828-Lancaater Farming, Saturday, January 8, 2000 2 breeding age heifers, tim othy hay, 2 row no-till corn planter Also wanted front loader for Ford 5000 Cumb Co 717-486-7602 MAILB X MARKET F R SALE a s Mules 9 yr old and smooth mouth, both ride, drive, pack, sound Mules on the farm $2OOO $l5OO Lane Co 717-687-0772 Minnich tobacco boxes $lOO each 36 ft New Hol land elevator $550 Amos Beiler, 785 Gap, Newpork Pike, Atglen, Pa Chester Co Mennomte Youth carnage, recently new tirs, thermo pane, 1993 model, road ready $2500 Lane Co 717-354-5599 3 yr old saddlebred horse, broke, traffic safe and sound Ready for miles Lane Co 717-661-7343 3 Gehl 940 silage wagons, tandem gears $1325 725 Grasshopper w/60" deck & 60" snowblower, JD lawn tractor snowblower, Frakl mnCo 717-369-4983 Burnham furnace $2OO, cast iron radiators $35 each 275 gallon fuel tank $5O Good cond Call 7am Lane Co 717-548-2558 Lai»cast|i; * . Circulation Main: 717-394-3047 717-721-4412 • 717-721-4411 Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Thursday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Fill in your name, address, telephone number Check appropriate payment box *52 issues - $3l 00 104 issues - $59 00 in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WV * All other states- 52 issues - $4l 00 Outside US- Call for price quote- Payment must accompany order - Allow three weeks for subscription to start Cut your mail label from a recent issue and place in the space provided below Write your new address and telephone number on the form below In addition, provide a requested date for address change to take effect Send 3 to 4 weeks prior to your requested date Qb Lancaster Farming will send a renewal notice to you prior to the expiration date of your subscription You may renew your subscription using the form below To insure proper credit for your subscription - Attach Yc from a recent Lancaster Farming issue and check the appropriate payment boxes Renewal - Change of Address Attach Your Mail Label Here Please send this form & payment to; Lancaster Farming PO Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 (Check appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective Through 04/30/00 □ New Subscription J Renewal - Attach Mailing Label Above U Address Change - Attached Mailing Label Above Date to Change / / PA. MD. DE. NJ. NY. OH. VA. WV J $31.00 - 1 yr (52 issues) J $59.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues). Name Address Address + 4 □ I have enclosed a Check/Money Order □ Please charge my credit card □MC □ Visa □ Discover inr i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i rrm Signature for Credit Card Payment Only 6 yr old Belgian mare accli mated $950 Also 273 baler and hy bale thrower call between 7-7 15am Lane Co 717-768-7566 Mechanics specials 81 Ford LTD sw w/parts 2/00 imsp 73 Dodge crewcab farm (L) JD 13-7 DD drill IH 10 transport disc York Co 717-525-2817 Storm front carriage 2 yrs. old, like new, need it till Feb Daniel Stoltzfus, 118 North Ronks Rd , Lane Forty dairy cows, all stages, all home raised, Al Holstems Chester Co 610- 869-9542 Corona 17,600 BTU kerosene heater, new wick, Panasonic 9300 BTO kerosene heater with blow er, no Sunday calls Lane Co 717-464-3749 IH 56 corn planter 4 row Century 200 gal sprayer, Smoker elevator, needs work, pallet shelving for sale BO Lane Co 717- 664-4170 Cukar partridge flight con ditioned $4 15 each Lane Co 717-687-5143 r* -S if/ W SUBSCRIPT! CHANGE RENEWAI CLIP HERE mcaster Farmini Mail Lai J $41.00 - 1 yr (52 issues) J $79.