A34-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 22, 2000 Jim Sargent Bucks County Farm Management Agent FORM 941 USING A PERSONAL COMPUTER AND A MODEM Beginning April 1, IRS will be offering the opportunity for businesses to prepare and file their Form 941, “Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return,” using a personal computer, modem, and off-the-shelf tax preparation software. JANUARY TUES JAN 25 -10 AM Auction Sale 48 Rolls Royce, computer equip, rest equip, lighting, plumb ing tools, paint, building mat, rugs tv, cabinets, general mer chandise, vases, sundries Wm F Comlv & Son. Inc. aucts TUES JAN 25-IPMMiddleburg Livestock Auction, Rt 522 Middle buro Pa WED JAN 26 - IPM Absolute CLASSIFIEDS 3 „ Beagle, broke, gun dog, can lump & run rabbits. 610/754-6298. English shepherd pups good farm dog. 717-362-9268 Douph. Co. WANTED; AKC English Bull dog pups, also AKC soft coat ed Wheaten pups. For re sale. Dependable buyer. Call 717-464-7255 or 717-464-3716 German Shep Wolf pup pies, 35% wolf, ready Feb 5, shots, wormed w/ papers, $250. Evenings, 717-258-0944. Australian Cattle Dog puppies: both parents are working dogs. 7 wks old 1/29/00. Eli Ebersol, 426 Beechdale Rd, Bird-in- Hand, 717-299-6193. Australian Cattle Dog pups, AKC, blues, great dispositions, born 11/13. 717/589-7587. | NOTICE I | Marion Auction Service | | Has Rescheduled Their | | Tractor & Machinery Sale | | Due To Inclement Weather to | |lhurs. Jan. 27 8:30 AMI I Located 6 miles S. of I | Chambersburg, Pa. 1 mi. E. of | i Marion, Just L. off 1-81 at Marion | | (Exit 4) along Rt. 914. I I Jerrold L. & Gloria Oaks I I 5174 Horst Rd., Chambersburg, Pa. I I 717-375-4700 Lie. #AHB9-L | The tax return information will be transmitted to the IRS through a third party. This pro gram provides another option for filing Form 941 electronical ly, which will save time and reduce paperwork. Additionally, it supports and enhances the IRS’s initiative to expand the use of electronic filing options overall. The 941 OLF program is available to businesses, software developers, and/or transmitters. estate auction from the David Weidner Estate of Centerport, Pa Held ag Gouglersville Fire Co, just off Rt 222 & Mohn’s Hill Rd, Reading, Pa Cathy M Penny packer-Andrews, Inc aucts THURS , JAN 27 - 8 30AM Trac tor & m achmery, 6 miles S of Chambersburg, Pa 1 mi E of Marion Rescheduled from Thurs, Jan 20 - Jerrold L & Glona Oaks, Manon Auction Service Australian Blue Heeler pups, ready to go now! 610-593-7177. Lab puppies, all colors, $425 each, male or fe male. Shots, wormed, vet checked, guaranteed. De posit will hold till ready. 570/837-6302. Kennel Runs, chain link, custom built, any size using heavy materials. 717/822-7820. Safes. York 42" tall, $5OO. Master 36" tall, $5OO. Die bold 25" tall, $4OO. Others available. Myer snow plow, $2000.717-761-1428 Hyd. cylinders 3'-25', 100 to choose from, mostly new, $5O-$250. 717/792-2751. Harman coal fired fur nace, 6 years old, still in great working order. Sell ing due to work schedule. Please call 717-456-5567 Will take best offer. Smoker |SB company CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS "Your local source for convenient, professional tax preparation" £ Now accepting new clients for business & 1040 preparation / Walk-in's welcome at our Leola office a Work-site interviews available for business owners & * employees CSSjSBB / Other Services... EaiSOT f Business Development f Human Resource Advisory f Technology 49 E. Main Street, Leola, PA 17540 717-656-7544 - 717-665-5979 24 S. Main Street, Manheim, PA 17545 3 year old , Yardman snowblower, '7hp, elec start, 24" track model excel cond. used very little, movlngl $BOO/new, asking $500.717-733-0447 Entire contents of old flour mill Antique grain separator $5OO 080, large Int. dsl engine $995 OBO; milling machines; corn dryer; ~§6r d ham mermll complete pufey wheels & flat feeding; ele vator bucket feeding; an tique grain bins; alot of good lumber; Singer baseboard electric heat 8' sections s3s/ea; fear ing down building Win Sen in entirety or separate. Make offer. 570/758-1574 after Ipm. Discount Prices on quality USA made 2" NPT tops $2O & IVi” NPT taps $l5. Add $2 per set for ship ping. Melvin Martin, RD#l, Box 943 A, Mar tinsburg, PA 16662. 