DlB-Lancaater Fanning, Saturday, January 22, 2000 MAPLE HOLLOW FENCING Specializing in High Tensile Fence Installation Fence for: Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Deer Control Rail Fence - Board Fence Brian Barkley RR#l,BoxA-l (814) 623-5756 Buffalo Mills, PA 15534 Split Rail Post & Board Hi-Tensile Supplies Chain Link & Fittings RVC. & Vinyl Coated ESCH'S FENCING Since 1987 185 Octorara Trail, Rt Gap, PA os’ 610-857-1676 a<*E CARNEY CATTLE & FENCE CO. *Specializing in fence for cattle & horses -High tensil fence -Single and double top rail -Board fence *ROHN AGRI Products Daniel Camey 710 Back Road 1-800498-0777 Gallitdn, PA 16641 (4 I L E E m 1 ygtek E k FENCE & FARM SYSTEMS 2285 OLD PHILADELPHIA PIKE JBBtES LANCASTER, PA 17602 8188 Ph. 717-396-8987 FENCING • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • ACCIDENT REPAIR • Hi-Tensile * Split Rail • Woven Wire • Chain Link • PVC • Board • Picket • Pool Enclosures • Vinyl Coated Horse Fence Q F S FACTORY 1111111111111111111111111 l OUTLET QUALITY Our First Desire In Serving You! Specializing In Vinyl Fencing Vinyl Products Plastic Lumber Cham Link Kennels 922 State Street, Lemoyne, PA 17043 717-737-9377 • Installation Available • Poly Coated Centaur • Electric Safe Fence • Wood & Tube Gates • Woven Horse Wire • Dog Kennels • Locust & Pressure Treated Post EBpp ——A, | lng/ Holstein herd, 30 first colt tS* elrctric portable. Cattle, 570/965-2790. ’ 1 - 800-KENCOVE 70 Holstein cows & heif (s36-2683), 724-459-8991, ers, fresh 8. springing. www.kencove, com. Your Choice. 717-653-5408 WOOD SHAVINGS Bulk/Baled Delivered or picked up Discounts for large quantities Reasonable Prices WILLIAM BEAM Elverson, PA (610) 286-6981 WHOLESALE Truck load quantities of CCA Southern yellow Pine treated round fence posts 6 1/2’ & 8’ lengths 30 year warranty Call or write for prices EDISTO WOOD PRESERVING RR 1, Box 44-A Olar, SC 29843 803-368-3011 FAX 803-368-8139 Bam, Failure ft Farm Gates Heavy Duty Fiberglass 4ft -$46 00 12ft-$79 75 Bft-$6lOO 14ft-$96 75 10ft-$6B 50 16ft-$lO4 75 Heavy Duty Steel Tubing 2” 16 Gauge; 6-Rail Bft-$7O 00 14ft-$lO3 00 10ft - $BO 00 16ft ■ $ll3OO 12ft-$9O 00 18ft-$l2B 00 1% Galvanized Tube; 7 Rail 4ft-$36 00 14ft - $72 00 Bft-$52 00 16ft-$B2 00 10ft-$5B 00 18ft-$92 00 12ft-$64 00 1% Painted Steel Tube; 6 Rail Bft-$49 00 14ft-$62 00 10ft-$5lOO 16ft-$75 00 12ft-$55 00 18ft-$B7 00 Wholetate S Retail Pleasant Valley Country store 429 Spronl Road Ktrtwood, PA 17836 CATTLE 36 cow reg. herd, 19,000 DHIA, 150,000 SCC, sites: Hanover Hill, Lieutenant, Stardom, Leadership, Park, Mason, Aerostar, 5 by Rudolph. 717/284-3562, 717/468-1561. Registered Holstein bull, 31 mo. old, $1500; Cattle headlocks made to order. Gap Weldg. Shop, 5084 lin coln Hwy E, Gap, PA 17527,1 mi. west of Route 41. Limousin 4 Heifers, 2 Cows, Bred ABS 717-532-8155. Cumb. Co., 50 Cow Reg. Holstein dairy, 53# avg, SCC 160,000, good young tie stall herd, year-round freshening. 570-253-6995 Selling: Holstein bull, 14mon, dam 26.000 M, $750 080. 717-665-3721. Top service age Brown Swiss bull. Lancaster Co, 610-593-6729. Several Jersey cows due to calve in May, good milkers, $BOO each. 302-239-9847. Reg. Black Angus carcas trait Monarch bulls, ex ceptional, 3 year old, $1250, yearling $950. 814/632-8609. Jersey cow, milking, due 8/00, healthy, gentle dis positon. Excel. "Family cow" or hand milkei. Sell ing because out of sync w/seasonal calving pro gram, $lOOO. 410-648-5753 5 Holstein heifers bred to Angus bull, $4lOO firm. York Co. 717/927-6712. 1 Jersey, 10 Holstelns, 1 due anytime, 10 due eary spring. Make otter. Or ganically fed. Dan Delp. 410-452-5657 35 Holstein Grade Cows, Mostly Spring Freshening. Avail in March. Union Co., Pa. 570-524-5895. Jersey bull. Sooner Son, $650 obo. John I Fisher, 1090 Kirkwood Pike, Quarry ville, PA 17566 p 5 Bred Cows for sale. 2 Crossbred Charlois, 3 crossbred Angus, due late spring, $5OO/ea. Lan caster Co. 717-768-8345 Service age reg. Holstein bull: Dam EX9O 2Y 30,790 4.1 1260 3.4 1053, 2nd dam EX93 2E 35,580 4.4 1558 3.4 1211. Also other bulls available. 717/548-2597. 10 Mixed Jersey cows, fall freshening, good feet & udders. 570/966-2104. 56 High Grade A-l Hol stelns, over 50% to be Ist calf, versltal to tle/free stall, avg. 66 lbs per day. 518-483-5266 Registered Shorthorn ers (roan & red/whlte), one light roan heifer, ready to breed. Call 410-848-8066 eves. 39 Grade Holstein Dain Herd, yr 'round freshen ing, low SCO, available im mediately. 