Page 38—Fun Show Section 1, Lancwter Farming, Saturday, January 8, 2000 258 Keystone FFA’s 72nd Year (Continued from Page 36) plans to manage a restaurant, he noted. Kendal has served as second sentinel, chaplain, and is chapter treasurer. In addi tion, he has served on the SAE, environ mental, economic, and financial committees. Kendal has completed wildlife improvement and off-farm work experi ence projects. He received several awards, including wildlife management proficien cy, Star Red Rose in agribusiness, scholar ship award, and a gold in the state record keeping contest. Kendal has also earned his Greenhand and Red Rose degrees. Lacey Zakostclccky r ▼ * r “ln FFA I enjoy the opportunity for ncw friendships and new experiences that I will last a lifetime," ‘ wrotc Conneaut Val a ley FFA member La- WiA ter of Jeff and Laurie Zakostelecky, Springboro, plans to attend college and major in special education and elementary education. Lacey has served as chapter chaplain, treasurer, vice president, and is president. In addition, she has served on the earnings, savings, and investments, alumni rela tions, and recreation committees. Lacey has completed projects in daily herd and work experience on-farm. She received the Star Dairy Farmer and Star Chapter Fanner honors. Lacey also received the Greenhand, chapter, and county degrees. See Us at the Keystone and Pennsylvania Farm Show The Name to Know for Quality and Value ... M.H. Eby, Inc. 1194 Main Street, Blue Ball, PA 17506 800-292-4752 717-354-4971 Amber, 18, daughter of Garry and Sand ra Zimmerman, Mercersburg, plans to attend college at Morrisville, N.Y., to major in dairy science and minor in horticulture. Amber has served as chapter chaplain. Additionally, she has participated in vari ous committees, including SAE, coopera tive, community service, public relations, leadership, and recreation. Amber completed daily herd projects. She received several awards, including second place on the daily judging team at the Ohio Spring Show, first place team at Penn State from 1997-1999, and a regional honor for the All-American daily judging team. She earned her Greenhand, chapter, and county degrees. Jennifer Zimmerman B Jennifer Zimmer man enjoys attending the FFA Washington Leadership Confer ence and the other leadership activities. “But most of all,“ she wrote, “I have made so many Mends in the FFA. I know that these ... in Livestock and Equine Transportation Equipment Degree Recipients Mark With ‘Signature Of Success’ Amber Zimmerman Amber Zimmerman enjoys being in the FFA “because it al lows me to work with different types of animals and to meet people from dif ferent chapters,” wrote four-year Cono cocheague FFA mem ber Amber Zimmer- friendships will last a lifetime " Jennifer, 17, daughter of Jay and JoAnn Zimmerman, Reinholds, served as Cloister FFA junior officer president, reporter, sco rctaty, and is president She plans to attend Penn State to major in agriculture business management or animal science. Jennifer has served on the leadership committee. In addition, she has completed projects in market lambs, breeding sheep, market swine, market steer, and capons. Jennifer has won several proficiency awards, including sheep and beef, and the Star Chapter Farmer, Star Greenhand, and Star Red Rose honors. She also earned her Greenhand and Red Rose degrees. Other Keystone Degree recipients who will be presented with the award but of which there was no information about at press time are: Keystone East: Metz John Searlcs 111, WJB. Saul; Andrew N. Koppcnhavcr, Joel Charles Graydus, and Todd Mast, Twin Valley, South Central: Matt Souder, Big Spring; Andrew L. Flinchbaugh, Eastern; Amanda Johnson and Theresa Ann Klin ger, Gifford Pinchot; Adam Michael Troutman, Greenwood; Amanda Marie Cessna, Brett A. Bowser, and Kelly Sparks, Northern Bedford; Jason F. Hee ler, Southern Huntingdon County; and Burke Neely, West Perry. North Central: Elizabeth Sankey and Holly Domanick, Clearfield; Aaron Evans, Candy Lee Duke, Christopher Jason Seanard, Jessica Erin Hittle, and Taryn Bartholomew, Columbia Montour AVTS; Sandra L. George, Danville; Ste phen E. Grenoble and Jamie Lynn Shucy, Little Lions; and Mitchell A. Wasson, Penns Valley, Western: Joel Raley, Jessica Brant, Pat rick Kaufman, and Steve Vetter, Somerset AVTS; and Lisa Allen, Wilmington.
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