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) Telephone (credit card number) 1957 Restored JD tractor single front wheel 42" real tires Columbus NJ Burling ton Co 609-267-6154 Front mounted 8' snow blower, #3632 Nl manure spreader tandem axles, 20’ gram elevator, cash only Mech Cumberland Co 717-258-3955 1946 Farmall m with loader frame 1951 Farmall super C both good tires and shape $f,750 ea Cash York Co 717-432-0006 Hyster model YE4O 4000 lb forklift, needs engine, Alpine Nubian billy goats, good breeding stock, call evenings 5 30 to 9 PM Leb Co 717-866-5016 John Deere 420 crawler w/loader, fair cond $3600 No Sunday calls Berks Co 610-944-7817 Al sired Holstein heifers, three months to breeding age dams have good feet, legs & udders Christ Stolz fus, 31 E Eby Rd , Leola, Pa 17540 104 issues - $79 00 ir Mail All Other State exp date Gehl 95 grinder mixer w/scales, hyd augers, good cond $l9OO 515- 982-4982 Lane Co 717- 738-1424 Air compressor belt driven 12 volt electric clutch 25 CFM pressure switch & check valve $250 Lane Co 717-445-4090 Parrot’s African grey male and female, sevel hundred or best offer, call after 6 pm Hunterdon Co 908-479- 6231 8N Ford tractor, detailed, new paint, 3 new tires, rebuilt motor, good hyd $2500 Columbia Co 570- 799-0216 4" gram auger, 3 HP elec tric motor, milker pump, Farmall H tractor w/snow plow, good cond Hunt Co 814-447-3383 New pipe - many sizes, fit tings, tools, must sell at scrap prices 8-25-20 tires, hoists, Wilders backoes, caps defiders, North’d Co 570-648-3872 1993 Ford Ranger 4x2 ex cab 6 cyl. auto black bed liner VG cond. 70K price $6,300 Dauphin Co 717- 367-4674 Purebred Limousin bull, black, polled, ABS bred, ex quality, also Internation al rear belt pulley, very good cond Juniata Co 717-694-3577 abel An invitation W* The National Association of Milk Bottle Collectors • is incorporated as a 501 “not for profit” organisation wnosc purpose is the research and dissemination o( information in the furtherance of the international hobby of milk bolllc collecting Flic study and documentation of the history of the fluid milk industry is a defined goal rais SSSSLtS . published monthly since Octol 1980, is the official publicatioi of the National Association of Milk Bottle Collectors contains a wide variety of articles, dairy history, illustra tions and classified advertiseir and is acclaimed as the finest newsletter of its kind available An Annual Convention • held in Hershey Pennsylvania provides an opportunity for members to meet, buy, sell and display bottles and related memorabilia. Featuring a general meeting, program, auction and banquet, the convention is generally held on the first weekend of June, ushering in “June is Dairy Month.” jonn Deere 4230 with cab, no AC, good cond $lO,OOO 3 feed bins 1-9 ton 2 3 1/2 tons, Juniata Co 717-694- 3343 Boer goat 7/8 fall born buck with papers $250 Other kids for sale Wash Co 301-824-2159 Stnck storage trailer Bx3o $4OO Rope bed siderails $2O Autographed Russian textbook 1948 English $5O Mont Co 215-886-5000 9N Ford tractor $7OO 8N block head $l5O 8N rebuilt starter $lOO 8N metal cab with life $lOO Wayne Co 570-253-4106 Keystoker stove coal 105,000 BID used one season, ex cond $lOOO 080 Must Sell Bradford Co 570-746-9490 Ear corn $BO per ton, also freeze beef corn feed, ready now. No Sunday calls Clearfield Co 814- 339-6988 Cozy gas heater with win dow 50,000 BTU brand new in crate $5OO. Cast iron burner, grass hay 3x3 Chester Co. 610-273-2990 Duo Grid 14 9, 15.5 tractor chains, Mueller 500 G milk tank, Ventomatic farm air conditioner, shuttle stroke barn cleaner unit Bucks Co. 610-847-5606. TD6 with PTO and hydraulic fair $2150. 