A32-Unc«ster Farming, Saturday, January 22, 2000 Directory of Growers: PHILADELPHIA-Working Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) with the Philadelphia area is producing a directory of chefs chapter of the Chefs in the Philadelphia region and Collaborative 2000, the farmers in Pennsylvania, New Pennsylvania Association for Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland Corn, Soybean Conference Feb. 8 CAMP HILL (Cum berland Co.) Dermis Avery, director of glob al food issues at the Hudson Institute, is scheduled to be the key note speaker at the upcoming Pennsylvania Com and Soybean con ference Feb. 8 here at the Radisson Penn Har ris Convention Center. Avery’s topic will be “The Crucial Moment for American Agriculture." Avery believes that producers are looking at one of the biggest opportunities in fanning history. Mark your calendar and plan to attend. Another featured speaker on the program this year is Gene Lewis from the United Soy bean Board. Lewis is a Hardinsburg, Ind. soy bean and com farmer who will be making two presentations: one on “Ag Perspectives For 2000" and another on “New Uses Develop ment and the Soybean Board." The conference will also feature Gene Gantz, a crop insurance consultant, with a ses sion on the upcoming significant changes in crop insurance and how they will affect Pennsyl vania grain fanners. Gene has considerable experience working with midwest producers using crop insurance as part of financing and grain marketing programs. The conference will also review the potential of lightbars for sprayer guidance. This is a pre cision ag application that some com produc ers think has a real fit in Pennsylvania. The program will also fea ture a panel of grain merchants who will share some of their thoughts on the current OMO situation. The conference will also feature numerous industry exhibits, Five- Acre Com Club awards, and the Pennsylvania Soybean Contest results. The event is sponsored fay die Pen nsylvania Soybean Promotion Board, die Pennsylvania Master Com Growers Associa tion, and Penn State. Registration is $2O, which includes lunch. For more information on attending or exhibit ing at the conference, contact the Penn State Agronomy Department at (814) 865-2543. • DRIES WHITE •NO WET FLOORS • IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY SPRAYS • DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY • EASILY BARN CLEANING SERVICE AVAILABLE WITH COMPRESSED AIR To have your barn cleaned with air it will clean off dust, cob webs & lots of the old lime This will keep your bam looking cleaner & whiter longer CALL US ABOUT ON THE FARM FLY CONTROL Serving Southeastern Pa. And More BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED 37 YEARS EXPERIENCE INSURED 5 Trucks For Air Cleaning And Whitewashing RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS Barn Spraying Is Our Business, not a sideline. .Ing Sysu • Transport Augers . utility Augers Call Us For Your Grain Dryer Service Work - 24 Hour Service... School Trained Technicians . , _ _ . . Approx. 5 mi. South of MV ★Full Line Part* Dept.* Lancaster on Rf. 272 iMCr ★Sell, Service & Install* 14 Herrvllle Road Hardware Willow Street, PA 17584 rju£> UPS Ph. 717-464-3321 or M Shipping Point Toll Free 800-732-0053 JUL- Mon.-Frl. 6:30 am to 8 pm typographical arrora Sat. 7:30 am to 6 pm Sun. Closed 11/27 “ • Increase Direct Marketing, who are within a 100-mile radius of Philadelphia. The “Farmer to Chef Directory” is being designed as an opportunity for farmers to explore marketing possibilities with local chefs. The directory will list chefs who are interested in purchasing directly from local farmers and farmers who are interested in supplying local restaurants. Listings in the directory will ing Since 1961 • Grain Bins (gig) /fasms*# AUTOMATIC BATCH OR CONTINUOUS FLOW GRAIN DRYERS • Grain Dryers « Parts & Motors The Competitive Edge ■Smart system’ eliminates guesswork Grain Dryer On Display at Ag Progress between farmers and chefs. PASA’s “Farmer to Chef Director” for southwestern Pennsylvania led to a significant increase in sales for farmers in that area. PASAis gathering informa provide growers with an imme diate resource for finding inter ested chefs and a description of their needs. It will also provide a foundation of information and contacts for coordinating MANADA CONSTRUCTION CO. 1942 Camp Swatara-Road • Myerstown, PA 17067 Ph; (717)933-8853 • Fax: (717)933-8078 Buy Now And Enjoy Special Financing Call For Details 515 North Reading Road, Rt. 272, Ephrata, PA 17522 717-733-4151 1-800-522-3714 (PA Only) The Polaris RANGER, general purpose otf-road utility vehicle, is not intended and may not be registered for on-road use.© 1998 Polaris Industries Inc. Your Profits stronger marketing channels tion on farmers who want to sell directly to restaurants now. Growers need to provide contact information, a description of their products, and availability timetable. In addition to alpha betical farm entries, grower data will also be sorted and listed by farm products and county loca tion. (Turn to Page AM) • 30 HP, 3-cylinder liquid cooled diesel engine • 4WD, hydrostatic transmission for easy operation and foot-pedal speed control • Three speed ranges with cruise control will meet any demand with ease • Hydrostatic power steering with a dedicated pump for consistent and reliable control CubCad^t
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