814-793-4199. Shoe repair .equipment and supplies, lots Of good stuff, priced to sell quick. Lane. Co. 717-464-2251. PUBLIC AUCTION Farm Machinery and Feed Sat., February 19, 2000 • 10:00 AM Located 8032 A Stevens Road, Thurmont, MD JD 4430 tractor with cab; IH 560 gas narrow front; Case 1840 skid loader; JD 6 row planter; Knight 2300 mixer wagon; NI round baler; NI haybine and much more. Feed Rolls of straw ahtfhay; com silage; haylage. This is but a partial list. Watch for detailed listing at later date. Owners: Mr. and Mrs. Troy Daily 8302 A Stevens Road Thurmont, MD Auctioneer C. Floyd Davis Clerks: Drury and Drury Lunch Rl S hts Reserved To file the Form 941, electroni- cally, an application must be submitted as required by Revenue Procedure 97-47. Applicants must pay special attention to revenue procedure Section 9. In addition, appli cants must obtain Publication 1855, “Technical Specification Guide for the Electronic Filing of Form 941, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return.” Applicants must agree to trans mit an initial electronic trans mission (known as a test file), which must be completed by the test file due date preceding the corresponding quarter’s due date. The IRS will notify each applicant in writing regarding approval or denial of their appli cation. The 941 On-Line Filing (OLF) Program is easy and con- For Sole: Lenox bird col lection excellent cond. $450 (717)764-2552 eve 6OOPM- 1 Large coal boiler approx 600,000 BTU, $1,500 080. 814-692-4076. For sole: Oak logs, 14"-24" diameter, 20-30' lona ap prox. 2-3 trailer loads, trees cut in August, 99. Look 8. make offer. 610/759-3290. Elevator for residential usage, 1 stprV, 570-784-1807 Deled 130 AMP 12V ader nators, new $l4O/ea. Leese Neville 24V rebuHt starters, $lOO/ea. 717-464-4461 Bandsaws, planers, |oint ers, tablesaws etc. sand ing beds, router bds, shapercutters. Plus lots more! Ask for catalog! Conestoga Wood Machin ery, 987 Valley View Rd., New Holland, PA 17557 1(800) or (717)445-4669. venient. Business filers must first apply for a personal identi fication number (PIN) by com pleting the letter of application (LOA) included in the software and file it electronically with the third party transmitter. The third party transmitter will receive the LOA from the busi ness filer and electronically transmit the information to the Austiji Service Center (AUSC). The business filer will then PUBLIC AUCTION At Paradise Sale Barn, Paradise, PA Ju Directions: Approximately 8 miles East of H*— Lancaster, PA on Route 30 turn on 41 Meadow Lane to sale on right. 9:00 A.M, Forklifts, Wood & Metal Working Equip. Thurs., February 3,2000 25 Forklifts 25 Wood & Metal Working Equipment Watch for further listing in next weeks paper. Office Supplies Office Desks, File Cabinets, Chairs, Etc Terms By Lancaster Equipment, Elam S. Stoltzfus All Advertised Items Subject to Prior Sale. Cash or Honorable PA Check Only All Announcements Sale Day Take Precedence Over All Advertising. Not Responsible for Accidents ul Food on Premises *1 'm Auctioneer: Mel Hoover AU-003111-L 717-354-8397 Home or 717-354-6431 Barn “i ATTENTION DAIRYMEN LANCQ Dairy Farms Co-Op Inc. is now a marketing division of Allied Federated Co-Op’s of Caton, New York. We Would Like To Ask You These Questions: Are you tired 0f... 1. Mega-Merger’s and Consolidations? 2. Lower Milk Prices? 3. Supporting High Debt Load Co-Op’s with Your Farm’s Milk Check As Their Banks Equity? , . 4. Paying High Salaried Executives & Directors? Let Us Show You How You And Your Neighbors Can PutJraiad Of Milk Together And Market Through Lanco! And OskjvA Higher Bottom Line. Our Markets Are Wide Open And Waiting To Take Your Milk At A Higher Premium Than You Receive Now. Find Out Why Other Processors Are Calling Us For More Milk And Are Looking For Better Choices To Feel More Secure With ALocal Milk Supply. The Processing Industry Is Not Happy Either. JAN. 25-IPM JAN. 31 -12:30 PM FES.*-7PM Clinton Co. Dauphin Co. Daniel's Farm Store 716-861,-9828 Along 772 r taola. PA 1 FOE MOEE INFORMATION: ■ | 410'658'7&32 610-273-2536 : 717-367-9302 717-993-6808 January 28,2000 ♦ OPEN HOUSE ♦ J* Raytec Manufacturing 3340 Division Highway, New Holland, PA Located just 1.5 miles east of the original building S.ee Ag Products fabricated Review the Ag Display I .INFORMATIVE | Representatives to Answer Questions Toll Free 877-800-2500 14/ m Phone 717-354-4301 fIVPIH Fax 717-354-4306 W W 4,4 J ' 'v7 = 3 receive a PIN in the mail from the service. The PIN is used in lieu of the business filer’s signa ture for the electronic return. Once they receive the PIN, par ticipants can file Form 941 elec tronically. For more information about the program, call the IRS e-file Help Desk Austin Service Center, (512) 460-8900. (This is not a toll-free number). 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. MANUFACTURERS OF: 0* Raytec CAF-CART 9:00 A.M.
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