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LF2, BOX. 537, ALEXANDRIA BAY, NY 13607 WE ACCEPT MASTER CARD • VISA • CHECK - COD PLEASE ADD $4.50 FOR SHIPPING & HANDLING FARM EQUIPMENT 14 ft. x 7 ft. x 3 ft., Pressure Treated Wood Stake Bed Excellent Condition, Solid Sides, All Pressure Treated Deck Lumber, Fabricated April 1999 30" Bed Rails At Present Although Very Easy To Move And Or Adjust To Fit Your Needs $1,900.00 Lan. 717-393-7602 Leola 717-656-4103 LitHz 717-627-6057 Valentine Day Prices 9.9% APR TRACTORS Ford 1220, 4x4 Hydro $8,900 Ford 1320 w/60“ Deck $10,900 Ford 9030 BiDirectional Tractor, 900 Hrs $49,000 Ford 7000 w/cab $9,900 Ford 3600 w/Factory Cab & Front Blade $7,900 MF 165 w/Loader , $7,900 Case IH 595 w/New Loader . $15,900 John Deere 1020 . $7,900 John Deere 445 w/60” Deck $7,900 Ford GT6S w/Deck & Blade $6,900 Ford 9N Tractor $2,495 Bobcat 773 “New", 43 Hrs Reduced $17,900 Bobcat 743 Skid Steer Bucket $10,900 NH LXBBS 1995 Under 671 Hrs $22,500 NH LXBBS Skid-Steer Loader Reduced $19,900 NH L 785 Skid Steer Loader $14,900 NH L 553 Skid-Steer Loader $7,900 NH L 555 Skid-Steer Loader "$8,900 BALERS NH 660 Net Wrap Round Baler $16,900 NH 660 Auto Wrap Round Baler Reduced $12,900 NH 644 New Wrap $13,900 NH 855 Net Wrap Round Baler $9,900 NH 853 w/Wide Pickup $6,900 Hesston 565 A w/net wrap (Like New) '97 $19,900 JD 335 Round Baler $11,900 Gehl 1850 Round Baler $3,450 NH 575 w/Thrower $13,900 NH 320 w/Thrower $6,900 NH 1037A8W. $19,900 NH 1034A8W $9,900 NH 268 Baler w/Thrower $2,950 FORAGE NH 1895 SP Harvester As Is $19,500 NH 890 Pull Type $6,900 NH 717 W Windrow Pickup $1,600 NH 890 W Windrow Pickup $1,300 NH 880 N 3 Com Head $1,500 NH 30 Blower $950 NH 40 Blower .. $1,900 IH 650 Forage Harvester $950 Woods 15 ft Batwing $7,900 SEE YOUR CERESVILLE NEW We honor VISA. 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