540 PTO for Cat $750. Lane Co 717-484-4623 IH 350 rowcrop gas spinout wheels, 2 pt good TA ex tires, PS 730 JD gas WF, 3 pt overhauled Warren Co 908-995-7242 JD B AC B, MH pony, JD 110, Hahn articulated, Far mall H, PA Panzer, Walkbe hmd, Cub, various attach ments Atlantic Co 609- 927-2912 Case 1835 C skid loader 1400 hrs , new paint, good rubber with steel tracks Lane Co 717-859-3456 Maytag wringer washer, square tub, working condi tion 4125 Fiberglass garage door, new with hardware 6 ft 6 inch high 8 ft w $7O Lane Co 717- 203-5359 Model 36 snowblower for early JD 110, good cond. $3OO York Co 717-225- 7305 Very gentle black angus “traveler” bull A must see bull JD 3020 gas very nice cond Clinton Co 570-962- 3307. 2 good standardised family horses, trotter, traffic safe, sound, 5 & 6 yr old Amos Seller, 173 Loop Rd , Quar ryville, Pa. 17566 Lane. Co 2 1 cyl. Int motor model LA $450. JD Ml as is $l4OO Farmall Al $l5OO Farmall 140 w/cult. $3OOO. Cub snowplow $290. Bucks Co. 215-598-7546 FARM BUILDINGS MEED PAINTING 7 Let Gahring Make Those Buildings SHINE^ "The Farm Painting Specielist" We Are The Fussy Ones "NO JOB WE CAN'T HANDLE" We Have The Equipment To Do Yiur Job COATINGS FOR: • Roofs • Wood, Steel and Masonry Structures OUR SPECIALTIES ARE- ■■ AGRICULTURE - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - CHURCHES • Barn Painting • Milk House • Roof Coating «Water Proofing Silos «Stucco Farmhouses | The Job Must Be Done To Your —Satisfaction 1 - For FREE Estimate CALL ■■ ring’s PAINTING & WATERPROOFING 636 East End Ave., Lancaster, PA ■HBLfcJ 717-397-4187 \t* A Educational and Service Activities • A nationally recognized slide/video presentation, illustrating the develop ment and variety of milk bottles and go withs, is available to members A membership directory is included as part of the membership tee Award ribbons are made available for club shows and activities Historical societies, business groups and clubs may use TT?n>T IKliJthiK speakers’ bureau to foster and promote the hobby NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MILK BOTTLE COLLECTORS Memhet Appht utum Name Address City. Telephone _i Area Code Memberships* Individual ($lB 00) Canadian Funds ($2O 00) Overseas (Air Mail) ($2O 00) * Includes subscription to The Milk Route Two year memberships accepted Please make t hecks payable to T.M.R. ** * * Detach and mail membership form to The Milk Route. 4 Ox Bow Road. Westport, CT 06880-2602 New Holland gas engine crank #619 1 7/8 bore $65 Large headless Witt crank $35 Bob, after 6 pm Som erset Co 732-356-2307 Yazoo mower 60" cut, 18 HP 2 Cylinder Wisconsin engine, look & runs good $1,200 No checks Lehigh Co 610-767-9020 after 6 pm Boutmatic double 6 fully automatic parlor, NH 350 bu. tankspreader, rd. tube wide front 4 JD 2 cyl. Van Dale stainless feeder, make offer Susquehanna Co 570-222-4432 2 new tires 18”x33” 10 ply $4OO Super ground grips, Ford A 66 Rubber tire loader, 3500 hr $22,000 Bucks Co. 215-598-3188 500 gal air ank $lOO Cham link fence $2O roll JCB Bkhoe. $5500 Baker hyd. picker for truck $4OO. bin with belt feed Cecil Co 410-378-2785 Heart pine floor from old bldg 3/4’’xs" 500 sq. ft. avail, all red, fine grain, beams 3”xB"xl6’ Del. Co 610-565-6038 Hastings industrial hot air furnace for warehouse etc. Very large, natural gas with blower, 3 phase, modern, good cond. Tioga Co. 570- 724-7763 1944 John Deere A $2,000. Cumberland Co. 717-532- 9271. State
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