570-758-1744. ’/Holstein X Jerse' heifers, 1 due Feb, 1 bred 4mo, nice, $975 ea. After 6pm, 717-872-9296. (7) Beef Cattle Ready to Heifers 717-624-1488. 4 Holstein heifers due Feb. and March sired by Fred and Rudolph, bred to Dur ham and Celsius. Records to 31,000 on dams 24,000 (717)548-2529. Scottish Highland Her Dis persal 610-857-1653 (30) Holstein Heifers Bred 7-8 Mos. (34) Bred 5-6 Mos. Guernsey heifer due Feb. 717-263-7737. Holstein Heifers 270 Shortbreds SI,ISO/Ea; 90 Springers $1250/Ea.; On Feed Lot in Blair Co., Exc Quality 814-684-4025. 6 registered 8< 1 grade Holstein heifers, due Jan/ Feb, sired by Luke, Wade, Encore,. & Integrity. No Sun calls, 301-842-2780. Holstein heifer due to freshen 3/7, large, good udders, halter trained, $l5OO. 570-425-2616 8 Holstein heifers, good size, out of good herd of cows, due to ft eshen soon. Will deliver. 717-328-2235. BULLS We have service age bulls, and younger available. We specialize in choosing the right bull to tit your breeding program, focusing on type, longevity and production. WEL n E e s Jr H m EiNs 717-548-2597 BUY DOWN & INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa. Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop CUSTOH SEIIEN COLLECTING • Bulls collected on your farm • Semen frozen in straws at $1 45 per unit • Quality service since 1983 • Complete mobile lab and will travel Zimmerman's Custom Freezing 131 Redwell Road, New Holland, PA 17557 717/355-2048 e mail address harryz@desupernet net 15 Holstein cows, all due to freshen soon, 2nd & 3rd calves, good size. Will deliver. 717-328-2235. Large bank barn, Lititz area, easy access. Good roof, upper barn for stor age, lower for cattle. 125 calf veal facility. 717-687-9059 40 Holstein bred heifers, bred 6-8 months. More heifers in the future. 717-442-4346 Buy your next Angus bull now and save $. 15 to choose from. Top A.I. pedigrees. Calving ease, growth 8. muscle. Some select females also avail able. 717-667-9817 (home) 814-865-5857 (office). Buying and selling Hol stein cattle, come to our yards to inspect or o buy. Call 717-944-1374. FOR SALE OR LEASE: Registered Holstein Bulls by popular sires; dams records to over 30.000 M. Many to choose from Berks Co. Stumpland Farms 610-488-1965. Reg. Holstein buds. AH sizes and ages, from Pre mier cow famines of the Holstein breed. Arlen H. Keener 717-285-7426. Grade and Registered Holstein Heifers, also Ca nadian Herds. For further Info, 717-671-5990 Large dairy wants to buy Holstein Heifers, due with in 3 Mo. 410-358-0412. Reg Holstein Bulls; Any age. Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1,200 fat. STUMP ACRES 717-792-3216. York Co. Angus bulls, cows & heif ers for sale. STUMP ACRES 717-792-3216. York Co. LIMOUSIN CATTLE/ FULLBLOODS; Heifers and bulls of all ages. er. Westmins 410-857-0176. Registered Texas Long horns: bulls, heifers, cows. W w Reasonable prices. ■ Some of Canada's Finest I 717-637-3090 ! _ . . _ . _____ i Purebred or Grade Fresh and Holstein Herds For Sale i Fresh and Springing Cows or Heifers ” and grade. 300 on I »j|m£ Show Cattle Available ; i t&r -«*- 9 ROCKMONT FARMS 519-662-3205 I J-J-S Feed Lots j t Boarding Heifers j \ Year Around i k Call For Info i / 570-549-8119 \ FOR SALE Open Shortbred and springer Holstein heifers 717-789-3003 Always Wanted complete Dairy Herds Hare Immediate Buyers Waiting Give na a call •Iso groups of open and bred heifers. Quality Herds jor Sale at All Times Happy Hollow Farms John H. Wetmore 717-253-5329 house 717-253-6995 barn 717-. SLICK CONCRETE? Scabbling is the answer. “2-mch Wide Grooves for Superior Fooling” The most effective groove to pi event cattle injury due to slick concrete. The Scabbier Man 800/692-0123 Call Anytime ft Agricultural Washdowns 717-949-321* SPECIALIZING IN Poultry Houses; Layers, Breeders, Broilers Hog, Veal and Dairy Barns High Pressure, Low Volume Washing RD #1 Box 147, Newmanstown, PA 17073 MULVAINEY , LIVESTOCK HAULING Also DOWN & CRIPPLED CATTLE REMOVAL Covering Berks, Chester, Lancaster, Lebanon and parts of York Counties, PA 1-800-789-COWS (2697)/ ; Ca//$ the night before apprsdatetfll Fancy Holstein Heifer f »f»: due now *lO head due in 30 days I *2O head due in 60 days \ TREE delivery within 100 miles \ Pleasant Hill Farm | 717-637-7586 I • 1 Jersey Bull * Crossbred Bulls • 1 Holstein Bull %*■- • 3 Longhorn Bulls , • For Sole or Lease All bulls born and raised on this farm Ready to breed Heifers. FREE lOO miles PLEASANT HILL FARM 717-637-7586 -
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