826-UncMtef Farming, Saturday, February 12, 2000 Sale Reports ESH SALE A Public Sale of horses and farm machinery was held February 3 by moses H. and Elizabeth Esh, 1 mile east of Strasburg, Pa along Rt. 741 in Lane. Co. Some prices were: N.H 311 baler, $5,150; White Horse 2-B plow, $950; 2 harrows, $270 & $l6O, cart with diesel, $1,275, N.l. crimper, $800; tobacco presses, $B5 & $65, har ness, $55, pair of horses, $2,200; horse, $1,300; pair of horses, $3,400 and 10 heifers up to $1,300; also Deutz Fahr tedder, $l,lOO Petersheim Aucuon Ser vice conducted the sale. STOLTZFUS SALE A Public Sale of Holstein grade cows and farm equipment was held February 3 by Stephen S. and Rebecca E. Stoltzfus, 252 Stovers Cross Road, Mill Hall, Pa. Some of the 41 Holstein grade cows brought $1,525, $1,475, $1,450, $1,375 and $1,350. Sponger cows sold up to $1,400 and a 2 day old Public Auction Harold “Dutch” Watson Retirement Auction Located on Farm 7 Miles N. of Troy, along Rt. 14. 7 Miles S. of Gillett, PA (Bradford County) Thursday, March 2, 2000 6 John Deere Tractors full Line of John Deere & Gehl Farm Machinery I 98 JD6410 tractor, cab, 1 8.4-38” radials - Power Quad trans., w/JD 640 quik-tach Joader-only 150 hrs. show room new - sells 3 ways; JD 4450 front wheel drive tractor, sound-guard cab, 20.8-38” duals, 14.9-24” fronts, power shift, only 1800 hrs.; JD 4050 w/4 post canopy, 18.4-38” radials, quad-range trans, dual hyds, only 2700 1 owner hrs.; JD 6300 tractor w/roll-post, power quad, dual hyds, 18.4-34” radials, lowner only 1400 hrs; JD 6300 tractor w/Canopy, Power Quad, Dual Hyds., 18.4-34 Radials, Only 765 Hrs. (One Owner); JD 3020 diesel wfe tractor, side console; pr. land rollers to match. LATE MODEL MACHINERY Tillage: JD2BIO 6 Bottom variable width “Up to 22” Reset Plows, only used 65 acres, LIKE NEW; JD 635 26’ Double fold Disc, only used 130 acres, LIKE NEW; Case Int. 6510 10 Tooth pull type Mulch Tiller, NICE; Knowles 20’ Transport Cart harrow; JD F 145 416 Semi-Mounted Plows. Hay Equipment: JD 1460 Discbine; JD 1219 Haybine, SUPER NICE; 2 Gehl 1060 Harvesters w/elec. controls, 1000 RPM Shaft, Tandem axle, (1 w/late style pickup head & 1 w/2 row adjustable com head) both used very little; 3 Gehl 970 Self-Unloading Wagons w/3 beaters. Roofs, Tandem Axles, all Like New; JD 328 Baler w/Pan Thrower, one owner, NICE; JD 672 Rake w/dolly wheel & rubber teeth; 3 9’xlB’ Wooden Hay Rake Wagons, all w/tandem axles & flotation tires; NH 45 Trailer Sickle bar mower; Kewanee 36’ All purpose transport elevator; Buffalo Valley 36’ All purpose transport elevator; General Equipment: JD 8250 18-7 Single Disc Grain Drill w/grass seeder & fert. Attachment; Demco 300 gal. single axle pull type Sprayer w/foldup booms, like new, used very little; JD 455 Hyd. Push Manure Spreader w/end gate, 1 year old, used very little; Gehl 170 Grinder Mixer w/Hyd. Auger & 18’ Auger Extension; H&S 20’ Feeder Wagon; 12’ Alum. Grain elevator w/motor; Other 12’ Gram Elevator; Fidelity 40 KW PTO Generator on Cart; Cornell 3 pth 24” Wood Splitter; Silo Equipment: 2 Weaverline 430 S.S. Hydrostatic Feed Carts (1 has 300 Hr. & 1 has 500 Hrs.) Nice; Van Dale 20’ Ring Drive Silo Unloader ( 3 years old); Van Dale 18’ Ring Drive Silo Unloader (2 years old); 2 Van Dale 16’ Ring Drive Silo Unloaders (3 years old); Small items: 54” & 48” Alley Fans on wheels; 10 H.R Vacuum Pump; 30 Ton Hyd. Press; 295 Welder; Air Compressor; 80 Hole Bolt bin w/bolts; 20.8-38” tractor chains; Taylor hot water forced wood or coal boiler; feed cart; etc. etc. etc. TERMS: Cash or Good Pa. check day of sale. Out of state buyers must have current bank letter of credit guaranteeing funds. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Absolutely the best set of machinery to sell this spring, 99% bought brand new & always shed kept. _ . . Seller Conducted By HAROLD “DUTCH” WATSON (570) 297-3058 Auction Co. ISIS Kepner Hill Road, Muncy, PA 17756 PA Lie. #RY 71L (570) 546-6907 Holstein calf brought $3OO. Other prices included; 4 Westfalia 300 cc claw milk ers, $425 each; milk Sputnik, $1,700; Belgian work horses team, 5 yr. old, $2,600 each; Red Sorrel Belgian, 7 yr. old lead horse, $2,400, team of Belgian colts 2 & 3 yr. old, $ 1,300 & $1,700, com silage, $24 per ton, N H 273 baler, $l,BOO, N.H 256 rake, $1,150; fore cart, $550; J.D. 12 ft culti CONSIGNMENT AUCTION FARM & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SAT., MARCH 11, 2000 • 10 AM Allen’s Auction Service 231 Landing St., Vincentown, NJ Accepting consignments of equipment, tools, lawn and garden tractors, building supplies, etc. Consignments accepted February 28 til March 10, 9am to spm. Call early for adver tising. Also, we have regular antique, furniture and household auction every Wednesday 5:30 pm. Richard Allen, Auctioneer (609) 267-8382 Starting at 11:00 A.M packer, $600; N.l. 206 spreader, $800; and flat bed wagons, $650, $BOO, and & 1,000. Bryan D. Imes was the auctioneer. BURKHOLDER SALE A Public Sale of farm machinery was held Feb ruary 5 for the Clarence S. Burkholder Beef Farm, 190 Musselman Rd, Bethel, Berks Co., Pa. There were 361 bidders attending the sale Some prices were; Int. 7220 tractor, $50,000; Int. Bullion 21 ft cultipacker, 5140 tractor with loader, $6,500; Gehl 980 silage $36,000; Case 1075 tractor, wagon , $7,650, Int. 24 x 6 $4,800; Gehl 1065 har- gram drill, $4,150; crop vester with 2-row com sprayer, $2,150; and Husky head, $14,900; Sunflower manure pit pump, $2,900. 11 ft. chisel plow, $11,400; Martin’s AucUon Ser- Krause 18 ft. disc, $7,700; vice conducted the sale. Fraley’s be #RY7IL ANNUAL SPRING MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION 3 Miles East of Muncy, PA at 1515 Kepner Hill Road, Muncy, PA 17756 SATURDAY, March 18, 2000 STARTING 8:30 AM Advertising Coverage must be received by March 4, 2000 by calling (570) 546-6907 Trucking Available • Loader Tractor • Loading Dock Small Items are Limited, Please Cali Conducted by - VP Muncy, PA 4Eo Public Auction o& 9:00A.M. _ _ - - - aa^^9:ooA.ll l Tue., Feb. 15, 2000 Horses & Farm Equipment Directions: From the Buck take 372 to Slab Rd., turn left to River Rd., turn right to sale on right, or from Delta take 74 North to 372 East, turn right to Slab Rd., turn right to River Rd., turn right to sale on right. 8 Hd. Horses 8 Hd. Frank 1 12 &13 yr olds team of Blond Geldings, Hank ' tO P team °f hne horses Jk Bill - 9 yr. old Blond Sorrel Gelding, ■B works anywhere, lots of snap. M Bob - Smooth mouth, works anywhere. - • Bell - 10 yr. old Blond Sorrel Mare, works anywhere. Bess - 12 yr. old Red Sorrel Mare, works anywhere. 10 yr. old Saddlebred Gelding, anybody can drive. - 7 yr. old Saddlebred & Morgan Cross Stud, good broke. Horse Related Items 8 Sets Front Gears, 8 Bridles, 20 Collars, 3 Set New Holland 311 Baler with 2 Cylinder Wisconsin Engine - Real Good Condition, New Holland 456 Mower with 9 H.R Briggs & Stratton Engine, 256 New Holland Rol-a-Bar Rake - Good Condition, New Idea Crimper with 4 Cylinder Allis Chalmers Engine, 28 ft. Little Giant Elevator with Hydraulic Motor and 2- 50 ft. Hoses - Good Condition, 3 -16 ft. Flat Wag ons with Side Boards, Grimm Hay Tedder, White Horse 2 Bottom Hydraulic Reset Plow, Oliver 14 in. Two Way Plow, John Deere 28 KBA Disc - Good Condition, McCormick Deering 1-Row Com Binder with Long Loader on 10 H.P Wisconsin Engine and Hydraulics. 2-Row Corn Planter, McCormick Deer ing No. 9 Silage Cutter with Belt Pulley, Field Sprayer with Pump and Engine - 30 ft. Booms, Massey Harris Grain Drill, 1-Row McCormick Deer ing Cultivator, 9 ft. 3 Section Spring Tooth Harrow, Pequea Manure Spreader with Tail Gate, John Deere 1 Bottom Trailer Plow, 3 Tooth Chisel Plow, Wiard 106 Plow, 1 Auto Turn Fore Cart, Fore Cart, Shovel, Brooms, Forks & Scrapers. Misc. Items 1000 lbs Chain Hoist, Shop Press, 3000 lbs. Engine Lift, Fairbanks Platform Scales, Loose Handled Milk Cans, many more items too numerous to mention. Terms by Aaron K. & Elizabeth S. Click 60S River Rd., Delta, Pa. 17314 No Out of State Checks Without Proper Credit Approved. « All Announcements Sale Day Take Precedence Over All Advertising Not Responsible for Accidents Food on Premises Of* Auctioneer: iMr Mel Hoover AU-003111 -L 717-354-8397 Home ■AMti n or 717-354-6431 Barn []*«£ TOY SHOW Leesport Farmers Market Social Hall Rte. 61 Leesport, PA Sunday, March 5, 2000 - 9:00 am to 2 pm FREE ADMISSION Flea Market Open All Categories of old toys and collector toys. 150 tables of toys indoors. Contact Gallagher Productions (610) 562-9404 PUBLIC SALE Of Fine Antiques Keeley Columbia Parlor Stove, Oak Mahog. & Pine Furniture, Household Goods Wood, Iron & Tinware Guns -1874 M-80 w/Bayonet Thurs, Feb. 17,2000 At 9:00 A.M. Loc. 1091 Letort Road, Manor Twp., Lancaster Co., PA (Directions: About 5 miles west of Millersville, near Creswell.) Guns To Be Sold at 1:00 PM. Food Served. Sale by: Miss Anna M. Kendig Howard E. Shaub, Inc. (717) 464-3541 Auctioneer (AU-000831-L) ATTENTION FARMERS Selling Farm Machinery At Public Auction Honey Brook Fire Co. Sat., February 19. 2000 Location: Auction to be h£ld at Honey Brook Fire Company, one block south of the intersec tion of Route 10 and Route 322 on Firehouse lane in the Borough of Honey Brook, Chester County. FARM MACHINERY New General Repair 9’ Spring Tooth Harrow; 770 New Holland Harvester w/Table Complete with New Set of Knives, 1000 RPM Excellent condi tion for information call 717-687-0772; New Fisher 150 Gal. Fieldsprayer w/Honda Engine, ready for the Field; New 9; Cedar Hill Harrow; New Cedar Hill Fore Cart w/Brakes; New Cedar Hill Fore Cart; New Cedar Hill 4’ Roller Harrow; New Beller Autotum Forecart; Rebuilt 9’ JD Harrow; Rebuilt 24 Blade JD KBA Disc w/New Blades; 9’ Rebuilt Packer; Good Kuhn Rake w/Honda Engine; No. 56 NH Hay Rake; No. 273 NH Baler In Excellent Condition; w/2Cyl. Wisconsin Engine; NH 55 Grass Mower; NI 323 Com Picker; NI 17A Manure Spreader; NH 311 Baler in Excellent Condition, Pending On Prior Sale; Rebuilt Oliver 14” 2 bottom Plow; 456 NH Mower Rebuilt; New DS 1100 Gal. Liquid Manure Spreader; New 8’ Dryhill Manure Pump w/Hyd.; Rebuilt Pequea 2 bottom plow; New White Horse Lever Steer Forecart; New 4 Spinner Hay Tedder w/Honda Engine; New Portable Honda Hyd. Unit; New 3000 PSI Pressure Washer; New 1100 Gal. ELS Liquid Manure Spreader; New I&J Rotary Hay Rake w/9 HP Engine; New I&J 1 Row Cultivator; New I&J Riding Garden Culitvator; New I&J Walk Behind Garden Cultivator; New 110 Pequea Manure Spreader w/Tailgate On Steel; DAIRY SUPPLIES 2 New Sputnicks; 4-65 lb. Westfalia Bio Milker Units (Like New); 4-65 lb. Delaval Milker units (rebuilt); 4-65 lb. Interpuls & W/F combination Milker Units (Like New); Truck Load Of Dairy Supplies; 3 Rebuilt Carnages; 1 Good Used Buggy; 1 Good Used Spring Wagon; 1 New 2 Wheel Cart; TRAILERS New 510 Pequea Tilt Trailer; New Model 1018 Pequea Deckover 1000 GVW trailer w/ladder ramps; For Information Call The Firehouse: 610-273-2688 or 610-273-2907 or 717-354-5196 Sale by Local Volunteer Auctioneers VISA and Master Card Accepted
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