SaleX f SPEHCERHIU/ p~:fiißH -* - \ 717/942-6466 > Ufhy Risk It? Buy Crop Hail Insurance From Someone ; Vou Can Count On. • If >ou ,it) i);i_'iil who really knows I crop msurmcc,c tfl >our local licensed ; KCIS agent I When it tomes to profet ng your crops, I >on need in agent who is there for you ; 365 days ,1 year Someone who has the • training to provide you with a plan I unique to your operation’s needs t Someone who will provide you with j fast, f ur J nms soviet year after year • I he igcnt docs make a difference I Put the power of commitment to work ; for \mt this seison H RURAL COMMUNIIV INSURANCE SERVICES , Ol') I *'KUKAI (OMSUINIII )NM IRANI I SI R\ K I S HAY FOR SALE Alfalfa & Mixed Hay Big Square Bales 3’x3’x7’ 610/944-5741 Berks Co. BUI free 1 H FERTMJZBt Horse Manure, You-HoU! DIAMOND T STABLES 187 N. Wlndv Mansion. ReinhokJs 717-336-4828 Sweet ‘n (K) with Sulfur PARA.AH 14014 Paradise Ch. Rd. Hagerstown. MD 2174? Info. Phone: 301-745-1473 or 301-797-3483 • (Fax) 301-797-1718 Min. Analysis 40% Cal. Ox. 1.5% Mg. Ox. 2.5% K 2 Q (Potash) 3% SO 2 (Sulfur) 72% CEC Application; Damp Farmers: Direct Field Delivery Dealers Wanted: Handle, Apply and Stock Pile Correct your P.H. and add 2 valuable nutrients in same product F. 0.8. Hagerstown, MD Call For Pricing PLANTS f 9 MILLER’S GREENHOUSES V- Wholesale Growers « r Bedding Plants - Perennials § $ For FREE 2000 Plant Catalogue V | write: Miller’s Greenhouses, Inc. 5 1 485 Church St., Landisville, PA 17538 £ JL (717) 898-8741 Kansas Alfalfa Top quality hay 717-530-1601 717-530-3612 FERTILIZER 25' Butler lagoon pump, good condition, $lB5O. 610/942-2090. 200 Mesh 98% Dry 100 Mesh 99% Dry 60 Mesh 99% Dry 20 Mesh 99% Dry Reg. MD, PA ■■ FRUITS |ljj AND VEGETABLES Durand Wayland DASOO ikl NURSERY Elliotts Nursery, 300 acres of Christmas trees, 12 ve rities of evergreen seed lings, Douglas fir 2-0 12-18", $l5O/thousand, Douglas fir 3-0 20-30", $l9O/thousand Over 40 varieties of potted shrub bery & trees, fruit 8. shade trees. Call for free price list. 717/349-9916, 717/349-7319. Lost lease! Must sell Cor pus Kousa + Florida Dog wood. Send for photo & price Dst. JB Nursery, 113 PaUiemustawn RD. Allen town. NJ 08»1 Tree Spades. 20" to 60"; Tree Planters, 3" shoe to 24" shoe; Tree Boss, one man tree loading system. TREE EQUPAAENT DE SIGN INC., RDI, Box 104, New Ringgold, PA 17960. 570-386-3515. iroi MOUNTAIN GRO MIFFLINTOWN, PA SHADE TREE SELL-OUT! Maples (Autumn Blaze. Sugar, Emerald Queen, Columnar Norway, Deborah Norway, Crimson King, and Royal Red), Cherry (Kwansan, Yoshmo, Weeping), Cardinal and Autumn Purple Ash, Glenleven Linden 1-1/2” C $45. 2-2-1/2” C & Plus $55 717/436-9564 Evenings 717/436-9655 Free descriptive catalog of trees, shrubs, evergreens and grasses for wholesale growers. All plants potted, 1 -and 2-year-old seedlings and cuttings ready for you to grow on. Appalachian Nurseries Box 87, Waynesboro, Pa 17268-0087 Phone: 717-762-4733: Fax: 717-762-7532; email;, WIDE SELECTION OF QUALITY CONTAINER AND FIELD GROWN NURSERY STOCK ★ Perennials ★ Ornamental Grasses ★ Fruit Trees ★ Evergreen & Deciduous Shrubs if Shade & Flowering Trees ★ Evergreen Trees: Canadian Hemlock, White Pine, Canaan Fir, Douglas Fir, Concolor Fir, Blue Spruce, & Englemann Spruce S’ - 6’ $32 7'. 8’ $52 6’-Ts42 B’-10’$70 All Trees Machine Dug, Wire Basket Conservation Grade Trees Available 3S? We accept Visa/Mastercard SPI STOUDT NURSERY RD 2, Box 1324, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972, So Schuylkill Co 570/739-4650. Fax 570/739-0934 (3) 15'xlOO' Greenhouses designed for tomatoes. Plant directly in ground, then remove houses in the spring. 1 heated w/ excel cond (717)681-9779. set of cases for jrket: 2-dr glass ■ach-ln, 3-dr glass ?ezer, 6' produce, ' deli, 6' poultry, r self contained, id. $2,000 takes .7-3396. Single side auer, preferably Creek Welding, ~610-944-8371. 6" or 24” used e washer. Leave .717-483-0033. \ftm Ro!g>~ We offer a complete line of low volume mist blowers. Excellent for spraying vineyards, orchards, vegetables, nurseries, etc. For tree brochure contact: Swihart Sales Co. 7240 County Roed AA Quinter.KS 67752 LANDYSHADE MULCH PROCUCTS 717-898-7689. Mushroom Mulch lOObu. $7O; 300 bu. $100; SOObu. $125; 900 bu. $175; 1200 bu. $l9B. Mulch delivered FREE within 25 miles of Lancaster. We carry Bark Mulch, Screened Topsoil. EVERGREEN SEEDLINGS 8. TRANSPLANTS. Spruce, Pine, fir for Christmas trees 8< nurs ery stock. Write or call for price list. Croshaw Nursery, P.O. Box 339, Columbus, NJ 08022. or call 609-298-0477. Bark mulch and mush room soli, trailer loads and smaller loads also available. Garmon's Coal and Mulch Products. 717-653-9580. |EI NURSERY Single Seat Tree Planter, 3" Shoe, Hacking Wheels, Plant Boxes, Very Good Cond., $1,000; 24" Rokor Tree Spade, Skid Ldr Mount, New Valve Body, Good Cond $2,600. 570-386-2107 Greenhouse equipment, Sundair furnace, efficient oil burning; 4 Shaffer air circulating fans; Agritape heat mats, 2000; used flats. 570/682-8502 call evenings. Price reduced on new, never used Dram Mini auto fogger. 570/ 682-8502, call evenings. Cat 931 crawler loader, 3000 hrs, 4-1 bucket & Care Tree 42" tree spade, unit in excellent condition. 717/362-3773. Greenhouses: Rough Bros gutter connect, approx 32'xl00' each (2), disas sembled, $15,000. Addi tional gutter connect w/ arched trusses, 28x96, heavy construction, $4,500. Heating & cooling equipment also available. 814-692-4076, Iv message. GROFF TREE MOVING SERVICE Contract-Digging 24” to 84” Ball (B&B) Any Amount - Anywhere Buy/Sell Wholesale Call Don 717-664-4587 O Mushroom IT Mulch Hoover Farms Reading, PA 610-926-2908 350 bu *95 700 bu.