (nights) Email - LParkerSales@webtv.net Website-www.angelfire.com/pop/lparkersales York PA Ph 717 741-4489
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers