D2O-UncMter Fanning, Saturday, January 22, 2000 Chesterfield South Quality Horses & Pony’s For Sale Western - English - Gaited Quarter Horses - Paints - Tennessee Walkers Trail - Pleasure - Show - Performance Family Horses - Lessons Available Stock* , Financing Avapfobh 717-865-7097 or 717-865-5861 1130 Pine Grove Rd., Fredericksburg, PA 17026 BtGDRAFTHQIJESAjfi* 2nd Annual I Special Mule Sales \ MULE 0-^1 J Sat., February 5 and Fri., March 3,2000 j 9 : 00 AM #«.• « 9:00 AM J New Holland Sales Barn ; / Will be hitching 20 mule team ' „ . ... ~. , , 00 . , ir „ 5 morning of each sale. J held at Mels Stable, 834 Wallace \lf you’re looking for mules, the special mule will j ° ’ ‘ __ _ _ ;be there for you! i Wed., Feb. 2, 2000 i Consignments Welcome. Please get them in * T _ ~ . 00 . / top shape now. Get them wormed and their teeth 5 Location: From Route 23 in New / fixed. We have a demand for good draft mules y Holland, take Brimmer Ave. South J and also for older mules to be pack mules atd approx. 2 miles to Hill Rd. Turn left to * hunting clubs. V sale on left. OR From Intercourse, Take i.PAULSMPCKER (717|m3721| “ Approx. 250 Sale Time 9:00 AM f you are looking to sell good big strong I 786-7990 at 8:00 AM. If you are looking for 71 good big acclimated mules, don't miss this • r~" ~ r I,| 11 t sale. I ' V Sale order - 9:00 AM Starting with approx. j-Wwi, , | 50 head of weanling & yearling mule colt fol 'MM lowed by mature mules. flB&jfll . Terms By Jonas King and Mel Items to or Honorable Only sale Da v Manufactured from heavy duty steel pipe, the Horse Precedence Over All Advertising. Hutch is designed to safely contain the largest animal Not Responsible for Accidents for foot care, vet checks, and grooming. « Food on Premises Collapsible - fits in a pick up In stock now. aM r Auctioneer: Mel Hoover Hmk Lancaster Silo Co., Inc. wTr 2008 Horseshoe Rd., Lancaster, PA £ Q Barn 0 (717)299-3721 V ** or 717-354-6431 Barn The Pa. Draft Horse Held in conjunction with the first annual Keys\ February 16, 2000 Sale Day Schedule: 8:00 AM Tack Sale ; 10:00 AM Draft "A great way to spend a win There are presently 170 head of Draft Horses consigned ai 86 Head of Haflineer Draft Pom We Will Accept An Additional 55 Head No More Horses Will Be Accepted Aft( Consignment fees charged Tack, items up to S5OO 15% commission; items $5OO ai be checked in by 8 00 AM Feb 16,2000 Horses, $4O consignment fee non-refui 5% commission with a per horse cap of $2OO. $6O no-sale fee charged. Health requirements Neg. Coggins w/m 6 mos of sale, interstate health chart wi require vet certificate of pregnancy, flu and Rhino shots highly recommended. Ni Day Schedule- Tuesday 8.00 AM check-in of horses 6 tack begins & hitching. Tues arena Wed., Feb 16 8.00 AM Tack Sale, 10:00 AM Draft Horses, 6:00 PM Haflinj ' Send $2.00 To A Commit K. Stoltzfus, Secretary, 717-626-9 in Blank, Treat., 5421 Buena Vista R< Leon W. Burkholder BLACKSMITH “Horsehoeing at Your Barn ” 10 Years Experience Leon W. Burkholder 117 Peace Road 717-656-9145 Leola, PA 17540 •- ■ **-7 >3 id Dienner, 717-442-9815 >s Beiler Jr., 717-768-8578 id Click, 717-768-8860 Jake Ervin Stoltzfus, 717-354-4319 FARM SI HARI HH SHEEP ■ DM AND GO*™—— Purebred Dorset ewes,noturol colored ewes, all show stock. Must be sold! 609-758-3720. Bred dairy goats, ADGA Rea Alpines, due Apr!, $225 & UP. 610-869-9057 Boer Goat Kids: full blood and percentage. South African, New Zealand and Australian bloodlines. Bing Crest Farm, 717-272-6023. 