would like to show appreciation for your patronage by inviting you to our C location. There will be company representatives present to receive yo\ UEBLER M !l» l '?e ER LEBANON VALLEY ENTERPRISES, INC. Lancaster r\n ,-, 0 silos \Mjn Systems, Inc I.H. RISSLER JW TMR Mixers Sll ° F l u 'P mrnl with j of qujhly VTi VW ) (fcSX) ™ NORBC °- ' NC 7IMMERMANfans St<M Air* 1 MFG CORP FKKI) BINS I'll IN \Z\ LAPP Cedar Crest vllberdome J ■ I A _ a A IfKirH'SM Energy-Free Watcrcr*. Curtain Systems) aar* rr, ~ ® Pasture Mat fAI Ventilation t KKI) HAMMING EQUIPMENT mSSSShmSSS SZ2.JLSystem Experts MANURE HANDLING EQUIPME'NT Cow Mattresses Performance Strong as Steel WcltCfCrS *~ BARN CLEANER 9 V 3 •s-: Cedar Crest Equipment CHAIN s IG DRIVE SILO UNLOADER <4*?. * ' *<< V \\ ■ % . lODEL 1512 SLURRY PU PATZ CARD LINER Gold Sponsor INVITES YOU .4 - GATHER! IG CHAIN SILO UNLOADER BELT FEEDERS BALE CHOPPER PATZ 9300 MIXER TO OUR CEDAR CREST E MEETING AGE! Tuesday, Feb. 15, Wednesda Thursday, Feb. 17 & Friday 9:30 Registration 10:00-12:00 Visit Exhibits Equipment D 12:00 Free Lunch 1:30-3:00 Visit Exhibit SPECIAL DISCOUNTS on Equipn During Open Nous< I.H. RISSLER MIXER AQ “f PE 4 LIQU Cedar C 339 King Myerstown, 717-866 800-646 I M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers