828-L«nc«ster Farming, Saturday, February 5, 2000 Sale Reports HAGER, MOYER & RETALLACK SALE Along with the hun dreds of thousands of dol lars paid for a chair and a Conestoga wagon at an Ephrata public sale Saturday, many other antiques were sold includ ing a Queen Anne lowboy for $20,500 and a Chippendale fret-carved wall mirror for $15,000, Those items were bought at the same sale that saw a Philadelphia Queen Anne chair bring $450,000 and a Conesto ga wagon made by John Landis for Michael Shremer sell for $52,000 The sale of the collections of Mary Hager, Lan-cast er; the late Carl Moyer, Elverson, and John Re tallack, Akron, was held at the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Road, Ephrata. MAJOR 2 DAY western maryland P^UKH^Mregibnal \ - CONTRACTORS V Mauction MARCH 31st and APRIL Ist BOONSBORO • MARYLAND For Further Information Or To Consign Your Equipment And Trucks, Contact COCHRAN AUCTIONEERS AT (301)739-0538 OR 1-800-310-2844 (MD) # Cochran 4, AUCTIONEERS & ASSOCIATES LTD. Professional Construction & Industrial Equipment Auctioneers CONSIGN NOW LARGE PUBLIC AUCTION Antiques , Household Goods , Collectibles , Guns & Tools SATURDAY, FEB. 12,2000 AT 8 AM (Early Birds, Box Lots at SAM) To be held m the Chanceford Community Center, 7 miles southeast of Red Lion, PA, otl Rt. 74 turning at the Broque Post Office & proceed 1 mile. Beautiful Ig. armoire w/claw feet & 2 ig. beveled glass mirrors; 12 pane cor ner cupboard; 2 pc. step back cupboard; nice oak dry sink w/high back cup board; oak ice box; Ig. beautiful oak chest; cherry chest of drawers; 48” oak Sellers kitchen cabinet; Ig. oak table w/claw feet & set of chairs; very nice oak zinc lined dry sink; 6 fine pressed bk. kitchen chairs; oak drop leaf table; sev. oak & plank bottom rockers; plank bottom chairs; bakers cabinets, Victorian white marble top stand; massive oak ball & claw foot stand; cedar chest w/clock built in top; Ig. dresser w/mirror; cedar chest, cedar lined wardrobe; Empire chest; oak dresser, wash stands & stands; blanket chest; metal wardrobe; matching chest & vanity; cane seat rocker; ant. L.R. suite; fernery; drying rack, iron bed; base cabinet; church pews from Old German church; ant. Columbian parlor stove; school desk; G.E. fridge; G.E. elec, stove; trea dle sewing machine; dough tray; childs table & chairs; china closet; doll crib; benches, porch furniture; sev. nice mantle clocks; Halls tea leaf china; lots of dish es, pots & pans; ant. punch bowl set; Blue Willow pcs; 5 kerosene lamps; press, pattern & dep glass; carnival pcs.; milk bottles; vinegar cruets; Shirley Temple pitcher; vases; old bottles; crocks; jars; cigar molds; pictures & frames; mirrors; cookie jars; tinware; ironware, old crock chick fountains; very Ig. asst, of ant. & other tools of every descip, hardware; planes; lawn & garden tools, mowers; cul tivators; horse harness; feed bins; chicken coops; snow fence; wheelbarrows, butcher kettle; hay fork; & many items not mentioned. Eastern Arms Co. 12 ga, dbl bbl shotgun; Iver Johnson 22 cal. pistol. Auctioneer Note: This is one of those good old fashioned public auctions where they never threw anything away. Who knows what may be found. Don’t miss it. Hall will be full. Not responsible for accidents. Cash to out of state & strangers. Food by Chanceford Volunteers. fled bon PA Ph 717 244-0295 Other items sold before 525 bidders from 21 states included an Emanuel Meily Lebanon tallcase clock, $14,000, a set of signed Tiffany flat ware, $B,lOO, a Chippen dale tilt-top table, $2,900, two Chippendale high chest of drawers, $6,500 and $4,900, a miniature tavern table, $7,800; a mahogany bachelor’s chest, $1,600; a two-piece corner cupboard, $1,400, and a signed Elliott Chippendale mirror, $6,100. Also sold were a set of eight Federal revival shield back chairs, $6,100; a Duncan Phyfe dining room table, $4,900; a Henry Slough of Lancaster blanket chest. $1,000; three inlaid chest of drawers, $3,100, $2,200, and $1,900; a Chippendale slant-front nw iMfi/ir m j Auctioneers J\^ Lie. Nos. 820 & 821 desk, $2,400; a Chippen dale side chair with claw feet, $4,600; a paint-deco rated library table, $6,100: and a set of five paint-decorated chairs, $l,OOO Also sold were a gray painted comer cupboard, $8,800; an English oak coffer, $1,000; a bow back Windsor side chair, $1,300; a punch-tin pie safe, $3,100; an Imperial music box, $1,400; two paintings by Jacob Eichholtz, $2,000 and $2,100, a dated 1843 tablecloth by Mary Nisly, $2,600; a Mahantango Valley taufschem (bap tism certificate), $6,700; a Portzhne fractur tauf schem, $10,000; and two printed Ephrata tauf schems decorated by Otto, $2,050 and $1,150. Other items included tow folk-art paintings by Hattie Brunner, $4,500 and $4,600; a folk-art bird carving by Texter from Berks County, $4,400; a York B* Ph 717 741-4489 folk-art carving by Wolfskill, $1,300; a Lancaster County militia ledger, $950; an 1861 Civil War sword, $975; a photo album with 23 Civil War soldier photos, $1,750; a yellow painted dough tray, $3,000; a wooden trencher bowl, $B5O, a Remney decorat ed stoneware jar, $1,150, and a Moravian fish shaped bottle, $4,100. Among the other items sold were a slip-decorated redware loaf dish, $4,000; a signed Medinger red ware vase, $5,300; a Chinese export platter, $ 1,150; a set of four silver Cumberland Valley Produce Auction , ANNUAL FARM MACHINERY & CONSIGNMENT SALE March 8, 2000 • 9:00 AM Snow Date: March 15, 2000 • 9:00 AM Sale Bill begins 2-5-2000. Please call consignments in A.S.A.P. (717) 530-5007. Cumberland Valley Produce Auction is located 4 miles N. of Shippensburg, PA. Take Rt. 11 N to Koser Rd., make left, Auction is 1/2 mile. . O M-E LOCATED NEAR JEFFERSON ’MARYLAND to be held on-site SATURDAY • FEBRUARY 12 th • 2000 * 10:30 AM NOTICE- David and Patrick Allen of Aldale Farm have discontinued dairy operations and will sell the following located in southwestern Frederick County at 5827 CATHOLIC CHURCH ROAD: TRACTORS • FARM MACHINERY • MISCELLANEOUS 1988 JOHN DEERE 4250 4x4 tractor with cab including heat and air, 15 sp. power shift, new 20.8x38 rubber, low hours; JOHN DEERE 3020 diesel utility tractor, power shift, WEE, new rubber, side console; JOHN DEERE 2030 diesel tractor with new 70 hp factory engine, new rubber and paint; JOHN DEERE 1750 30” six row corn planter, only 3 years - planted 600 acres, frame mounted coulters, insect boxes, soybean cups, conservation, Max Emerge Plus; JOHN DEERE 3970 forage harvester, 7 ft. pickup attach ment, 3 row narrow corn head; JOHN DEERE 714 A forage wagon with roof and heavy duty running gear; JOHN DEERE 714 forage wagon with roof and tandem heavy duty running gear; BADGER forage wagon with roof and tandem running gear, new frame beams; CASE IH 600 forage blower m like new condition; (2) IH 56 forage blowers; MILLER 10 ft. offset disc; ATHENS 12 ft. heavy disc; CASE gram elevator; PEQUEA 520-E wide 20 foot feeder wagon with dolly wheels; FARMCO 24 foot feeder with dolly wheels; WIC 3 pt. bale chopper; JOHN DEERE 48 loader; 2 row-3 pt. cultivator; 10 foot double roller cultipacker; 3 pt wood splitter; (2) round bale feeders; two gang 3 pt. plow; 3 pt. scraper blade; 20.8x34 rims and tires; 20 ft. - 4 in. gram auger with motor; BUTCHERING EQUIPMENT including 3 kettles with rings, tables and boards, cooker with jacket and other related items; air compressor; cement mixer in new condition and other items not listed. Please note that there are only a few smalls, so please be prompt. DIRECTIONS: From U.S. Route 340 at Jefferson take Lander Road North exit to Maryland Route 180 West (Main Street) .7 mile then right onto Maryland Route 383 North continuing 4 miles then left onto Catholic Church Road - .2 mile to Aldale Farm. From Interstate 70 take Maryland Route 17 South at Myersville and continue 8.9 miles to Route 383 South 1.3 miles to Catholic Church Road. TERMS: Include cash or approved check on day of auction with positive identification required for registration. Not responsible for on-site accidents. NO BUYERS PREMIUM. JAMES G COCHRAN CEO/Auctioneer LIFEMEM&R master salts. $l,OOO, a pair of silver-covered dishes, $2,250; a pair of tin wall sconces, $950; an advertising cigar lighter, $3,800, a double student lamp, $1,350, a pair of Steuben-style covered tars, $975, a set of eight Moser glass goblets, $850; a Mount Washing ton pickle castor, $1,350, a signed Kelva humidor, $975; and a signed Nakara box, $1,400. The sale was cata loged by Clarence E. Spohn Gbchran AUCTIONEERS & ASSOCIATES LTD. PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS AND APPRAISERS SINCE 1972 7704 MAPLEVILLE ROAD, POST OFFICE BOX 222 BOONSBORO, MARYLAND 21713-0222 301-739-0538 STOLTZFUS SALE A Public Sale of farm and machine shop equip ment was held January 29 by Elam J. and Rebecca E. Stoltzfus, 27210 Budds Creek Rd., Mechamcs ville, Maryland. Some prices were’ 4 WD tractor, $6,000; Woodard 10 ft throatless plate shear, $5,900; Chicago dries Krump & BLIO !o ft. press brake, $5,300; 120 h.p. Perkins power unit, $3,650; Oliver 995 tractor, PUBLIC AUCTION Monday, February 7, 2000 @ 2:00 PM at Murry’s Auction Emporium, 23 N. Water St., Lititz, PA. 717-626-2636 Nice selection of general household, col lectibles and furniture starting at 2:00 PM. 10% Buyers Premium Sttnen- ‘TfCunny /4ucUa*t&, *htc. -AU-648-L- Professioml Auctioneer, Appraiser and Advisor Our Services Are Not a Sideline (717) 626-2636 Fax (717) 627-6757 AUCTION $2,700, 375 CFM Ingersol Rand air com pressor, $3,100, Hornings 18 in. plate roller, $2,000, 160 h.p. Caterpillar power unit, $2,000, lathe, $1,900; 10 ton Bridge Crane truck & track, $1,200; Case 1000 C Terratac bulldozer with 4- way blade. $1,500; Bridgeport milling machine Cincinnati, $1,050; and forklift cart, $l,OOO. Mel Hoover managed the sale. THOMAS E BIKLE Director of Marketing
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