Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 5,2000 THE PROVEN TILLAGE TOOLS FROM THE PREMIER TILLAGE DEALER YOU CAN STILL TILL TWICE (IF YOU HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO) SINGLE PASS TILLAGE IS A REALITY THE 6150 LANDSMAN XT • Tills and levels field in ONE PASS • Outstanding residue clearance • Rugged XT 270 shanks up front break up tough soils followed by five ranks of 2-Piece K-Tmes • Ideal for conservation tillage • New High-Residue rear attachments for firm, level seedbed HOOBER, INC. NOW OFFERS A LEASE PROGRAM FOR KRAUSE TIIIAQE EQUIPMENT ASK A HOOBER SALESMAN FOR DETAILS WARNING: Last Year Many Krause Implements Sold Out Early. Get Your Order In To Hoober Now! These Machines Are In Stock & Ready For Delivery To Your Farm HOOBER B ■ THREE LOCATIONS INTERCOURSE, PA MIDDLETOWN, DE McAUSTERVIULE, PA 800 732-0017 800 3414028 800 4338679 i: KRAUSE NOTHING COMPARES TO THIS DISC WHY THE KRAUSE 3948 DISC IS WITHOUT EQUAL • Cutting Width-18'1" • Transport Width -11'6" • Weight Per Foot - 420 lbs. • Remote Depth Control From Front of Disc • Backed By Hoober’s Service & Parts Support *• • A 22813 CIH 510018 x 7 Drill, 3" Press Wheels, Double Disc Openers, Very Good Condition STM ' - ** «■*•» B 22548 White 273 25'Rockflex C 30533 IH 51013 x 7 Drill, Rope C 21615 JDl3’ Chisel Plow, 3 Ft, B 30017 Great Plains Disc, Duals on Center, Singles on Tnp, Rear Grass Seed, Acre Meter Spnng Cushion Shanks, 12" Spacing W /CPH, 1579 Acres,; Wings, Needs Blades Wheels, Small Seeds B 16373 JD 7000 12 Row N Planter, Liquid Fertilizer, Granular Insecticide, Markers, Monitor A 22858 IH 45 18'Cultivator A 22878 KW 27018'Cultivator A 22956 BR 12 Cultimulcher A 22641 KR 6318 A Landstar A 22957 UM 25'Basket A 22866 DMI 730 EcoloTiger 7 Shk A 22955 DMI Tiger II Subsoiler sShk A 22879 SF 4212 11'Chisel Plow 818402 BR 30' Cultivator 817786 KR 4129 31'Cultivator ■ 818068 MF 18'Cultivator 817467 MG PT-2 32'Cultivator 818067 UM 20'Cultivator 817315 KR 313131'Landsman B 22431 KR 6331 Landstar 817463 KR 633131'Landsman 818870 CIH 720 6XIBOL Plow 817476 IH 145 4xlB Plow B 17477 IH 145 4xlB Plow 817038 IH 710 Plow 817321 IH 6x 16 Plow 818782 BR 14' Packer 818802 BR 25iN Packer 818492 BR 25'ND Packer 818644 BR TPWl6'Packer 817924 DMI Crumbier 818730 UM 23’Basket 817191 UM 27'Basket 818692 UM 27'Basket 818971 UM 28'Basket 817325 UM 29’Basket 817326 UM 29'Basket 816888 UM 35'Basket B 18505 BR 5 Shank Chisel Plow B 18974 CIH 10S Subsoiler 818868 DMI 500 3 Arm Subsoiler 818744 IH 10 Subsoiler C 31151 JD 2500 Plow C 21615 JD 13'Chisel Plow 31244 m 986 Tractor 31248 IH 800 4RN Planter 31239 CIH 955 6fi Planter 31217 JD 230 21'Disc 31186 