*l3o FREE delivery within 50 miles Pickup available m • Douglas Fir* mL jJK • Concolor Fir • • Blue Spruce • • White Pine • White Spruce • • Norway Spruce • • Serbian Spruce • Hemlock • ’ • Arborvitae • Cut and B&B FINE QUALITY AFFORDABLE PRICE Delivery Available Custom Tree Digging & Planting Available . /“A. Ai CHRISTMAS FARMS P.O. Box 198 New Rlngold, PA 17960 (570) 386-2107 FARMS Quality Douglas Fir, White Pine, Blue Spruce Cut and B&B O Available Reasonable Prices. Large Tree Transplanting also available with Big John 80 inch spade RDI Orwigsburg, PA (717) 943-2137* John (717) 943-2499 • Dave wm LAWN WM AND GARDEN JD 425 20HP Liq Cool SOO-Hrs, Exc Cond. 60" Deck. $5200; JD 111 Bag ger & Snow Blade $7OO. 717-442-3215. 718 Grasshopper, 48" deck w/catcher, 1995 model, good condition, $5400 080. 717/632-8420. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 22, 20004)25 Used John Deere 43 54 blades to fit 200,300 & 400 series tractors. Ask about our used attach ment inventory for lawn & garden. 717/637-2159. Kubota L 35 Backhoe. 35 h/p diesel, 4WD, 1995 model. 1700 hours. 517,900. Weaver's Rental. Toll free (888)682-2215 (Berks). Cub Cadet 2284 Super tractor, 345 hrs, 54" cut, 3pth, good cond, $5,995. Martin's Equipment, Lebanon Co, PA, 717-949-6817. WANT TO BUY antique & old Gravelys, attach ments, literature. Any condition. 610-942-4901. ffm SERVICES OFFERED NZ style milking parlors, consultation, design, in stallation. Charlie Miller, 610-370-3051. Hauling: 25' gooseneck hay, small tractors & equip., etc. Cattle hauling also. Mike Haag 610-926-4211. ✓BTmobile phoneN I 314-3007 I I HENRY’S WELDING CO. I I PORTABLE WELDING I I Repairs On Farm & Heavy Equipment I I Repairs Or Manufacturing In Shop I 520 Galen Hall Rd. Telephone SKID LOADER RENTALS Also Forklifts and Scissors Lifts Sam's Mechanical Service 5917 Plank Rd., Narvon, PA 17555 tef 717-442-9334 fet ✓ Cattle Hoof Trimming ✓ Total Hoof Care ✓ Hydraulic Tilt Table ✓ All Hand Tools MarkW. Beall (301) 845-4376 Cattle Care Services, Inc. PROFESSIONAL HOOF TRIMMING We Trim 40-100 Cows Per Day. Call 1-80-359-TRIM Evenings: ask for Ami (717) 428-0730 or Mayer (717) 751-2551 A & A Contracting, Inc. (717) 365-3266 Gratz, PA Spray in place Polyurethane Foam insulation. Great for climate controlled agricultural buildings. TIETAM TREE & LANDSCAPE Irrigation & Grading Work Automatic Underground Sprinklers All Types Of Irrigation Residential / Commercial / Golf Courses Serving Pennsylvania & Maryland 1 -800-368-2380 Telephone Poles 20' to 55 in Stock, Auger Truck w/Oper Avail, Bucket Trucks 36' to 55' For Rent with or without Oper, 12 Ton Crane w/116' JIB w/ Oper, Cent Penna 1-800-233-1994 Upright Hoof Trimming 58/cow. Eastern Half PA, Northern NJ. Few cows, whole herds. Sore Feet. Chad Cornell. 717-314-8353. GENERAL HAULING have 1 ton dual wheel pickup. 20' tag-along, 28' goose neck trailer. Will go any where. Bob Gutshall, Wo melsdorf, PA, 1-800-331-5043 or cell phone 610-223-5476. CUSTOM HAULING 20’ Gooseneck. Hay, straw, equip, lumber elc.. No Sunday Calls. (717)426-4010. Hauling w/28 ft. roll back truck. Les Landis Jr. 717-626-0435 General Hauling, Grain Truck. Flat and Cattle T roller. Bryan Foose. 717-786-8886. No lob too big or too small! Roof painting, roof and siding restoration, gutters. Barn removal. 717-865-9757.
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