1 purebred reg. Merino ewe, 1 Merino/JacobX ewe, both bred. Twin Merlno/Flnn ewes: Bmo, 1 Fhn/Chevlot whether. All w/nlce fleeces, reasona ble prices. Call 304-267-4754. Two Registered Male Boer Goats 9 Months Old For Sale. Sire Blood line from One of the Top Boer Bucks, "Kapteln." Locat ed In Luzerne County, Call Evenings 570-788-2915 Lambing Supplies & Other Sheep Related Items. SHEEPMANS SUPPLY 8102 Ltoerty Rd, Freder ick. MD 1-800-331-9122. Pigmy Goats: 2 male, 8 wks, banded, tatooed, & dehorned, $5O each. 717-469-7517. Superior Quality. South African Genetics. Bucks, Does & Kids 915-836-aa3l T P Goats Bedford, PA Boer Goat breeders not brokers ... 4-H show goats now available. Breeders of the '9B Fair Grand Champion and the '99 Reserve Grand Champion. Top South African bloodlines. Breeding stock always available. (814) 842-0061 or (814) 842-6107 Teja @ yellowbananas.com HH POULTRY |£l AND SUPPLIES Coimtiy Power Wafihingl^ Increase the efficiency of your farm w/hlgh pressure disinfecting and paint stripping. We clean all typesUf buildings and equipment Agriculture, residential and commercial. * Breeder Houses * Turkey Houses * Hog Bams * Dairy Bams * Milking Parlors * Veal Bams Call to check our prices. Your satisfaction is our goal!! t] (717) 762-8406 A HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND DISINFECTING •Breeder Houses • Hog ‘ . • Sow *JTsS| Pullet Houses • Bams • Turkey Houses • v^J'Pens • firpilerllpuses ' v ‘ »y and Insects D’itfia’ge to Your Poultry House For More Information Call: BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED Boars, Open Gifts, Bred Gilts, vaccinated ready to breed, cert, herd, excel, health, blood tested monthly. 570-345-8035 eves/eaiiy moms BENNECOFF'S HOGS Boars 8< Gilts, Service Age, Hamps, Polands, Berks Durocs & Yorks. 610-285-6582. Yorkshire 8> Duroc boars and gifts. Jim Partett, 88 Partett Rd., AlrviHe, PA, 17302,717-862-3610. Quality FEEDER PIGS For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds Fred Patterson 931-364-7050 DUROC S/KAMI’S Quality Boars & Gilts Delivered or of! the farm MISC. HOG EQUIPMENT FOR SALE $ Ton Feed Tank Flex Auger System w/Motor Double 4.5 & 6 Smedley Feeders. Farrowing Crates, Creep Feeders (Kane), Penning Call Dave for details Leave message - we'll return your call l 717-235-6966 TZXCSZCCCfiCCCCCCCCCCCtSi * Dsroc * Ywfcstlra * SgsttH * Cksstsr * LaaAraee * HawNhlra * PMnhi * IraS Sifts A lean for salt In 4 lilts art best for pirolmi Acrasstaml Utters Alto, Cilb Pigs lor solo. PBV 8 Inc. nlMatsA hsnls. Calvin Lazarus & Sons 610-799-3375 Grant Lazarus 610-767-3595 ARNOLD HOC FARMS BRED GILTS 15 Head Due March - Early April. Some Bred For Show Litters By Hampshire (Stockbroker) and Duroc (Dave Holloway Herd). BOARS Average on (25) head of Yorkshires scanned Dec. 7, 1999 252 lbs., .53 BF, 5.89 LE Open Gilts & Feeder Pigs r _hv_ry tCT . rk . r uc_rs Fi_ld Day, F.' 1 2 B rs B P 3 ra B B rs B rs E B B El B rs Crossbred • Landrace Yorkshire Leon L. Arnold 717-273-5880 HHNOGioi^Mivr AND SUPPLIES 84 solid bar gestation stalls, 6 boar pens, 20 solid bar farrowing crates w/ SS feeders, $35/each. 814/793-3008. Remodeling 600 head sow bam, all used equipment for sale. Bins, feeders, crates, augers, fans, heaters, etc Make offer. 814-684-1128 5 SS hog feeders. Woo ven wire, 5x7. Supports for over pit, moke offer. 717-933-8240
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