CIH 1660 Combine 17483 JD 9500 Sidehill Combine 17485 JD 922 22' Platform 31175 JD 230 Disc 25' 31177 IH 435 Baler w/Thrwr 31181 IH 82015'Gram Pltfrm 31165 Case 1840 Skidsteer A 22641 Krause 6318 A 18' Landstar, Excellent Condition, Packer Hitch & Hoses I 1 $; „■ 1 817321 IH 720 6 x 16 Plow, Tnp 817315 1990 Krause 3131 31' Bottom, Excellent Condition Landsman, Tines & Baskets USED PLANTERS & DRILLS A 22813 CIH 510018 x 7 Dnll A 22864 CIH 5100 21 x 7 Dnll A 22553 GP 15' Dnll w/CPH A 22649 GP 15' NT Dnll A 22960 GP 30' NT Dnll A 22535 IH 510 24 x 6 Drill A 22814 IH 510018 x 7 Dnll A 22883 JD 8350 12' Dnll A 22293 KR 5215 H Dnll A 22429 KR 5515 NT Dnll B 12694 CIH Dnll Hitch B 18867 GP 12'NT Dnll 816662 GP 15'Dnll B 30017 GP 15'Dnll w/CPH B 22583 GP 15' NT Dnll B 18365 GP 24' NT Dnll 818940 GP 30' Drill B 18501 GP 3010 NT Dnll B 18778 GP 30' NT Dnll B 16198 IH Twin Dnll Hitch B 17785 JD 455 24' Dnll B 22782 JD 8300 21x7 Dnll B 18975 KR 5200 Dnll B 18890 KR 521515'Dn1l B 22391 CIH 955 6R Planter B 17790 IH 800 6RN Planter B 16373 JD 7000 12RN Planter B 18032 JD 7000 6RN Planter B 16778 JD 7240 8R Planter B 18740 Knz BRN Planter B 30373 WH 5400 6RN Planter C 30533 IH 510 13 x 7 Dnll C 30732 Nl 9000 4RW Planter C 17801 CIH 1840 Skidsteer C 31165 CIH 1840 Rops Skdstr 0 22713 JD 450 Manure Sprdr C 31108 Ml 125D9Y Cab Pyldr We Have The Following Combine Models Available: CIH 1640,1660,1666,1680,1688, 2166, 2188, 2388 IH 1420,1440,1460,1480,715, 915 JO 6620,7700,7720,9500,9600 FARM MACHINERY RUNS _RY CE Authorized UPS Station B 18710IH 770 13' Offset Disc, Rigid, 25" Blades, 20" Blade Spacing, 9 5L x 15 Duals, Excellent Condition \i *%' " *** * ( ,7 ' ■ '-v * -y > a 'W- ■P^TT »gr,. 9 4*f. \ USED DISCS A 22888 BH 1445 18' A 22891 JD 31016' A 22608 KR 2416 26' A 22181 KR 2426NR 26' A 21598 KR 4927A25' A 22811 Ml 12 Offset A 22871 NH ODIOO 12'8" 818777 CIH 496 19' 818829 IH 47518' 818976 IH 496 31' 816907 IH t 770 818710 IH 77013' 815584 JD 330 30' 818669 JD 630 21' 816810 KR 1927 27' 816848 KR 1956 30' 818781 KR 223413' 818970 KR 4907 25’ 817155 KR 4927A27' 818863 KR 4959 28’ 816620 ML 28’ 818665 TW 530 16' B 22548 WH 273 25' C 31175 JD 230 25'Disc C 18065 WT 1 25312'5" Disc 22990 CIH 2388 Combine 22992 KR 3951WR Disc 22994 JD 6620 Stdehlll Combine 22997 1H 560 tractor 22972 CIH 1020 25' Platform 22973 CIH 1020 25'Platform 22974 CIH 1083 Comhead 18857 CIH 1020 17.5’ Platform 18856 CIH 963 Cornhead 22970 CIH 2388 Combine 22971 CIH 2388 Combine SWIM m v!sT All New & Used Prodi By Hoober Parts VISIT OUR WEBSITE: w B 22583 GP1994 1 2556 Acres, Front 817155 Krause 4 Rockfiex Disc, 9.5 L
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